The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 66: Kunlun Fairy Mountain (4)


On the stage of the Queen Mother, the crowd still stood solemnly, showing no intention of leaving.

The funeral of the old fairy master is over, but someone still needs to pick up the spiritual tablet and escort it to the ancestral hall for placement.

In the past, this work was done by the heirs of the fairy master.

But now, the eldest son of the Immortal Lord, Yu Tianliu, is away from the expedition, and it will be impossible to return for a while.

"Master Jijiu, I'm afraid you can only be the one who escorts the spiritual tablet..." Su Xu bent down and whispered to Li Yuebai who was sitting on the stone chair.

Li Yuebai thought about it, felt that it was not suitable, and politely refused.

"System, does the fairy master Yupengzhi have any other children?" Li Yuebai asked.

"There's one more, but..." the system faltered.


Before the system answered, there was a commotion on the Queen Mother's stage.

All the monks were standing upright at first, but now they all raised their heads suddenly, pointing at the sky, pointing was not enough, and they all started whispering to each other to discuss, after discussing for a while, they all shook their heads and sighed .

What's so amazing about this

Li Yuebai also raised his head, followed everyone's gaze, and saw a figure in the sky - someone flying with a sword.

This is the world of cultivating immortals. It is not uncommon to fly with a sword, but the figure itself is uncommon.

He was wearing a brightly colored robe, completely different from the plainly dressed monks, and his flight path was staggering, as if he was about to fall from the sky. Looking from afar, he was still holding a wine bottle and was heading towards With wine in his mouth, he seemed to be singing an out-of-key song.

What's more frightening is that he was not the only one on the flying sword, there were also two coquettish and coquettish women. The women probably felt that flying was too dangerous, and they made delicate screams from time to time, but the man didn't care. Caring, hugging each other one by one, and kissing the woman on the cheek from time to time.

What is the difference between this... and the drag racing party in modern society? Li Yuebai could not help but help his forehead.

"System, who is this?"

"This is what I just said, the second son of the Immortal Lord, Yu Tianji." The system replied helplessly.

Yu Tianliu is the eldest son and heir of the Immortal Lord, and everyone praises him for his noble status. But Yu Tianji was just the opposite. His biological mother was an unknown woman who had passed away long ago. He had a humble status, extremely poor talent, and a slight physical disability—his left leg was born lame. Therefore, the fairy lord named him Tianji, which means pearls that are not round, which is a metaphor for those incomplete but beautiful things, in order to encourage him to overcome his defects and practice hard.

I don't think that Yu Tianji is really a waste to the extreme, if he can't do everything, his morals are not good, not only did he not try his best to cultivate, but he also misbehaved since he was a child, and he was dissolute. All kinds of absurd things. The fairy master punished him in every possible way at first, but gradually he didn't care about it.

Therefore, in the entire Kunlun Immortal Mountain, no one looked down on this second young master, and every time he was mentioned, they would laugh at him as a joke, saying that he had completely embarrassed his father and elder brother.

Now the position of Immortal Lord is vacant, and Yu Tianji cannot succeed because of her notoriety.

"Host, I must remind you that the world has changed a little bit." The system checked and said, "The character of Yu Tianji is different from the original one."


"The Yu Tianji that the original owner met was just incompetent, cowardly and disabled, not as drunk and wild as she is now. Although they are all trash, there are still some differences." The system explained.

"Is this difference important?" Li Yuebai smiled wryly.

"Important." The system replied: "Because the original owner helped Yu Tianji to the position of Immortal Lord."

If there is no fairy master in Kunlun Xianshan, it will still be difficult to operate after all, and many orders will not be convenient to implement, and the efficiency of resisting the invasion of the demon sect will be very low. The original owner Mu Qingning considered that Yu Tianji was kind-hearted and would never become a tyrant, so he assisted Yu Tianji to ascend to the position of fairy lord.

