The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 61: Vampire Hunter (46)


His eyes were blood red.

Li Yuebai looked over vaguely, and managed to catch a glimpse of Gao Chengyu's figure—he was standing only a few meters away from him, against the moonlight, with a playful expression on his face, and he just stood there without coming over.

Why... why wasn't he attracted to vila? Li Yuebai almost lost the strength to think.

"Are you wondering about this?" Gao Chengyu bent his knuckles and knocked on the air in front of him, there was a clear sound of knocking on the glass: "It's just a barrier."

If someone looks at it carefully from the perspective of God, they will see a strange scene: Gao Chengyu's whole body is shrouded in a transparent barrier, the texture of which is like glass, and the purest crystal, which absorbs all blood The smell is isolated, of course, he can still see Li Yuebai, he can still hear Li Yuebai's voice, but for a vampire of his level, as long as the smell of blood is isolated, the temptation will be reduced by more than half , Can rely on willpower to resist temptation and suppress impulse.

"If I arrive a little later, you may be torn into pieces by my subordinates." Gao Chengyu said: "I risked my life and went back to China just to get vila, how could I just let you destroy it so easily?" Lose."

Around them, the vampires who were biting and scrambling for Li Yuebai were separated by Gao Chengyu with another transparent barrier and pushed to a longer distance, but they still haven't woken up from their madness. Looking at the leader, he didn't dare to go forward, and couldn't bear the temptation at the same time, so he could only stand viciously behind the barrier, repeatedly licking the remaining blood on his nails.

Like human beings, the blood in vila can also be regenerated. As long as the life is maintained, the blood will always be produced by a steady flow of water. This is exactly the idea Gao Chengyu came up with. He wanted to tame vila and keep it in his hands like a domestic animal , using villa's blood as a reward to control the vampires under him.

In modern society, as long as ordinary human beings are exposed to drugs, they will be unable to resist this huge temptation, and will fall into the abyss step by step, completely controlled by drugs and drug dealers. And for vampires, vila is such a drug.

"In the beginning, what I wanted was a completely obedient villa, so I planted so many illusions for you, with the purpose of destroying your mind." Gao Chengyu shook his head: "Unfortunately, the goal was not achieved at all."

The many illusions in the Seven Star Building were completely deciphered by the villa in front of him, which was beyond Gao Chengyu's expectation, because, according to his understanding of Gu Xisha, Gu Xisha should have a hard-hearted, rigid and easy-to-break character. , coupled with the influence of childhood shadows... Such a person should be the easiest to be defeated by illusions, I don't want to...

Even if vila's mind can't be damaged, then thousands of brainwashing methods and training methods can't be used. It's impossible to get a well-behaved vila who recognizes the master.

Therefore, the current Gao Chengyu can only settle for the next best thing and change to a simpler and more direct solution.

"From now on, everything about you doesn't belong to you anymore." Gao Chengyu raised his right hand and waved it lightly.

In the air, something transparent was gradually solidifying into shape—it was a new barrier, and around Li Yuebai’s body, a box-shaped thing gradually solidified—it was a coffin, the shape of which was different from the usual black coffin. The difference is that the whole body is transparent. Li Yuebai's bloody body was contained in the coffin, and the transparent coffin lid was quietly closed.

"Host, the current situation is the highest level of danger, please give instructions quickly." Even the judge was a little anxious: "It is only one step away from the complete failure of the mission."

The judge has a clear and reasonable judgment on the current situation, knowing that once the host is imprisoned, it will be difficult to find a chance to escape and fight back.

Li Yuebai really wanted to answer the system, but he couldn't say a word at all.

Healing spells were added to the transparent coffin, and the wounds all over his body had stopped bleeding, and even began to heal slowly. However, the healed body was even weaker than when it was injured. He also understood in his vague consciousness that Gao Chengyu would not be so kind and he would not heal himself completely, but just wanted to hang his own life and keep himself in this painful state of immortality forever.

Li Yuebai moved his right hand subconsciously, trying to test how much strength he still had, but this attempt was quickly interrupted.

The transparent coffin lid was opened, and there was a sharp whistling sound in the air, and a sharp long thorn of thorns flew into the coffin. Its length and thickness were no different from that of a pen, but it was extremely sharp. Li Yuebai's right wrist, which he was trying to move, was firmly nailed into the bottom of the coffin.

Li Yuebai's eyes widened suddenly.

The pain was very strong, and there was no bleeding, not a single bit of blood flowed out to be wasted.

"Don't move." Gao Chengyu's voice was low: "It's come to this point, I still believe that you will play tricks, so, just to be on the safe side, it's best not to move at all..."

