The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 41: Vampire Hunter (26)


The parking lot was empty, and the cars that had been driving had disappeared.

Li Yuebai's mind was in a mess.

Ye Qing left, where will he go? How to relieve the blood-sucking desire? Will it get out of control and do things that cannot be undone

Recalling my series of reactions just now, I have to admit that there are many mistakes and omissions.

Why didn't protective measures be taken before opening the black coffin

Why didn't he stun Ye Qing in time

Li Yuebai has always boasted that he is calm, rational and unruffled in times of crisis, but this time it was really chaotic.

Subconsciously took out the phone, subconsciously wanted to dial Ye Qing's number, only to suddenly realize that what he took out was Ye Qing's walkie-talkie. I didn't bring my mobile phone with me, but left it in the car.

In the underground parking lot, the big black Benz stopped quietly.

Ye Qing didn't go to any strange place, but directly drove back to the old community where they lived together.

After the car stopped, Ye Qing felt dizzy again.

He held his forehead with his right hand, and put his left hand on the door handle subconsciously, but did not open it.

He couldn't just get out of the car, he needed to be quiet.

It was dark in front of his eyes, his whole body was in severe pain, every cell was screaming, and his consciousness was in chaos.

The moment he was possessed by the dormant body, he woke up, clearly felt the pain in his heart, felt the muscles and blood vessels recovering inch by inch, and he could also feel that person kneeling on the ground next to him, repeating the words over and over again. Three words "sorry".

I wanted to ask him why he was apologizing, but he couldn't speak at all.

The newborn's heart was beating violently, and infinite thoughts were rushing in his brain, but he couldn't control himself at all.

The moment he opened his eyes and saw Li Yuebai, every cell in his body shouted the same sentence: eat him! eat him! eat him!

Ye Qing doesn't care about many things, and has never lacked anything. He never knew that a vampire could have such a strong desire, especially for this person in front of him... wanting to bite off his neck, wanting to suck all the blood from his body, wanting to Breaking off his bones one by one, trying to bite off all his meat and swallow it into the stomach...

When he pinned Li Yuebai to the ground, it took all his self-control to hold back for a minute without biting Li Yuebai's neck immediately.

But for some reason, after leaving the museum, he returned here subconsciously.

As long as Li Yuebai doesn't go home.

The other self in my mind is very quiet, never making any strange laughter or shouting, and does not feel schizophrenic... The dormant body seems to have merged with myself, and can no longer be separated.

Ye Qing took advantage of the dim light of the underground parking lot to look at his hands, they were pale and slender with distinct joints, and the blood vessels were a strange color.

Perhaps in a short while, these hands could cut off Li Yuebai's neck uncontrollably.

Ye Qing doesn't have any special feelings for Li Yuebai, but apart from Li Yuebai, there seems to be no one else in this world, and everyone else is worthless than dust.

The feeling of emptiness and boredom hit like a mountain, and the original owner's depression seemed to be more intense in this body. The words that Li Yuebai kept repeating sounded again: I'm sorry... I'm really sorry for making a decision for you without authorization...

In fact, what is not unauthorized? Isn't there another chance to choose again here

Ye Qing pulled out a small and exquisite pistol from his waist, it was filled with six 9mm sterling silver bullets. If one is not enough, there is another Type 92 under the seat.

Just one shot to the heart and one shot to the brain, and you will be free.

Ye Qing turned the muzzle of the gun to himself, quietly put his finger on the trigger in the dark, but he still didn't pull it off.

The neighborhood was deserted as always, and the underground parking lot was quiet in the dark.

Suddenly, a burst of sharp music sounded in the car, and the screen of a mobile phone on the passenger seat lit up, illuminating the car brightly, and it also made an incoming call ringtone. Ye Qing subconsciously blocked the bright light, and then realized that vampires are not afraid of this kind of electronic light.

It was Li Yuebai's cell phone left in the car, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen.

Could it be that Li Yuebai called from another phone? Ye Qing frowned, and picked it up by accident.

"..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear it clearly.

It was not Li Yuebai on the other end of the phone, but a little girl's voice.

"...Brother? Police brother?" The little girl sounded five or six years old at most, and her voice was very immature, which sounded familiar.

Ye Qing's memory has always been very good, but now he really doesn't have the energy to recall, so he plans to hang up directly.

But there is such a coincidence in the world, he raised his eyes slightly, and saw the girl who called him.

"Brother policeman, help me, Xiaowan is so scared..." The girl hugged a teddy bear, huddled in a corner of the underground parking lot, hugged her mobile phone, and cried out of breath.

