The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 90: Kunlun Fairy Mountain (28)


"Su Su Su host! What's going on here!" Seeing Jiang Shaoying being stabbed to the ground by Wei Qianqian, the system also panicked: "You... how could you be so careless? Didn't you say that he should be careful to protect himself? can this be done?"

"Shaoying is fine." Li Yuebai changed from the puppet image back to the human form, bent down calmly, tried the apprentice's breath, and found that there was no loss of breath, and there was no serious injury on his body, just a coma.

"Ah?" The system was relieved: "So Wei Qianqian didn't kill him?"

"Aren't you an all-knowing and omnipotent system?" Li Yuebai couldn't laugh or cry: "Why can't you even judge such a small matter."

"It's true that I am omniscient, but it also takes a long time to respond. Every time the host asks me something, I will check the database immediately and then answer." The system replied confidently: "If all the information is mastered immediately, I will Isn't it going to explode soon?"

"Wei Qianqian didn't intend to kill, but was very painful and entangled." Li Yuebai said: "She was coerced by her father, but she couldn't bear to kill Shaoying, so she just knocked him out."

"Then what are you going to do next? Take Jiang Shaoying back?" the system asked.

"I'm afraid not. Since Wei Qianqian wants to keep Shaoying, he must have taken other measures to imprison him safely here and not to go out." Li Yuebai walked to the entrance of the grotto, looked carefully, and found that there was a layer of blue Purple light shrouded the entrance of the cave: "Look here, it's an enchantment."

"Wei Qianqian sealed this place." The system said in shock, "Then you, the host, can't go out either."

Li Yuebai tentatively touched the barrier with his fingertips, and the barrier made a slight crackling sound, but it didn't hurt his fingertips—the fingertips easily passed through the barrier.

"Wei Qianqian is still young, and his Taoism is not as high as mine." Li Yuebai said: "And she only wants to seal Jiang Shaoying, prevent him from escaping, and prevent him from appearing in front of her father. Therefore, this barrier can seal Jiang Shaoying. Only Jiang Shaoying lives there."

"Wait, host, don't worry about the enchantment." The system hurriedly said: "There is news from Yu Tianji."

"Mu Meiren! Where did you go, old man! If you want to die, I will..." Yu Tianji's voice came through the system. Although it was deliberately lowered, it was still indecent and whining: "Come and save me!" Me, the bastard brother Yu Tianliu has arrived..."

As promised yesterday, Yu Tianliu once again brought a group of subordinates to the altar of Baiyutan.

Unlike yesterday, today he made more adequate preparations.

"Mr. Tianji, dare to ask, have you figured out how to defend yourself?" Ge Huai began to attack again righteously: "Yesterday, all the celestial sects saw with their own eyes that the letter you wrote to the Demon Cult Zuo Dharma The letter, the handwriting is clear and irrefutable... what else do you have to say!"

"That's right, Lord Tianji has colluded with the Demon Sect and is not worthy of being the Immortal Lord of Kunlun. Now, in front of all the immortal sects, he should return the position of Immortal Lord to Lord Tianliu!" Yu Tianliu's subordinates shouted one after another. .

"Everyone, everyone." From another direction, a familiar voice came again: "I dare you, I would like to ask you to stop for a while, and don't care whether Mr. Tianji is colluding with the Demon Sect. Here, I have one more thing. Important things to say."

The person who spoke was Wei Jingyao.

"What could be more important than this?" Ge Huai said angrily.

"I'm really anxious, so I have to say it." Wei Jingyao's face was full of worry.

People who didn't know the inside story took a quick look, and really couldn't see any collusion between him and Yu Tianliu.

"It's like this, my brother..." Wei Jingyao said: "I was stabbed by someone last night, and now I am unconscious..."

When he said this, the people present realized that Wei Linguan hadn't come.

"Which villain is so bold?" The monks started discussing.

Several respected fairy masters immediately said: "Human life is at stake. Whether Tianji Lord colluded with the Demon Cult can be discussed later. We should visit Mr. Wei first and find out the reason."

Wei Jingyao immediately took everyone to the fairy tent in Juling Fairy Mountain. Yutian Liuyu and Tianji brothers were left behind and each led a group of subordinates to confront each other.

While staring at her brother, Yu Tianji was shocked at the same time. Wei Linguan had a close relationship with him, and he was assassinated on his own territory... The problem is too big, and he must be responsible.

Therefore, Yu Tianji also sent his subordinates to visit together.

As Wei Jingyao said, Wei Linguan was hit by a sword in the chest and was seriously injured. He was lying on the couch, unconscious, surrounded by the attendants of Juling Xianshan.

"It has already been diagnosed and treated by our doctor in Juling. It did not hurt his life, but he will not be able to wake up for a while." Wei Jingyao sighed: "Thank you all."

Some of the great immortal sects were experts, and immediately someone stepped forward to help diagnose the pulse, and the result was the same.

Everyone didn't dare to bother the wounded anymore, and after investigating the situation, they withdrew from the fairy tent and returned to the altar.

