The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 91: Kunlun Fairy Mountain (29)


Wei Qianqian took everyone to the place where the incident happened last night.

It was an open area on Baiyutan, surrounded by rocks, and far away from the fairy tent. It would be the most suitable place for spies.

"Last night, Uncle and Tianji-jun met here." Wei Qianqian said: "At first, the two of them talked very happily, but Tianji-jun seemed to say something that angered Uncle, and the two started to argue, and then, Lord Tianji drew his sword and stabbed Uncle."

"Mr. Tianji must have wanted Mr. Wei to help him cover up his crimes and stand up for him. After being rejected, he became angry from embarrassment." Ge Huai said coldly.

Li Yuebai stepped forward and carefully checked the surrounding environment.

This place is indeed relatively hidden, with many rocks, and there is a natural stone wall not far from the southwest, which is very tall and can block the eyes of others from a distance.

"Host, don't just look around." The system hurriedly reminded: "Wei Qianqian is framing Yu Tianji, why don't you hurry up and deal with her?"

"She won't succeed." Li Yuebai smiled: "Framing others is not her specialty, and her mood is fluctuating now... This makes her very vulnerable and vulnerable."

"Then you hit it." The system said.

"Don't worry." Li Yuebai turned around again before returning to Wei Qianqian, and said, "Miss Wei's words, I don't think you can trust them all. As far as I know, Miss Wei's family has never practiced eavesdropping." technique."

"... yes." Wei Qianqian had to admit.

The art of stealth and eavesdropping can only be learned by those low-level monks who are responsible for going out to inquire about news. For example, Jiang Shaoying and Xiao Ai are masters of it. And Miss Wei of Juling Xianshan, who has a noble status, can't perform this kind of task, and of course she won't learn this kind of heresy.

"Master Wei's Taoism is not weak. When he came out to meet friends last night, how could he be easily followed by the young lady? Mr. Wei's hearing is better than that of the young lady. If the young lady can lurk aside and overhear Mr. Wei and his friends The conversation... how could it not be discovered?" Li Yuebai said.

"The fairy head's question is very reasonable. My hearing is not as good as uncle." Wei Qianqian lowered his eyes and said, "However, I never said that I learned it by eavesdropping."

"Miss Wei said clearly just now that the two of them talked very happily at first, and then they started arguing..." Li Yuebai repeated Wei Qianqian's words.

"I didn't hear these things, I saw them." Wei Qianqian opened his eyes wide and said firmly, "I have had extraordinary eyesight since I was a child. The moonlight was bright last night. As long as I look from a distance, I can see the two of them." As for the happy conversation at the beginning, and later disputes... These are all I can judge from their movements, not by hearing."

"It turns out that Miss has extraordinary eyesight." Li Yuebai casually pointed to a flag flying on a fairy tent in the distance, and asked: "Then can you see what the words on the flag are?"

Wei Qianqian looked over without fear and said the correct word.

"It's true." Everyone was convinced.

"Last night, I followed Uncle from a distance, and I could see him, but due to the distance, Uncle never found me." Wei Qianqian said: "When Uncle and Lord Tianji meet here, I will hide from a distance. In a crevice of rocks, dare not step forward and charge."

"So, Miss Wei doesn't trust Immortal Master Kunlun." Li Yuebai said, "Then why didn't you go forward to persuade Mr. Wei to leave?"

"I...Although I don't like Mr. Tianji, I didn't expect that he would do such a thing. I just suspected that he would deceive uncle with sweet words. I never thought that he would hurt people, so I never stepped forward to stop him. Regret." Wei Qianqian's face was very ugly, full of remorse and sadness.

"It makes sense." Li Yuebai sighed, "I don't know where Miss was hiding at that time."

"Here." Wei Qianqian pointed to a rock crevice in the northeast direction, which was indeed far away and relatively hidden.

Li Yuebai walked to the stone crevice step by step, observed for a long time, and then went in himself.

The cracks in the stone are relatively wide, even a grown man can hide here, let alone Wei Qianqian.

"Host, it's not good, Wei Qianqian has not been found by you until now." The system is a little anxious.

"Since she promised her father to lie, of course she has to do it more consummately." Li Yuebai sighed: "Basic homework still needs to be done."

Judging from the expressions of the monks of the various immortal sects present, they believed Wei Qianqian's words more and more. After all, it made sense from the beginning to the end, and there were no flaws.

Li Yuebai went in and out of the stone crevices several times, and kept looking around, not knowing what he was doing.

"Master Mu, you have always been praised by Kunlun monks as a person with both ability and political integrity." Ge Huai sighed, "Why bother to procrastinate? If you still can't refute Miss Wei, you shouldn't pester her unreasonably anymore."

"I'm not delaying time." Li Yuebai was still busy going in and out: "I just want to verify whether what Miss Wei said is true or not."

"Of course it's true. Do you have any questions?" Ge Huai sneered, "Even a tall adult man can hide in this crevice, and Miss Wei's slender figure can hide even more."

"Then let me ask again." Li Yuebai stared at Wei Qianqian closely: "Did you really hide in the crevices of the rocks last night? Could it be that you made a mistake?"

"There is absolutely no mistake." Wei Qianqian nodded firmly: "I am hiding here."

"Then Mr. Wei, is he really standing here?" Li Yuebai pointed to the place where there was blood.

"That's right, Uncle was talking to Mr. Tianji here, and then got hurt," Wei Qianqian said.

"Do you still remember the time?"

"Needless to say, everyone knows the time." Everyone added one after another: "Last night, when Mr. Wei left the fairy tent, it was a moment of ugliness, and when he returned from injury, it was a moment of ugliness."

"It's always ugly time." Li Yuebai nodded.

"Yes." Wei Qianqian said.

"I still have doubts about Miss's eyesight." Li Yuebai pointed to a grotto in the distance: "Miss, can you see what is in the grotto?"

"This..." Wei Qianqian was a little surprised, but still shook his head: "The grotto is pitch black, so I can't see clearly."

"Why does Immortal Master Mu have to argue with his words?" Ge Huai sighed, "Miss Wei just has extraordinary eyesight, not a pair of torch-like eyes. The grotto is so dark, how can she see clearly?"

"Yeah, this is forcing her too much." Everyone thought Li Yuebai was going too far.

"Then why was Miss Wei able to see clearly last night?" Li Yuebai said slowly.

"Last night?" Everyone couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Master Mu, why are you joking, the moonlight was bright last night, under the moonlight, you can see clearly."

After all, there were many people who didn't sleep last night, and they all saw the moonlight.

"That's right." Li Yuebai said with a smile: "Miss Wei is lying, if she is really hiding in the crevice of the stone here, it is absolutely impossible to see Mr. Wei and his friends."


"No matter how bright the moonlight is, there will be shadows." Li Yuebai said.

"Where does the shadow come from?"

"Everyone, didn't you see that stone wall?" Li Yuebai pointed to the stone wall standing in the southwest direction.

Of course, everyone saw the stone wall as soon as they came, but they didn't expect it to have anything to do with the case.

"Everyone, if you know how to deduce the moon phase a little bit, you can calculate it." Li Yuebai pointed to the stone wall: "Last night when you were ugly, the place where Mr. Wei was standing was in the shadow! In other words, this stone wall, It was blocking the moonlight that plunged Young Master Wei into darkness."