The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 44: Vampire Hunter (29)


Want to eat me.

Li Yuebai once again felt a dull pain in his temple.

"Could it be Weng Zichen's own problem? Maybe when other people besides you come to visit, he will also go into a state of rage."

"No." Liang Jing denied: "Doctors and experts have visited him many times, but nothing..."

When crossing over, the system made it clear that Gu Xisha is a human, a complete human, without any special blood, so it is impossible for him to attract vampires more than other normal people. But the facts are in front of him, could it be that the system is hiding something

Genes, blood type, physical health... All of these may affect the smell of blood.

"Try it." Li Yuebai raised his left arm wearily, and rolled up the broken sleeve. On his arm, there was a wound cut by gravel during the earthquake. He didn't take care of the bandage and was still going out. Oozing blood: "There's blood here, take a little and test it, maybe you can see the reason."

Liang Jing frowned, brought the toolbox, but did not directly draw the blood from the wound, but simply bandaged him, and then used a disposable syringe to draw 5ml from the vein in the arm.

"The whole process takes time." Liang Jing carefully injected the drawn blood into the test tube: "It will take at least 24 hours to study every component in the blood."

"Thank you, then I'll see you again in 24 hours." Li Yuebai nodded, and gave Liang Jing a few simple instructions before barely supporting himself to get up and leave.

But before he got to the elevator, Liang Jing chased him out of the laboratory.

"Xiao Gu, wait!" In just a few steps, she was out of breath, and her face was full of panic: "The blood draw just now may have gone wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Li Yuebai frowned.

He saw with his own eyes that Liang Jing inserted the disposable registration device into her blood vessel and drew blood. The whole process conformed to the experimental specifications, and there was absolutely no possibility of any mistakes.

"There must be something wrong." Liang Jing's face turned pale: "The preliminary test result is that that tube of blood is not human at all!"

Not human at all!

It takes 24 hours to analyze the blood components one by one, but it only takes a while to determine whether the blood is human.

"Sister Liang, calm down first." Li Yuebai held her shoulders: "Assume, assuming that the blood drawing process is correct, assuming that it is my blood..."

"That can only mean that you are not human!" Liang Jing resolutely said: "How is this possible? You must have undergone countless blood tests in your work and life before. If it is wrong, you will have been found out long ago! Besides, how could you Not human?"

"If I'm not a human, am I a vampire?" Li Yuebai's heart sank, and he began to think about this question seriously.

"It's not a vampire either!" Liang Jing emphasized: "I have a sample of vampire blood here, it's completely different!"

Indeed, his current blood was still bright red, while the blood of the vampires he met before was very dark, viscous and cold, which was obviously different.

"So." Li Yuebai felt dizzy again: "Maybe I..."

Since the earthquake, he has been feeling dizzy, nausea and physically unwell, but he thought it was caused by worrying too much about Ye Qing, and he didn't think about it physically. Now it seems that there may be a real physical problem.

Could it be that just recently, something changed in him, from a human to something else

When exactly did it change

After finally calming down Liang Jing, Li Yuebai didn't dare to waste a minute to rest, and immediately drove back to the museum.

The cordoned off museum is empty, the main force in the city bureau has gone to look for Ye Qing, only a few people are left here to help deal with the aftermath.

Li Yuebai came back to get Ye Qing's computer.

Before the earthquake, Ye Qing put the computer on the table in the repair room, the building is well protected against earthquakes, and the repair room is a key protection area, so the computer should be intact.

Ye Qing's computer has enough data and information, as well as the entire content of "Blood Demon Test", not to mention, there are surveillance videos...

At that time in the restoration room, Wang Wen invited himself to sit down and chat, and asked Oda to pour two cups of tea over... Out of doubts, he didn't drink a sip, and Ye Qing of course didn't drink either. He was fiddling with the computer - at that moment he hacked into the museum's system and took over the entire museum's surveillance cameras.

What's more, in order to cover up his behavior, Wang Wen temporarily cut off the connection between the computer in the central control room of the museum and the various cameras by using his authority, that is to say, Ye Qing's computer became the only computer that recorded the surveillance video.

After Li Yuebai greeted the others, he made it clear that he was picking up the items left here, and then returned to the restoration room.

None of the cultural relics were lost, they had already been put away by the museum, only Ye Qing's computer was still glowing on the table, the screen had been automatically locked, and it couldn't be opened without a password.

"You guys know about Ye Qing, right?" Li Yuebai tentatively asked a few colleagues who were standing there, or ex-colleagues. We have worked together for several years and are very familiar with each other.

"It's not long since I found out, Brother Gu, what's going on?" Several colleagues learned about Ye Qing's affairs from the bureau, and they were all discussing it secretly. Aloof, genius, somewhat depressive tendencies. It's not impossible for this kind of person to be a potential criminal, there are too many genius criminals like this in this world, but with Ye Qing's usual behavior, he shouldn't do something like kidnap a little girl.

"You don't need to worry about Ye Qing's affairs. Your task now is to guard the site of the museum. I will meet up with Director Yang immediately, and then we will discuss where to hunt him down." Li Yuebai said with these few words. It was very difficult, as soon as Ye Qing's matter was mentioned, he felt his throat was blocked and he couldn't speak at all.

