The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 40: Vampire Hunter (25)


This inexplicable earthquake was a reverse golden finger temporarily inserted by the system. After killing Ye Qing, it calmed down instantly.

The people in this building have mastered the basic knowledge of escape, and have already fled to the square outside. Even if the vibration has subsided, they will not return to the building.

The rescue team has not arrived yet.

Li Yuebai has at least fifteen to twenty minutes, which is enough.

He leaned down, pulled out the piece of metal stuck in Ye Qing's chest, and then hugged Ye Qing - he really couldn't think of any other way to carry his body, he could only use the semi-cold blood dripping in the hug The water flowed down, soaking Ye Qing and his clothes. When human life is at stake, there is no need to care about blood or not.

There is a small office not far away. The anti-theft door is unlocked and wide open. The office is small and dark with no windows. It is the most suitable place.

Li Yuebai didn't dare to look down at Ye Qing in his arms, he just felt that his body was very heavy and was gradually losing warmth. The blood red reflected in his eyes... He gritted his teeth, walked a little harder, quickly flashed into the small office, put Ye Qing on the ground, and closed the anti-theft door tightly, there were no gaps in the room, and no vents above his head , great, completely confined space.

Without wiping the blood from his hands, he reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out the little black coffin.

The dormant body inside, I don't know what it looks like.

The dormant body possesses the dead person, but it may also choose a comatose person. If it is opened in the corridor just now, it may go straight to the restoration room and choose one of Wang Wen, Xiaotian, and Zhuo Zhuo as the host.

This possibility must be completely eliminated, that's why Li Yuebai sent Ye Qing here.

The forbidden silver rope wrapped around the coffin was stained with the blood on Li Yuebai's hands, and the color changed slightly.

Li Yuebai gritted his teeth, grabbed the silver cable, and pulled it away violently!

The coffin was opened.

In fact, in Li Yuebai's pocket, there are several pairs of glasses with digital camera functions, which are prepared before the trip. Through such lenses, you can see the appearance of the dormant body with your own eyes.

But now Li Yuebai doesn't want to wear glasses at all, he doesn't want to see how the dormant body invades Ye Qing's brain with a satisfied grin... Although the result is the same, he just doesn't want to watch.

The whole process was much faster than he imagined.

Ye Qing's body seemed to tremble, and immediately, his whole body changed.

A strange heartbeat sounded from his shattered chest, and the blood that was originally bright red was gradually turning black... The horrible wound on his chest was healing, and the originally fair skin became paler, with several strange lines appearing on the skin. The eyelashes fluttered a few times strangely... There seemed to be some color in the corner of the eye...

Li Yuebai felt at a loss for the first time.

This is the first time he has not consulted the other party's wishes, and forcibly decided such a big matter for the other party. This completely violates his usual code of conduct, but he also has a code of life first, so... make the current choice It is also a necessity. No matter what the consequences are, they can only bite the bullet and bear them.

"I'm sorry..." Li Yuebai said silently.

In the darkness, Ye Qing opened his eyes.

The change has been completed, he looks different from before, but he is not as bloody and ferocious as those vampires he met before... A strand of black hair next to his left ear has turned blood red, his skin is pale, his fingers are knuckles distinct, On the skin under the right eye, there is another pattern - a blue teardrop.

Blue and red, teardrop pattern...

It's the classic logo of the clown...

Li Yuebai's mind was in chaos, and he no longer knew what he was thinking.

The color of Ye Qing's eyes is also different from before, it used to be pure black, but now it seems to be shining with a faint blue light, the expression is still the original indifferent and calm, but it also has a terrible breath of death.

He just looked over quietly, which gave Li Yuebai an urge to run away. If he hadn't already made up his mind to bear the consequences, if his legs hadn't been so heavy that he couldn't lift them up, he might have already Really ran away.

Before he had time to react, Li Yuebai felt the back of his head hit the cold ground.

His whole body was pressed to the ground by Ye Qing, his shoulders were held firmly by Ye Qing, the force was too great, his bones were probably crushed to pieces. There was a dead silence around, only Ye Qing's indistinct breathing could be heard, the icy breath approaching his neck bit by bit...

He wants to suck blood.

It was I who turned him into a vampire, of course I had to be his first victim.

"Xiaoye..." Li Yuebai's voice became hoarse: "...I'm sorry."

He didn't know if Ye Qing could still hear him speak, and if Ye Qing still had human reason, no matter what, he still had to say what should be said.

Ye Qing's movements froze for a moment.

"Arbitrarily decided everything for you, I'm sorry." Li Yuebai was almost suffocated by him, and finally managed to squeeze out every single word from the depths of his trachea.

He could push Ye Qing away with explosive force, but now he was immersed in guilt, he didn't move at all, allowing Ye Qing to press him like this.

Didi Didi—In such a weird confrontation, the sharp sound of the walkie-talkie tore through the air and echoed in the small office.

