The White Moonlight in One’s Heart Self-Saving System

Chapter 93: Kunlun Fairy Mountain (31)


"There is too much evidence." Li Yuebai sighed: "All the evidence is clearly presented on this letter."

Everyone looked at the old letter paper recovered from the ashes, but they really couldn't see where the evidence was.

"Everyone, please read the handwriting carefully." Li Yuebai said, "Have you noticed that the ink color of certain characters is different?"

The ink is all black, and it is common to have different shades. If you don't observe carefully, you really won't find anything wrong.

"Even if the ink color is different, so what?" Ge Huai frowned and said, "When writing, you have to dip in the ink several times. When you first dip in the thick ink, the written characters will naturally be darker. After half a line of writing, the ink color will become lighter." , as it should be.”

"That's right." Li Yuebai said: "According to Ge Xianchang, if this letter is completed in one go, there should be rules in the shade of ink, right?"

"This..." Ge Huai felt like he had fallen into a hole he dug.

"And this old letter, the ink color changes irregularly." Li Yuebai pointed to a few words and said: "In this half sentence, only the second word is very light in ink, dare to ask, how did you write it?" ?”

"..." Ge Huai had nothing to say, so he could only reluctantly say: "Mr. Tianji does whatever he wants, or writes and writes on and off. It is not impossible to write such a letter."

"Then let me ask the second question." Li Yuebai said, "Why didn't you write in the old letter?"

"Consecutive pens?"

"It's two characters connected together." Li Yuebai said: "When writing fast, there are often consecutive strokes, but there are no consecutive strokes in old letters, and each character is separated independently, far apart..."

Looking at Yu Tianji's newly written letter, several words are connected together.

"If the old letter is really as I said, it was pieced together by Lord Tianliu. In the process of putting it together, each character must be cut out individually, and naturally there will be no continuous strokes." Li Yuebai said.

"Don't make such an assertion! How do we know what happened to Tianji-jun when he wrote this old letter?" Ge Huai's face turned red, and he argued: "It may be that Tianji-jun didn't like writing at that time, so I don't know. "

"Indeed, based on these alone, it's impossible to say for sure." Several elder immortals stroked their beards, not knowing how to make a judgment, so they could only say: "Is there any other reason for Master Mu?"

"Yes, but not many." Li Yuebai said: "I'm afraid there is only one reason left."


"I read a sentence from the letter, you can listen to it." Li Yuebai pointed to the two letters floating in the air, and read: "... I have admired Guardian Zuo for a long time... Kunlun Mountain is as high as a thousand feet, Easy to defend but difficult to attack... ”

"..." Even Yu Tianji couldn't help but get goosebumps when he heard these two sentences.

He first said that he admired the Demon Sect's Zuo Guardian, and then mentioned the terrain of Kunlun later, which was a full-fledged traitor.

In the eyes of some people, it is really possible for a fool like Yu Tianji to write such a letter.

"What's the problem with these two sentences?" Everyone was puzzled by Li Yuebai's intention.

"There are two strange words in it." Li Yuebai said.

"Which two words?"

"The word [Ha] and the word [Gao]."

"These two words..." Everyone looked at the letter again, and they found something different.

On the old and new letters, the handwriting of the two characters is similar, and it is obvious that they were written by the same person, but there are some subtle differences in the writing. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference.

In the old letter, both the characters Ji and Gao are written correctly, without any problems.

But in Yu Tianji's new letter, both the characters "Ji" and "High" were written incorrectly, there was an extra dot under the word "Ji", and the dot at the top of the character "Gao" was missing.

"Why... why is this so?" Everyone was puzzled: "Did Mr. Tianji make a typo?"

"There are more than these two typos." Someone taunted: "I have long heard that Mr. Tianji is ignorant, but I just read these two letters and found that there are as many as seven or eight typos... Why did the seniors also say that you can't learn anything?" Didn't point it out?"

"Misprinting is inevitable." An old fairy nodded slightly and said: "The focus of the old man and others is to compare the handwriting, so the problem of typos has not been brought up..."

