The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 153: Finished wearing (full text)


Get up as usual, eat breakfast, kiss Ye Qing goodbye, drive, go to school, go to class, get out of class...

The whole morning passed peacefully like this, nothing special happened.

Even the system has been quiet, not coming out to speak.

Li Yuebai even wondered if his conversation with the system in the middle of the night last night was not a nightmare. Maybe it's because I am too happy to be with Ye Qing, and I am so happy that I worry about gains and losses, that's why I have nightmares.

The first class in the afternoon is music class. As the head teacher, Li Yuebai will go around the music classroom as usual to see if there is any student who is lazy and did not come.

But as soon as he walked into the music classroom, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

The students were all there. They sat quietly in their seats, looking at each other, and some looked at the empty podium suspiciously—

The music teacher is gone.

The music teacher is a young woman in her twenties, nicknamed Miss by other teachers. She was born in a wealthy family, studied piano in Vienna, and taught in this school after returning to China. She has a beautiful appearance and a bold personality. Especially bold... She took the initiative to confess her love to Li Yuebai twice, but was rejected.

In order to meet Li Yuebai, she would go to the music classroom early every time she had a music class, and chat with Li Yuebai who came to visit, but today...

Thinking of what the system said last night, Li Yuebai felt beads of cold sweat running down his back.

"Host!" Finally, the urgent voice of the system sounded: "As you can see..."

It's real, not a nightmare.

"System, take me to Ye Qing's." Li Yuebai's voice trembled.

"Yes." The system responded in a low voice.

The system uses the ability to teleport.

A white light flashed in front of his eyes, and Li Yuebai swayed before he stood still. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was already in the old teaching building at the corner of the school.

The old teaching building was very tall, with more than a dozen floors. Due to its long history, it was recently abandoned. The classes that were originally in the building were moved out and moved into the new teaching building, which lost the stuffing of students, tables, chairs and benches. The old teaching building became empty, very lonely and desolate. Its doors and windows were all locked, seals were pasted everywhere, and warning signs were placed around it. No one dared to approach this place anymore.

The place where Li Yuebai was located was the small attic on the top floor of the old teaching building. It was a dark and stuffy room, filled with the smell of dust, mold and cobwebs. The windows were small and the space was not large. It was most suitable for... crimes.

Li Yuebai raised his eyes tremblingly, and saw three people in the attic.

"Host, I opened the barrier for you." The system said: "Now you can see them, but they cannot see you, so please rest assured."

Even knowing that he was safe, Li Yuebai still felt suffocated.

He saw his lover sitting in the shadows, with his chin resting on his hand, his eyes closed, and a lovely vertical line formed between his brows, as if he was in distressed meditation, making a difficult decision.

There were two people lying at his feet. To be precise, those two people were trampled under his feet—it was Mr. Zhao who had been missing for a few days, and the music teacher who had just disappeared. They seemed to have been injected with some kind of drug. I fell into a deep coma, breathing, but there was no other reaction.

It can be seen that Ye Qing really wants to crush them like crushing bugs...

"Ye Qing!" Li Yuebai shouted directly.

"There is a barrier, he can't hear it." The system reminded: "Host, if you decide to talk to Ye Qing directly, then I can remove the barrier for you."

"Okay, remove it." Li Yuebai gritted his teeth.

Between lovers, there is no need to be evasive and secretive. If you have something to say, you must speak directly face to face.

However, before the system removed the barrier, an accident occurred.

Ye Qing's eyelashes trembled, and she opened her eyes suddenly.

He felt it, felt the system playing some tricks around him, felt the familiar aura approaching...

Ye Qing raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

In an instant, the world spun, and a white light flashed in front of his eyes again.

Li Yuebai was caught off guard by a force, and when he stood up again, he found himself back in the music classroom, facing the empty podium and a room full of students.

The students didn't panic at all, and didn't realize that their homeroom teacher suddenly disappeared and reappeared—because Li Yuebai left and returned at the same time

"System, what's going on?" Li Yuebai growled.

"Ye Qing found me and ejected us." The system also panicked.

"Don't panic." Li Yuebai said: "Just try again and just send me there."

