The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 9: Shangjing musicians (9)


"Let's talk about the second piece of evidence." Li Yuebai took a deep breath, took advantage of the victory, and pointed to the letter.

A few days ago, in front of a group of eunuchs and maidservants, he ordered someone to deliver this letter to the empress. It is said that the empress saw tears and snot.

This also became the trigger for Concubine Shan to make up her mind to frame them.

However, neither Concubine Shan, Lan Lan nor anyone else has read the contents of this letter.

The letter had always been kept in the queen's jewel box, which was tightly locked. It was only after the search and inspection that the emperor ordered the eunuch to smash the treasure box in a fit of anger before taking out the letter.

"Your Majesty, please read this letter carefully." Li Yuebai said.

The emperor opened the letter with an expression of relief.

The handwriting is not someone else's, it is the handwriting of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

This is a letter from the prince to the queen.

Teacher Bai often holds parent-teacher meetings and guides students to write home letters every day, so he is naturally familiar with this kind of thing.

Although the content of the letter is not ostentatious, it is sincere and tear-jerking.

After the emperor read it, he handed the letter to Shan Lan and Shan Concubine. The expressions of the two were very wonderful.

"This... this... how could this be..." Dan Lan had already cursed in the depths of her heart, but her face was still tense.

"His Royal Highness misses the empress in his heart, so he wrote a handwritten letter and ordered me to hand it over." Li Yuebai said seriously: "When I handed it over, I didn't want to avoid people's eyes and ears, thinking that as long as I was upright, I wouldn't attract criticism. Missed."

Who would have guessed? Who would have guessed that this goddamn mother and son would be in the same room and still have to write a letter, and it would have to be handed over by Master Yun! Unbelievable! This is a conspiracy, it must be their conspiracy!

Concubine Shan was annoyed, but because she was pretending to be sick, she had to maintain a sad and weak expression, she gave a slight snort, and said: "This is amazing, concubine heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been living in Yuanheng Palace these days , I meet the empress every day, why do I need Master Yun to convey a letter?"

"This matter should not be explained by outsiders, but bystanders can tell, so I have to do it for you." Li Yuebai said: "His Royal Highness is seventeen years old, just the age of stubbornness. Although the relationship between mother and child is close, they don't want to face each other. To hand over the letter, I have to let others do it for me.”

The rebellious teenagers in the second year of middle school have been the same since ancient times. I have never heard of a boy who was so embarrassing when he was seventeen years old that he took the initiative to talk sweetly to his parents. Even if he really wanted to express his feelings, he would definitely pass it. The way, this explanation, makes perfect sense.

Concubine Shan cursed a lot inwardly with hatred, but was unable to refute.

However, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if this evidence is gone! The most important thing is Shixiang Ci! As long as Shixiangci is still there, it is enough to bring down the queen!

"How can Master Yun get off the matter of Shixiangci!" Shan Lan said angrily.

"I don't know about this matter. I have to ask the people around the Empress." Li Yuebai looked at the entrance of the main hall through the screen: "Just now, Ruyi, the empress's personal maid, has already gone to get the red paper poems. Should I bring it?"

"Empress, here we come!" Ruyi heard Li Yuebai's voice, and walked out of the main hall with small steps respectfully, holding a piece of red paper carefully in her hand.

When Dan Lan and Concubine Shan saw the red paper, they were shocked!

"How could it be! How could this piece of red paper be—uh!" Dan Lan just exclaimed, when Concubine Shan covered her mouth.

"Why did your empress stop Mrs. Dan Lan from speaking?" Li Yuebai sighed with pretended regret: "Could it be that you are worried that Mrs. Shan Lan said something inappropriate?"

Concubine Shan looked calm, but she also had doubts that could not be hidden.

"Can I borrow this red paper poem?" Li Yuebai asked.

The emperor first took the red paper from Ruyi's hand and looked through it—the red paper was thin and transparent, and the writing on it was written in yellow-white ink, which was very special.

Several academicians stepped forward to identify it, and they all admitted: This is the "Shixiang Ci" we just translated, word for word.

After identifying it, Eunuch An carefully handed the red paper poem to Li Yuebai, and said: "Master Yun Yue, please don't destroy the evidence. Your Majesty and we have both seen it. If you play tricks at this time, you will not be able to destroy it." It's too late."

Li Yuebai took it cautiously, clamped the red paper with his slender fingers, and didn't dare to make any unnecessary movements, but after a closer look, he said with a smile: "Empress Shan and Mrs. Shan Lan must be wondering, they think, Poems on red paper should not appear here, but should have been burnt to ashes long ago."

