The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 38: Vampire Hunter (23)


The figures of Li Yuebai and Ye Qing quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Wang Wen watched them go away helplessly, and then his expression suddenly became serious.

He took out a small remote control and pressed it, and several surveillance cameras in the repair room instantly went dark.

Afterwards, Wang Wen stood up, gently pulled his handcuffed right hand, and the door frame to which the handcuffs were connected fell off.

"I thought that Gu Xisha was so powerful, but now it seems like that." Xiaotian got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, took off the black-rimmed glasses, and threw them into the trash can.

He was very cute and cute when he wore the glasses, but after taking them off, although his complexion was still immature, his eyes were full of sharp light and malice.

"Stop talking." Wang Wen stopped in a low voice.

"Originally, in terms of judgment, I'm afraid that police officer Ye is slightly better." Xiaotian rolled up his sleeves with a smile, and walked towards a one-person-high instrument beside him.

That instrument is used to clean cultural relics. It is very old and bulky. It has just been cleaned and repaired recently, with new lubricating oil. It is still very smooth to use. The most ingenious thing is that it has a cabinet door on it. As long as you open the cabinet door, you will find that there is a cavity among the messy wiring inside, which is enough for a person to let go.

Zhuo Zhuo was lying between the wires and pipes in the cavity, falling into a coma, motionless, as quiet as dead.

He still held the wooden clown tightly in his hand.

Oda opened his fingers and snatched the clown woodcarving.

Speaking of judgment, perhaps Zhuo Zhuo's judgment is also very strong, but only in terms of news and cultural relics.

Zhuo Zhuo has always been the kind of person who is very sensitive to news, so he can recognize Gu Xisha at a glance. Although he doesn't know the inside story of vampires this time, he has heard a little bit of rumors based on his status as an expert, and knows that some Western European cultural relics are not safe. .

Therefore, relying on his intuition, he immediately noticed that there was something wrong with the clown wood carving, so he immediately locked it up and reported it immediately.

Of course, due to his personality and consistent style, his actions have been interpreted as routine domineering.

Wang Wen's superficial identity was originally a high-level staff member of the museum, but he also has a deeper identity—Gao Chengyu's subordinates. After learning about the existence of the clown woodcarving, he immediately took over the task. Taking advantage of his position, he applied to become the team leader of the restoration team, and recruited Xiao Tian, who was also Gao Chengyu's subordinate.

It shouldn't be so much trouble, but the security measures in the museum are really good, and the safety performance of the safe is too strong. Although Wang Wen is not an honest and good person, after all, he is just an ordinary human being and cannot go to heaven or earth. There is no way to steal the clown woodcarving without anyone noticing. He can only use this conventional method to place himself next to Zhuo Zhuo and wait for the opportunity to seize the woodcarving.

Originally, things were going on in an even and stable manner—when Zhuo Zhuo's application was approved, the clown wood carving would be taken out of the safe and transported to the Capital Museum, as long as he seized this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xisha and Ye Qing came suddenly.

The most surprised ones were not Zhuo Zhuo, but Wang Wen and Xiao Tian.

Although they had never met Gu Xisha, they had already heard of his name, which could be said to be like thunder.

Moreover, the boss is in Europe, and when he gave them orders, he seemed to have reminded them: be careful of Gu Xisha.

Therefore, even though he pretended to be flawless on the surface, he was still uneasy in his heart, and was always on guard against this fearless guy.

Fortunately, Zhuo Zhuo is really far behind in terms of seeing people.

Zhuo Zhuo's father is a famous scholar in China, so Zhuo Zhuo grew up in an academic atmosphere, and was pampered by the circle of people, but because of family accidents, he changed his character halfway, and became a tyrannical rascal. Yes, because of his special experience, Zhuo Zhuo also has deviations in judging people - he is too sensitive and suspicious, always feels that everyone will have trouble with him, and everyone wants to take something away from him. Especially for people I don't like, I always get used to guessing the worst.

Ever since seeing Gu Xisha's case on the news, Zhuo Zhuo has been very displeased with this person, believing that Gu Xisha is an autocratic p with impure purpose, so he has already been more wary of him.

Not to mention that Gu Xisha came to the restoration room, nominally to visit, but in fact, he focused on getting the clown wood carving everywhere, which made Zhuo Zhuo distrust him even more.

So Zhuo Zhuo confronted Gu Xisha recklessly.

Wang Wen saw such a surge of bright tide, and secretly rejoiced in his heart.

As long as he tries harder to provoke, he can completely clear himself up, maybe he can hide the truth from Gu Xisha's eyes.

So, while pretending to be innocent, he secretly revealed Zhuo Zhuo's suspiciousness to Gu Xisha.

The so-called Zhuo Zhuo has been secretly contacting some strange person recently, and his behavior is a bit abnormal... These are all made up.

It is very easy to provoke people who don't trust each other. Soon, it became obvious that Gu Xisha and Ye Qing became more and more suspicious of Zhuo Zhuo, and even directly believed that he was Gao Chengyu's subordinate.

Finally, the most critical moment came.

After the application was approved, Zhuo Zhuo wanted to open the safe in front of everyone and take out the clown wood carving.

As an intern, Oda was originally Zhuo Zhuo's little follower, so this time he naturally followed behind Zhuo Zhuo normally, even if he got a little closer, no one suspected anything.

Just when Zhuo Zhuo took out the wooden clown carving, walked over, and showed a provocative smile to Gu Xisha, Xiao Tian quietly threw the smoke bomb that had been prepared on the ground beside Zhuo Zhuo's feet.