Ye Qing remembered everything at once.

A few days ago, I and Li Yuebai rescued a girl named Xiaowan here. Her house lived upstairs, and her parents often quarreled and fought. That day she accidentally encountered the female vampire Countess Karnstein... to save After getting her off, he personally sent her home and left a phone number - Li Yuebai's phone number.

By accident, Li Yuebai's cell phone fell on the co-pilot's seat, and he picked it up by himself.

The little girl in the corner wiped away her tears, looked up and saw herself in the car.

The lights in the car were originally turned off, but the screen of the mobile phone was bright enough to illuminate his general face.

"Huh? Brother policeman, are you back?" Xiaowan burst into tears and smiled, thinking that she had found a savior. Her parents have a bad relationship and have been living in a fearful environment. Now that she finally sees someone she trusts, she is of course overjoyed. Immediately, he picked up the teddy bear without hesitation, and ran towards Ye Qing's car.

She was barefoot without shoes, and she was still wearing pajamas. Her arms and calves were exposed, with bruises and various scars on them.

When Ye Qing sent Xiao Wan home last time, he only felt that Xiao Wan's parents had a bad temper at first glance, so he didn't stay long, and now it has developed to this point.

Xiaowan's parents are in business. They have been running poorly recently and have been losing money. In addition, both parents have affairs, and their emotions are on the verge of explosion. The family has become a powder keg. Xiaowan's encounter with a vampire before made her mother even more irritated. She often thought that she was deliberately lying to get love. Recently, her father even began to suspect that Xiaowan was not his own daughter, but the product of his wife's affair with others. Once he was drunk, he lost his temper and hit Xiaowan a few times. Although he didn't hit her hard, for such a young child, the injury was serious enough.

Fortunately, Xiaowan's father was quite drunk, and fell asleep on the sofa cursing after beating her. Xiaowan didn't dare to stay at home, so she secretly took her mobile phone and teddy bear, and ran out alone.

Ever since she encountered a vampire in the underground parking lot last time, she has left a psychological shadow, and she is very afraid that the vampire will appear again, but now, instead, she ran to the underground parking lot without hesitation—because she remembered very clearly, the last time that It is here that the two police brothers appeared, they also live here, as long as they go home, they will definitely drive here.

So, she hugged the teddy bear and the phone and huddled in the corner alone, waiting for the two people who could save her in her memory to appear. Although she was young, the phone was no stranger to her, and her brother's phone number was already there. I wrote it down and knew how to make a call. Unexpectedly, as soon as I made a call, the person was waiting.

Xiao Wan ran to the side of the car, timidly wanting to get closer, but she didn't dare, she hugged the teddy bear in her arms tightly, and carefully looked at Ye Qing through the glass: "Brother Policeman..."

Her voice choked.

Ye Qing in the car was pale, with a cold expression, with weird patterns under his eyes, and his whole body exuded the same aura as the vampire of that day.

Xiao Wan was stunned, she couldn't figure out what happened, she was the most trustworthy person in the world, why...

She stood there in a daze, unable to escape even if she wanted to, wanted to scream—

— Ye Qing threw the phone back into the car seat, opened the car door, and calmly carried her into the car.

Xiao Wan was so frightened that she was about to faint, she bit Ye Qing's hand hard in her panic.

It was as cold as a stone, without any temperature.

It was exactly the same as the female vampire in the red dress that day.

In fact, the current Ye Qing is only one step away from collapse.

He followed his instinct and hugged Xiaowan into the car, but he didn't expect this action to be irreversible—the sweet smell permeated the car, exuding a maddening temptation, which was suppressed by Li Yuebai just now. The desire to go down is now coming back thousands of times, like a person who has been hungry for seven days and seven nights and sees food and water for the first time... can't hold back at all.

"Brother... brother..." Xiao Wan shivered with fear and curled up in a ball on the seat.

She had open wounds and a deadly bloody smell.

The phone rang again, this time it was the museum's landline, and Li Yuebai called.

Xiao Wan was really frightened, she rushed forward and pressed the answer button regardless: "Help... help!"

Before she could yell out a second time, Ye Qing had already grabbed her throat.

"Xiaoye?" Li Yuebai's voice was flustered like never before: "Please, calm down, it's all my fault..."


Just listening to his voice, Ye Qing couldn't bear it anymore.

He pulled the girl over, brought her white and tender neck to his mouth, and bit her down.

The phone was disconnected as soon as it was connected, Li Yuebai didn't even know if Ye Qing was on the other end of the line.

He heard a girl shouting "Help", and heard some other noises, but he didn't hear Ye Qing's voice.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.