The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 116: Take the blame


Even so, He Beidi still sent a message to Shen Qi, telling her that he might not be able to complete "Family Culture" as promised today.

Shen Qi expressed her understanding, because she is also very busy now.

NA He Beidi: By the way, congratulations.

Shen Qi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that He Beidi was congratulating her on the Flash Girl's dodging in TOP1. Although it was only the first stage of points, MYTH was hit hard this time, and if Xishan's condition does not recover well , the follow-up competition is not optimistic, and Shan Shao still has a great chance of winning.

It's just that the outside world will think that Shan Shao's victory is invincible. After all, MYTH has long been the "Star of Asia" in the hearts of fans.

After hanging up the phone, she looked at her companions, because of the MYTH stage fall incident, the mood here is also a little depressed. Especially Shen Yuan and Yu Wei, the two of them read the online comments almost immediately, seeing the rumors outside, naturally felt uncomfortable.

Shen Qi didn't watch the live broadcast at the time, so she couldn't tell what was going on, but she didn't think it was a problem with the stage or Fuhuadao.

This time, "Star of Asia" He Beidi paid more attention to it than ever before. If Secretary Wu didn't stop him, he would have asked about every detail, so he also provoked some dissatisfaction from the heads of the other two companies, thinking that NA was too ambitious. Big, stretched too far. Even Xiao Chu, who was at a loss for hosting this kind of event for the first time, put in a lot of effort this time, perhaps to prove that he is no worse than the fourth generation. picky.

What's more, even if Xiao Chu is inexperienced, the old Chu behind him will not be inexperienced. The entire "Star of Asia" seems to be a joint venture of Ibis Music, Chu Entertainment, and NA Royal. In fact, the Chuhua Group behind Chu Entertainment played a vital role in it, and it can be called the number one hero behind the scenes.

It is impossible for Chu Hanyu to really see his son in trouble, and even he has to find ways to increase Chu Yu's bargaining chip, so as to be able to separate from NA - after all, it is not the first time that this father ended up helping his son beat a classmate up.

Under such circumstances, if you say that there will be problems with the venue, that is to despise the ability of the third generation male lead.

None of the top ten teams had any problems, but MYTH stumbled? Lost the champion? What about telling jokes

However, the MYTH team leader refused to cooperate, did not accept media interviews, and did not come forward to explain, allowing fans to speculate wildly and suffer delusions.

"What happened at that time?" Shen Qi asked.

She was talking at that time, and she didn't pay attention to the live broadcast.

Shen Yuan raised her hand, "I, I saw it! I saw Xishan O'Neill suddenly fell down. She seemed to be in pain. In fact, I think she didn't perform very well in the whole game today. There were several movements that were not in place. It was not her usual s level."

"That's right," Yu Wei also said, "MYTH as a whole is weird today, and you can see that, they were so serious during the rehearsal, it's impossible to paddle during the official competition."

"That is to say, they may have been injured before?" Zhou Xinlei speculated, "Didn't they call their company's medical team to come shortly after they got off the plane? Given the intensity of their work, it would not be surprising if they were injured. Fans Is there any news around here?"

Yu Wei shook her head with a distressed expression, "I haven't participated in the support for a long time, but I asked the little sister in the support club, and she said she didn't know. MYTH has rarely performed commercially in China recently, and I have never heard of Ernie being injured. news, but it seems true that MYTH was suppressed in the company.”

"Look online!" Shen Yuan posted a new message, her eyes lit up, "The program team has released a seven-second video."

Everyone immediately came over and surrounded Shen Yuan's screen.

The Asia Star program group, Ibis Music, Chu Entertainment, and NA Royal, are released at the same time, which can be described as a huge momentum.

The video is a completely unedited version, recorded from three angles, and the effect is very clear. As Shen Yuan said, Xishan did have a problem with her expression management in the middle. Because of the lighting, netizens can even see the details of her forehead. sweat.