Xiaotian was holding Zhuo Zhuo's white coat, covering his hands, so no one could see his movements.

Smoke rose and filled the entire restoration room, making everyone invisible for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Oda covered Zhuo Zhuo's mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked in ether, quietly knocked him out, and stuffed him into the instrument next to him.

He was standing very close to Zhuo Zhuo, and the whole process was so fast that no one noticed.

The sound of Wang Wen's running footsteps was just to mislead Gu Xisha and divert his attention. Gu Xisha didn't want Gu Xisha to be fooled so easily, and followed the footsteps directly to Wang Wen.

That's why Xiaotian said: Ye Qing's judgment is stronger than Gu Xisha's.

Because Ye Qing at least jumped in the right direction, keenly found Zhuo Zhuo's original location amidst the noise.

It's just that Zhuo Zhuo in this position has long been replaced by Xiaotian.

When the smoke cleared and everyone found that Zhuo Zhuo had disappeared, they took it for granted that he had escaped with the clown wood carving.

Especially Gu Xisha and Ye Qing, they don't know the secret of the instrument at all, and it is impossible to know that there is still a person hidden in the instrument.

The current situation was all within Wang Wen's expectation. The clown woodcarving had been successfully obtained, and there was no one around to watch him, so he could take the opportunity to escape.

Of course, they wouldn't be so stupid as to take the clown wood carving out directly, so of course they would be noticed.

Oda casually picked up the blade on the table, and with a light stroke, the clown wood carving was split in the middle and divided into two halves. There was a cavity in the center, and inside was a small black coffin, which was fastened by a silver chain. Reinforced.

Wang Wen quickly picked up the coffin: "Let's go without delay."

"Wait a minute." Oda didn't intend to leave in a hurry, but casually picked up the special glue on the table, and glued the clown wood carvings together again. After a quick look, there was no crack.

"Expert Zhuo's cultural relics restoration technology, why don't you learn a little bit." He smiled and threw the wood carving back into the instrument, and then escaped with Wang Wen.

At such a time, whether climbing over a wall or a window is very suspicious, the most appropriate choice, of course, is to run out in panic like a victim, and it is best to call the police.

Wang Wen stumbled out the door, his face full of shock.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the corridor, he bumped into Gu Xisha who turned back from the outside.

"Gu...Mr. Gu! How's the situation? Where's Police Officer Ye?" Wang Wen immediately stammered and asked.

"Team Leader Wang?" Li Yuebai frowned: "What's the matter, I haven't uncuffed you yet, how can you leave?"

Wang Wen was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to take the initiative to attack with a weapon, but heard the sound of bullets piercing through the air.

It sounded like it was coming from afar.

Looking in the direction the bullet came from, it really was Ye Qing.

Ye Qing calmly carried a long gun, the muzzle of the gun was pointing directly at him, and seemed to smile at him.

The anesthesia bullet stabbed fiercely into his shoulder in an instant, and Wang Wen didn't have a chance to dodge. He fell back and lost consciousness.

Li Yuebai took out the black coffin from his arms and put it away.

"Master." Ye Qing's calm voice came from behind: "Hide for a while."

Li Yuebai didn't hesitate even a millisecond, and quickly moved aside.

Several smoke bombs were thrown out again, it was Xiao Tian, who was repeating his tricks, trying to escape in the chaos.

Ye Qing's anesthesia bomb pierced through the smoke and shot straight at it.

Li Yuebai heard the sound of the anesthesia bomb piercing the body.

Should it be said that the little villain's force value is too low, or is Ye Qing's marksmanship too strong

The first time Li Yuebai noticed something was wrong was when Li Yuebai shook hands with Wang Wen, and found that the hands seemed to have been carefully cared for, and some places had calluses, but they were smoothed out carefully.

Ordinary people may not be able to feel any difference in the skin after the calluses have been rubbed off, but Gu Xisha's sense is very keen. If the calluses are restored, one can tell that this is a pair of hands that often hold guns.

Therefore, Li Yuebai deliberately found an opportunity and poured tea on Wang Wen's body.

Through the tea-soaked shirt, I could see some traces of scars and tattoos on the skin underneath.

The original customer, Gu Xisha, had collected a lot of information about Gao Chengyu's subordinates, and Li Yuebai had read those materials carefully, remembering many important details.

One of his subordinates, whose identity is very secret, works in the cultural field, has scars and tattoos with special shapes on his abdomen...

The description in the document coincides with Wang Wen's characteristics.

Then there is Xiaotian, Xiaotian's cover-up is almost perfect, but it's a pity that Li Yuebai had a written conversation with him.

The purpose of that written conversation was nominally to ask Zhuo Zhuo if he behaved suspiciously, but in fact, it was to read Oda's handwriting.

Although Oda appropriately changed his non-dominant hand to write, he didn't expect that the information collected by Gu Xisha before was included along with the handwriting information of his non-dominant hand.

After thinking about it, Li Yuebai felt that he had only made a small contribution to this operation, and the credit still went to the original customer, Xisha.

No matter what, I read the information carefully, it can be considered that hard work will pay off...

At the moment when the smoke bomb exploded, Li Yuebai had already fixed his eyes on Wang Wen.

He was not misled, but he was after Wang Wen.

In order to better disguise, Wang Wen didn't even resist at all, so he took the opportunity to search - no clown wood carving was found on Wang Wen.

The only possibility is that these two people hid the clown woodcarving together with Zhuo Zhuo somewhere.

The best way, of course, is to pretend to chase them out, but actually wait outside, waiting for them to find things out by themselves.