"Then what is the purpose of Immortal Master Mu bringing out the two typos?" Ge Huai said.

"I believe Master Mu Xian has his own reasons." Someone interjected: "Didn't everyone see it? Only these two words were written correctly in the old letter, but wrong in the new letter. The rest of the typos are all in the two It's exactly the same error on the letter."

"That's what I want to say." Li Yuebai sighed, "The Immortal Master has never written these two words correctly."

"..." Yu Tianji was slightly embarrassed, and quickly covered it with thick eyelids, coughed, and said, "I'm so sorry for my lack of talent and learning."

"The fairy master always likes to increase or decrease the strokes without authorization, or add a little bit, or omit a little bit." Li Yuebai sent someone to fetch some edicts and letters written by Yu Tianji himself, and repeated them in it. After looking for it, I found a few added characters for ji and missing characters for high: "The writing of these two characters has never been corrected by the Immortal Lord, and it has always been a mistake to the end."

"..." Everyone was in a trance, as if they were not in the world of cultivating immortals, but in some chaotic demon world.

Which Jijiu lord would boldly publicize the fact that his fairy lord made a typo

Which fairy master would admit so brazenly that he has always loved typos and refused to correct them

This year's Kunlun is really wonderful.

"Master Mu Xian means..."

"It means that the old letter that Lord Tianliu took out was not written by the Immortal Lord." Li Yuebai said.

"It's Xu Tianji who got advice from someone else when he wrote the letter to Guardian Zuo of the Demon Realm," Ge Huai said.

"Impossible." Li Yuebai said in a deep voice: "I have personally instructed the Immortal Master no less than a hundred times, and the Immortal Master has never obeyed."

Everyone was once again shocked by Yu Tianji's ignorance.

"Pfft..." Even the system couldn't help laughing.

"What's so funny?" Li Yuebai frowned.

"Puff hahahaha..." The system couldn't stop laughing: "I'm sorry for the host, but hahahahaha..."

"I'm serious, okay?" Li Yuebai was heartbroken: "I'm a Chinese teacher... Do you know how it feels when a Chinese teacher can't teach students to write such simple characters?"

During the time when Li Yuebai was away from the system, everyone just digested this fact.

"Master Mu Xian, what do you mean, since the two characters in the old letter are written correctly, it can be proved that it was not written by Mr. Tianji?" A monk asked.

"It's not just because it's written correctly." Li Yuebai used a small spell to enlarge the two words: "It's also because, as I said before, the old letter was cut by Yu Tianliu, and these two words The words are clearly evidence of cropping."


Li Yuebai said: "The letters and proclamations in the world of cultivating immortals are all vertically arranged, and the characters [已] and [高] are likely to be adjacent to each other. I have discussed with the fairy master below, and the result of the discussion is- A few years ago, the Immortal Lord had a correspondence with his elder brother, and the Immortal Lord inevitably wrote the word "advanced age" in the letter. As for the content of the sentence, it is very likely that he was talking about his father... "

Yu Tianji sighed: "I don't write many letters to my eldest brother, so I have a little impression of each letter, so as not to forget everything. The word [old age] may have been written."

"And in recent days, Lord Tianliu tried to frame the Immortal Lord. The method he used was, of course, to collect the letters that the Immortal Lord had written and piece them together into a so-called "Dark Communication Letter". Li Yuebai said with a wry smile: "It's a pity that Lord Tianliu didn't expect the Immortal Master's typo to be so bizarre, so he only cut it according to the correct writing method, and even cut a point that should have been under the word [已] to the head of the word [高] The two characters were disassembled and placed in opposite directions, so no one found any doubts."

"But, isn't this too coincidental?" Some people were dissatisfied: "Mr. Tianji's typo, why is it so cleverly wrong? It just proves my innocence?"

"Because the fairy master has too many typos." Li Yuebai reluctantly said this sentence, dumbfounded: "Even if you don't prove it here, you will prove it elsewhere."

"Mr. Liu was too negligent that day, didn't he remember my brother's typo?"