When she was turning around, she suddenly lost her balance and fell to her knees on the stage, her knee hit the floor heavily. This impact made her expression extremely painful and even choked up. The director cut off her microphone in time, so she couldn't hear her voice in the second half of the video, but she seemed to be asking for help in Korean to her teammates from the mouth shape.

"I'm in pain, help me."

The first to hear the sound was her teammate Jiyeon who was closest to her. She quickly moved to the front of Xishan, and YULI on the right also realized it, and immediately filled Jiyeon's position. Immediately, the lighting engineer dimmed the lights, and Xishan's position was shrouded in darkness, and the staff could be vaguely seen injured at the scene.

After the video broke, MYTH fans cried out their distress.

"What's wrong with my sister? Is my sister injured? It hurts to look at the floor like that. You can hear the sound at the scene, right?"

"Ah, O'Neil, don't force yourself, your body is important. Asian Star or something is just a small competition for China's self-entertainment, don't take it to heart!"

"My heart hurts to death! What is the company doing? Come out and die! My sister is like this and you want her to come out to compete?"

"MD company, let's be an individual. Is this going to treat MYTH as an abandoned child? Have you forgotten the time when your sisters gave you a lot of money? Do you really think CS can replace MYTH?"

"Oni should not hurt because of the fall, but because of the pain. I am a medical student, and from the analysis of her previous movements, there is probably something wrong with her right foot, and it is not a new injury..."

After the seven-second video was exposed, the battle on the Internet temporarily subsided, and MYTH fans went to the Internet to insult the Korean agency passionately, and no longer trembled with Shan Shao. It's just that a small number of people are still saying sourly, there are no remarks such as "MYTH's Asian star is a joke", "Shan Shao wins without martial arts, and the champion is ridiculous".

Fans of Young Master Shan feel aggrieved in their hearts. It is clear that her young lady's performance is perfect and she is a well-deserved champion. Try not to intensify the conflict in this incident. In addition, after seeing the video of player Xishan's injury, many fans also felt soft-hearted. Although the opponent's management is not a thing, the artist is innocent.

It's really...

Think about it, if the female goose suffers this kind of grievance, their fans really want to set the company on fire.

At the same time, in the hotel of MYTH, Team Leader Jin communicated with the company staff in Korean for a while with a solemn expression, and then looked at Xishan who was half lying on the bed with one foot receiving treatment. Although fans are used to calling her "Sister Xishan", the girl is actually only 24 years old. Kim Hee Sun, who debuted at the age of seventeen and is known as the national goddess, has been ups and downs in the Korean entertainment industry for seven years. At this moment, her eyes were still red, and her teammate Zhiyan hugged her shoulders to comfort her.

Leader Jin's head was full of "Axi", how could this happen to him? He thought that the company suddenly promoted him to lead the team because he was from Huaxia and he was more familiar with this place. He wanted to complete the task satisfactorily and go back to get a promotion and salary increase. Who knows that MYTH is actually in the team now? That's right.

Fortunately, he thought that the "Star of Asia" was in his pocket.

"Xishan, give me an accurate word, will it work?"

"I..." the girl lowered her head, choking again.

Leader Jin couldn't help but get angry, "Crying, crying, what's the use of crying, let's see what's going on outside? Don't you think it's embarrassing enough? The MYTH brand was smashed by you!"

Teammate Zhiyan couldn't help but said: "Mr. Jin, Xishan's injury is not a new one. The company knew about it when it arranged for us. The doctor said that Xishan's leg will be disabled if it is not rested, and she will not be able to dance in the future. Why? Under such circumstances, the company still insists on arranging us to compete?"

"Because this is your only chance, you..." The man paused, and then said, "What are your eyes? Do you think I am a devil? Then let me ask you, are these jobs arranged by me?"

He is just a temporarily assigned team leader, and some instructions are from the company's top management.

"If you don't want to, go to your agent and tell the company, what's the use of you and me being sloppy? What's wrong with me, this is the first time I've led a team to encounter such a thing?"

