The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 63: Kunlun Fairy Mountain (1)


After the countdown ended, Li Yuebai opened his eyes and found himself back in an empty room again.

The four walls of the room are all white, and there is a full-length mirror on the wall, but there is nothing else.

Perhaps, this is a place similar to a "lounge" given by the system, where he is allowed to rest for a period of time between each crossing before continuing on the next journey.

I remember that when he came here last time, he found a halo appeared on his wrist, the color was the color of moonlight, very beautiful.

Li Yuebai raised his left wrist to look again, and found that there was another halo there, which became two circles, and the two circles crossed and slowly rotated on his wrist, without feeling the weight or texture, as if pure It's the same visual effect.

It seems that if a time travel is successfully completed, a moonlight bracelet will be added.

Li Yuebai stroked his hair with his right hand without the bracelet, and rubbed his forehead, only to feel that his head was still dizzy, and his heart was stuffy and depressed.

In real life, getting along with friends will get deeper and deeper, but here, every time you travel through a world, you will inevitably establish a connection with your comrades in that world, and then be separated abruptly.

His mind is now filled with all kinds of thrilling events that happened in the last time, and Ye Qing.

Having experienced so many things together with Ye Qing, it was really hard to accept separation at first.

"Many hosts are dependent on the world and teammates, and are even unwilling to leave, unwilling to go on to the next wearer." A voice sounded: "Dear host, it is normal for you to be in this mood now, just take a break for a while." "

"System?" Li Yuebai's heart moved: "Which system are you?"

"What system?"

"Are you the system that accompanied me in the first pass, or the one I killed in the second pass? Or the judge who was the last system task in the second pass?" Li Yuebai felt his head hurting more and more. This main god is too good at testing IQ, and has come up with so many messy systems.

"None." The system replied.


"I am the system assigned by the Lord God for your next time travel. I also have information on your previous two time travels." The system's voice was soft: "Please give me your advice."

"As long as you don't be like hal-90000." Li Yuebai shook his head, thinking of the system that was against him everywhere in the last time, and finally killed by himself with great effort, he still felt a little angry.

"Please don't worry, my spiritual core is a character that does not want to cause trouble, and I don't want to spend my mind and cause any trouble to the host." The system replied.

"Thank you." Li Yuebai sighed, not daring to take it lightly.

"Host, please continue to rest, and when you think you can go through the next time, you can issue orders to me." The system said.

Li Yuebai rubbed his temples, feeling that he had had enough rest.

In the last wear, he didn't sleep for a long time and suffered serious injuries, but these exhaustions and scars were left to the original owner, and now this body is his own, with no injuries at all, and it seems After resting for a long time, the brain is not tired at all.

"Go now." Li Yuebai ordered.

Staying in this empty room, it is easy to think about nothing, this is not good, it will affect the mood, it is better to hurry up and go to the next dress.

"Yes, your order will be carried out, please get ready, you will come to the third "Kunlun Fairy Mountain"..." The system's voice became softer and more hypnotic, accompanied by such a voice, The entire small room lit up, and after a flash of white light, the time travel was completed.

Li Yuebai opened his eyes and found himself sitting in an elegant hall.

The ground paved with jade, the ebony pillars, the ebony bookshelves... everything has an ancient flavor, but it is not accurate to say that it is ancient. s things.

A standing bronze mirror further shows that this is not the secular world.

Ordinary bronze mirrors, the mirror surface is made of copper, and then polished smooth, used for lighting, but the mirror surface of the copper mirror in front of you, can not see the material, it is like polished jade, and it is like the clearest water surface, Exudes a strange light.

Li Yuebai walked to the mirror and took a look at his own face—the first thing that caught his eyes was a head of white hair, as crystal clear as ice and snow, without a trace of black hair. He wore an ebony crown on his head, and the rest of his long hair was loose Come down, no mess.

Although the hair is all silver and white, there is no sign of aging on the face. It looks about thirty years old, with a thin and long face.

Exuding a fairy air, a pair of eyes like ancient wells without waves, a soft expression, full of benevolence and compassion that sees through the world, without the slightest feeling of arrogance and domineering, making people want to get close.

Looking down at the clothes again, it was a plain white gown, the material was never seen before, without any needlework, it seemed to be natural, and it looked more elegant when worn on this slender body.

"System." Li Yuebai looked at himself incredulously, and was a little afraid to speak for a moment, afraid of destroying the immortal energy: "Could this world be..."

"Yes, host, this world is a world of cultivating immortals." The system replied empathetically.

Li Yuebai wanted to ask a few more questions, but was interrupted.

"Master, Master!" A little girl in a plain dress ran in blah, she was very cute, she looked like she was only ten years old at most, and she was wearing a double bun. The little girl in the movie is completely different - when she runs, her steps are very light and quick, and it can be seen that she has great magic power on her body, so she will not fall because she runs too fast.

"Her name is Xiaoai, and she is your youngest female disciple." The system reminded.

"Master!" Xiao Ai rushed in angrily, ran in front of Li Yuebai, and grabbed the hem of his robe with her small hands: "Master, I want to sue you, Jiang Shaoying, that troublemaker, didn't obey the rules of the law." Before, sneak out!"

Li Yuebai's clothes were grabbed by her, but the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

Since time travel, he has not seen such a lively child. There are quite a few children in the second wear, including Xiao Wan, and those children in the orphanage, but they are either kidnapped or controlled by vampires. , are all involuntary, so now seeing Xiao Ai like this, the mood is indeed much better.

Since she calls herself Shizun, then she has to act like Shizun.