"No, I can't!" The system said desperately: "Ye Qing pretended to be the main god, and issued instructions to the systems to seal all my abilities..."


"Now I can't use the teleportation technique on you, sorry, host." The system apologized.

"It's not your fault." Li Yuebai tried his best to calm down, and walked towards the door of the classroom: "It doesn't matter if you can't teleport, I will rush there in person, and there is still time..."

Although the old teaching building is a bit far away, it is still on campus after all. If you run faster, you should be able to catch up.

However, just as he was about to rush out of the door of the music classroom, the door automatically closed with a bang.


Li Yuebai frowned, stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob, and twisted it hard—

—Still motionless.

"Host!" The system's voice became lower and lower: "It's Ye Qing... He released his ability and controlled certain facilities on this campus..."

The Lord God is the supreme ruler of the world, possesses the highest level of authority, and can manipulate and change every world at will.

Ye Qing, as another personality of the main god, also has such authority... However, the main god has already taken precautions and set up many obstacles. Therefore, Ye Qing cannot completely control the world, and can only do his best to break through the main god. Restraint, controlling a part of the details in the world.

It's just a part, it's already so powerful that it makes people tremble.

For example, even if Li Yuebai used all his strength, he still couldn't open this ordinary door.

"System, come and help me." Li Yuebai's forehead was beaded with fine beads of sweat, and his heart became more and more panicked.

Maybe if he was one second late, Ye Qing would make a big mistake...

"Sorry, host, I can't." The voice of the system slowly calmed down: "Because I have been controlled by Ye Qing, I must obey him..."

"No..." Li Yuebai growled.

"But my sanity is still there." The voice of the system also showed pain and struggle: "Host, although I can't help you, I can give you some suggestions and explanations..."

"Tell me." Li Yuebai said.

"Ye Qing set a door opening condition for this room." The system said: "The door will only open when the music teacher comes here for class."

"How is this possible?" Li Yuebai was in despair.

The only music teacher at school today is the eldest lady, and now the eldest lady is locked in the attic by Ye Qing, there is no way she can come back... Ye Qing, this little bastard, is too ruthless to trap himself in such an endless loop.

However, this is also a solution.

Li Yuebai quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, intending to call other music teachers who were on vacation.

It was extremely urgent, even if they disturbed their rest, there was nothing they could do.

However, the phone has no signal.

Li Yuebai held his mobile phone, raised his head suddenly, looked at the students in the class, and shouted: "Everyone has a mobile phone, take it out."

"..." The students were frightened by him, and they all whispered: "I didn't bring it...we dare not take it..."

The school rules and class rules clearly state that it is forbidden to bring mobile phones in class. Now, the mobile phones of all students in the class are locked in the safe of the classroom, and they are not here at all.


Li Yuebai picked up his chair and threw it at the door, but the door remained motionless.

what to do.

He never thought that he would be trapped by such a gentle, simple and inconspicuous setting.

He has traveled through so many worlds and accomplished all the things he has done, but he is blocked by a door here. If he speaks out, he might be laughed to death.

Please, please hurry up and drop a music teacher from the sky.

Li Yuebai stopped his useless thoughts, breathed calmly, and stood by the door thinking for a few seconds.

There must be a way, think carefully...

However, the world did not give him a chance to figure out a way.

In the next second, someone outside the door whispered, "Excuse me."

who is it

This voice is extremely familiar, as if I heard it many years ago, and the memory is deep in my bones.

It seems that I heard this voice yesterday...

The door opened automatically.

Li Yuebai froze on the spot.

There was a man standing outside the door—a slender figure with a gentle and beautiful face, his long hair tied in a simple ponytail, his clothes were a loose light-colored linen gown, and he was holding a thin stack of music lesson notes in his hands.

He just stood there and nodded to Li Yuebai.

"Yun..." Li Yuebai was speechless: "Yun Weizhi?"

"Yes." Yun Weizhi had already stepped into the music classroom, and at the same time tilted his head, and whispered to Li Yuebai: "Let's go."

"Thank you!" Li Yuebai rushed out without caring about asking questions.

Yun Weizhi stepped onto the podium step by step, put down the lecture notes, and spoke in fluent modern vernacular: "This music class is up to me..."

