The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 132: Interstellar (ten)


With such a fair and delicate neck, as long as you wrap your hands around it and pinch it lightly, you can hear the sound of the neck bone breaking, feel the soft skin convulsing under your hands, and the larynx, trachea, and major arteries can all be stiffened. Tear off, and hot liquid will splash out of it...

The moment César made the shot, he couldn't help but get distracted, and his thoughts drifted to a weird place.

Maybe the person in front of him seemed too fragile, which aroused his sadistic desire even more.

However, at the next moment, the high priest tilted his head, looked at César with a smile, and stretched out his hand to him.

Have you been seen through? A trace of hesitation flashed in César's heart.

Immediately, he stopped moving.

Because he had clearly seen that the high priest's right hand was tightly clasped on the ring at the top of the staff.

That's the Fleet X controller.

"The stars outside are so beautiful." Li Yuebai smiled and said, "Is it Gamma Lyra?"

"?" César narrowed his eyes: "I don't understand what you mean..."

Having said that, he couldn't help but follow Li Yuebai's gaze and look out through the huge porthole.

The starlight outside seems to be too dense, and the color is wrong... Wait!

Countless dense light spots, just like a fierce meteor shower, hit in their direction!

At the same time, the soldiers' frenzied alarm sounded from the PA system: "Lieutenant Besephone! Fighter planes! There are about a few hundred fighter planes attacking us at 3.0134 times the speed of light! Three-dimensional pocket formations in all directions!"

After a while, the spot of light gradually expanded, showing the shape of a fighter plane. They surrounded Cizer's flagship and the surrounding small ships like a school of greedy fish, but they did not launch an attack, but just stared at it. , keeping a relatively still state, following closely.

César looked at the staff in Li Yuebai's hand, then at the fighter jets outside the window, and immediately understood.

"Is this the legendary Unmanned Fleet X?" César sighed, "It's beautiful."

"Thank you for the compliment." Li Yuebai smiled and accepted the compliment with peace of mind.

"It's just that I don't understand why the high priest sent them over." César blinked innocently: "With me here, isn't it enough?"

"As I said, it is impossible for you to risk yourselves alone." Li Yuebai said: "Besides, I am worried..."

"worry about what?"

Li Yuebai leaned down, and smiled in Cesar's ear, "I'm worried about an inner ghost."


"Fortunately, even if there is an inner ghost, he has to hide in our flagship." Li Yuebai said: "Now, no matter what emergency happens, I will directly order Fleet X to blow up the flagship... If I lose It will be more convenient if I lose consciousness, or encounter other emergencies, the automatic system of Fleet X is connected to my physical condition, and the automatic program to blow up the flagship will be directly triggered."

"High Priest!" César was overwhelmed by his bold statement: "Blow up the flagship... Can you even give up your own life?"

"No, I cherish it very much." Li Yuebai smiled: "It's just a game."

"What kind of game would be so cruel..."

"It's my bet." Li Yuebai looked into Cizer's eyes: "This ghost, like me, cherishes his own life, knows how to judge the situation in front of him, and will not sacrifice himself easily."

In fact, Li Yuebai activated Fleet X the moment he hid in the pool.

Fleet X is parked in the low-earth orbit of Amiens. If it starts up late, it may not be able to catch up with Cizer's flagship.

This is the first time for Li Yuebai to use the remote control of the staff. He thought it would be very mysterious and complicated. Unexpectedly, the operation is extremely simple. He just needs to use DNA to unlock it. After pressing the switch, a three-dimensional operation interface will directly appear in his mind. .

Coupled with the system that continuously reports the flagship's running direction, coordinates and other data, it is very easy to remotely manipulate Fleet X to catch up with the flagship.

The smile on César's face disappeared, and he stared at Li Yuebai for a long time, as if he wanted to see the truth from his expression—did the high priest really see through his identity? To what extent have you seen through

Li Yuebai maintained an impeccable smile, but felt that his face was about to freeze. In order to eliminate the embarrassment, he stretched out his left hand and gently stroked César's shoulder: "What are you doing here? Let's go, let's go to the central control room."

César let him hold him stiffly, and walked into the central control room step by step, not even daring to touch the high priest—who knows how sensitive the high priest has set for Fleet X's control system? In case I accidentally knocked the high priest unconscious...

Cesare is very upset now.

I have never felt such a strange threat, but the opponent always faces me with the gentlest smile, as if what he gives me is not a threat, but love... It's really... too hateful!

