The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 47: Vampire Hunter (32)


Li Yuebai drove the car onto the outer ring road with few people.

In less than half a day, he and Ye Qing fell into the same deadlock - both became fugitive criminals.

Ye Qing is a vampire and has the ability of mind control, therefore, when passing some checkpoints, even if he is wanted, there is always a way to get through.

But I don't have such ability, once the king's bureau starts to lay a net, there will be no escape.

What is the crime of assaulting a police officer

The anesthesia gun used was contraband... The silver-plated long knife with rattan pattern was also contraband. It had already been left in the parking lot of the city bureau, and there was no time to pick it up.

After much deliberation, Li Yuebai still took out the walkie-talkie and sent a call request to Bureau Wang.

Soon, it will be picked up over there.

Wang Ju had probably never seen such a bold suspect who dared to talk on the phone as soon as he escaped.

"Director Wang, don't want me wanted." Li Yuebai made an unbelievable request confidently.

"What? The fugitive suspect asked the police station not to be wanted? This is an anecdote!" Bureau Wang must have been tapping the table again, bang bang bang bang.

"I have always hated making small reports." Li Yuebai said helplessly, "But if you want to formally arrest me, I have no choice but to report you to the National Security Department."

"Xiao Gu, I advise you, rein in the precipice." Wang Ju suppressed his anger, and his tone became more serious.

"It's you who should rein in the precipice." Li Yuebai's voice became lower and lower: "Do you want to become a vampire that much?"

In the original plot line of this world, in the human camp, some people are constantly trying to be possessed by dormant bodies and become vampires, because they are afraid of death and long for eternal life.

The current Wang Ju is exactly this kind of person.

When I was young, I was full of vigor and energy. When I was old, panic began to creep up in my heart. The most terrifying and powerful weapon in the world is time. No matter how powerful people are, they have to bow their heads in front of it. Decades have passed, everything once easy to have, even health, has become a luxury, and the shadow of death is gradually approaching. At this age, too many people have a crazy pursuit of health preservation—all kinds of medicines, skin care products, Therapeutic instruments are popular, no matter how expensive they are, there will always be people willing to buy them. This kind of human nature is not worth ridiculing, but just a kind of helplessness—no one is not afraid of aging, and no one is not afraid of death. At such an age, coupled with the temptation of "eternal life", if you are not careful, you will be addicted to it and cannot extricate yourself.

The vast majority of them are scared away by order and law—although it is good to be a vampire and can live forever, they will face the risk of being killed by human violent agencies in the next second.

As for Wang Ju, he is the leader of the violent organization. He has certain power, personal strength, and the opportunity to contact the dormant body. Once he is driven by desire, it is almost a matter of course to fight for the dormant body.

When Li Yuebai was blocked by Wang Ju in the parking lot just now, he almost really mistakenly thought for a moment that Wang Ju and Yang Ju colluded with each other to lure him here.

But when he calmed down and thought about it again, he found a loophole.

First of all, if this is a trap laid by Bureau Yang, if their purpose is to arrest themselves, then why didn't they set up an ambush in the city bureau building, why didn't they set up an ambush at the entrance of the city bureau, why didn't they set up an ambush near the safe —Every place is easier to block yourself than the parking lot. Why do you wait until you arrive at the parking lot and drive away immediately to block yourself

Then, if this is a trap, why did Bureau Yang really use the real black coffin as bait? He could put a rock or something else in the safe without risking something important.

And then, Wang Ju was obviously in a meeting in another place at this time, why did he rush to arrest him? When he asked tentatively, after Wang Ju thought about it, he followed his own train of thought and admitted that he had conspired with Yang Ju to trick him into coming. If there was a real conspiracy, Bureau Wang could just go forward and arrest him without saying a word or revealing any information. How could he tell the whole truth about the trap in front of his subordinates

In the end, Wang Ju's attention to the black coffin was really too concentrated. Although he kept using the superficial purpose of arresting himself to cover up, it can still be seen that there is only one deep purpose - to obtain a black coffin and a dormant body.

It's not that Wang Ju is not sophisticated enough, nor is he hiding deep enough, it's just that he is driven by strong desires, no matter how cautious a person is, he can't hide his intentions under the raging desires.

From the beginning to the end, everything Yang Ju told him was true. Someone tried to decipher the safe code, someone tried to snatch the dormant body, and someone tried to fall to the vampire camp—and this person was Wang Ju.

"Wang Ju, you didn't commit any actual crimes. It's still too late to stop now. I won't say a word." Li Yuebai was very sincere: "There are several people in the National Security Department who suspected you. If I call If you report your small report, they will come to stare at you immediately, and even if you successfully transform, you will be assassinated by them with silver bullets... So, how about taking a step back?"

"Dormant body." Wang Ju didn't pick up his words, but just spit out three words.

Wang Ju knew very well that their conversations would be recorded and might be used as an excuse to threaten him in the future. Therefore, he bit his words to death. No matter how Gu Xisha teased or set him up, Wang Ju would never admit that he had The attempt to become a vampire is flawless in every word.

In order to escape successfully, Li Yuebai threw the small black coffin to Wang Ju. Now that Wang Ju has the small black coffin in his hand, it means he has a certain degree of initiative. His phrase "dormant body" subtext is "the dormant body is in my Here", the further subtext is: what qualifications do you, Gu Xisha, have to negotiate terms with me? Since the dormant body is with me, I hold the initiative and can become a vampire at any time. It takes a while from when you make a small report until the people from the National Security Department arrive. During this time, a vampire is enough to escape. Therefore, you are completely in no position to negotiate terms with me.

