The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 39: Vampire Hunter (24)


Anyway, this time, the dormant body was finally snatched by him.

Li Yuebai weighed the small black coffin he snatched from Wang Wen, and found it very strange. It was the first time he encountered an unopened coffin. how is it like…

The small black coffin was tightly closed, and there were several familiar silver chains bound on it—the Silver Forbidden Rope, which looked exactly the same as the one that killed Xu Lili.

Strange to say, this time, this dormant body didn't use any mind control ability, it didn't control Zhuo Zhuo, it didn't control Wang Wen and Xiao Tian, and it didn't control Ye Qing and himself, like the previous ones who desperately stretched out whenever they had a chance. The tentacles of thought controlling other people's dormant bodies are completely different. Why is this happening? Do dormant bodies have different personalities? Of course, there must be different personalities, but the desire "to escape, to possess" should be very strong, right, only this one, it seems that there is not such a strong desire in this regard.

Exactly how, hand it in and study it carefully, maybe you will get the result.

Speaking of which, everything went surprisingly smoothly today.

Ye Qing avoided the mission of Yongfeng Company. When the people in the bureau were carrying out the mission, they also had to be on guard against the dormant body, and they were equipped with complete tools and weapons, which were more than enough to deal with it. This is a battle without any suspense battle.

In other words, Ye Qing will not become a vampire like in the original plot.

Li Yuebai put the small black coffin into his shirt pocket, intending to deal with the current mess with Ye Qing.

Zhuo Zhuo was just stunned, and his life was not in danger. Gao Chengyu's two subordinates could be legally detained...

The food at home is almost exhausted, do you want to buy some when you pass by the supermarket later...

And what to do next...

Messy things came to my mind, and I felt a little troublesome for a moment.

Ye Qing at the end of the corridor put away his gun, and walked towards him quietly.

Li Yuebai suddenly felt that he was lucky.

Although the male protagonist I met in the first wear was a bit weird, people couldn't figure out his attributes, and he was sticky around him, but he was always assisting him as a god, and he did everything according to his own words, especially It went well and was very touching.

Now in the second wear, the hero is more reliable, not only reliable, but not as clingy as the one in the first wear, and has always been calmly acting as long-range fire support, shooting flawlessly.

It's rare that the system didn't do anything today.

Everything went so smoothly.

Li Yuebai raised his right hand and greeted Ye Qing with a smile, intending to give Ye Qing a high five, although most of them would be ignored by Ye Qing...

There was a strange buzzing sound in his ear, and it took a few seconds for Li Yuebai to realize that something was wrong.

They are now standing in the hallway, with the bulletproof glass window to the right.

It seems like everything is not quite right.

A large group of blue-winged dragonflies flew over from nowhere, fluttered on the window, and stopped at the edge of the glass and window frame, motionless. At first glance, it seemed to be inlaid with a large flower.

Looking downstairs through the window, you can see the people downstairs—there are security guards who are still unknown and looking for Zhuo Zhuo everywhere, and there are tourists who just came to visit. People were fine and normal at first, but they suddenly scattered and fled in all directions, waving their arms and making screams, but unfortunately they couldn't hear what they were shouting or saying through the glass.

There is a decorative pool in the square downstairs, which is full of colorful koi. Now, Li Yuebai looked from a distance, as if he saw countless koi jumping out of the water, jumping high in the air, Then fell back into the water.

What is this mess, is this still the earth? what happened

Li Yuebai lived so peacefully in his previous life that he took a few seconds to react to such an obvious sign before he understood it.

"Xiaoye!" After realizing it, Li Yuebai yelled out: "Let's go!"

earthquake! It was an earthquake!

The Earthquake Bureau did not have any forecasts before!

The system does not have any reminders!

There is no such thing in the plot summary of the previous life!

Such an earthquake was added all of a sudden!

There was a whirlwind, followed by the sound of water pipes bursting, bricks and stones falling, and dust flying up.

This building is an important building, and the earthquake-proof design was done according to the Class A standard before it was built. Generally speaking, there will be no major incidents...

Generally speaking...

There were noises and violent shaking everywhere, Li Yuebai felt his eyes darken for a while, he stumbled forward and fled, wondering if Ye Qing was following him, after a short period of confusion, the violent shaking gradually subsided.

It is clearly written in the textbook and the escape guide that there will not be only one wave of earthquakes, so when the first wave of shaking stops, one must flee to an open area in a hurry.

Li Yuebai struggled to get up from the ground, and turned to look for Ye Qing.

The quality of the building is really good, there are a few cracks on the wall, and the pipes have burst, but overall, it is not serious.

But what happened to the pool of blood on the ground

After the dust cleared, Li Yuebai saw the scene in front of him clearly.