He walked to the computer, closed the lid, and picked it up: "This computer was put here when I came here to investigate before the earthquake. Now I need to take it away. Doesn't it violate the procedure?"

Of course Li Yuebai can't say that this computer belongs to Ye Qing, Ye Qing is on the run now, his computer should be handed over to the Bureau as important evidence and clues, it cannot be taken away easily.

"Brother Gu, is this computer yours?" A colleague asked extra.

"It's not mine, could it be your kid's?" Li Yuebai shouted, "alien alw42ed-4689, I forgot it after a few days?"

There was a fingerprint recognition on the screen, Li Yuebai clicked it, and the recognition was successful.

"No problem, no problem!" The colleague was furious by him, and hurriedly let him go: "According to the procedure, the people's property must be returned, and you can just take it away."

When they lived together before, Li Yuebai entered the fingerprints as the second order master at Ye Qing's request, and Ye Qing used another one in the bureau, so no one knew Who is the real owner of this computer.

Li Yuebai returned to the car with the computer, drove to a secluded area, took a deep breath, and opened it.

There are a lot of surveillance videos inside, the restoration room, the office... It took me a long time to find the small office.

The small office is where the dormant body possessed Ye Qing. Although the light is very dark, the camera has night vision function. If you adjust the brightness, you can see the situation clearly.

After positioning at the correct time, a picture appeared on the screen - he broke in holding Ye Qing's body, carefully placed Ye Qing on the ground, then turned around and slammed the security door shut.

Next, he half-kneeled beside Ye Qing, tore off the sealing silver cord, and opened the black coffin...

Li Yuebai almost stopped breathing.

Inside the black coffin, floated a small figure, half red, half blue, with a pointed hat on its head, pale and ferocious, just like a clown.

That is the dormant vampire body possessed by Ye Qing.

With a strange smile, it floated around in the air, but it didn't rush to possess Ye Qing, but returned to the black coffin!

gone back

Not long after, the clown's dormant body floated out again. This time, it held a small human figure in its arms—it looked like an elf, the color was white with a little transparency, and the elf was stiff and motionless. It seems that there is no life in general.

The clown's dormant body was holding the elf and floating in the air, instead of flying towards Ye Qing, it floated towards Li Yuebai.

There were several wounds on Li Yuebai's arms and legs, bleeding, but all his attention was on Ye Qing, and he didn't care at all.

The clown's dormant body floated in front of a deep wound, and he showed a weird smile in satisfaction, and then let go of the elf in his arms.

The elf exuded brilliant white light, as if attracted by some kind of force, and entered Li Yuebai's body through the wound.

Seeing the elf disappear into the wound, the dormant clown nodded in satisfaction, and quickly possessed Ye Qing.

For the next thing, you don’t need to watch the video anymore.

Li Yuebai shuddered fiercely in front of the computer.

That's... what's that

He touched his heart in a panic, and followed the scars on his limbs to touch the blood vessels on the surface of the skin... What... came in here

The elf seemed to have melted into its own body, and there was no trace of it.

After calming down, Li Yuebai opened the video again with trembling hands, paused, and traced the outline of the white elf with the mouse pointer. It has a slender appearance and a stiff body. What exactly is it

After closing his eyes and keeping its outline in his mind, Li Yuebai turned off the video and opened "Blood Demon Test".

He had read "Blood Phantom Examination" through before, but after all, he didn't have a photographic memory, and he only memorized a lot of content.

This book was completely scanned into Ye Qing's computer, and it is very convenient to retrieve it.

Li Yuebai's gaze scanned the illustrations one by one - there are not only text descriptions in the book, but sometimes illustrations are also included, but the illustrations are poorly drawn and unremarkable, and he used to ignore them.

Soon, his eyes stopped on a simple picture, which was a small elf-like thing, crooked, barely matching the white elf in the video.

The correct name of the "elf" is written on the side of the picture - there is no Chinese transliteration, but a foreign word - vila


A note was added next to it: Wei La is a monster in the mountains and forests in the eastern part of the Western Great Qin Kingdom. Its death is also stiff for thousands of years, and it will enter when injured, only changing flesh and blood, not invading people's mind...

Translated into the vernacular, vila, transliterated as Weila, is an elf living in the forests in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. It is rare in number and beautiful in appearance. As long as vampires see her face, hear her voice, and smell her smell, they will go crazy. Like a vampire, she will become a dormant body. After she enters a dormant state, she can maintain a rigid posture for thousands of years. When she encounters a human wound, she can invade the human body... Occupy a human body and turn a person into a vila physique... The difference is that she will not invade human brains, and will not control human thoughts, therefore, human beings will not realize that they have been possessed by her...

"The system." Li Yuebai seemed to be able to sense which dark corner the system was hiding in to watch the joke: "I was possessed by the dormant body of villa?"

"Exactly, my host." There was still a polite smile in the system's voice.

"Aren't there only dormant bodies of vampires in this world?"

"Dear host, I have never said that before." The system replied: "In that black coffin, there are not only the clown dormant body, but also the villa dormant body, both of which coexist in the same coffin... and the clown dormant body is The most witty and mischievous of all vampires, but you were injured again, so the dormant clown made such a prank... "


"As for why I didn't remind you? My dear host, because you have told me to [get out]!"