"Ah...??" Wang Rui screamed, jumped up, pointed at Yun Wei and knew: "Teacher, you, you, you..."

"What's the matter?" Yun Weizhi thought her reaction was very interesting, so he couldn't help but smiled again.

"Teacher, you look like my male god!" Wang Rui almost rushed to the podium: "Really, it's exactly the same!!"


"Yes!" Wang Rui was pleasantly surprised and muttered again: "But how is this possible, my male god is obviously not from this world..."

Li Yuebai walked through the corridor at the fastest speed, and rushed out of the teaching building gate.

However, there are more dangerous obstacles waiting for him outside the gate.

There were dozens of campus security guards in black uniforms, and surrounded them in a dense manner.

After all, they were under Ye Qing's orders, so of course they wouldn't hurt Li Yuebai, they just blocked his way forward, and they couldn't get through.

Li Yuebai gritted his teeth and tried to push a person away, but he couldn't push at all.

In the real world, I don't have martial arts, and I can't compare with the well-trained campus security guards.

Li Yuebai took a few steps back, changed direction, and rushed towards another gap, but was immediately blocked again.

"..." Just as Li Yuebai stopped to think about countermeasures, a voice came from midair.

"You... are really weak." The voice was a little hoarse, with a mocking smile.

Li Yuebai turned his head abruptly and looked behind him.

A man in black sat on the window sill on the second floor of the teaching building.

Handsome with a fierce look, domineering posture, half-length hair, silver earrings, and a long knife on his back...

... Gu Xisha!

Before Li Yuebai had time to call out the other party's name, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes.

I couldn't see what happened at all, but I saw the campus security guards fell to the ground unconsciously as if they had been stabbed, and didn't even groan.

Li Yuebai couldn't speak anymore, he could only gasp for breath while raising his hands to make a gesture of admiration.

Time was too tight, and there was no time to adjust his breathing. Li Yuebai clenched his fists and started running again...

However, Gu Xisha easily grabbed the back collar of his shirt.

"Why are you running?" Gu Xisha frowned and said, "It's too slow."

"Huh?" Li Yuebai didn't know what he meant for a while.

In the next second, he felt his body lighten and was hugged.

Familiar breath, familiar body... Gu Xisha's body, which he has occupied for a long time, is naturally familiar and has a sense of belonging. He has never... never had such a weird experience, what is this? Being hugged by your own princess

"People will see it." Li Yuebai protested weakly.

He is not afraid that Ye Qing will be jealous when he sees it, after all, who would eat this kind of vinegar similar to narcissus? However, if the students and teachers saw someone performing the two-person lightness kungfu on campus, it would be hard to deal with.

"It's too late to worry about being seen now?" Gu Xisha laughed.

"Host, don't worry, Ye Qing has already sealed off the entire school." The system said: "Even if it is seen by many people, Ye Qing has a way to erase everything."

After a while of spinning, flying and falling, it seemed that only a few seconds passed, and the old teaching building was already close at hand.

"Okay." Gu Xisha put down Li Yuebai, raised his face, and whistled to the teaching building: "I leave it to you."

Who else…

Since both Yun Weizhi and Gu Xisha showed up, no matter how many people showed up, it wouldn't be surprising.

Li Yuebai was so dizzy by Gu Xisha's terrifying lightness kung fu that he almost couldn't stand still.

"Host." The system explained: "Have you forgotten? Last night you were in the lounge... broke all five white moonlight bracelets on your wrist..."

"I remember." Li Yuebai said.

"I told you about this setting before." The system said: "A white moonlight bracelet can summon a person... So, at that time, they were summoned."

No matter how unfamiliar he is with this world, after a night and a morning of understanding, it is almost the same. This is why Yun Weizhi can speak such a normal modern language.

"Thanks… "

Before finishing the two words, Li Yuebai saw a corner of a white robe floating out of the dilapidated window on the second floor of the old teaching building.

"You even asked Mu Qingning to move?" Even at this moment of extreme anxiety, Li Yuebai could recognize that that white the Lord Jijiu from Kunlun Fairy Mountain...

"Why not?" The system said naturally.