His incomparably reliable hero teammate, Xiao Ye, fell in a pool of blood and died.

In the building with Class A earthquake-resistant design, it was renovated some time ago and a metal pipe was installed.

During the earthquake just now, that heavy pipe broke loose from the ceiling above the corridor, fell down, and just hit Ye Qing.

There was a buzzing in Li Yuebai's ears, but he couldn't hear anything.

His hands were shaking.

I wanted to call Xiao Ye habitually, but I couldn't make a sound at all.


Li Yuebai didn't know how he walked over, he squatted down, and tried the opponent's breathing with trembling hands.

No breathing, no heartbeat, no pulse.

Of course not, the metal pipe that fell from the sky pierced Ye Qing's chest at a strange angle, the blood has already flowed all over the ground, there is no chance of survival.

"System!" Li Yuebai was speechless and could only roar silently in his heart.

"Dear host, hello." The system's voice jumped out cheerfully: "Because your task was completed too easily and the process was too smooth, the system must increase the difficulty for you and introduce the [banana peel mechanism] once."

Banana peel mechanism is a term in physics and science fiction. It means that when a time traveler wants to take a certain action to change history, the sky will throw a piece of banana peel to him and make him slip. Forced to take terminal actions, history cannot be changed, only a fixed fate can be accepted.

This is the hand of God against which man cannot resist.

An earthquake without warning, a metal pipe falling for no reason, just killed the male protagonist with no probability, this is a naked and undisguised banana peel mechanism.

Li Yuebai felt despair for the first time since starting this time travel game.

No matter how strong and how desperately he tried, he would still die in the end under the slight finger of the system.

Other time-traveling male protagonists have golden fingers, but he doesn't. At first, I thought it was okay, I just had to work hard on my own.

Unexpectedly, the system cruelly added such a big anti cheat.

"System, I want to negotiate." At such a time, Li Yuebai regained his composure: "According to the alliance contract with Ye Qing, as long as anyone in the alliance dies, this mission will fail."

"Yes." The system confirmed the alliance contract that Li Yuebai and Ye Qing made at the beginning, it is correct.

"If the banana peel mechanism exists to make me fail directly, then the whole journey is meaningless." Li Yuebai took a deep breath, trying to suppress the urge to fight desperately with the system.

As long as the mission fails, he has to accept Gu Xisha's predetermined fate.

Compared with such a prospect, suicide is a better choice, and he can kill himself directly here, and avoid such cruel and long torture.

But Li Yuebai didn't want to commit suicide so easily, at least he had to fight for a chance to negotiate with the system.

"Of course, of course, the system will not be so cruel to the host. Since the banana peel mechanism caused the current situation, for the sake of fairness, the system will give you a chance to terminate the contract." The system smiled and gave Li Yuebai a way out.

Before Li Yuebai's eyes, a dialog box popped up.

The countdown is thirty seconds, and the countdown has already begun.

What was written on the dialog box was: Host Li Yuebai, hello, may I ask you to terminate the alliance contract with Ye Qing

There are two options below: Yes and No.

"As long as you choose yes, the contract between you and Ye Qing will be terminated, and his death will not affect you in any way." The system enthusiastically introduced: "As compensation, the system will assign you a more powerful assistant to continue to work in this world. task... ”

twenty seconds.

Li Yuebai closed his eyes, feeling that his brain was blank and black again, and endless starlight burst out in the darkness.

The man who lay on the roof looking at the stars is now dead, waiting to be abandoned by himself.

A familiar feeling welled up in my heart, not only endless sadness, but also anger.

The number of countdown becomes smaller little by little, 8, 7, 6, 5...

"Host, please choose as soon as possible, the time will pass soon." The system reminded thoughtfully.

3, 2...


Li Yuebai made a choice at the last second.

He pressed [No] almost with all his strength.

This is an impulsive choice, which suits his current anger very well.

Li Yuebai has always been a person with a particularly good temper, but the better the temper, the more terrible it is to get angry. He just has a lower bottom line, not no bottom line. When the bottom line is touched, he will make peace. Conservative strategies differ from radical options.

Commonly known as crazy.

"Dear host, if you choose whether or not, your alliance with Ye Qing will continue. According to the regulations, if one of the alliance dies, the other..." the system continued.

"Shut up." Li Yuebai stopped the system from chattering: "What if my alliance teammates... don't die?"

"Dear host, as long as the two members of the alliance are alive, the mission can of course continue to complete according to the original track..." The system was helpless.

"That's fine." Li Yuebai nodded: "Get lost."

He spoke the words very lightly, but with a majesty that cannot be refuted.

The system obediently disappeared.