The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 113: Strong players gather


24 has always been known for its numbers in the eyes of outsiders, but this time there are only five members in the Hua group. It is inevitable that people feel that they have given up their advantages, or that they do not pay enough attention to the stage. Unexpectedly, Huagumi's song "White Love Song" pushed the atmosphere to an unprecedented climax.

There is no other reason-the flower group directly invited the "support team" to the stage.

The 100-member support group of the flower group lined up like a choir behind five angelic girls, holding light sticks, and called CALL neatly and crazily, instantly driving the atmosphere of the audience.

"Damn! I feel that the neon system is really unmatched in terms of support! Why did I cry when I watched it!"

"It's weird, I can't even understand what they are singing, but I still feel so excited! Why should I follow blindly?"

"Report, the guy in the front row of me is suspected to be a wota artist, and he's already dancing like crazy. I really want to borrow two light sticks from him!"

At the climax of "White Love Song", flakes of snow suddenly fell from the sky on the stage, mixed with gold powder and glittering, creating a winter beauty.

The audience in the front row suddenly exclaimed.

"My God! It's real snow!"

The snowflakes fall on the palm and instantly turn into water droplets, bringing a cool touch.

It's summer now!

"What kind of fairy stage is this! My god, I have come to the fairyland!"

"Ah, why did you give the flower group such a good stage effect? It's partial! How much money the flower group paid, I paid three times in CS!"

"Is my NA short of money? My flash is six times less! Give me another meteor shower!"

"I feel that I have used up my luck for ten years to buy this on-site ticket. How can I see this god-level scene."

"I'm really worried that NA's money is not enough to support the end of Asia Star, it's too expensive..."

After the performance of the flower group, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were still immersed in the dreamland of ice and snow fairy tales, unwilling to wake up for a long time. But when it came to the judges' comments, it was a little different than expected.

"Wonderful! Your enthusiasm, your stage, and your performance are very good. But..." a female judge from the UK commented, "I can only say that your performance is very good, but your overall strength is a little weak In the first few groups, it was not enough to surprise me."

This time Raymond didn't have a harsh tongue, but he agreed with the judge.

"I can understand your fans, you are very likable, and you are very commercially valuable, but this is a competition, and you may need to come up with more challenging things." He smiled, "Of course, each of you very cute."

In the end, Ms. Murakami, a producer from Japan, gave a high score, while other judges gave mediocre scores, and a female judge from the UK gave the lowest score in the audience, which attracted a burst of abuse from fans of the 24 series on the barrage.

The results of the flower group have also aroused heated discussions in the outside world.

Different countries have different markets, different national conditions, and inevitably have different preferences. Whether an artist who is popular in the domestic market will be popular in foreign markets is inherently difficult to predict. Even relatively mature Korean girl groups will adjust their genre to a certain extent when they enter the European and American markets. There are also fashionable girl groups in the neon group, and the failure of the flower group does not represent everyone. As if to confirm this point, another group "DREAM12" also from Neon, although not as popular as the flower group, got a high score from the judges.

Unexpectedly, the Galaxy Girls team, which made Huaxia fans hopeful, did not impress the judges because of the mediocre response and mediocre performance.

The Galaxy Girls Team can be regarded as the representative of China's first generation of women's teams, and they are also the youth of a generation. Now, on such a world-class stage, they showed a losing trend from the very beginning, which really disappointed some fans.

Captain Chen Xiaoxiao was obviously not in good condition, and he didn't even bow after the judges commented. After stepping down, she left without saying a word. Ye Ning and the others seemed to be accustomed to her behavior. There was no communication between the two parties, and they were very disappointed because of the poor performance in this round.

And the next few groups were not particularly brilliant. Except for DREAM12, the whole second half of the game seemed a little dull. It makes people a little visually tired.

At this time, there were already 950,000 viewers in the live broadcast room, and it was almost on the verge of breaking through one million, but it was the daily limit, and it still couldn't go up.

"To be honest, the stage is really good, I am so envious of the audience, but I am a little tired after watching too much..."

"I feel that the two stage effects are too flashy. The director cut back and forth, and my eyes hurt. I'll go out to drink a glass of milk, rest for a while, and wait for the flash."

"Three hours is physical work, and the old man can't bear it anymore."


At that time, Young Master Shan had already changed his clothes and was doing the final preparations. Their costumes this time were specially designed and made by Chuyu in contact with a well-known French designer for the song "Light" and the Nine Flashes. The special soft fabric is white and delicate, and it flows with the air when walking, and it looks like clouds. visual impact. Under different lights, it will refract very high-end colors according to the environment color. When nine people stand in a row, it is like sunlight refracted into light at different times through the atmosphere. It is romantic, beautiful, and endlessly changing.

Alice once worried that this costume would be too stealthy and overwhelm the charm of the girls themselves. Fortunately, after several rehearsals, Shao Shan proved with their strength that they can afford this million-dollar outfit.

"There are two more, everyone get ready." Alice clapped her hands, giving everyone the last free time.

"My chess, accompany me to the bathroom." Shen Yuan greeted.

"... Didn't you just go there?"

"It's common sense to go to the bathroom before a big battle, right?" Shen Yuan pulled her away, "This is a reverse flag that must be implemented, come quickly."

