The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 6: Shangjing musicians (6)


The feast of watching the moon and lanterns has begun.

"Sister." Shan Lan was wearing the clothes of Mrs. Gaoming, and she also attended the banquet. When she saw Concubine Shan, she hurriedly took her hand, and handed a folded red paper to Concubine Shan from the palm of her hand, whispering In the ear of Concubine Shan, she asked for a long time.

Concubine Shan listened with a faint smile, her expression as usual.

At the time of the second watch, Concubine Shan put on a fox fur cloak, supported by maid Lian Xin, and escorted by several eunuchs, left the banquet and walked towards Yuanheng Palace.

At the gate of Yuanheng Palace, she left Lian Xin and several young eunuchs behind, and entered the palace alone.

As soon as he entered, he heard the soft sound of the zither coming from the side hall.

Candles were lit in the side hall, and the door was also open. Yun Weizhi played the zither alone in the side hall.

The main hall was also brightly lit, and the figures of the maids came and went. It seemed that the queen and the prince were there.

It's a shame that the empress was not in the same room as Master Yun, but no matter how careful they were, they couldn't escape this hurdle.

Concubine Shan straightened her hair in a bun, put on a smile, and walked towards the main hall.

"Hey, why is Sister Concubine Shan here? Isn't she having a banquet?" The queen smiled and sent her maid to help her up.

"I was thinking about the empress, so I planned to come here to say hello before I knew it. I wonder if I'm bothering my empress?" Concubine Shan smiled very respectfully: "Tonight is the Lantern Festival, what good words can my empress get?"

"There are no good words or sentences, I just scribble them down." The queen let Concubine Shan in and gave her a seat.

"How is Your Highness the Crown Prince today? Is it better?" Concubine Shan asked with concern.

"It's much better, it's just that it's cold, and I haven't gone out for a walk." The queen spoke in a very gentle tone today, not like the high and aloof look in the past.

After exchanging pleasantries, Concubine Shan approached the queen mysteriously, and said, "Empress, my concubine has something to say about herself, and I want to talk to you alone."

"Oh? Is there anything you can't say in front of them?" The queen smiled and said, "None of my maids and eunuchs are outsiders."

"This..." Concubine Shan showed embarrassment.

Seeing her insistence, the queen asked all the left and right to back out and closed the door.

Concubine Shan took out a piece of red paper from her bosom, unfolded it, and pointed it out to the queen under the bright moonlight: "This is a remnant left by Wu Zidao, a poet of the former dynasty. The concubine got it, and the concubine thought that the empress would like to enjoy this thing most, so she came here to present it to the empress."

"Such a good thing, why don't you appreciate it under the lamp?" The queen asked with a smile.

"Wu Zidao's poems are unrestrained and elegant, and my concubine thinks that they are more poetic when read by moonlight." Concubine Shan explained.

"Sister really remembers Ben Gong in her heart, and Ben Gong is very pleased." The queen laughed.

"The concubine doesn't know any poems, but just thinking that my mother loves this the most, so I hurried to present it to my mother." Concubine Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

"My sister's kindness, I accept it. I have always loved poetry, and I will definitely transcribe it carefully under the moonlight."

After exchanging pleasantries, Concubine Shan drank two more cups of tea before putting on her clothes and leaving.

Back at the banquet, Shan Lan hurriedly asked, "How is it? Is everything going well?"

"Successful, but too smooth, I am a little worried." Concubine Shan rubbed her temples, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that the queen tonight was a little weird, so easy to talk about!

But after thinking about the whole process carefully, I really can't find anything that is not perfect.

"Success is what should be done." Shan Lan sighed: "Sister, you have worked hard for so many years, and you have a thorough understanding of this queen's temperament, even how she loves poetry, whose poems she loves, and how she copies poems. Which language cannot be understood and which language... I have figured out everything, so why is it not smooth?"

"Yes, I not only know that the Empress loves Wu Zidao's poems, but also that she loves to copy poems under the bright moonlight, and that she likes to put letters in the bedside box and put poems under the box..." Shan The concubine stretched out her slender hands and stroked her forehead and the corners of her eyes: "No matter how hard it is, it's worth it."

"Sister, hurry up and take Baiwangsan." Dan Lan reminded: "Otherwise, the time will not be right. When I wake up tomorrow, I will tell you all the big and small things tonight. .”

Dan Lan took out a small packet of medicinal powder from her sleeve, and handed it over under the cover of a wide palace sleeve, Concubine Shan took it and sprinkled it into the teacup, and drank it all in one gulp.

Although the imperial physician can be bribed, there is no guarantee that other imperial physicians who do not know about it will not be temporarily invited to treat her. Therefore, whether it is in the original work or this time, Concubine Shan has really taken Baiwangsan.

That night, Shan Lan excused that it was getting late and it was inconvenient to go back home, so she stayed in the Concubine Shan's palace. The two were direct sisters and often went to and from each other, so no one in the palace suspected her.

The next day, news spread in the palace that Concubine Shan was sick and lying in bed.

Before the imperial physician came, Shan Lan had already told Concubine Shan everything that happened last night word by word. Therefore, Concubine Shan seemed to be ignorant of everything because of drinking Baiwangsan, but in fact everything was very clear.

In order to be more believable, Concubine Shan also specially invited several imperial physicians who were usually upright and could not hide their words to come for diagnosis and treatment.

"This... this is Baiwangsan!" The imperial physician turned pale with shock, "Madam, this is a major matter, I dare not speak falsely or hide it!"

"I also ask you to keep quiet for the time being." Concubine Shan lay in the tent, her voice was a little weak: "The matter has not been clarified yet, I don't want to cause trouble for the palace... Please wait for a while."

