The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 37: Vampire Hunter (22)


Everything depends on the right time, place and people.

Zhuo Zhuo submitted an application to the higher authorities as early as when he saw the clown woodcarving for the first time, requesting that the clown woodcarving be sent to the Capital Museum for in-depth research.

The curator didn't know the inside story, and felt that it met the requirements, so he agreed to the application.

The application was sent up, and it happened to be approved today.

Li Yuebai was stunned on the spot.

I originally wanted to fight a protracted war, but I didn't expect that others would send things away so soon under their noses

Nominally, it is said to be sent to the Capital Museum, but in fact, as long as Zhuo Zhuo handles the matter, it is very likely that it will be secretly sent to other places.

Li Yuebai stood up abruptly.

"I would like to ask, what is the transportation process of cultural relics?" Li Yuebai glanced at Zhuo Zhuo, and said in a deep voice, "Can safety be guaranteed?"

"Safe?" The secretary was a little puzzled: "Mr. Gu is worried that the delivery process will be like that time..."

There was a small episode when the curator transported cultural relics last time, but the cultural relics were not lost, and the secretary's first reaction was that kind of thing.

"Come on, secretary, let me explain to you." Zhuo Zhuo snorted coldly: "What he means is that he is worried about letting me handle this matter alone."

"Oh, of course it's not expert Zhuo alone." The secretary replied hastily: "There are established procedures and it's very safe."

According to the regulations, Zhuo Zhuo could not open the safe alone and take out the clown wood carving by himself—because it might drop the bag halfway. Therefore, this process must be done under the supervision of all.

"My surname is Gu, I don't know what your purpose is, but this time, you can't take things away from me in front of so many people. After all, even the police have to follow the rules, right? Isn't it right?" Zhuo Zhuo smiled provocatively at Li Yuebai, then took off his white coat, and threw it to Xiaotian along with his mobile phone, and walked towards the safe step by step under everyone's gaze.

Holding Zhuo Zhuo's white coat and mobile phone, Xiaotian was a little at a loss, and was afraid that Zhuo Zhuo would ask him for it later, so he followed Zhuo Zhuo's back and waited on him like a little eunuch.

Zhuo Zhuo walked to the safe, covered the code disk with his hands, and entered the code.

With a click, the safe opened.

Li Yuebai stared at Zhuo Zhuo firmly.

Zhuo Zhuo reached in and took out the clown wood carving.

Li Yuebai could see it clearly. It was the clown woodcarving in the previous photo. The surface was rough and dirty, the craftsmanship was not very delicate, the color was gaudy, and it was faded due to oxidation...

With so many eyes staring at him, it was impossible for Zhuo Zhuo to drop his bag on the spot. He just held the clown wood carving in his gloved hand brazenly, and even shook it provocatively at Li Yuebai.

His red hair was dazzling, without a white coat on his body, he looked more reckless and frivolous, his eyes were full of love for something, Li Yuebai couldn't judge for a while, whether his brain was controlled by a dormant body , or really go through life and death for Gao Chengyu...or...

Then, in the blink of an eye, there was a slight rattling sound on the ground beside Zhuo Zhuo's feet, and several small balls of unknown material fell on the clean tiled floor and burst open.

Immediately, a burst of white smoke rose.

smoke bomb!

And it is an upgraded high-strength model that has never been seen before!

The smoke was very thick, and it diffused in an instant, covering Zhuo Zhuo's figure, even his arrogant smile, and the surrounding was completely white.

"Damn it!" Li Yuebai cursed angrily, and rushed forward.

I didn't expect Zhuo Zhuo to be so courageous, this time he really didn't give himself a way out, and actually used smoke bombs in front of so many people!

Footsteps sounded in the smoke, he was taking advantage of the chaos to escape!

Li Yuebai couldn't see anything clearly, so he could only follow the sound of footsteps and chased outside. Using his memory to avoid bumps and bumps, he finally caught up with the man at the door. , and turned the person around with a little force. At the same time, he tried his best to distinguish the sounds in the air. No, there was no sound of a blade attacking, nor the sound of a pistol being loaded, and the other party had no weapons. This is the restoration room, an important place of the museum, only the security team and Ye Qing, who is a police officer, are qualified to bring guns in and out, Zhuo Zhuo and the others, as experts, are not allowed to carry weapons.

