The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 43: Vampire Hunter (28)


There were well-armed guards standing outside the ward. After confirming the identities of Liang Jing and Li Yuebai, they let them go.

The furnishings in the ward are very similar to the intensive care unit in the hospital. The computer and various instruments make a slight beeping sound, and various red and green lines and numbers are displayed on the screen.

On the bed in the center of the ward, Weng Zichen was wearing pajamas like an ordinary patient, lying there quietly, as if he had fallen into a coma, faint scales still appeared on his skin, and an infusion tube was still inserted in his arm. The entire bed is covered in a transparent plexiglass cover to prevent patients from violently injuring others.

Li Yuebai followed Liang Jing into the ward, then quietly turned around and closed the door, then just stood by the door without taking a step forward.

He didn't want to feel like visiting animals. Going forward and carefully observing Weng Zichen on the hospital bed from head to toe, this is really too offensive.

Liang Jing walked to the glass cover, knocked on it, and said softly, "Wake up."

Communication facilities are installed on both sides, so you can hear each other when you speak.

From Li Yuebai's point of view, Liang Jing's expression, movements and voice are all very awkward.

This kind of thing would be embarrassing for anyone.

Obviously before, they were still divorced couples who fought endlessly, but they turned into such a relationship in a blink of an eye. Liang Jing's personality is indifferent and stubborn. She is not used to taking care of patients, but she can't treat her ex-husband like an experimental animal. It's all awkward.

The man on the bed opened his eyes—they still had horrible snake-like pupils—the eyes were full of anger, and he even snorted coldly.

From the perspective of a bystander, it feels that the relationship between them has eased a lot.

"I cooked a new soup for you." Liang Jing awkwardly raised the flask in her hand: "Would you like to drink it?"

This tone seems to be the most common conversation between lovers.

In fact, Liang Jing's usual tone is: "This is the latest alternative drug of type hgx78423. I hope you will try it, so as to better promote the next research."

Li Yuebai just casually suggested that she use a more humane term, but she unexpectedly adopted it.

Weng Zichen sat up from the hospital bed, looked at the glass flask in Liang Jing's hand through the plexiglass cover, and showed a disgusted expression. Vampires only desire human blood. Of course, they have no interest in looking at such a substitute. , but at the same time he was eager to get rid of this desire as soon as possible, so he finally sneered and nodded.

"I'll send it over, don't forget to drink it." Liang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and spoke more gently. She put the flask in a small pipe port, and pressed the button. The inside and outside of the glass cover were isolated. To be on the safe side, things can only be piped into the glass enclosure.

Li Yuebai stood by the door, looking at the black liquid in the flask from a distance, feeling sick.

Probably because I was too tired and too nervous. After returning from the museum, my body has been very uncomfortable. In fact, I also had a few wounds on my body during the earthquake, but I just didn't have the energy to treat and bandage. Now, the feeling of nausea and dizziness is all over.

Weng Zichen took the flask from the other end of the pipe, but he didn't rush to drink. He just raised his head, the strangely shaped pupils in his golden eyes froze, and suddenly looked towards the door—he saw Li Yuebai's figure.

"Who? Liang Jing, who is that?" Weng Zichen roared viciously: "Did you bring someone else?"

"Don't get excited!" Seeing that he was about to quarrel again, Liang Jing hurriedly argued, "It's Gu Xisha, he's here to help you."

"Gu Xisha?" Weng Zichen looked over suspiciously. Li Yuebai stood a little far away and couldn't see clearly.

"It's me." Li Yuebai had no choice but to come forward: "Mr. Weng, long time no see."

It was really embarrassing to say this. From a polite point of view, you should at least ask "How are you?" But Weng Zichen's situation is obviously very bad, and Li Yuebai didn't know what to say, so he had to approach the glass cover step by step, and politely looked at Weng Zichen. Nod.

Unexpectedly, when Weng Zichen saw him, his whole being changed.

He has received soothing treatment for so many days, his mood and physical condition are relatively peaceful, and his danger level has dropped a lot, but when he saw Li Yuebai, he immediately entered a manic state.

With a strong wave of his arm, the flask was slammed onto the ground, shards of glass splashed, and black liquid splashed all over the floor.

Immediately afterwards, Weng Zichen showed a ferocious expression full of desire on his face, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Li Yuebai, fortunately there was a glass cover to block him. Weng Zichen rushed to the glass cover, scratching and pushing desperately, but to no avail. The glass cover rattled and remained motionless.

"Gu Xisha, come here... come here!" Weng Zichen gritted his teeth viciously, and made various dangerous gestures to Li Yuebai.

"You, don't be impulsive!" Liang Jing has never seen Weng Zichen so out of control these days: "Why...don't be like this, I'll just let him out!"

"No, tell him to come here!" On Weng Zichen's expression, apart from madness, anger, and... desire, he wished he could grab Li Yuebai immediately, tear him into pieces, and eat him...

Li Yuebai frowned, not knowing which nerve he had touched the other party again.

Maybe it's because Weng Zichen is still angry because he cracked the illusion created by Weng Zichen last time

No matter what, you can't continue to stimulate him anymore.

