The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 110: Talking (Second update)


It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Shen Qi returned to the dormitory. She was slightly taken aback when she saw the car parked downstairs. When the car window rolled down slowly, the 1300 handsome face without glasses was revealed.

Shen Qi felt that his mood suddenly jumped up, and the fatigue and worries of the day seemed to disappear.

She walked briskly, approaching like a little butterfly, "Why are you here?"

Seeing that Shen Qi did not hide his good mood, He Beidi heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that nothing happened. He was terrified when he received the text message, thinking that he had done something to offend her, otherwise why would he suddenly send him such a polite and distant message.

"Have you eaten yet?" he asked.

"Eat." Shen Qi nodded, without He Beidi's invitation, he "installed" himself on the co-pilot, "It's so late, what's the matter?"

He Beidi felt that the uneasiness in her heart was dispelled by her simple actions, and she took out a pair of her favorite supper from the back seat, and handed it to her: "Give it to others."

The girl's eyes immediately narrowed like a cat's, and she took it with satisfaction, "No, it's mine, I can do it!"

Well, just sneak a little to 1500 koi.

Shen Qi hooked the corners of his mouth, "It's not that something happened during the day, so I came to see you. What, has your mood been affected?"

Shen Qi was a little upset when he met unreasonable fans today, but it is gone now.

She shook her head.

"Oh, then why did you suddenly say something strange." His eyes flickered, pretending to be nonchalant, "Thank me or something, these words... You don't usually do this, it's a bit strange."

Shen Qi suddenly realized that the fourth generation came here specially because of this.

"That's because I suddenly realized that I have never positively recognized your excellence, which is wrong." Shen Qi said seriously, "This is my mistake, I thought you would understand if I didn't tell you."

He Beidi was taken aback, "You really think so?"

He Beidi's accident made Shen Qi further confirm his own thoughts, see, it really is impossible to keep some words out of your mouth.

Shen Qi nodded, "Beibi, I hope you understand that you are my most recognized partner and the only person I trust the most."

Before He Beidi had time to be happy, his heart sank when he was hit by the words that followed. only two? Anyone else

Thinking of the person Shen Qi once "liked", his eyes dimmed, "Would you mind telling me who the other one is?"

"Xiaozhu," Shen Qi compared her lips, "don't let her know."

A system that has not been praised for many years, once you know that you are recognized, don't get excited about bugs.

He Beidi: ...

He found that when he went out today, his heart was like a roller coaster, up and down, a little dizzy.

He Beidi is a very sensitive person, and he captures other people's emotions so finely that it is a bit annoying. Because of this, he likes to get along with pure people, which will make him feel relaxed and happy without receiving too much complicated information.

He has always known that Shen Qi trusts him very much. Although it seems that he has always been Shen Qi's backer, he understands in his heart that they are mutually accomplished and rely on each other. But unknowingly, he became greedy, he hoped that he could take more initiative, he worked hard to become more reliable and powerful, hoping to become her unique reliance. Even though she is ignorant and unintentional about emotional matters now, when she wants to dock, she will think of herself first.

Now that he is finally on the same level as his cousin, is this considered a phased achievement

"Anyway, you don't owe me anything. Thank you for such words. Don't say it again." He didn't like that she and him had a clear calculation, and he didn't want to listen to Shenqi and him being polite.

"Okay, I won't talk about it from now on," Shen Qi nodded, and suddenly said with a smile, "Is there any arrangement for the day after tomorrow? Treat you to dinner."

He Beidi thought that the day after tomorrow seemed to have an interview meeting with a company in Singapore... What day is the day after tomorrow

Shen Qi blinked, a little surprised, "Why, July 7th, isn't this holiday in your house?"

She thought, with the tradition of the He family, even Arbor Day was celebrated, so such a famous day should not be missed.

He Beidi:! ! !

"Why? This is one of the most important festivals in my family. Not only must it be celebrated, but it must also be grand." The fourth generation suddenly looked serious, "But Ms. Su may not want to celebrate this festival with us."

Seeing the irrepressible joy in Daohe Beidi's eyes, Shen Qi raised the corners of his lips.

——The mind of the fourth generation is actually quite easy to guess. She thought it was complicated before.

Although it's not too late, but such a cute child, it's not too much to secretly give a candy or two, right

"Okay, then let's live together." Her smiling expression fell into He Beidi's eyes, and she felt that the stars of the day had lost their color.

"It's a deal."

After Shenqi got off the car, He Beidi called Secretary Wu.

"... Yes, squeeze the schedule for the day after tomorrow. If you can, go back, if you can't, go forward. I have to get off work on time the night after tomorrow."

Secretary Wu was at a loss, but as a perfect secretary, this matter was naturally out of the question. He just didn't understand, the boss had a serious face when he went out, as if he had lost several million in a big case, why did he come back with a phone call, as if he had made hundreds of millions for nothing

Tut tut!

The time of the arrest of the fans of the M group has been fermented on the Internet for a day. Although the fans of Shan Shao are arguing with reason, the M group has official chat records, pretending to be the weaker party, and doing everything they can.

Because of this incident, many Shuangdan fans also had to stand in line again. The monosodium glutamate factory is facing a large-scale withdrawal situation, and can't help but suspect that maybe this is the plan of MYTH's operation - to split fans from China, and to snatch the popularity of Flash Young.

Yusanjia was well aware of the demon operation of the M group, and the next day, NA released the surveillance video of the day. At the same time, small videos circulated among fans were also circulated on the Internet.