"What do you mean?"

"The empress did not lie. Last night, it was the concubine Shan who brought this red paper as a present and asked the empress to copy it." Li Yuebai said: "And the concubine Shan has long been convinced that by today, this red paper will be used as a gift. It will burn itself to ashes and cannot be found anywhere!"

"It's a joke." Concubine Shan's face was pale: "Master Yun Yue, please don't spout blood. I don't know the art of witchcraft, and I don't know how to call wind and rain. How can I burn a piece of paper to ashes?"

"Because this is not ordinary paper, nor is it ordinary ink." Li Yuebai said: "The paper is soaked in red wax oil, and the yellow-white ink is phosphor powder."

"Phosphorus powder?" Eunuch An was puzzled.

"Phosphorus powder is extremely flammable." The scholar said, "If it is placed under the hot summer sun, it will burn by itself!"

"Yes, but it's winter time!" Dan Lan argued.

"Because it's the cold winter season, you hold the red paper in your hands and send it all the way in your sleeves. Even when you copy it to the queen, it won't burn up." Li Yuebai said: "It's just that the concubine Shan is afraid It has long been expected that after the empress has finished copying, she will put this thing in a warm place, such as by the brazier."

"Yes." Ruyi hastily stepped forward and said, "Empress Empress has a habit every day—before going to bed, she puts the newly acquired poems on the bedside!"

"What about the head of the bed?"

"There is a heater and an incense burner beside the bed, and they are burning all night." Ruyi hurriedly said: "If your majesty doesn't believe it, you can go and see the bed."

Sure enough.

"Ordinary paper, ordinary items, placed next to the stove, will only be slightly heated, and nothing will happen." Li Yuebai said: "And that piece of red paper will definitely burn to ashes by itself!"

"Concubine Shan knows the habits of empresses best in the whole palace." Ruyi raised her eyes with a look of grief and indignation on her face: "Every day before going to bed, Concubine Shan will come to pay her respects and have a panoramic view of everything! Let me tell you what kind of incense is in the censer, apart from slaves and maidservants, only Concubine Shan knows best!"

Dan Lan immediately felt cold hands and feet, yes, yes, this Yun Yueshi saw through it all! The red stencils, phosphorous powder and ink were all prepared by Zhao Na. The Grand Master's Mansion is full of these weird and weird things. They are sure to trap people, but they are all seen through!

"No." Concubine Shan showed an extremely innocent smile. Although she had been seen through, she keenly grasped the point that could turn the tables: "My sister and I have never seen this red paper at all."

"never seen it?"

"Yes, I haven't seen it." Concubine Shan became more determined after saying these three words.

Last night, she only took out the red paper poem after the queen dismissed all the servants. No one can prove that she once gave the queen the red paper poem.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Shan Lan hurriedly seconded, "We don't even know what this is!"

"Concubine Shan is right!" Huanxiang also reacted, and hastily argued: "Maybe this red paper poem was prepared by the empress herself, and now she is using it to frame Concubine Shan!"

Concubine Shan breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But she didn't laugh for long.

"Unfortunately." Li Yuebai said with a smile: "Today, when His Royal Highness was talking with this servant, he inadvertently mentioned that the Empress Empress was unwell last night. After receiving the red paper poems from the two of you, she didn't copy them at all!"

"No transcription?" Shan Lan was shocked: "Then the black and white Shixiang Ci that His Majesty found out is..."

"It must be done by others." Li Yuebai said with a smile.

The emperor was startled, and hurriedly ordered someone to compare the handwriting. Sure enough, the handwriting was not the empress's at all!

The queen's handwriting is elegant and elegant, while the handwriting of Shixiangci is steady and simple.

"That's what the queen ordered others to write. Naturally, you can't reveal your own handwriting about the affair!" Huanxiang shouted hastily.

"Do you know who copied this?" The Queen sneered. .

"Who? It must be some court lady or eunuch under the empress." Shan Lan sneered: "It's not uncommon to copy erotic poems for the master."

"It was copied by the old man himself." There was a coughing sound in the main hall, and an old nanny came out. She was short in stature, with silver hair and wrinkled face, but she had a dignified demeanor and a solemn dress, which was awe-inspiring.

"Nurse Sun?" Even the emperor wanted to treat her with courtesy: "Why are you here?"

Grandma Sun is the Empress Dowager's personal maid. She has been with the Empress Dowager since she was a teenager. She has been in the palace for many years and is highly respected. Now the Empress Dowager worships the Buddha every day, regardless of world affairs. Grandma Sun takes care of all affairs.