"But he has a lot to do every day..." Li Yuebai said.

"No matter how busy you are, you can't ignore you, right?" the system said.

Mu Qingning didn't show his face, but just stretched out his hand and waved it in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a flying sword flew out from the window on the second floor and swooped down.

It's "Flying Light"!

In the world of Kunlun Fairy Mountain, I have ridden the "Flying Light" many times!

Li Yuebai felt that his current expression must be extremely ugly, he was anxious, surprised, crying and must be extremely ugly.

Without much hesitation, he jumped directly onto Feiguang.

In just a few seconds, the attic is within reach.

Are you going to climb in through the window? Li Yuebai was thinking secretly.

However, the window was so small and tightly closed that it was not easy to climb in.

No matter how difficult it is, I have to climb. I am here thanks to everyone's help. I am always embarrassed to ask for more...

Li Yuebai was going to smash the window and climb in, but before he started to do it, he heard a mysterious electronic sound coming from a higher sky.

"The ion cannon is being prepared, please stay away from the strike area." The electronic voice is a female voice, the kind commonly used in Starfleet.

Fei Guang seemed to be spiritual, and immediately hid aside with Li Yuebai.

After a loud bang, the window of the attic exploded, and a big hole was cleanly blasted open.

Obscure moon!

How did Obscure Moon bring the starship across here!

Before he had time to think about this frightening question, Li Yuebai rushed into the attic stepping on the flying light.

Ye Qing picked up a syringe and pressed it against the abductee's arm.

As long as you stab it in like this and push it to the end...the trouble can be completely solved.

He is not afraid of killing people, the only thing he is worried about is what will happen if his lover finds out... Maybe he will be sad and angry, but when he thinks of these disgusting dregs entangled with his lover all the time, Ye Qing feels sick and can't help it Just wanted to clean them up.

At this moment, an explosion sounded.

The window of the attic was blown open with a huge hole, the hole was neat, and the cement blocks did not splash. Such a precise strike can only be achieved by a civilization with a certain level of technology.

Ye Qing didn't move, or rather, he froze completely.

Because he smelled the breath of his lover, approaching at an unimaginable speed.

It's like being discovered by the other party for doing bad things in childhood, Ye Qing was at a loss for what to do.

"Ye Qing!" Li Yuebai jumped off the flying sword, stepped into the attic, and shouted with all his might.

The attic is not big, it's afternoon, the sun is slanting in through the hole, he can see clearly, the syringe in Ye Qing's hand is about to pierce Young Master Zhao's skin, just a second later...

"Ye Qing..." Li Yuebai's tone was trembling: "What are you doing?"

Ye Qing tilted her head, not looking at her lover.

"Sorry." He calmly and quickly put away the syringe.

Now that it has been discovered by the lover, it is impossible to continue.

The power of reason prevailed, and the madness in Ye Qing's eyes was temporarily suppressed.

"Let them go, and then we'll go home." Li Yuebai stood there wearily and said in a low voice.

"..." Ye Qing hugged him suddenly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Yuebai stood and let him hug him: "I love you, no matter what happens, I love you, and I am willing to face it with you, as long as you never..."

Ye Qing lowered her head, resting her forehead on Li Yuebai's shoulder, her shirt was wet with hot tears.

"I can't do it..." Ye Qing whispered, "I just can't do it..."

Li Yuebai's heart shrank tighter and tighter.

He could understand what Ye Qing meant, that is - he knew intellectually that he shouldn't kill someone, but emotionally he was drawn by the dark desire in his heart, and would do things that he couldn't control himself.

As an attempted murderer, Ye Qing is the one who is at a loss what to do now. He is surrounded by surging emotions and dark desires, and a picture of hell unfolds in front of him.

"Not only will I kill other people." Ye Qing whispered: "Maybe in the not-too-distant future, I will lock you in a dark basement, and even torture you, kill you, dismember you, dig you out entrails, sleeping with your cold corpse... I don't want to do this, but... maybe one day, I won't be able to control myself."

Perhaps because the emotional fluctuations were too violent, Ye Qing unintentionally used his ability and released an illusion.

Li Yuebai opened his eyes and saw countless pictures of himself and Ye Qing getting along.