Shen Qi was taken aback by what she said, and considering that this was the "proverb" of 1500 koi, he finally followed it. When she came out after washing her hands, she saw Shen Yuan shrinking nervously at the door, winking at her, and blowing "hissing" from her mouth.

This is Shen Yuan's little trick, and everyone often does this when passing notes in meetings.

Shen Qi immediately silenced.

Shen Yuan pointed to the inside, and compared her ears again.

When Shen Qi heard it, he really heard some noises inside, as if... someone was crying

The two looked at each other.

Shenqi: What's the situation

Shen Yuan: How would I know!

Shen Qi: Isn’t it supernatural? This kind of old venue is usually a bit of a legend...

Shen Yuan: Please don't tell me! Ahh, the koi clear the way, and the ghosts and ghosts retreat!

Suddenly, the people inside seemed to notice the sudden silence, and the crying stopped.

There was a sound of flushing water, and after a while, the door was pushed open, and Chen Xiaoxiao came out with red eyes, seeing Shen Qi and Shen Yuan at the door, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face. Pursing her lips, she walked away quickly without saying a word.

Shen Qi breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately the other party didn't speak, because she didn't know what to say.

"Didn't Ye Ning say that she still has an announcement, so she's leaving first?" Shen Yuan asked carelessly.

Didn't leave, and was crying in a place like the bathroom where others couldn't see, so it can be seen that he didn't care at all. If so, why pretend not to care

Shen Qi asked Shen Yuan, "Are you not nervous anymore?"

Shen Yuan:! ! !

"Why remind me? No, I want to go to the bathroom again!"

The tenth player is the Thai Andromeda group, which is also a four-member group, very popular in their own country, and this is the first time they have come to China. Andromeda very cleverly chose a pure English song cover and adaptation, which perfectly bridged the language gap, and the familiar melody was refreshing because of the rearrangement. All four of them were models, and their body proportions are one in a million. Their appearance alone has an advantage, and their singing skills are also remarkable, which was well received by the judges.

"The arrangement of this song is very innovative. I like it. If possible, I hope that the original singer King can also hear it."

"You are amazing. Your appearance, your music, your dancing, and your singing are all girl groups in my mind." Raymond, who was completely hit by Andromeda, blew a rare rainbow Fart, "The only regret is that your number is too small. It would be better if you have more people. Of course, with your conditions, it may be very difficult to find a fifth player."

In fact, although there are only four members of Andromeda, there are as many as seven preparatory trainees in this group. In order to coordinate the appearance and aura, the difference in height and weight of the four final members is no more than two, just like pasting The four copied templates have a strong visual impact. As Raymond said, at least for now, the fifth man is very difficult to choose.

Another Korean female judge said, "You are very good, but I still see too many traces of imitation from your performances. Next time, I hope to hear and see your own performances."

After the performance of Andromeda, AI Star hosted the curtain call. As the track and team names appeared in the air in the form of holographic subtitles, the live broadcast platform won another peak tonight.

NO.11 "Light" - Flash Girl

In the main control room, everyone watched the background data increase linearly.

"Director, break through one hundred... no, one hundred one, one hundred and fifteen..." The staff was stunned, staring at the geometrically growing data on the screen in disbelief, "Mr. He! Breaking through 1.2 million! Quickly, manually clear the barrage!"

It's unbelievable, the background data shows that there are actually a large number of external network IPs, which are distributed throughout Europe and North America, and there are quite a few of them. They are all from Flash Girls? Is their local girl group already this powerful

He Beidi's tightly pursed lips from the opening to now finally raised a satisfied arc.

This is the scenario he expected.

He winked at Secretary Wu. Secretary Wu understood and immediately contacted the control room.

"Attention in the computer room, turn on the backup server immediately, there will be a wave of data impact next, make sure to ensure the smoothness of the live broadcast, within the next seven minutes, absolutely no freezes are allowed..."

At the same time, the scene and the live broadcast room were filled with jubilation.

"Young Master Shan, it's finally my local heavenly group's turn!"

"All the staff of the monosodium glutamate factory are here, calling for the factory manager!"

"Flash Girl, do you still remember the 'Meteor Covenant' of 20,000 people? This time, you will also set sail with our dreams!"

"Shao Shan, come on! I will give you my dream, and I will give you my strength! Burn as much as you want, you are the light!"

As the fanaticism of the audience surpassed any previous team, it once aroused the surprise of the judges.

What's going on here? Is MYTH coming out early? Besides MYTH, is there such an influential group in China? If it is still at the level of the previous Galaxy Girls team, even if it is a local battle, the judges don't think they can arouse such strong enthusiasm from fans.

Raymond asked the translator curiously, "Who is coming out next, and why are they so excited? Is it MYTH?"

The translator coughed dryly, "...Mr. Raymond, MYTH is not a Chinese girl group. The next one is Shining Gril, a popular TOP1 girl in China."

Raymond nodded, not knowing if he understood, he just said, "Then let's get started."

Anyway, he has never been able to distinguish the faces of oriental people clearly. The only ones he can remember are a few oriental stars in Hollywood. Their excellent temperament is impressive.

However, there is a special case recently. Raymond can't help but think of the oriental girl who "saved the beauty" at the Xana Film Festival. He still remembers her name, which is very interesting—Wonder Woman.

If it was her, he would recognize it at a glance.