Everyone was a little dissatisfied at first, but they were gradually moved.

but now…

"Host, I have to regret to tell you that if you want to assist Yu Tianji, it will be more difficult than the original owner." The system said: "It's just incompetent and cowardly, this Yu Tianji is really too hateful." …”

"I won't assist him." Li Yuebai shook his head helplessly: "It's better not to have such a fairy master."

Yu Tianji obviously couldn't be the fairy lord at all, she might fall from the sky and die at some point.

As soon as I thought of this, I only heard a loud noise.

Yu Tianji and the two women really fell from the sky.

Feijian lost control and crashed to the ground.

The two women seemed to have pretty good magic spells. At the moment of falling, they both made a trick, landed lightly, and saved their lives.

But Yu Tianji's spell was originally half a bottle of water dangling, and she was too drunk, so she fell directly on the Queen Mother's platform, making a loud noise.

"..." All the monks didn't know what to say for a while.

Su Xu let out a sigh.

Li Yuebai felt countless black lines appear on his forehead.

However, no matter what you say, you still have to come forward to visit.

Li Yuebai led all the monks to come forward and carefully inspected Yu Tianji who was lying on the ground.

It has to be said that even though this second young master is useless and annoying, he still looks very good.

The corners of the eyes are slightly raised, the long eyebrows are slanted into the temples, the eyelids are a little crimson, which may be the effect of painting with petals, and there is a heartless smile on the corner of the mouth, which can be seen at a glance. Lord who will repent.

The clothes he was wearing were bright red and green, the collar was wide open, his collarbone and chest were exposed, and his abdominal muscles could even be seen. He was thin but muscular, and the bright red wine was still flowing on his chest On the top, a head of black long hair hangs down, looking a little seductive.

Drunk is indeed very drunk, the fall just now was not light, Yu Tianji rolled on the ground moaning, her eyes were tightly closed, she didn't know what she was muttering, she didn't stand up at all the meaning of.

"Where's the person? Why don't you help the second young master to heal him!" Su Xu hurriedly said, "The second young master was too sad and used wine to drown his sorrows, so he fell and was injured. He must be healed properly."

As expected of Pavilion Master Su, he has said all the good things in the world.

As soon as the words fell, Yu Tianji hiccupped, got up from the ground, and opened her eyes.

Li Yuebai caught his eyes keenly, and felt something flashed in there.

But only for a moment.

In the next second, Yu Tianji returned to that unrestrained look, scratched her head, and said with a smile: "What did Pavilion Master Su say, my lord... was not injured at all... hiccup..."

Everyone secretly sneered at him countless words in their hearts.

Wan Guangliu couldn't stand it any longer, so he scolded directly: "Second Young Master, the immortal master's bones are still cold, but you are drinking and debauching here, what are you talking about!"

As soon as the words fell, the charming beauty at the side rolled her eyes, and hurriedly argued: "Master Wan didn't know something. After the second young master heard the sad news of the death of the fairy master, he cried for an hour and vomited blood for several liters... because I was so sad that I had no choice but to drink away my sorrow..."

"That's right, besides, the Second Young Master is weak because of mourning for the Immortal Lord, so he needs to eat and drink to make up for it..." another beautiful woman said again.

Yu Tianji froze on the spot cooperatively, as if recalling that her father had passed away, she blinked her peach blossom eyes, and then shed tears.

Li Yuebai didn't know what to say anymore.

Does the Second Young Master think he is Ruan Ji, a famous scholar in the Wei and Jin Dynasties

Fortunately, everyone has long been used to this kind of scene, and they were not too surprised. Apart from secretly sighing and secretly despising, there was nothing abnormal.

Soon, the doctor came and sobered up the second young master, and that was the end of this farce.

The farce wasn't over yet, just as the second son was crookedly helping the two beauties to leave, Li Yuebai stopped him.

"Mr. Tianji, please stop." Li Yuebai said.

According to the rules of the world of cultivating immortals, to address the son of the cultivating family, you must add the word Jun after the name.

"Huh?" Yu Tianji glanced over with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

"According to the rules, please ask Tianji Lord to send back the spirit seat of the fairy master." Li Yuebai said.