"Why is the old man here?" Nanny Sun knocked on the crutch in her hand and snorted, "If it wasn't for the old man, the queen would be framed!"

"Last night was the Lantern Festival. The Empress Dowager worshiped the Buddha and went to bed early, so the empress invited Grandma Sun to Yuanheng Palace to have a talk." Ruyi said, "We were talking, but Concubine Shan came. Unwilling to get up to greet her, the empress ordered someone to set up a screen, let Nanny Sun sit behind, and went to greet Concubine Shan by herself."

Concubine Shan's body trembled, and her face turned ashen.

Last night, she thought that the clothes were perfect, but she didn't expect that there was a bystander hidden behind the screen!

Grandma Sun has practiced in the palace for many years, she can breathe and move quietly without making a sound, and she was not noticed.

"After the empress stepped down from the screen, the old man was still behind the screen, and she could see it for real." Nanny Sun sneered and said, "Concubine Shan took out a poem on red paper and handed it to the queen. gone."

"This poem...was Nanny Sun transcribing it?" The emperor still found it inconceivable.

"Yes, after Concubine Shan left, the queen brought the poems on red paper and asked the old man to help copy them." Nanny Sun said: "The queen always transcribes herself, why did I ask the old man to help this time? The old man was also very suspicious, but the queen Said that it is necessary to guard against others, and the old body agreed."

"This... this..." No matter how eloquent Dan Lan and Huan Xiang are, they dare not say that Nanny Sun is lying.

"I just thought that I copied a posthumous work of Wu Zidao for my mother, but I didn't expect it to be such a dirty thing!" Sun Nanny was furious: "I saw with my own eyes that Concubine Shan handed over the red paper poem to the queen. ?”

Grandma Sun is highly respected, and no one dissatisfies with her character.

"Concubine Shan, how dare you frame the empress?" The emperor cast his stern gaze on Concubine Shan.

"Concubine dare not! Concubine dare not! Concubine just... forgot everything!" Concubine Shan hastily pleaded guilty: "Yes, it's all because of Bai Wangsan that concubine can't remember anything. Yes! The concubine did not frame the queen!"

"Your Majesty, even if Concubine Shan was wrong about the red paper poem, what about Baiwangsan?" Shan Lan was unyielding: "Concubine Shan drank two cups of tea with the Queen and was poisoned by Baiwangsan when she came back. Are you completely innocent?"

"The crime of poisoning is no small matter, so we must be careful to check it." Li Yuebai said seriously: "Who poisoned it, you will know once you test it."

Ruyi heard what he said, clapped her hands hastily, and called out to the main hall.

In the main hall, several maids brought out a desk with two cups of tea on it, a little water left in the cups, and tea leaves underneath.

Concubine Shan was in despair again.

That was exactly the tea she drank at the queen's place last night!

The queen always likes to be tidy. As soon as the guests leave, she will immediately order someone to pour out the tea dregs and clean the teacups. Even if she tried her best, she couldn't think of it—last night, the queen left the teacup on the table without moving!

Of course she couldn't guess it, because Li Yuebai ordered all of this.

"I can testify that this is exactly the cup Concubine Shan drank from last night." Nanny Sun said seriously.

"There is still the rouge mark of Concubine Shan on the mouth of the cup." Ruyi added carefully.

"Dear physicians, please check the tea and tea leaves at the bottom of the cup to see if there is Baiwangsan melted in it." Li Yuebai said.

Naturally, several imperial physicians checked repeatedly, but found nothing, and finally asked a maid to drink the rest of the cup herself, but there was no reaction and no poisoning.

Shan Lan had nothing to say anymore, she collapsed on the ground trembling all over, and Concubine Shan had already pleaded with the emperor again and again.

The three pieces of evidence, all doubts, were all destroyed.

In addition, countless eunuchs and maidservants can testify that ever since Master Yun Yue entered Yuanheng Palace, let alone having an affair with the queen, he has never been within ten feet of the queen! Even talking to the empress had to be done through a screen. As for the other concubines and maids, they even fainted at the first sight.

In any case, there is nothing to do between the queen and Master Yun.

The emperor was originally angry for the queen, but now, the object of the anger has changed.

"Shan Hui has no virtue, framed the queen, and deposed her as a commoner; Shan Lan conspired, went to the Jingsi Temple to repent, and died with a stick of incense. This matter will continue to be thoroughly investigated!" The emperor left an order, and he led the people away.