When we met for the first time, holding an umbrella and holding the hand of a 13-year-old boy, we walked towards the rental house among the bustling crowd.

First time going to an amusement park.

Send him to school for the first time.

Accepting his confession for the first time

When these things actually happened, Li Yuebai was immersed in deep happiness, but now, watching it again, he actually saw Ye Qing's uneasiness in the picture.

Ye Qing always looked at himself with nostalgic eyes, as if it was the last time.

"Since I was 13 years old, I have had a vague premonition that one day you will leave me." Ye Qing whispered.

"How is it possible?" Li Yuebai felt that he had heard the funniest joke in the world: "How is it possible?"

"I'm really scared." Ye Qing said.

When he was a teenager, he used to think that Li Yuebai only regarded himself as a family member and loved him as a ward, without any love mixed in, which made him very depressed for a while.

After he turned 18, he used all the methods he could think of to tease each other clumsily and sincerely, and confessed foolishly, but he didn't really succeeded.

After becoming a lover, Ye Qing let go of her heart, but recently... everything has changed recently.

He realizes that he is not an ordinary human being, that he has the terrifying power to destroy the world, and that he may be another personality of God... But no one guides him how to control the power, and no one tells him the truth of this world. everything.

The lover Li Yuebai wants may be only Ye Qing who is a human being, not his weird self.

not to mention…

When Ye Qing concentrates on searching in the boundless universe, he often catches some fragments. In those fragments, Li Yuebai fell in love with other people, and made an unbreakable vow of loyalty with other people. That person, he did not know .

As a result, the dark part of his heart began to spread boundlessly, revealing his minions.

If Li Yuebai is going to fall in love with other people, he just needs to kill everyone who gets close to him.

"I... how do you want me to prove that I only love you." Li Yuebai was in a hurry, he was very good at coaxing people, but he didn't know how to refute things that hadn't happened, so anxious that he almost cried: "I'm not afraid of death..."

Ye Qing frowned when he heard the word death.

Without much hesitation, he raised his hand lightly, and the needle point of the syringe pointed to his throat.

"..." At that moment, Li Yuebai's heart stopped beating.

The lover who was finally found, actually wanted to... commit suicide


"I can't bear that kind of future." Ye Qing said: "In the future, I will hurt you and kill you because of jealousy..."

Better to kill yourself first.

Li Yuebai will suffer, but at least he can live.

"No, that's not the case." Li Yuebai's mind went blank and he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

Originally, he only thought about saving his lover from committing crimes this time, but turned out to be about saving his lover's life.

Calm down, no matter how scared you are, you must calm down first...

Li Yuebai closed his eyes, repeatedly chewing what Ye Qing said just now.

He is afraid, he is worried... He always feels that he will lose himself.

What is the evidence that clearly proves that I will fall in love with someone else...

Of course, those fragments of plots related to himself captured by Ye Qing in infinite space and time...

Maybe it was the six worlds I traveled through. In those worlds, I fell in love with a person again and again, but that person didn't understand me...

"Those people." Li Yuebai shouted out with all his strength: "Those people I fell in love with... all of them are you!"

Ye Qing's hands trembled.

What's the meaning

"Beyond this world, there are many worlds." After shouting, Li Yuebai knelt down on the ground without strength: "Those... those clips of me falling in love with other people you saw are all with you...all are I fell in love with you in a different world."

"..." Ye Qing froze there, he really didn't expect that there would be such a weird way to explain things.

"How is this possible?" Ye Qing said in disbelief, "This world..."

He simply crushed the syringe in his hand.

"In this way, won't you be afraid anymore?" Li Yuebai let out a long breath, temporarily relieved.

Ye Qing's mind was in a mess and her head hurt.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I will explain it to you slowly." Li Yuebai said softly: "We have a whole lifetime."

Ye Qing nodded.

"It won't take so long, right?" Suddenly, a frivolous voice came from the entrance of the cave.

A person leaned lazily against the entrance of the cave, emerging from nowhere.

It's an old friend again.

It's still an old friend who just said goodbye not long ago, the sixth wear, the original owner in the entertainment world, gold medal producer, Murong Liang.