"It's okay." Li Yuebai smiled: "When he comes back, he will be punished according to the rules."

"Hmph." The girl puffed up her face: "Master said it was punishment, but every time it's just a few words of advice and it's over. Master is just too gentle, that troublemaker will be lawless..."

Although she said that others were troublemakers, she behaved quite lawlessly in front of Li Yuebai. Which ordinary disciple would dare to directly grab her master's clothes to sue

It seems that what Xiao Ai said is not false. As a character, I really have a too good temper, which makes all the disciples no big or small, and all of them are lawless.

"Xiao Ai, have you done your homework today?" Li Yuebai said in a soft tone.

The girl stuck out her tongue, saluted hurriedly, and ran out.

After coaxing the child away, Li Yuebai continued to accept the information given by the system.

The original owner of my body was named Mu Qingning, a fairy elder on the Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

This world is a world of cultivating immortals. Kunlun Immortal Mountain is located in the northwest of the whole world. It has extremely high peaks and a vast area. However, a thousand years ago, Kunlun Xianshan came out with a unparalleled immortal lord Yushi. Since he started, the position of the fairy lord has only been replaced by Yushi hereditary.

Kunlun Fairy Mountain has a long history. According to legend, it was established by the Queen Mother of the West. The mountain is rich in magical jade. The Yu family claims to be a descendant of the Queen Mother of the West, so they use the word "Jade" as their surname.

Of course, the powers cultivating immortals in this world are not limited to Kunlun Mountain, there is also Liusha Plain in the west, and Emperor Mountain in the east... and other major forces, they can be regarded as separatist forces. There are more than 50,000 immortal cultivators on Kunlun Mountain. It is one of the most famous sects among the heroes.

There are also many monks with other surnames on Kunlun Mountain. Although they are not destined for the position of Immortal Lord, they can teach disciples and are respected.

Mu Qingning was sent by his parents to the Kunlun Immortal Mountain since he was a child to learn swordsmanship and immortality. He was extremely talented. The vitality was greatly damaged, and since then, he no longer holds the sword, but concentrates on retreating and teaching his disciples, without contending with the world.

When he was young, he was used to watching life and death, and he experienced big winds and waves, so his personality was extraordinarily gentle, and he was very tolerant towards others, even if his disciples were a little mischievous, he wouldn't mind.

After listening to the brief introduction, Li Yuebai wandered around the room.

The room is large, but there is very little space for people to live in—most of the space is taken up by bookshelves.

The bookshelves are full of books, some with scrolls, some with folded pages, and some with cost, all of which are exquisitely bound and elegant in style.

He took out a volume at random and opened it—it was completely incomprehensible.

Open the volume again, still can't understand.

"System, please retrieve the memory of the original owner." Only then did Li Yuebai realize that his mind was empty and nothing had been retrieved yet.

"Yes, the loading just now took a while due to the large amount of information. Now that the loading is complete, it will be presented to you immediately." The system replied.

In the next second, Li Yuebai felt his brain explode.

A huge amount of information poured in, which made him unable to bear it for a while.

It was dark for a while, and I don't know how long it took before I could see it again.

Li Yuebai collected himself and looked at the scroll in his hand, only to realize that the originally complicated and difficult text can now be read easily.

What is written on the scroll is nothing but the art of war.

Half of the bookshelves in this room are filled with Art of War, and several of them were written by the original owner himself.

Mu Qingning's swordsmanship and Taoism are not very brilliant, but he is proficient in the method of arranging troops.

It is definitely not just talking on paper, but has many years of practical experience in life and death.

Li Yuebai rummaged through the bookshelf for a while, and found a roll of paintings in a delicate box, and unfolded it—the paper was slightly yellowed, it seemed to be quite old, and the ink and pigments used were also faded , there are a few young monks painted on it, each wearing white clothes and long swords, looking vigorous.

As long as you look carefully, you can see that the most delicate and gentle one is Mu Qingning herself.

Looking at the painting like this, all the memories in my mind flooded out.

When Mu Qingning was young, he had participated in several famous battles. He led thousands of monks in Kunlun Immortal Mountain to slay demons and demons, and made great achievements repeatedly.

He has limited strength, but he is the best at commanding. The other monks didn't listen to him at first, but within a few days, they were all convinced.

This is the so-called glorious time...

Li Yuebai touched the portrait with his hands, and the memories of other people in the portrait also came out.

It turned out that Mu Qingning's friends who fought side by side all passed away one after another.

Some died on the battlefield, some died at the hands of traitors, and some died in internal struggles in Kunlun Xianshan.

According to the introduction, when Mu Qingning was young, he experienced countless bloody incidents, including foreign wars and civil wars. The people in the portraits were not ordinary monks, but well-known top-notch figures on Kunlun Fairy Mountain, so , Whether it is a foreign war or a civil war, they are the first participants to bear the brunt. Therefore, it is also the easiest to die.

Only Mu Qingning, because of his gentle and undisputable personality, and not holding an important position, escaped countless turmoil and survived until now.

In this case…

Li Yuebai didn't understand for a while.

"The system." He asked, "In this life, do I still have to save myself?"

"Yes." The system gave an affirmative answer, and even added: "The prospect of the original owner is very miserable."

Since Mu Qingning is already retired, respected by others, and has a gentle temper and is indifferent to the world, he is not teaching his young apprentices every day, but reading books, drinking tea and growing fairy grass, who else would come to harm him

Moreover, having avoided so many disasters before was enough to prove Mu Qingning's low profile. This time, what kind of disaster could he be involved in