He can see it. The management of MYTH's main dancer has been injured for a long time. The group is already on the decline. It has been robbed of the market by younger and more energetic new groups in China. Now that the main dancer is injured, it is very likely that he will not be able to dance anymore. … If there was no invitation from the "Asian Star", they might have gone back to their respective homes by now.

Leader Jin has been in the company for many years, and he understands how cruel the company is to artists who are no longer valuable.

No matter how popular this girl and this team were at the beginning, they are obviously abandoned now.

"The rest of us can also perform." Zhiyan said, "Let Xishan rest, the six of us will go."

Team Leader Jin hesitated, he had also thought about this method. But it happened to be Xishan, Xishan's position in the team is too important, she can't be there, which means that MYTH's popularity is halved, which is definitely not what the top management wants. The top executives just hope to throw MYTH into the Chinese market to extract the final value.

"No," Xishan raised her head suddenly, she looked at her feet, gritted her teeth, and said, "I can go up."

Leader Jin frowned, "Think about it, if you do it again..."

"No." Xishan said, "I will take painkillers, no matter how painful it is, I will finish dancing."

"Hee Sun..." Ji Yeon wanted to dissuade her.

Xishan said: "This may be our last performance. I... I have an appointment with Huaxia fans to present a perfect performance."

After communicating with the team members, Captain Jin heaved a long sigh, and there was the sound of girls sobbing in the room.

He is not Saoki, and he is not a devil. He also sympathizes with the current situation of the former TOP1 girl group, but in the current situation, I am afraid that it is not his turn to sympathize with others. After all, this time the incident has become like this, and his own position is also in jeopardy. His wife and children are still abroad. At his age, losing his job is a terrible thing.

Thinking about it, he called the company again and reported the situation here. Hearing the other party's instructions, he was startled, and then his eyes darkened.

"Is this going to be too..."

"Ok, I see."

With the release of the "Seven Seconds Shady" video, the turmoil surrounding Star of Asia's first performance gradually subsided. Fans turned to attacking the company behind MYTH for crushing the artists and being ruthless. As for those remarks that satirize the flash girl lying down, because the fans of Flash are not caring collectively, the opponent's pinching is boring, but it has not caused a large-scale scolding battle. Instead, both parties now hope that MYTH's sisters can recover as soon as possible, and don't let the follow-up performances leave regrets.

In this way, about a week passed, and it was the eve of the second performance of "Asian Star".

This time, MYTH did not appear in the big rehearsal. It was said that the players were still recuperating and preparing for the battle. The program team made an exception and accepted this, and gave up the difficult communication with the opposing team leader. The other party also repeatedly stated that the second live broadcast will be performed normally, and the players are in good health.

Calm, at least forty-eight hours before the broadcast, it seemed so.

No one expected that the company behind MYTH, which has been pretending to be dead, would suddenly send a message in Korean on the Internet, suspected to imply that a certain program group in Huaxia was shady and ignored foreign contestants. The rehearsal time was not notified, and even the diet was not hygienic enough, causing the players to get sick... However, the team of the program group's own company enjoys the best treatment and the highest standard of service.

Although Weibo didn't mention names, several key elements have hinted that it can't be more obvious, except that "Asian Star" doesn't think otherwise.

The fans who had finally calmed down exploded again.

#AsiaStarBlack Screen# was posted on the domestic Weibo hot search, and at the same time, there was a sudden influx of a large number of trolls, sarcastically mocking the flashing girl, speaking clearly and clearly, with blood and tears. Because of the huge momentum, even passers-by and netizens who don't care about Asia Star couldn't help but pick up this big melon. After taking a few bites, they found out that the one being scolded was their own national girl group, and suddenly felt that they couldn't eat any more.

#Return the champion to MYTH#

#Boycott Flash Girl#

These negative remarks were suddenly posted on the front page on the eve of the second performance.