"You may think that I'm here to make up the numbers..." Murong Liang shrugged, and walked towards Ye Qing and Li Yuebai step by step. His steps were easy, and there was a shiny thing dangling on his finger: "But they don't want to disturb You, only I am willing to come and take a look... Now it seems that I was right."

When he got close, Murong Liang's eyes were completely attracted by Ye Qing, he even winked at Ye Qingfei nonchalantly, and said with a smile: "You are not bad, kid."

"Try it if you have the ability." Li Yuebai could hear that he was joking, so he responded with a joke, even though there was tiredness in his tone.

"No, I don't want to be so angry." Murong Liang said bluntly.

"Isn't Shen Po... dead?" Li Yuebai said in shock.

"Get lost." Murong Liang was not polite.

"The host." The system said: "The so-called death is just Ye Qing's way of leaving the entertainment world, and the original owner Shen Po has not been affected."

"That's good." Li Yuebai didn't speak any more, his eyes were completely attracted by the necklace on Murong Liang's finger.

It was the star ring pendant that Obscure Moon always hung around her neck in the interstellar world.

"The cult leader on the spaceship said." Murong Liang pointed to the top of his head, and then pointed to the star ring pendant: "This thing is a memory memory, which stores your memories in every time you travel, and its theoretical basis is very complicated. I won’t go into details.”

He put the star ring pendant in Li Yuebai's palm, then waved his hand and left.

Li Yuebai was at a loss as he held the pendant emitting soft white light.

"That person just now was..." Ye Qing seemed to understand a little bit.

"He was my original owner in a certain time travel." Li Yuebai nodded.

He didn't know where the strength came from, he stood up, stood on tiptoe, put his arms around Ye Qing's neck, then carefully put on the necklace and buckled the buckle.

The moment the star ring touched Ye Qing's skin, it shone brighter.

"..." Ye Qing's pupils suddenly shrank.

"How is it?" Li Yuebai was a little worried, and leaned over to look left and right: "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"I don't feel comfortable anywhere." There was a strange light in Ye Qing's eyes, and his expression was complicated.

Massive memories are pouring into his mind like a torrent of water.

It's only been a minute, but it feels like a thousand years.

The vicissitudes of life, sunrise and sunset, so many worlds... I actually spent all of them with Li Yuebai

At this moment, Ye Qing felt that the dark part of her heart was washed away.

"You..." Ye Qing suddenly pulled Li Yuebai into his arms, "Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"..." Li Yuebai was almost suffocated by his embrace.

"So..." Li Yuebai finally spoke intermittently: "Are you still afraid now?"

"No." Ye Qing kissed him lightly on the forehead: "I'm sorry."

Li Yuebai let out a long breath and smiled: "Do you believe that I love you now?"

"Yeah." Ye Qing's kiss ran down her cheek.

"Do you still dare to commit suicide?"


"Murder is absolutely not allowed." Li Yuebai remembered the purpose of his trip.

"Don't worry..." Ye Qing bluntly blocked his lover's mouth.

The school bell rang, and the sunset outside was like blood.

Ye Qing started the extremely troublesome finishing work.

The attic had been blasted with a huge hole to be filled.

The captured love rival must be sent back.

The mana exerted on the entire school must be withdrawn.

Too much trouble.

However, the stalls that I spread by myself must be tidied up no matter what.

"Hey..." Li Yuebai was speechless: "You do what you do, at least let me go?"

"No." Ye Qing gave a concise answer.

He hugged Li Yuebai tightly in his arms as if angry, and the finishing work was very difficult.

"Host." The system said: "They... have already gone back."

It's too soon, I haven't had time to thank you yet.

However, there may be a chance to meet again.

Li Yuebai raised his empty wrist, recalled that there were five halos hanging on it, and smiled.

The sky is getting dark, and the campus has returned to its usual appearance.

Stepping on the twilight, the two walked along the path to the parking lot.

"Ye Qing, come here, give me a signal." Li Yuebai pinched Ye Qing's face on the spur of the moment: "How many stars are there in the sky?"

"One." Ye Qing raised his eyebrows.

"Life, the universe, and everything... What is the final answer?"


"What does joker mean?"

"The one who loves you."


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