Li Yuebai nodded to Liang Jing, then turned around and quietly backed out.

Back in the corridor, greeted the guards, and waited here for Liang Jing to come out.

After a few minutes, the walkie-talkie rang, it was Ye Qing's walkie-talkie, and Li Yuebai always carried it with him.

After picking it up, it turned out that, as expected, it was a video call from Bureau Yang.

"Hey, hello, Xiao Gu? Why are you still holding Ye Qing's walkie-talkie? Where's Ye Qing? Have you found Ye Qing?" Ju Yang looked very anxious and impatient, his voice was higher than usual.

"Sorry, I didn't find it." When Li Yuebai thought of Ye Qing, he felt depressed and uncomfortable: "After the earthquake, I took his walkie-talkie, but I couldn't find him. Of course the walkie-talkie is still with me."

"Is there any clue of his whereabouts?" Yang Ju asked.

Li Yuebai thought of the dusty underground parking lot, and the blood-stained teddy bear. After hesitating again and again, he still gritted his teeth: "No, there is no clue."

"I'll show you a surveillance video, and you can help me deduce it." Director Yang sent the video to Li Yuebai without further ado.

The video shows an all-too-familiar underground parking lot, and the time was more than two hours ago.

Ye Qing—Ye Qing appeared in the video, he was driving his car out of the underground parking lot, but he only used one hand to drive—the other hand was holding a little girl in his arms—he couldn’t see the face clearly, But you can see the soft and petite body, and the pink dress. The little girl is motionless. Her body is covered with black, black and red blood, which looks very disgusting in the blurry video.

Ye Qing...

Li Yuebai tried his best to resist the urge to vomit, but his mind was already buzzing.

When he heard the call for help on the phone, when he picked up the blood-stained teddy bear, he thought about this possibility, but he still held a little bit of luck, hoping that there would be no homicide. there is none left…

"We just received a report from a man in the community, saying that his daughter was missing. We checked the surveillance and found this paragraph." Yang Ju's tone was very serious: "Ye Qing is a subordinate I trust very much, but After he left the team without authorization, he dared to do such an unimaginable thing. He is suspected of committing a crime and must be thoroughly investigated!"

"I..." Li Yuebai, who always boasted that the more critical the situation, the higher the IQ, really didn't know what to say this time: "I..."

"What's going on, Xiao Gu, can you provide some more clues, why are you always covering up!" Yang Ju shouted: "Xiaoye is usually reliable in character, why suddenly became a suspect in kidnapping children? You guys What the hell did you do?!"

It was my fault, all my fault.

Li Yuebai closed his eyes, letting cold sweat run down his spine.

He didn't know how he hung up the walkie-talkie. He only knew that Director Yang had sent a large number of people to track down Ye Qing and the girl's whereabouts. He didn't dare to neglect the case where human life was at stake.

However, Li Yuebai was already in despair. According to his judgment, the little girl was probably in danger.

He remembered very clearly that the moment Ye Qing became a vampire, he immediately suppressed himself, trying to suck blood, with that kind of power, that kind of berserk, he might be able to resist it, but that delicate and young girl... absolutely couldn't sustain it in a minute.

Facing enemies and villains, he could think of various ways to deal with them, but this time his opponent was Ye Qing... Facing Ye Qing, Li Yuebai felt helpless and desperate to the extreme.

At this moment, Liang Jing came out of the ward.

"You look so bad? What's wrong?" Liang Jing looked at Li Yuebai's bad face with concern, and led him to the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Li Yuebai sat down directly on the floor, his current strength was not even enough to stand upright.

"Little Gu, what's going on. You look like you just killed someone." Liang Jing sighed, poured a glass of warm water and handed it to him, but he didn't take it.

"It's nothing." Li Yuebai held his forehead wearily: "How about the human blood substitute?"

Now, the substitute has become the biggest straw in his mind, only that kind of thing can save Ye Qing from the brink of demonization.

However, just now, the bottle of black liquid was smashed by Weng Zichen.

"Not good enough, still not good enough." Liang Jing also frowned: "I just calmed down Weng Zichen, although the bottle was broken and couldn't be drunk anymore, but the liquid flowed all over the floor, and the smell was ok I can smell it... No, judging from his reaction, that bottle of substitute still doesn't have the allure of human blood."

"..." Li Yuebai nodded. He should understand that the progress of scientific research is always a long process. Liang Jing is not a god, and it is impossible to come up with a panacea all at once.

"There is something I must tell you." Liang Jing thought for a while, and said, "I asked Weng Zichen why he was so excited after seeing you, and asked him if he hated you, and he said..."

"?" At this critical juncture, Li Yuebai actually didn't care whether Weng Zichen hated himself or not.

"He said that he didn't hate you." Liang Jing's expression was also very puzzled: "As soon as you walked out, he immediately regained his composure. He said... your existence drove him into madness."

"I… ?"

"Weng Zichen said that he just heard your voice and saw your appearance, and he felt a strong... urge to eat you." Liang Jing was not joking at all, and said every word: " Yes, he said, trying to eat you."