The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 131: Interstellar (9)


"Host, I have never seen a more touching parting scene than this." The system sarcastically said.

The system has always spoken straight, without the twists and turns of humans, and the sarcasm is also very direct.

It's ridiculous that they have their own ghosts, but they want to pretend to be affectionate and righteous.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Once Li Yuebai watched Cizell's aircraft disappear into the sky from a distance, he immediately changed his expression, hurried down the stairs, and rushed to the garden under the temple.

"I really don't understand what your next plan is." The system was puzzled: "The system thought that you would detain Cesare just now and send someone else to rescue General Ares."

"I have already told César the coordinates, it is useless to detain him now, he can secretly pass the coordinates to the marshal." Li Yuebai said angrily: "In this case, the marshal will definitely seize the opportunity and send Others go to attack Lei."

"So you're going to..."

"Come on, smuggling!" Li Yuebai roared.

He had never been in such a hurry in his life, his boots stepped on the white stone steps hard, almost smashing the steps, the hem of the white robe fluttered annoyingly behind him, and the staff in his hand almost squeezed out water.

Life and death are at this moment!

In the open space in the center of the garden, there is a small aircraft.

Li Yuebai opened the hatch to enter, started the aircraft, and selected the fastest speed. The aircraft rose silently, and flew towards the fleet's station from another concealed direction.

The high priest of the Star Ring Sect also enjoys certain special authority in the military department, which can be seen from the exercise of Master Richard a year ago. At that time, Li Yuebai found that he could enter the fleet station without questioning, and even directly enter some unimportant rooms on the ship, such as the lounge. As for the central control room and other confidential rooms, he could not.

Recently, the relationship between the military department and the pope has been tense, but the marshal knows the high priest very well, knows that the high priest is upright, never acts in secret, and there is no need to be careful, so he did not close the authority.

In addition, César wanted to pretend to maintain a close relationship with the high priest, so as not to arouse the high priest's suspicion, so naturally it was impossible to block his authority.

In fact, even if the authority is blocked, as a traverser, it is impossible to be helpless. It is true that Li Yuebai has fewer cheats than other traversers, but it is not absolutely absent. If you force the system a little more, you may be able to open new cheats.

Li Yuebai precisely controlled the speed, keeping a step slower than Cizer, and arrived at the entrance of the garrison, where he naturally met the guards guarding the entrance.

Of course the guards knew Li Yuebai, they gave a military salute, and asked curiously, "What is the high priest doing? Lieutenant Besephone's aircraft just passed by..."

Everyone in the military department knows that Lieutenant César Besephone, who has been promoted very quickly recently, has a close relationship with the high priest. They often visit the temple, so they naturally associate them together.

If Li Yuebai nodded, the guards would immediately contact César via instant messaging.

Li Yuebai's face was still amicable, but his tone was serious and urgent, he said: "No, I have something important to discuss with General XXX."

General XXXX is the name of an important military officer that Li Yuebai randomly picked from the memory bank. He is usually not far or close to him, and has occasional contacts. Recently, he has made an appointment to meet and talk at a reception, and he is not afraid of asking questions.

"Yes." Seeing that it had nothing to do with César, the guards let him go without trouble.

"Thank you." Li Yuebai nodded with a smile. The aircraft passed the entrance and went straight to the ship platform.

On the huge endless platform, hundreds of ships are parked, densely packed, cold and terrifying.

"Host, do you know which ship César drove to rescue General Ares?" the system asked.

"I also remember burning it to ashes." Li Yuebai said coldly.

He went through the original plot from the system, and was deeply impressed by the scene where César assassinated Lei. At the same time, he also remembered the ship clearly. The flagship number was BOX557, and the other small ships also had their own numbers.

At this time, Cesar must have gone to gather troops. Taking advantage of this rare gap, Li Yuebai quietly sneaked into the flagship BOX557.

Talking about smuggling is smuggling, and we will do what we say.

"Host, now you should find a place to hide." The system said: "Come out when the spaceship is close to the destination."

"Of course." Li Yuebai was anxious in his heart, but he still had to look calm on his face.

The interior of BOX557 is very spacious and tidy. It is empty and unobstructed. It is difficult to find a hiding place.

Li Yuebai walked along the long and narrow bridge, and finally came to the plant cultivation room.

There is a pool in the plant cultivation room, which is filled with clear water for cultivating plants. Because it is too deep and lacks light, it looks black.

"Host, urgent notice, urgent notice, they have boarded the flagship and will be here soon!" The system reminded nervously.

Li Yuebai took a deep breath and carefully dived into the icy water.

Cold, dark and damp.

Water invaded him from all directions, pervasive, like a coveted fate.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yuebai heard a huge roar and obvious tremors, and it was the ship that took off.

There was darkness in front of him, but the system faithfully reminded him of the progress, allowing him to grasp the accurate situation at all times. Li Yuebai clenched the staff in his hand while listening to the system's report.

César sat in the central control room, staring at the screen seriously with a pair of golden pupils.

There is a red dot on the screen, which represents the coordinates of Ray Ares, and several green dots represent his own fleet. Now, the green dots are approaching the red dot at an extremely fast speed.