Li Yuebai finally arrived and saw a large group of people entering the fairy tent in Juling Fairy Mountain from a distance, so he thought that something was wrong, and when he asked about the situation, he already guessed what would happen next.

Sure enough, it was a frame-up drama that he was all too familiar with.

"This...Brother Wei, do you know which thief did it?" A monk asked hurriedly.

"I don't know, if I knew, I would have cut this person to pieces!" Wei Jingyao said viciously.

"..." Li Yuebai frowned.

Sure enough, not long after, Wei Jingyao cleared himself up with a few words, and then led the suspicion all the way to Yu Tianji.

"Last night, my little girl and I went to visit Lord Tianji. When we came back, my brother was still talking with his subordinates in the tent. There was nothing unusual..." Wei Jingyao said sadly: "After I talked with my brother, I said goodbye to him. , went to sleep."

"Everything the third son said is true." The monk at Juling Xianshan also confirmed: "After the third son rested, the eldest son said that he was going out to meet a friend, but he went out alone without any entourage. After half an hour , we were very worried, so we went to look for it, but we saw the eldest son talking with that friend from a distance, it seemed that there was a quarrel... Then, the friend drew out his long sword and stabbed him... We hurried forward to treat him, but that The thief has escaped."

"That is to say, that thief is a friend of Mr. Wei?" Several monks asked curiously.

"That's right." Wei Jingyao sighed, "It's just that I don't even know who that brother's friend is."

"Since you have seen it, why don't you hurry up and tell me what the thief looks like!" Everyone turned their attention to the few Ju Ling monks.

The monks of Ju Ling looked at each other timidly, and said: "At night, we can only vaguely recognize it by the moonlight, and the distance is so far, we didn't see it clearly. We can only see that the man is using Kunlun swordsmanship. When he left I have some inconvenience in my legs and feet... It seems to be a lame... "


Li Yuebai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quietly complained to the system: "System, listen carefully, it's Yu Tianji again."

"It's Yu Tianji again." The system also couldn't laugh or cry: "How hated he is."

Wei Jingyao's movements were really too fast. Seeing that he could not marry Yu Tianjiu, he quickly betrayed and stood on Yu Tianliu's side.

"Based on this description, it looks like a brother-in-law." Yu Tianliu sneered.

"Brother wants to slander me again?" Yu Tianji retorted: "I'm afraid I'm not the only one who knows how to use Kunlun swordsmanship and is crippled. Maybe my brother sent someone to impersonate me, I don't know."

"No, as far as I know, Lord Tianji has always had a good relationship with Young Master Juling..." a fairy elder said.

As soon as this remark came out, people's expressions became even more suspicious.

"Since the relationship is good, it's even more suspicious. Ge Huai said: "The monks in Juling Xianshan also said that the person who hurt someone is the eldest son's friend, and only friends can go out to talk with the eldest son in the middle of the night. "

"Everyone, this is my territory. Wouldn't it be foolish to kill people in your own territory?" Yu Tianji said helplessly, "What's more, I was framed by my elder brother just now, and I haven't cleaned up my stains. How could I continue to make trouble?"

"It's really not right..." Several immortal elders looked at Yu Tianji, thinking secretly. In fact, in their minds, Yu Tianji is an ignorant and arrogant playboy who might do such a thing.

People discussed it for a while, but still couldn't come to a definite conclusion.

"It's really not a gentleman's job to speculate on your own." A respected old fairy said: "This matter needs to be investigated carefully... If anyone knows, please quickly disclose the identity of the real murderer to the public."

Behind the crowd, a young girl's voice suddenly sounded, extremely sweet but full of sorrow: "I... I have something to say!"

The crowd separated automatically, and all eyes were on the girl.

It's Wei Qianqian.

"Last night, uncle said he was going to meet friends. I was very curious, so I secretly followed." She said softly.

"What? Qian'er, why didn't you tell Wei father earlier?" Wei Jingyao was also shocked.

"Uncle has been injured, I am afraid it will bring more trouble to Juling Xianshan, so I dare not say it." Wei Qianqian said: "But now, with the elders upholding justice, I dare not hide it anymore."

"Then did you see who the real culprit is?" The crowd asked in surprise, "Who is it?"

Li Yuebai helped his forehead.

"It's the Kunlun Immortal Lord." Wei Qianqian paused, "Yu Tianji."


"I never left the Kunlun fairy tent last night." Yu Tianji said angrily: "All Kunlun monks can testify!"

"Yeah, I waited to protect the fairy master last night, and I can prove that the fairy master never left." The Kunlun monks were shocked and angry, and argued one after another.

"They are all your subordinates, so they will naturally be afraid of you, and will only speak confessions that are beneficial to you." Yu Tianliu sneered, "It's not enough to prove it."

The character of Miss Wei's family has long been heard by all the immortal sects, and they all know that she is kind and gentle, and has a reliable character. Therefore, everyone believes half of what she says.