"..." Yu Tianji squinted her eyes, and pointed at Li Yuebai with a dangling finger: "Hey, I think you look familiar, you are that... who is that? Which old man is it?"

"Mu Qingning, the incumbent sacrificial wine." Li Yuebai sighed.

"Well, Mu Meiren, thank you for reminding me." Yu Tianji tilted her body irregularly, managed to tidy up her appearance, and swayed over to hold the spirit tablet of the fairy master.

Li Yuebai looked at his wobbly steps, worried for a while, couldn't help making a formula, and added a spell to prevent him from falling.

Fortunately, Yu Tianji finally didn't poke any more troubles, and took the spiritual seat back and placed it properly.

This ceremony is finally over.

Just when everyone was about to disperse, Yu Tianji stopped them again.

"I heard that you guys are arguing very lively. Some say that we should fight against the Demon Sect, and some say that we should save our lives first..." Yu Tianji narrowed his eyes and scanned the crowd: "Since you all have your own reasons, Then I also want to hear it, so, those immortal elders who are in charge of the battle, can you condescend to come to my auspicious hall and explain it carefully?"

Auspicious Hall is Yu Tianji's residence, and the name fits his style of pleasure at first glance.

Everyone hesitated for a while, and they didn't know what the second young master was going crazy.

Could it be that even he was aware of the threat of the Demon Cult, and suddenly realized his identity, and planned to take part in Kunlun affairs

But Yu Tianji didn't explain much. As soon as she finished speaking, she flicked her long sleeves and led the people back.

Leave everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Master, tell me, should we go?" Wan Guangliu's disciple asked in a low voice, "Maybe the Second Young Master really has something to say to us, the main combat faction?"

"Hmph." Wan Guanglumen displayed disbelief and disdain.

Everyone knows that Yu Tianji has no skills, poor Taoism and sword skills, and has no face to speak of. This kind of person must be the biggest surrender.

Of course, there is only one possibility for inviting people to the palace to discuss this time - begging a few immortal elders with strong Taoism to protect him and escape far away.

Everyone can imagine what kind of worthless this second young master would be. Maybe when everyone enters the door, he will prostrate himself on the ground and make long and pitiful speeches, making everyone think that he is the fairy master's own flesh and blood. Come on, protect him and escort him to escape.

"I'm busy with business, so I won't go." Wan Guangliu said coldly.

"You can't say that, no matter whether Lord Tianji advocates war or surrender, we should discuss it." Su Xu said.

"Governor Su, what does the second young master have to do with you because they are looking for the main fighter faction? Why do you want to meddle?" Wan Guangliu said angrily, "You are the main escapee faction, why don't you pack up your bed and shrink your neck quickly?" escape?"

"When did I say that I belong to the fleeing faction?" Su Xu was surprised: "I'm just calm and self-sufficient. Whichever faction's strategy is good for Kunlun Xianshan, I will support whichever faction."

"Smart words!"

"Master Jijiu, what do you think?" Su Xu turned to Li Yuebai.

Li Yuebai rubbed his temples, and couldn't help but think of the strange light in Yu Tianji's eyes when he opened them.

Maybe there will be a turnaround.

"We should discuss it." Li Yuebai said.

"Master Jijiu is right." Su Xu praised.

Soon, Li Yuebai and several immortal elders came to the Hall of Auspiciousness.

Su Xu can't be regarded as a complete main fighter, and he didn't get along with Wan Guangliu, so he didn't come with everyone in the end.

As soon as he walked into the Hall of Auspiciousness, he saw Yu Tianji sitting on the seat in the center, with an improper posture and a saber in his hand, and his technique was completely unsteady. land.

"The elders are here?" Yu Tianji lazily kicked the sword aside and scanned the crowd.

"What do you want to say to me, Mr. Tianji?" Wan Guangliu asked directly.

"It's nothing special, and it's very simple to say." Yu Tianji stood up, clicked his tongue, and walked down the stage step by step, his eyes were full of complex expressions, and his voice was neither high nor low, but it surprised everyone. arrive:

"I, the main battle."