It was clear that he had the chance to win, but Cesar felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.

In order to rush to the scene for "rescue" as soon as possible, he left the temple immediately after getting the coordinates, rushed to the ship station, gathered all the troops, and took off immediately. In order to save time, he did not conduct a thorough inspection of the flagship before taking off check.

Thinking about it now, it seems a little lax.

César made a decisive decision and ordered the soldiers to search the entire ship immediately, and report any suspicious persons immediately.

"Host, they have started to search the entire ship!" The system reported nervously.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Li Yuebai said.

"It doesn't matter?" The system was anxious: "Host, are you really not afraid of being discovered by Cizer?"


Li Yuebai heard the footsteps of military boots getting closer, it was the patrolling soldiers coming.

"Host, they will find you." The system said anxiously: "This is just a pool, not a fortress, and cannot protect your safety..."


The soldiers noticed the movement in the pool, quickly raised their laser guns, aimed at the pool, and shouted sharply, "Who is here, come out!"

Li Yuebai hooked the corners of his mouth under the water, barely revealing a smile.

Immediately, he broke through the water with difficulty and crawled out wet.

With his current appearance, he should be very embarrassed. His long white robe was soaked in water and became unbearably heavy. It wrapped around his body dripping wet, and his long silver-gray hair was also wet. Water droplets flowed down his cheeks, and at first glance he seemed to be crying. Only the staff in his hand and the star ring necklace hanging on his chest could still show his identity.

"... High Priest?" The soldiers froze for a moment.

Where is this high priest? He looks like a water ghost crawling out of the depths of hell!

What's even more frightening is that the High Priest put on a natural posture, as if it was natural for him to appear on BOX557 out of nowhere, and he didn't violate any regulations at all.

"Everyone, sorry for the inconvenience." Li Yuebai stood still, showing a faint smile, and said, "Now, take me to see your Lieutenant Besephone."

The moment he saw Li Yuebai, César had a very nice expression on his face.

Li Yuebai stood still on the bridge, watching Cesar's ever-changing complexion with great interest.

"High" César's beautiful golden eyes widened and he almost cried, "Why? Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry, César." Li Yuebai showed an apologetic smile: "I was really worried about you, so I followed here without authorization."

"Do you know how dangerous it is here!" César was agitated, ran forward and grabbed the corner of Li Yuebai's wet robe: "Our fleet may encounter a deformed black hole again, as a soldier , it doesn't matter to me, but you..."

"But this matter is related to me." Li Yuebai's voice became more gentle: "Lei is my best friend. He is in trouble, and I am very worried. But César, you are also my cherished junior."

César's eyes trembled.

"So, how could I stay in Amiens alone and brazenly send you to risk yourself?" Li Yuebai stretched out his cold hands and held César's hand.

César let him hold it helplessly, then turned to the soldiers and said, "Masters, did you hear that? The high priest cares so much about us, we should serve the country with our lives."

"Surrender to the ground, serve the country with your body!" The soldiers still couldn't understand the strange situation in front of them for a while, but since the lieutenant had said so, they could only mechanically raise their arms and shout.

"Alright, you don't need to stay here, let's all go on patrol." César sent the soldiers away.

"You guys are so touching, I'm about to cry." The system said coldly.

"Your system is getting better at complaining, isn't it?" Li Yuebai said irritably.

"However, even if you must come, you should make it clear to me, instead of hiding in the pool like this." César dismissed the soldiers, turned his face back to Li Yuebai, his voice carried There was a hint of coquettishness, and a pair of eyes sparkled: "The majestic high priest of Xinghuan sect, what does it look like to hide in a pool..."

"You..." Li Yuebai let out a pitiful sigh, and scratched Cesar's nose: "You will definitely not agree to my boarding, so there is no need to say anything."

"Host, I want to vomit." The system cried out, "You two are really disgusting."

"Hold it!" Li Yuebai yelled secretly.

The two stood on the long bridge, looking side by side at the infinite starlight outside.

"Ceizer." Li Yuebai suddenly said softly, "Do you like Lei?"

"Huh?" César exploded, then hurriedly lowered his head: "What? No."

"It's not an ulterior secret to like someone." Li Yuebai said gently: "Besides, there is no one else here."

"I just admire General Ares very much." César insisted.

"If it's just worship." Li Yuebai said, "Would it make you risk your life to save him?"

"..." César was silent, and after a long silence, he asked back: "Is there anyone the high priest likes?"

"Me?" Li Yuebai frowned, looking at César with mixed eyes, "Maybe..."

César's golden eyes stared at Li Yuebai's without blinking, as if he wanted to see something from inside.

"Honorable High Priest." César sighed, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I came to save General Ares for one person."

"Who?" Li Yuebai looked at him jokingly: "It can't be me?"

"Come closer, and I'll tell you." César showed a cute smile.

"Okay." Li Yuebai smiled dotingly and lowered his head.

At the same time, Cizer stretched out his hand and attacked the back of Li Yuebai's neck.

The blow is not fatal, but it will put the person in a coma.

"Host—" the system let out an exclamation.

Yes, César never forgot what his mission was.

Once the high priest is under control, things are easier to handle.