He looked at Li Yuebai carefully, and then chanted another spell.

More thorns and thorns appeared out of thin air, flying in a circle in the air, and then, like darts flying all over the sky, pierced through Li Yuebai's left wrist and ankles, making him unable to move even a single finger.

Li Yuebai bit his lips tightly, suppressing the cry of pain. Although he couldn't move, his body was still trembling slightly, and cold sweat flowed down his collarbone, mixing with the blood that flowed out before.

Why, why can't he pass out after being injured to this extent

"Host, I'm afraid this mission has failed ahead of time." The judge turned the entire screen into red: "I'm sorry, but as your system, I'm helpless."

"The system..." Li Yuebai finally recovered a little strength to ask the system: "Why am I still sober...?"

"Your mental strength is very strong, and your injury has just been healed by a spell, so you won't fall into a coma." The judge's voice was a little puzzled, and he didn't understand why the host asked this question at a critical moment of life and death.

"Ye Qing... what about it?"

"Host, as your system, I obeyed your order and hypnotized Ye Qing. He is now in a safe place not far from you, and has not been discovered by the enemy."

Hypnosis... It turns out that the system still has this ability...

"System, hypnotize me." Li Yuebai gritted his teeth and gave the order.

"Host, I can't do this request." The system replied quickly, with bewilderment, anxiety and guilt in his tone: "The system is bound in the spiritual realm of the host, hypnotizing you is equivalent to hypnotizing yourself. Things, the system can't do it, and it can't hypnotize itself."

No, no, if you don't pass out immediately... the dormant body may fly away...

In Li Yuebai's close-fitting pocket, lay a small black coffin quietly, which he took out from Bureau Yang's safe, and successfully escaped the competition from Bureau Wang. , always with me.

Now, it's time to use it.

Li Yuebai carefully recalled the records in "Blood Phantom Test", which tended to think that the dormant body of a vampire is very powerful, and when it possesses other ghost creatures, it will suppress the characteristics of other ghosts.

That is to say, as a villa now, I can still be possessed by a dormant vampire body. After being bent over, I will transform into a vampire and no longer be a villa.

The moment he rescued Ye Qing with the smell of his own blood, he had already untied the sealing silver cord on the black coffin at the same time, put the opened black coffin back into his chest pocket, and waited for himself to be released by everyone. The moment the vampire bit down until he fell unconscious, he was possessed by it.

After transforming into a vampire, the situation will also be reversed.

However, after all the calculations, I didn't expect it—the coma I thought was the easiest, but it didn't come for a long time.

The extreme pain made him more and more awake.

what to do.

Could it be that he bit his tongue and killed himself like in a literary work

This idea made Li Yuebai's heart tremble. This method would be uncomfortable and difficult to implement, but until now, he could only try it.

He quietly put his tongue between his teeth, and secretly exerted force, intending to bite down—

— was blocked.

Even such a slight movement cannot avoid Gao Chengyu's eyes.

A thorn thorn flew from nowhere, pierced through Li Yuebai's cheek, and got stuck between his teeth, rigidly blocking his attempt to bite down.

"Hmm..." Li Yuebai let out a vague whimper.

This time the pain was more severe than when the hands and feet were pierced, and it brought boundless despair.

"Gu Xisha, what are you struggling with? Do you really want to commit suicide?" Gao Chengyu's eyes flickered faintly: "Or... do you have other plans? Your behavior is very suspicious..."

With a transparent barrier surrounding him, he walked towards Li Yuebai step by step, bent down, and looked down at Li Yuebai: "Or, you also carry a weapon that you plan to use to fight back?"

He didn't search with his own hands, but just clapped his hands, and several thorns and thorns appeared in the air again. They were like dexterous fingers, they circled a few times in the air, circled down, and lifted Li Yuebai's clothes away. Searched carefully in the waist and pockets.

Perhaps, in the next second, the little black coffin will be discovered.

Gao Chengyu narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Li Yuebai carefully.

He was sure that something would be found in no time.

All his attention was on Li Yuebai at the moment, and he didn't even notice the sound of breaking through the air behind him. He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the exclamation of his subordinates.

With a loud noise, the transparent barrier surrounding Gao Chengyu was instantly shattered.

What shattered the barrier was a bayonet-mounted rifle. There was no bullet in the gun, but the shiny metal barrel still had a powerful destructive force.

"You..." Gao Chengyu turned around abruptly, and saw the culprit who plotted against him. This blow was really powerful. Although he didn't hurt himself, it shattered the barrier.

The vampire in front of him was pale and indifferent, with a blue tear drawn under his eye, and the rifle in his hand was aimed steadily at himself.

It's a joker.