"Zhuo Zhuo, you're too impatient." Li Yuebai said in a low voice, and at the same time he pushed the man down hard, pressing his knees to his chest.

After groping around, there was nothing, no weapons, no cultural relics, and nothing was carried.

Where did he hide the clown wood carving

It doesn't matter, it's fine if someone catches him, as long as he interrogates well...

Li Yuebai grabbed the man's right hand, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them, and handcuffed the other end of the handcuffs to the door frame.

Amidst the chaotic footsteps, Li Yuebai heard a calm sound of bullets being loaded from the depths of the repair room.

It was Ye Qing, Ye Qing was also under control.

The smoke gradually dissipated and everything was quiet.

"I caught him." Li Yuebai whispered.

He firmly suppressed the manacled man, making the man unable to move his hands.

"What a coincidence." Ye Qing's voice was a little helpless: "I caught it too."

"Oh?" Li Yuebai made a questioning voice.

I'm afraid everyone who heard it was also stunned.

There is no doubt that there is only one Zhuo Zhuo in this world.

Who is this manacled by himself

Who did Ye Qing catch again

The one in my hand and the one in Ye Qing's hand, one is right, right

After the smoke cleared, Li Yuebai took a deep breath and looked at the man who was handcuffed by him.

It's Wang Wen, team leader Wang Da.

Wang Wen was tall and thin, with a gentle and elegant appearance. Now that he was so brutally pressed against the door, he was completely unable to resist for a while. The shirt he was wearing was also torn.

Li Yuebai felt like a beast for a moment.

"Xiao Ye." He turned to Ye Qing and whispered, "The one you caught must be the real Zhuo Zhuo..."

for real…

Ye Qing was stepping on a person with a calm face, the muzzle of the gun in his hand was facing the person's forehead.

As for who that person is...

Oda curled himself up in fear, not daring to struggle, letting Ye Qing step on him, covering his face and not daring to look directly at Ye Qing's muzzle.

... Still not Zhuo Zhuo!

"Fuck, where did Zhuo Zhuo escape?" Li Yuebai roared irritably, and slammed his fist on the door frame.

The villains who are angry and frustrated in movies seem to usually look like this.

After the smoke cleared, the experts and staff who reacted retreated one after another, and the security team began to search for Zhuo Zhuo's whereabouts, but found nothing.

The clown woodcarving naturally disappeared along with Zhuo Zhuo.

"That..." Wang Wen coughed wearily: "Mr. Gu, can you let me go first?"

He was really bullied by Li Yuebai so hard that his voice became hoarse.

"Sorry." Li Yuebai nodded embarrassingly and guiltily, and hurriedly looked for the handcuff key: "Right now."

Turns out the key wasn't in the pocket at all.

"Sorry, I lost the key." Li Yuebai gritted his teeth and squeezed out such an embarrassing answer from between his teeth.

Ye Qing was a little bit better, finally removed the boots from Xiaotian.

Suddenly, due to such an accident, everyone left, and there were only four of them left in the restoration room for a while.

"Zhuo Zhuo escaped!" Li Yuebai let go of Wang Wen, stood up abruptly, and waved at Ye Qing: "Chase!"

Ye Qing silently put away the gun, and followed Li Yuebai out of the repair room.

"... that..." Wang Wen protested weakly, wanting to remind the two irresponsible bastard servants of the people that there was still a pair of handcuffs waiting to be undone, but they were completely ignored.

Meanwhile, Syria, Damascus.

On the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, Damascus is an ancient city with a history of more than 4,000 years. It used to be a paradise on earth, and it was full of palaces and temples. The city was full of roses. Poets from three continents have left countless beautiful poems here. ballad.

But in this century, the city has long been destroyed by war.

The ground is full of scars and scorched earth, but there is a hole in the ground.

The underground cave is dark and deep, but extremely magnificent. There are domes and steps in the style of West Asia everywhere... Countless fireflies are flying in the darkness, emitting a cold and faint light.