"Mr. Tianliu is already very careful. You can see that there are many other typos in the old letter. Lord Tianliu has noticed that there are no editing mistakes." Li Yuebai smiled wryly: "It's still the same sentence. The blame can only be blamed on the Immortal Lord for making too many typos, and Lord Tianliu is hard to guard against."

"The system feels that even if you, the host, prove your innocence for Tianji-jun, Tianji-jun will have no face to be a fairy master in the future." The system is still out of breath with laughter.

"This... strong words!" Ge Huai said: "Based on just two typos, it is insufficient evidence to say that it was cut and forged by Lord Tianliu!"

"Whether the old letter was cut or not, you can judge for yourself." Li Yuebai pointed to the two letter papers floating in the air, and said.

Before he said this, everyone's eyes had already focused on the two pieces of letter paper.

The seemingly certain evidence was actually cut and pieced together. This kind of thing, everyone thinks it is very new.

"I'm ignorant, is there any magic that can put the cut pieces of paper together?" Someone asked.

"There is no spell specifically for splicing letter paper, but there are spells for repairing old things and eliminating cracks, which are generally used to heal wounds on people." An old doctor stroked his long beard and sighed: "If it is applied to letter paper, It's not difficult."

"This old man has practiced calligraphy for many years, and now that Master Mu Xianshi mentions it, he can see it very well." An old man sighed: "In the old letter, the dot above the word [高] obviously does not belong to [高] ] was not written in one go, because it was just a dot, so I missed it when I recognized the handwriting just now, but looking at it now, it is extremely out of place, and that point is exactly the same as the dot under the word [已] on the new letter."

"That's right, coupled with the contrast of ink color, it really makes sense to say that this old letter was cut and pieced together." Another old man echoed.

Everyone's discussion is more and more inclined to Li Yuebai's side, because those two typos are too obvious.

Even the immortal masters of the various immortal sects took out the invitation letter written by Yu Tianji to him, and carefully looked at it for comparison.

Sure enough, there were typos everywhere in those invitation letters, and there were even some added [ha] and missing [high].

Yu Tianliu's complexion gradually became difficult to look.

He coughed, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care if this old letter is cut and pieced together or not, anyway, I captured it from the demon cult thieves, even if it was cut and pieced together, it is very likely that it is Yu Tianji Cut it out and put it together.”

"Brother, what you said is strange. Although the Immortal Master is not talented and has typos everywhere, at least he will write a letter by himself, and of course not to the Demon Sect." Yu Tianji looked aggrieved: "Why does the Immortal Master take so much effort? Please, do this patchwork thing? Could it be that the Immortal Master opened his eyes and could predict that he would be criticized by his brother today, so he put it together in advance?"

"Sweet words!" Yu Tianliu snorted coldly: "Maybe it's because you want to write a letter to the Demon Sect, but also want to show your sincerity with your own handwriting, and prevent outsiders from finding out, so you resorted to a collage trick, so that you can Slander those who found this letter."

"It's terrible, I secretly pieced together the letter from the Immortal Lord, and I still want to continue to slander the Immortal Lord, and the Immortal Lord refuses to obey." Yu Tianji must have lost all skin and face, and began to make strange faces.

"About handwriting, that's all I have to say." Li Yuebai saw that the discussion was almost done, so he ended his defense of handwriting: "The next thing is the letter paper."

"What's wrong with the letter paper?" Ge Huai was still gnashing his teeth about the handwriting, but he didn't expect that Li Yuebai had already rushed to the next topic: "The old letter was recovered from the ashes by the immortal elders. What could be the problem?"

"If you have finished reading the handwriting, then put away the magic to maintain recovery." Li Yuebai said: "It's time to see what the pile of ashes looks like again."

Soon, the two letter papers floating in the air were put down, the old letter was placed on the altar, the spell was withdrawn, and everyone watched the letter paper turn back into a pile of black ash.

"I don't know if the demon cult thief captured by Lord Tianliu is still there?" Li Yuebai said: "Yesterday, in front of all the immortal elders, he clearly stated where he got this handful of black ash. , can you ask him to repeat it?"

