The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 133: Interstellar (eleven)


"Host, do you want to use love to influence your enemies?" the system asked.

"Your idea is very dangerous." Li Yuebai said: "Hurry up and stop thinking about it."

"I have checked a lot of information. In the world you were born in, there are many literary and artistic works, in which there are plots where the heinous villains are influenced, and they abandon evil and do good, and redeem their crimes." The system said: "In addition, there are also a lot of real case."

"Because such situations are too rare and too dramatic, they are repeatedly mentioned in literary and artistic works, which belong to the beautiful expectations of human beings." Li Yuebai said: "In all cases, such beautiful plots only account for a small part. We shouldn't bet on the odds."

"So why are you talking so much to César?" The system is angry

"... Just kidding." Li Yuebai replied confidently.

Outside the porthole, the familiar planet is getting closer.

The moment he arrived at Amiens, Li Yuebai was extremely vigilant.

"System, how is the situation on the ground now?" In times of danger, you must first ask the system to find out the situation: "Has Marshal Augustan set up a cannon at the station, ready to shoot us down at any time?"

"Host, you are too vigilant." The system said: "No, not at all."

"Really not?" Li Yuebai was dubious.

"The station is calm and calm, and everything is business as usual."

At this time, Marshal Augustan should have received feedback that Cesare's plan failed.

"Marshal already knows that the plan has failed, so he doesn't plan to deal with it?" Li Yuebai frowned.

"A small failure of the plan is nothing, and the Marshal's side has nothing to lose. Of course, he won't be so nervous that he will put all his eggs in one basket." The system comforted: "Host, you are too sensitive."

"Maybe." Li Yuebai rubbed his temples: "I can't wait to have a hard fight with those bastards..."

"The biggest bastard is by your side now." The system reminded.

"Okay." Li Yuebai looked at César beside him.

Along the way, he has conveyed a message to César through words and actions—he will never hand over Fleet X.

If César hadn't been so rigid in his thinking, he might have already started looking for new ways, such as... win over himself? For example, simply forget about Fleet X, for example...the list goes on and on.

It is indeed impossible for the current marshal to greet him with cannon fire impatiently, after all César is also on the flagship.

After landing, Li Yuebai declined the request to hold a celebration party at the station, bid farewell to César as quickly as possible, and then hid in Lei's private office.

It's relatively safe here, and there are trustworthy soldiers guarding the door, so you can tell some truths.

"Hazy Moon, do you have anything to say?" Lei was finally able to speak out the doubts he had endured all the way.

"We don't have much time left." Li Yuebai said, "Lei, will you believe me?"

"What do you think?" Ray frowned, "My only friend?"

"Okay." Li Yuebai said solemnly: "About the cause of this accident...

"Don't talk about it." Lei interrupted the topic decisively. He took out a cigar from the cigarette case, lit it, and sat down on the black seat, avoiding Li Yuebai's eyes: "The cause of the accident, the military department will be established The relevant investigation team is conducting an investigation, Ozuki, don't get involved."

"But I've already been involved." Li Yuebai sighed: "I've made this trip myself, can I stay out of it now?"

In just a few words, Li Yuebai understood—Lei also knew very well that there was something wrong with this accident, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so as to implicate Obscure Moon.

"We can't avoid it." Li Yuebai stepped forward and put his hands on Lei's shoulders meaningfully: "This is not a simple frame-up. If we keep avoiding it, we will all die."

Lei's original behavior has always been to protect Ozuki arbitrarily, but now, seeing Ozuki rarely show such an aggressive look, Lei can't help but be moved, silent for a while, and decides to say everything unabashedly come out.

"I can only tell you what I know about the cause of the accident." Lei lowered his voice to a minimum: "On the holographic star map of my flagship, there is no deformed black hole at all, and the flight path is smooth without warning."

"According to common sense, it is impossible not to mark such an obvious deformed black hole on the star map." Li Yuebai frowned and said, "Who is the officer in charge of transmitting the star map in the ground control room?"

"It's Lieutenant Colonel A." Ray spit out a name.

"It is impossible for Lieutenant Colonel A to do this kind of thing in a court-martial without authorization, and his authority is not enough. He is just a marionette, and the person manipulating him is at a high place." Li Yuebai looked at Lei with calm eyes .

In fact, when it comes to this, the answer could not be clearer.

Except for the marshal, no second person has the authority to do this kind of thing.

"You mean..."


"But this is too obvious." Lei frowned and said, "Once the plan fails, I will immediately guess that he did it. Isn't he afraid that I will report this matter to the Pope and the Prime Minister? Once the Pope and the Prime Minister grasp his crimes …”

"This is the key point. We have no evidence." Li Yuebai said: "There is no evidence to prove that this lord did it. Even if the Pope and Prime Minister knew about it, they would not be able to seize this opportunity."

"Lieutenant Colonel A can be a witness."