In fact, someone posted a video yesterday, but it was overwhelmed by the offensive of the fans of the M group, and it was reposted less than a dozen times.

In the video, it is clearly captured that the fans of the M group threw objects at Li Mian first, and then was kicked back by Director Shen, repaying him in his own way, which is not unpleasant. This time, the video was jointly reposted by Ibis Music, Chu Entertainment, and NA Royal, and fans of the M group should not be allowed to spout any more blood. And the Asia Star program team also directly stated that they have never accepted any communication from the operation of the M group about fan meetings, and have not promised anything.

At that time, there were twelve international groups on the scene, and it was impossible for the officials to let any fans into the arena without guaranteeing order and safety.

At this time, Li Mian, another protagonist of the incident, posted a clarification message on Weibo at 5:00 pm yesterday, but no one paid any attention to it, because—Qisehua Li Mian, 300 fans.

Everyone: ... Well, the young lady is a little pitiful, why not

Since yesterday afternoon, Li Mian shouted loudly on Weibo but failed to refute the rumors, and finally sent a message @沉奇 very frustrated: "QAQ I'm sorry, it's all because I'm too weak!"

This girl has endured countless blows since her debut, but this time she was unable to reverse the case for her "benefactor" because she was too transparent, which can be called a historical blow. Li Mian even hugged the little sisters in the group and cried bitterly.

"We must be popular, we must be popular! Work hard!!!"

For the benefactor no longer be wronged!

Fans of the MSG factory certainly wouldn't let go of this opportunity. Before, no one listened to what they said, but now it's different.

"Did you see? As I said a long time ago, our factory manager never slaps his face for more than 24 hours, but that's good too. Purify the team early. For those who quit, I thank you all. Go early and be quiet, and don't lick it in the future." face back!"

"Some people are really pitiful. How does it feel to be played by your master?"

"Ah, my factory manager's vajra crouching legs reappeared. Sure enough, every time the crouching legs come out, all the kicks are 'demons and ghosts'!"

"Miss Li Mian is so cute, I've paid attention to her, she is a fan of the factory manager."

"A certain company's operation is disgusting in my own country, so I brought those broken problems to Huaxia. We are not used to it, hehe, no one in your country knows about that shit, and Huaxia fans are so stupid..."

MYTH Operations didn't expect the officials to directly slap them in the face like this, and the team leader's complexion suddenly became a little ugly. He did not contact the official of the Asia Star program group, but directly skipped this link and found NA's phone number.

The leader of the team is the person in charge of Huaxia District, a native of China, but has already naturalized in another country. This time it can be said that he has a difficult task to lead the team, and no mistakes are allowed. When the fans made trouble, he had already led the team to leave, and he left early to avoid the fans. He didn't know much about the incident, and he didn't think it was a big deal to blame him. After all, in the original company, it was common to bind the program group to hype. Generally speaking, the program group will choose to deal with it in a low-key manner, and is unwilling to have bad relations with entertainment companies.

But this time around the program seems to be different.

"Secretary Wu, I hope you and Mr. He will reflect on this matter. We were invited to participate in the competition. Your contract stated that you will definitely give us a fair and just competition. Now the program team is taking the lead in discrediting MYTH. I hope that NA Entertainment, as the lead and person in charge, can explain this matter."

The attitude of the team leader is very arrogant. In his opinion, only MYTH is the only team that can really be called the Asian team in this competition. It can be said that MYTH has supported 80% of the popularity of the "Asian Star". The lifeblood of the whole show, how dare they sin against themselves like this! Isn't he afraid of retiring with MYTH

Secretary Wu looked at He Beidi, who was busy in the office. Considering that due to "some emergencies", Mr. He was busy taking tomorrow's work today, so he probably didn't have time to listen to these people's boring complaints.

"Mr. Jin," Secretary Wu said politely, "As you said, what we promise is fairness and justice."

The team leader snorted coldly, thinking that Secretary Wu would coax him, so he couldn't help being even more arrogant, but he heard Secretary Wu say indifferently: "Isn't the way the program group handles it in line with the spirit of fairness and justice? If Mr. Jin doesn't like it, why not go with the MYTH group?" Communicate with the fans and admit that it was a mistake in my arrangement, I think the fans will understand."

The leader of MYTH almost thought he had heard wrong.

"What do you mean? Is this your attitude? I want to talk to Mr. He!"

"Sorry, no way."

"You... don't think that after signing the contract, you can make money without losing money. We can withdraw from the game at any time."

"Okay." Secretary Wu poked his ear, "According to the contract, Mr. Jin needs to confirm the termination of the contract with the head office's legal counsel, and then communicate with us 60 working days in advance, but there are still three days before the show will start broadcasting, and your company needs compensation Thirty times liquidated damages—”

The leader of MYTH thinks the other party is crazy, how dare he talk to himself like that.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I won't tell you, I want to talk to Mr. He! You give him the phone, and I'll talk to him personally."

"But Mr. He doesn't have time to 'personally' answer your call." Secretary Wu's face sank, "Mr. Jin, I hope you understand that the chairman of your company interviewed Mr. He 'personally' for the Asia Star project. According to the level, if you have any needs, you need to report to your company's general manager, president, and then to the assistant to the chairman, and the assistant to the chairman of your company will contact me. You should communicate with the program team, not me."

— In terms of qualifications, you are not qualified to talk to this secretary like this.