After the imperial physician left, Shan Lan asked inexplicably, "Why didn't my sister speak up immediately?"

"The time is not ripe yet." Concubine Shan smiled and said, "It's early in the morning, Your Majesty has not yet gone to the morning court, and he is in a good mood. If I raise my voice now, Your Majesty may let it go lightly, and will not put the Queen to death." .”

"You're right. Your Majesty just entertained the Persian mission last night. I heard that they had a very happy conversation. This morning, Your Majesty must be in a good mood." Shan Lan nodded.

"The situation will be different when Your Majesty finishes his court visit. According to what my sister said last night, the Grand Master knows that there will be several papers handed in for today's morning court, and all the words written in them are not pleasant! Your Majesty, your Majesty. After the morning court, you will definitely be very angry!" Concubine Shan's eyes flashed brightly.

"If Your Majesty is in a bad mood, the queen and Yun Yueshi will surely die." Shan Lan said with a smile.

"Also, the queen got Wu Zidao's poems from me last night, so she will definitely be very popular in poetry. Maybe she has already written a few poems by herself." Concubine Shan pinched her fingers and said: "Your Majesty, I have never liked the queen to write poems. , After returning to the harem after the court, knowing what new poems the queen has written, the face will be stiff first."

"Then we use this strength to tell what happened last night, it must be a thunderstorm!" Dan Lan's voice became lower and lower, but the ecstasy in her tone couldn't be restrained.

The single concubine harmed the queen because of the prosperity and wealth of herself and her son, Zhao Taishi Zhao Na harmed the queen because of family antagonisms, and also for the sake of her own official fortune, and Dan Lan harmed the queen not only for the benefit, not just for her own benefit. My younger sister and husband help, but also for my own selfishness.

It turned out that twenty years ago, when the emperor was still the crown prince, both Shan Lan and Xiao Wenyin were proposed as candidates for the crown princess. However, after comparing various aspects, Xiao Wenyin was from a higher family background, more beautiful in appearance, and more elegant in temperament. She was so decent that she was elected as the crown princess, but Shan Lan married Zhao Na because she hated her failure. Therefore, she had a special hatred for Xiao Wenyin.

On the side of Yuanheng Palace, Li Yuebai sent a little eunuch to see how Concubine Shan was doing.

The little eunuch came back soon, and said: "Concubine Shan hasn't woken up yet, she said she caught a cold from drinking last night, and she is feeling unwell."

Li Yuebai understood.

He turned to Murong Nan, and said, "His Royal Highness, did you let the Empress take care of all the things I asked you to do last night?"

Murong Nan smiled indifferently: "That's natural."

Li Yuebai felt strange: "My instructions are somewhat weird, why does His Highness not doubt or ask me, and everything is done?"

After thinking about it, I felt that I still had to explain it carefully, so I racked my brains and said: "His Royal Highness, there are a few villains in the palace and outside the palace, and they always suspect that I have a relationship with the queen... There is that... "

"Oh?" Murong Nan raised his eyebrows, turned around and bullied him again: "Brother Yun, do you really have... for my mother?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Li Yuebai was so frightened that he raised his hand and swore to show his innocence.

"I'm sorry you don't dare." Murong Nan pinched Li Yuebai's neck with a smile: "It's just, I remember that when I was in Ningzhou, Brother Yun didn't have the eccentricity of being afraid of women, why did he have it when he came to this palace? "

"I'm not scared by you!" Li Yuebai said forcefully.

"That's right..." Murong Nan thought for a while, "How about, Brother Yun, how about adding another quirk in the future? Not only is he afraid of women, but he also hates men, except for me."

"..." Li Yuebai was speechless, what is this called? Shangjing little vinegar king

"Hey, Your Highness, the grassroots have a question." Li Yuebai kicked Murong Nan's ankle: "Does the Empress have any new poems today?"

"Brother Yun likes the queen mother's poems so much?" Murong Nan's eyes froze.

"No, I'll just ask." Li Yuebai secretly groaned in his heart, what kind of Shura field is this!

According to the original work, today, Empress Xiao's "Nostalgia" will be freshly released.

If the other incidents were framed by Concubine Shan and others, then this song "Nostalgia" was the empress' own fault.

In the original work, the empress thought that the name of the musician Yun Weizhi was nice, and she also admired his skills. Because the prince's health improved and he was in a happy mood, she wrote this poem and embedded Yun Weizhi's name in it.

There are four lines in the whole poem: Only Zhao Jiazhuang is counted in the palace, and the defeated rain and residual clouds mistake the King of Han. Only after knowing about it for a month, I once watched Feiyan enter Zhaoyang.

It's nothing at first glance, but if you look carefully, you can find the word Yun Weizhi.

The song "Nostalgia" first came out from the palace, which aroused the emperor's anger. Then, the incident of Concubine Shan's amnesia broke out, and the anger escalated.

Li Yuebai believes that after "Nostalgia" came out, Concubine Shan saw a good opportunity, so she immediately decided to close the net.

"Your Highness, I heard that the empress wrote a poem for me." Li Yuebai said with a smile, "Please come and read it for me, Your Highness."

Murong Nan left with a cold face.

The recovery speed of His Royal Highness is also much faster than in the original work. In the original work, he is still bedridden at this time and is often in a coma. Now this brat can walk around freely. Is it because he is seen and bullied by him every day? credit? Li Yuebai was secretly surprised.

After a while, Murong Nan came back with a small carved incense burner, and handed it to Li Yuebai with a smile: "Brother Yun, I have sent someone to search through the poems of the empress, and there is a new one called "Reminiscence". Brother Yun's name is included."

"Where is that poem now? Bring it to me!" Li Yuebai pretended to be excited.

"No more." Murong Nan leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I put it in the incense burner and burned it to ashes."