The walkie-talkie is only the size of a mobile phone, and it's pinned to Ye Qing's waist right now - it's equipped for everyone in the bureau, it's convenient to contact when you're on a mission, and it's a video call.

The strength in Ye Qing's hands loosened, and he gradually let go of Li Yuebai's shoulders, his face was no longer so close, he frowned, as if he had fallen into painful thinking.

"The walkie-talkie is ringing, you must answer it, otherwise the city bureau will think you are out of contact, and send someone over to check immediately." Li Yuebai pointed to the walkie-talkie at his waist, and tried to explain to him: "In this situation, they come over It's even more chaotic, so you have to answer and tell them you're fine."

The room is very dark, only electronic products emit a faint light, which can barely illuminate. Li Yuebai's physical vision is excellent now, and he can always see Ye Qing's face clearly—the blue teardrop pattern under the eyes, red hair, and With that pale face, blood all over his body, that indifferent expression full of death breath...

No, this appearance must not be seen by the people in the bureau, they will see Ye Qing's current identity, and then...

Li Yuebai stretched out his hand with difficulty, and gradually touched Ye Qing's waist. He was very nervous and was afraid that Ye Qing would be stimulated, but this time Ye Qing was immersed in the pain and entanglement in his heart, and he didn't care about his hand. He quickly got the walkie-talkie, turned the screen towards him, and turned it on.

"Xiao Gu? Where's Ye Qing?" Ju Yang's face appeared on the screen of the walkie-talkie. He frowned and looked at Li Yuebai, obviously seeing that something was wrong.

"We are in the city museum. There was an earthquake just now. There were no casualties. Ye Qing went to help check the damage." Li Yuebai took a deep breath and tried to put on a normal expression: "Director Yang, Yongfeng Company How is the situation, is it going well?"

No matter what happened now, Li Yuebai still remembered that Ju Yang led the team to Yongfeng Company.

"Successful, you stay put and wait for rescue." Director Yang simply ordered a few words.

"The restoration room in the building next to the museum needs to send someone from the bureau." Afraid of what might happen later, Li Yuebai rushed to report at this time: "The cultural relic expert Zhuo Zhuo is an important witness, and the restoration team leader Wang Wen and intern Xiaotian have committed crimes and are recommended to be detained."

Director Yang got a general understanding of the situation and hung up the phone.

During the answering process, Li Yuebai watched Ye Qing stand up stiffly, stumble towards the door, and intend to leave the room.

"... Xiaoye!" Li Yuebai hung up the video intercom, and stepped forward to block Ye Qing. In this situation, if Ye Qing ran out rashly, everyone would definitely notice the abnormality, right? The consequences could be disastrous…

But when he tried to get close to Ye Qing, Ye Qing suddenly turned around, staring at him with terrifying eyes.

Even Li Yuebai didn't know what to do.

If you get close to Ye Qing, your blood will be sucked by him, if you don't get close to Ye Qing, he will run off to nowhere by himself.

It turns out that vampires also have such awkward children...

Maybe, it can only be hard.

The power of a vampire is incomparable to humans, but Gu Xisha has a sky-high force value, and he has no pressure to fight other vampires before. Now he may not necessarily lose against Ye Qing. Li Yuebai didn't have any intention of hurting Ye Qing, he just wanted to knock him out forcibly and take him away, and then think about what to do next.

Li Yuebai took a deep breath, gathered his strength, estimated the strength, and planned to grab the second before Ye Qing went out, and hit him with one blow.

Then he saw Ye Qing raise a hand, fingers hooked in the air.

What does this action mean

Before Li Yuebai could react, he smelled the familiar breath of ether.

Misty ether, floating from nowhere, filled his respiratory tract for a while.

Immediately afterwards, it fell into darkness.

Li Yuebai was woken up by people from the Municipal Bureau and the security team. It was already night when he woke up. When he opened his eyes, the sky was full of stars, and the sky was covered. This is the square of the museum, and there was a cold marble floor beneath him. , the surroundings were chaotic, and it seemed that there were people from the armed police force coming and going, carrying some stones and the like.

Li Yuebai sat up suddenly, startling everyone around him.

"Where's Ye Qing?" he shouted.

"Little Gu, are you out of your mind? Don't you have to ask you where Ye Qing is?" Director Yang frowned, "Also, what's the matter with the blood on your body?"

"I..." Ye Qing lowered his head, looking at the blood on his shirt, Ye Qing's blood was a large patch, shockingly red, everything just happened was real, not a dream.

"What's going on? Don't you have any safety awareness at all? You stayed in the building after the earthquake, looking for death?" Director Yang reprimanded: "We transferred you out after we arrived, the suspects were also detained, and the witnesses were settled. , why did you lose Ye Qing, brat?"

Ye Qing...

Li Yuebai felt unspeakably depressed and uncomfortable, where did Ye Qing go

He got up abruptly and walked out without hesitation.

Must, must find Ye Qing quickly.