"Of course." Yu Tianliu sneered, and sent someone to bring out the barrier again.

The barrier is still the same as it was yesterday, neither human nor ghost, hands and feet are chained, has a terrifying appearance, shivering, as soon as it comes up, it begs for mercy: "Everyone, the young ones have told the truth clearly. , can you show mercy outside the law and let the little one go?"

The guards under Yu Tianliu immediately kicked him hard, and angrily said: "What you said yesterday, say it again now!"

"Ah? Say it again?" Zhan Mi said with a bitter face, "If you say it a hundred times, it's still the same words!"

"Some people don't believe it, of course you have to say it until others believe it." Ge Huai sneered.

"Yes, yes, I'll just say it, I'll say it." Zhan Mi said with a bitter face, "The villain's name is Zhan Mi, and he's a subordinate of the Demon Sect's Left Guardian..."

"You don't need to start so early." Yu Tianliu coughed lightly, "Just tell me when you found that letter."

"Wait a minute." Li Yuebai said suddenly: "I suspect that Lord Tianliu has colluded with this demon cult thief, and will point out every sentence next to him, telling this thief how to speak and how to slander Lord Tianji."

"It's nonsense, it's bloody." Yu Tianliu said angrily, with a sense of righteousness.

"If Lord Tianliu really didn't collude with the culprit, please avoid it, so that the culprit can be asked for a real confession." Li Yuebai insisted.

"It's a joke, if Lord Tianliu avoids it, wouldn't he not be able to hear what the thief said? How can there be any fairness?" Ge Huai argued.

"Then how about this?" Li Yuebai took a step back: "Can you ask the elders to form a barrier between Tianliu Lord's side and this demon sect thief? I heard that there is a one-way barrier that allows The words of Lord Tianliu cannot be heard by the thief, but the words of the thief can be heard by Lord Tianliu."

"Is Mu Xianshi blatantly suspicious?" Yu Tianliu raised her eyebrows coldly.

"It's just to avoid suspicion. If Lord Tianliu doesn't dare, then it's really suspicious." Li Yuebai said: "Then I can only believe that Lord Tianliu and this thief are in the same group. point!"

Everyone had long been suspicious of Yu Tianliu, and Yu Tianliu had no choice but to accept this condition after weighing it up.

A barrier glowing with blue light was condensed by the spell, a one-way sound-blocking barrier, very effective. The interrogation also continued.

Zhanmi got the consent and continued to tell.

"That day, the little one was waiting in the alchemy room, and Zuo Hufa and his personal subordinates were also discussing important matters in the alchemy room. The little one heard Zuo Hufa say with his own ears that he had received a letter written by Tianji Jun, which said cooperation. Matter... Lord Tianji said that he wanted to inherit the position of Immortal Lord of Kunlun, but it was a pity that his father was in good health and his elder brother was quite powerful. The right protector disagrees, so I suggest that the left protector promote this great war, and let the right protector lead people to attack Kunlun." Zhan Mi spoke very fluently, without even changing the words,

"These words are exactly the same as yesterday's, even the words and sentences have not been revised." Li Yuebai said: "It doesn't look like it was searched from memory, but it seems to be memorized!"

He said this in a low voice, but Zhan Mi shuddered in fright.

"... This... This fairy leader doesn't believe in the little one?" Zhan Mi turned her eyes in horror, looked at Yu Tianliu, and shrank back in fright.

"It's okay, just keep talking." Li Yuebai smiled.

"Guard Zuo also took out the letter written to him by Lord Tianji. The little one saw it clearly. After reading the letter and discussing with his subordinates, Guardian Zuo threw the letter into the alchemy furnace and burned it instantly. Turned into ashes. The little one stole the ashes after Zuo Guardian and his men left."

"The alchemy furnace, but the alchemy furnace of your Demon Cult?" Li Yuebai said.

"Yes, yes." Zhanmi replied repeatedly.

"That's right, there must be no decent alchemy furnace in the alchemy room of the Devil's Cult. If you say there is, I will doubt whether you are a member of the Devil's Sect."