During the entire journey that followed, Li Yuebai never looked away from Cesar, nor did his body leave Cesare more than one meter away.

When Ray Ares waited for the rescue fleet among the damaged ships, such a strange scene appeared in front of him.

The flagship BOX557 of the military department, leading a group of small fleets, came from the dark universe on a starlight, like a gift from God, like Noah's Ark at the moment when the world first opened. The most amazing thing is that around it, there is also a circle of fish guarding it - it is the church's secret weapon, Fleet X.

Amid cheers and applause, Lei's flagship and BOX557 completed a perfect docking.

Between the flagships, the airtight passage slowly opened, and a person who was absolutely impossible appeared.

At that moment, Lei almost thought it was a divine manifestation.

"Damn." He murmured secretly: "I'm sorry, God of the Star Ring, I was so impious before, maybe I should make up my prayers in the future."

The high priest was smiling all over his face, holding César in his left hand, and holding his staff in his right hand, walking towards Lei step by step. His steps were relaxed and his tone light, as if he was just taking a short vacation trip.

"General Ares." Li Yuebai smiled and said, "Ceizer and I are here to save you!"

Leares could swear that he had never seen his best friend so happy.

"It's really thanks to Cesar this time, no, it should be Lieutenant Besephone." Although Li Yuebai came to rescue Lei, his eyes remained on Cesar: "If it wasn't for his generous help , I really don’t know when I will find you.”

César nodded with a stiff expression.

The appearance of the two of them looked a little weird, but they couldn't tell where the weirdness was.

Lei didn't bother to think about this, and hurriedly strode towards the two, and said in a deep voice, "Hazy Moon, why did you come in person?"

"I received your distress signal, of course I will come to rescue you myself." Li Yuebai replied in a good mood.

"But it's dangerous here, and you're not good at interstellar navigation." Lei frowned and said, "Are you seasick? Also, what happened to the water marks on your body?"

"I'm fine, Lei, you're too wordy." Li Yuebai took Cesare back without a trace, avoiding Lei's hug: "Thank you, Lieutenant Besephone, as soon as he heard that you were in danger, If there is any news, I will come to rescue you non-stop."

"Thank you, César." Lei said solemnly, "The entire army will be proud of you."

A joyful reunion scene was staged in full swing in the flagship.

The return trip went smoothly.

Unable to escape the threat of Fleet X, César had to abandon his plan to use Ray to threaten the High Priest.

After making such a decision, he returned to his usual cute appearance, and got along very well with Li Yuebai along the way, just like the time they had in the temple.

"So, host, this incident ended quietly like this?" The system asked in disbelief: "I thought I would see you and César take off their masks and face each other in real, but it turned out..."

"It's not time to confess yet." Li Yuebai said, "Inequal information is my advantage, and there's no need to give up my advantage so quickly."

As a time traveler, Li Yuebai knew everything about César, seeing that César was almost transparent, but it was completely impossible for César to know what kind of soul was replaced under the high priest's body, nor did the high priest know what kind of soul the high priest had. No matter which step he has reached, he will fall into painful guesswork and waste a lot of time and energy.

Amiens was drawing nearer.

Li Yuebai reviewed the original plot, intending to put some emotional pressure on César.

"Cizer." Li Yuebai said, "You haven't answered my question yet."


"On the way here, my question was interrupted." Li Yuebai said with a smile: "At that time you were about to tell me—about why you care so much about General Ares."

César blushed slightly, and argued: "I, I just admire General Ares very much."

"It's really not good." Li Yuebai frowned: "Didn't there be other reasons?"

"No—" César was embarrassed by his continuous questioning and overly intimate attitude, and had to protest: "High Priest, I am now an officer of the state...but you always insist on asking some questions. Childish question, do you still treat me like a child?"

"Sorry, our Cizell has grown up." Li Yuebai smiled: "But this world is often like this. When you get older, people prefer to inquire about your past, your memory... will Ask you a lot of questions about memories, like, Cesare, when did you first feel loved?"

Feeling loved for the first time

César avoided Li Yuebai's gaze.

Maybe it was during that actual combat exercise.

It was the first time someone looked at me with concern, touched my body without any lust, really cared about my own safety, and did not hesitate to offend the marshal's son in order to save me...

At that time, the person in front of him, who was always extremely gentle, became tough once in a while.

"Cesar, come with me."

"The opportunity is fleeting, don't miss it."

Obscure moon, all hazy moon.

Even though he clearly knew that all these were memories that should be discarded, César was still briefly stunned.