"Who do you think he will be the witness for?" Li Yuebai smiled bitterly: "Who do you think he will blame? Lieutenant Colonel A can be said to be you—General Ares erased from the star map The existence of deformed black holes."

"Just kidding, why would I do such a thing that almost killed me?" Lei angrily laughed back.

"Because you are too radical." Li Yuebai said: "Recently, everything you have led in order to expand your military strength has always focused on radicalism, regardless of other aspects. It is entirely possible that you will erase the deformed black hole in order to facilitate this expedition The existence on the star chart, after all, may not be encountered during the voyage, you are a bold pioneer who never spared the lives of yourself and your subordinates, everyone knows it, and everyone will believe it."

Lei's fingers moved lightly, and he crushed the cigar in his hand. He was obviously angry, but no matter how angry he was, he couldn't refute this passage.

"So." Lei sneered and said, "I am the one to blame for all the dangers this time?"


"Then why hasn't the marshal sent me to a military court?"

"Soon." Li Yuebai held Lei's hand in a hurry: "It will be soon, we have very little time, as long as the marshal starts this process, you will have nowhere to escape."

There were a few soldiers casualties, the fleet's information receiving and sending system was destroyed, and a lot of rescue expenses were spent. If the responsibility is held, it is enough to be put in prison.

Ray said nothing more, and lit another cigar.

"I will never watch you being sent to prison by them." Li Yuebai said: "Lei, we must save ourselves."

Lei heard the other party's confident tone, and couldn't help but froze slightly, casting a puzzled look at Li Yuebai.

It is not easy to save oneself in this situation, but Ozuki said it so easily, it seems that she already has a plan.

"There is only one way." Li Yuebai lowered his voice, so low that he could hardly hear him: "Kill that lord."

Kill the Marshal

Before Lei could answer, the system had already cheered.

"A good move!" The system praised: "As long as Marshal Augustan is removed, César will lose his most powerful supporter and become easier to deal with."

"It's hard." Lei is not optimistic about this proposal: "He pays great attention to self-protection, his security measures are impeccable, and he is surrounded by the heavy protection of personal guards. got him."

"Then send the prime minister's favorite assassin team to kill him." Li Yuebai's tone became more relaxed.

The three giants of the Star Ring Church are fighting openly and secretly. Everyone must have a secret weapon, not to mention the powerful military power in the hands of the marshal. The Pope has Fleet X, which is held in the hands of the high priest, and the secret weapon of the prime minister is Assassins.

The assassin group is considered a legend in Bangguo. Li Yuebai can find a lot of information from the system by casually checking, which is enough to see how mysterious and powerful they are.

"The Assassins are only loyal to the Prime Minister, assassinating the Marshal for me? Impossible." Lei's face darkened a bit.

"The Marshal is the Prime Minister's enemy, why not kill him?" Li Yuebai said.

However, after thinking about the current situation, Li Yuebai had to admit that Lei was right.

The style of the Prime Minister and the Pope is really too conservative.

They are old, and their original vigor has long since turned into stability. They seek stability in everything, and they will never make a move until the end.

In the current situation, the Marshal is at a disadvantage, while the Prime Minister and the Pope have the upper hand, and they are even more unwilling to choose extravagant assassination methods.

Assassinating a person, especially a heavyweight like the marshal, is not a simple matter. It involves a lot of finishing work after the event. If you are not careful, you can easily lose your century-old foundation.

"There will be a way." Li Yuebai pondered for a long time: "I will meet the Pope and the Prime Minister and convince them."

"Host, when did you become a lobbyist?" The system was shocked: "You are really proficient in all kinds of martial arts."

"I said, no one can hurt my friend." Li Yuebai gritted his teeth, and remembered the angry feeling when he just traveled over and knew the plot of the future.

After setting the general direction, the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ozuki, you don't look the same as before." Lei leaned back in his chair, exhaled a few smoke rings, and smiled: "I used to think that maybe one day, I would die to protect you ,but now… "

"Maybe it's because of César, his appearance changed me a lot." Li Yuebai also smiled.

If it wasn't for dealing with this little devil, César, he wouldn't be so exhausted.

"Sizell?" Lei's face was still very unnatural: "Sizele did save me, but I still dare not let my guard down on him."

"You're right." Li Yuebai hastily said this amazing fact: "I'm sorry, Lei, I trusted César too much before."

"Huh?" Ray was confused by his 180-degree turn: "Hazy Moon, you mean, now you don't trust César?"

"Yes, you should pay more attention to him." Li Yuebai said: "He secretly has a lot to do with the marshal, so be careful."

Ray nodded without asking further questions.

"That's right." Li Yuebai said suddenly: "Lei, you said that you can die for me, is it true?"

"Of course." Ray raised his eyebrows.

"Very good." Li Yuebai said happily: "There is something that requires you to die..."