"Yes, if the dormant body is in your hands, things will be very difficult." Li Yuebai said helplessly: "You can become a vampire immediately and then run away. Before you leave, you may leave a suicide note or something, pointing out that I am The murderer, not only can he ignore my threats, but he can also trick me and make me wanted by the police for a long time... But it is a pity that the one in your hand is a fake."


Wang Ju frowned, and looked at the small black coffin in his hand.

Both the material of the coffin and the sealed silver cord on it are exactly the same as the evidence in previous cases. These craftsmanship cannot be replicated by modern human technology, and they cannot be more real.

"The coffin and the sealing silver rope are real, but there is no dormant body inside." Li Yuebai said.

Alarm bells rang in Wang Ju's heart.

He didn't hang up the intercom, and walked into his private office in the city bureau with a black coffin. There was a very well-sealed cubicle there, which was the most suitable place for possession. He took off the glass glasses he usually wore, and changed Put on electronic display glasses—this kind of glasses is specially made to perform special tasks, and the lenses are all electronic display screens, through which the dormant body can be clearly observed.

After getting ready, Wang Ju opened the small black coffin.

There was nothing there.

Even with electronic display glasses to observe, there is no shadow of the dormant body at all.

On the other end of the walkie-talkie, Li Yuebai heard the crackling sound of the silver cord being unsealed, and immediately said: "Do you believe it now? Sorry, I used that to lie to you."

In the parking lot, the little black coffin he kicked to Wang Ju was actually the same coffin in the museum that used to hold the clown and vila.

As for the coffin with the dormant body that was taken out of the safe, it is still on him.

Not to mention Bureau Wang, not even Bureau Yang, not even the other colleagues in the Municipal Bureau, knew that there was a dormant body of a clown in the museum. Only Li Yuebai, Yeqing, and Zhuo Zhuo Wang Wen Xiaotian were the only ones who knew about it. The latter three were probably still in a coma, and it was impossible to tell Wang Ju about it from a distance. Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for Wang Ju to know, Gu Xisha There is a second black coffin on his body, but it is actually empty.

"Where did you get the extra empty coffin?" As expected of the king, he didn't lose his temper under the rage, and he was able to straighten out his thoughts and continue to ask.

"Recently, I have been investigating various vampire-related cases. There are too many such things, as many as you want." Li Yuebai said nonsense.

On the other end of the walkie-talkie, Ju Wang seemed to have lit a cigarette and took a long drag.

Without the dormant body as a bargaining chip in his hand, he had to seriously consider the "one step back" requested by Gu Xisha. In fact, this is very simple. As long as he does not order Gu Xisha to be wanted, the people who were hit by the tranquilizer gun are also his confidantes , I won't say a word, Gu Xisha's personality will naturally not push people too much, and he will not report his dangerous thoughts to the National Security Department. I can still be the top leader of the city bureau, just pretend that the previous things have never happened, and everything can be calm.

I have to say that such a transaction is very good, fair and win-win.

"Wang Ju, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence to my plan of retreating one step at a time." Li Yuebai sighed: "That's it, goodbye."

The call was hung up.

Wang Ju smoked out a few cigarettes, but still felt that his anger was still unsatisfied. It was really embarrassing for him to be swayed by Gu Xisha like this.

Even if Gu Xisha cannot be publicly wanted, he must find another way to take revenge on him.

In this era, if you want to destroy a person, you don't have to use public power to "want".

Gu Xisha has many enemies, as long as his recent situation is spread, someone will come to seek revenge.

Just as Director Wang was thinking about the best way, the phone rang, and it was from Building 39 of the General Hospital of the Military Region.

"Hello, Wang Ju, I have something to report to you." On the other end of the phone is the guard guarding Weng Zichen. He will record everything every day and report to Wang Ju: "At two o'clock in the morning today, Gu Xisha, a former policeman from your bureau, came to our place, first went to see Liang Jing, and then visited Weng Zichen with Liang Jing."

"Is there anything suspicious?" Wang Ju frowned.

"Yes, when he and Liang Jing went to see Weng Zichen in the ward, Weng Zichen was very excited, almost wanting to rush up and fight Gu Xisha." The guard was also puzzled: "I don't know what's going on, but Gu Xisha Xisha has high authority, and we did not stop him."

"Although this matter is small, it must be taken seriously." Director Wang ordered, "Send me the video data, and I will investigate it myself."

There are very few video materials, only a photo taken by the camera at the door when Gu Xisha drove into the General Hospital of the Military Region.

In that photo, Gu Xisha's face and license plate number were clearly captured.

As long as such a photo is posted on the Internet, it will be equivalent to revealing Gu Xisha's recent whereabouts. If someone wants to kill him, they only need to track down the license plate number, which saves time and effort compared to issuing a warrant.

With a click of the mouse, Wang Ju sent the photo anonymously.

Of course, at this time, Wang Ju would not have thought that his move would be more effective than he imagined.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary photo. At most, people will say: Oh, this is the ex-policeman who was released on bail, the one that was in the news before.

And in the eyes of vampires... even through photos, they can see through the essence of villaa.

Not long after the photo was sent out, Gao Chengyu's underground vampire kingdom received a message at 1 am in Damascus, raising Gu Xisha's importance level to the first place.