Going up the steps, you can see a wide platform. On the platform is a round table carved from black marble. The round table is so large that dozens of people can sit around it.

There is only one person sitting at the round table now.

The man's complexion was pale, the clothes on his body couldn't see the material, his face was handsome and well-defined, his light gray hair was a little long, and he wore a platinum-rimmed monocle over his left eye, which was impeccable. There is only a bullet hole on the forehead that cannot heal, which is shocking.

On the table in front of him, there was a small flower pot, with a few thorns inserted in the flower pot, and a few small skeletons hung on the thorns of the thorns—it was too small, it was obviously a child’s skeleton, look It looked fresh, with blood dripping from it.

More than a dozen men in black robes stood respectfully around the round marble table, but no one dared to sit down.

One of his subordinates unfolded the parchment scroll in his hand, looked at it, and spoke a confused language mixed with Romanian and English in a weird voice: "You majesty, the person you sent to get [JOKER], still hasn't sent back a message .”

"The acquisition process of [JOKER] is too long. After so many days, it has not been successful. The subordinates are very suspicious of the ability of the executor..."

"[JOKER] such a powerful dormant body, if we can't get it, it would be a pity..."

"You majesty, your old subordinates in China are all human beings after all, so they may not be loyal to you, maybe they already have a different heart..." An aging voice questioned worriedly.

"Maybe they escaped with [JOKER] and set up their own business."

The sound of noisy discussions filled the underground palace, creating an uneasy atmosphere.

The man with the monocle frowned, then moved his fingers lightly.

A certain black-robed subordinate was still talking about "incompetent work", but the next second, he choked up.

A sharp thorn pierced his lips and tongue, and dirty black blood dripped down.

The men in the black robe only dared to freeze there, did not dare to scream, did not dare to move, did not dare to struggle.

"Your concerns are beyond the scope of authority." The man wearing a monocle sighed and said in Chinese.

There was a sudden silence around the table, and all the people in black were shocked.

Their current identities are all vampires.

Before they became vampires, some of them were homeless, some were criminals, and some were high-risk professionals... The common point is that they all died or were seriously injured due to various accidents and battles, and then they were possessed by dormant bodies and obtained the first Second life.

The dormant bodies that possessed them belonged to various ethnic groups, but none of them were as powerful and noble as Vlad III.

Therefore, they were naturally included in Vlad III's command and played for Vlad III.

The vampires in novels, movies and TV shows are always dark, cold and solitary, but vampires like them who became monks were also used to gangs during their lifetime. Of course, they still need to find an organization and a backer.

Following Vlad III is the best choice.

Gao Chengyu didn't intend to punish the subordinate who said the wrong thing for too long, so he quickly withdrew that little spell.

The thorn flew down from the pierced tongue with disgusting sticky blood, drew an arc in the air, flew back to the flowerpot on the table, and inserted it into the soil.

As a former business elite, Gao Chengyu knows better than anyone how to adapt to the new environment and new identity, and how to use his own abilities and special skills to achieve higher goals than anyone else.

The new identity of Vlad III is just a royal robe and a crown. What really determines success or failure is the manipulation of people's hearts.

He is very clear that under the current situation, it is impossible for the old subordinates in the country to betray him. They are deeply tempted by the prospect of vampires' eternal life, and they will only follow him more faithfully and do things for themselves.

"You majesty, could it be that Gu... Gu... something that stopped our plan?" Finally, one of his subordinates tremblingly expressed some valuable opinions.

Gu Xisha

Gao Chengyu only felt a dull pain in his forehead.

After his resurrection, he was not in a hurry to strike—Gu Xisha was not an easy opponent to deal with, and he needed a careful layout to capture him firmly.

But now, it's impossible not to speed up the process. Gu Xisha didn't just sit and wait for death, but has been making high-profile attacks to sabotage his plan.

Will this [JOKER] be intercepted by Gu Xisha

The more this is the case, the more interesting it is.

Opponents who are not strong enough don't even have the desire to step on them.

And people like Gu Xisha made me want to destroy him from the inside out, tearing up all dignity and personality.

Now it seems that the progress has to be accelerated.