"No, of course there is not. Of course there is only the alchemy furnace of the devil's religion in the alchemy room of the devil's religion!" Zhan Mi replied repeatedly, eager to prove that he was a real member of the devil's religion.

"Then tell me, why can the alchemy furnace of the Demon Cult burn black ash?" Li Yuebai stared at the barrier: "The alchemy furnace of the Demon Cult uses the crooked Jiuwei True Fire, and the famous and decent The three-flavored real fire is different, but the nine-flavored real fire burns the paper, and the ashes produced can only be off-white, how can there be black ashes?"

"This this… "

"That's right! Although this Immortal Lord is not talented, I also heard that the alchemy techniques of the Demon Sect are different." Yu Tianji sighed: "This Immortal Lord was naughty when he was young, and he once threw the scrolls into his own alchemy furnace. Burned to black ashes, at that time there was an immortal master who taught me that if it is the real fire of the nine flavors of the devil's religion, it will be grayish white when burned, not black."

"Could it be that you are not a member of the Devil's Cult at all, but just a fake?" Li Yuebai's voice was not high, but his words were pressed at every step: "I'm afraid this letter was not burned in the alchemy furnace of the Devil's Cult at all. Did you come out?"

"This... I am wronged, the little one is really a member of the Devil's Cult!" Zhan Mi repeatedly shouted for injustice.

"Then, why do you explain that the alchemy furnace of the Demon Cult burned black ashes?" Li Yuebai sneered and said, "Unless, it's because your Demon Cult just flattened the Huacang Xianshan and moved the alchemy furnace of Huacang Xianshan into The alchemy room of your Demon Cult! Otherwise, there is no other explanation."

"..." Zhan Mi looked around in horror, and found that she was in a helpless situation and could not find help. After a while of eyeballs, she finally gritted her teeth fiercely and replied: "Yes! Just like the fairy elder What you said! At that time, we happened to seize the alchemy furnace of Hualong Xianshan and put it in our alchemy room. I remembered it wrong before! Zuo Hufa conveniently threw the letter into the alchemy furnace of Hualong Xianshan , so black ashes were burned!"

"But the alchemy furnace in Hualong Xianshan is burning three flavors of real fire, which is extremely lethal to the demon cultists. You must have burned your hands when you took out the ashes from it?" Li Yuebai asked.

"Yes, yes, but the little one has already recovered from his injury, so it's okay, it's okay." Zhan Mi repeatedly nodded.

"This time, you can really remember clearly and won't change it again?" Li Yuebai asked word by word.

"Everything I say is true, I dare not lie!"

"Have you all heard clearly?" Li Yuebai raised his head with a smile and asked the various immortal sects.

The great immortal sects nodded silently.

"You don't need to say anything, you should also know that this demon cult thief did not speak a single truth." Li Yuebai said: "The slander he slandered the Immortal Lord yesterday was all lies."

"That's right, the words of this devil's cult thief are really unbelievable." An old fairy master nodded and sighed: "Tianliu-jun, the devil's cult thief you brought here may not understand the situation of the devil's religion's alchemy room. None know."

"...Why can you be so determined?" Several young monks couldn't understand what they were talking about, and were puzzled.

"Because what I just said about the ashes is all lies." Li Yuebai sighed: "Whether the burned ashes are black or white has nothing to do with the alchemy furnace. Black and white ashes of various colors only depend on the material of the paper and the temperature of the furnace.”

"this… "

"I don't want Zhanmi to listen to my lies, so she swears, and makes up my lies all the way." Li Yuebai sighed: "The next thing I said about the alchemy furnace in Hualong Xianshan is also fake—— It is true that Hualong Xianshan was flattened by the Demon Sect, but all the alchemy furnaces in Hualong Xianshan were tightly sealed in place, and it is impossible for them to be snatched away by the Demon Cult—if you don’t believe it, you can go to Hualong Xianshan by yourself to pay homage to the ruins.”

"That is to say..."

"This so-called Devil Cult thief may not be a Devil Cult thief at all, and maybe he never did anything in the Devil Cult's alchemy room at all." Li Yuebai said: "It's just full of lies."