The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 122: Mind Boss


The fact that MYTH broke up with MD during Asia Star also caused a sensation in Korea itself.

Although some people also accused MYTH of "shouldn't publicize family ugliness", but more of them are reflections on the status quo of the entertainment industry. And domestic fans have also considered MYTH's legal aid issue. Although the popularity of girl groups has declined, it does not mean that fans will ignore the idol's encounter. After this incident broke out, the situation of Xishan and others was much better than imagined. Some other companies even expressed their willingness to sign them as a single person. Once the contract is signed, the new company will handle the lawsuit and liquidated damages. As soon as the news came out, MD executives also realized the seriousness of the problem, and their attitude softened a lot in the last few calls, and even retreated a bit.

The MYTH team feels refreshed these days, and they never imagined that they would have such a proud day. The more so, they have complicated feelings about this program of Asia Star. Under the urging of Xishan, Jiyan also returned to the team. Even without Xishan, the remaining five members will present a show for the audience. Perfect show.

The third Asian Star Finals was scheduled for the early winter of this year. Like a coincidence, the night before the finals, S City had the first decent snow of the year.

Snowflakes fall like feathers, the city is covered in silver, but there is no wind, and it is as quiet as a fairy tale under the moonlight. The next morning, pedestrians’ shoes creaked and creaked on the snow on the sidewalk. The weather after the snow was a bit colder than when it was snowing. Even the fans outside the final venue wrapped themselves tightly. Strictly. It's just that although the weather is cold, the enthusiasm of the fans has not diminished. When they saw the bus coming, they cheered with gloves on and holding signs.

"Huh?" The fans counted the number of people getting on and off the bus from a distance, "Seven, eight...why don't you see the factory manager?"

The treasury manager of the support club paced back and forth tremblingly, and said, "Didn't you see the news in the group yesterday? The factory manager returned to the company yesterday, and he came with NA's car. He should have arrived by now."

I can't see the factory manager... The fans who deliberately waited until the third game to come to the scene were a little disappointed.

"Then what are we waiting for here?" They are MSG factory, don't worry about other members' support, right

Unexpectedly, Kuguan said: "Our Fans of Flash have always acted together. Besides, even if the factory manager didn't come, there must be a meeting with the factory manager at the scene."

With that said, Kuguan held up the PLUS version of the support card that they rushed to make overnight.

Although the factory manager is not in the Jianghu, there must be a legend about our factory in the Jianghu!

"...then how long are we going to be here?" the fan asked.

"For another five minutes, we have a rest area for fans, and they have already taken up the curtains." After the warehouse manager finished speaking, he urged, "By the way, Master Dou's 'family' will also come later, your name is Uncle Wen That's fine, you have to be respectful, you know? But don't be too restrained, he is also a fan of the factory manager just like us... "

Shen Qi did come early today, but instead of going to the lounge to check the heating, he and He Beidi went to the main control room to visit. It is rare that she is leaning against NA and there are people above her. She wants to know the effect of the live camera position.

In the second scene, she accidentally found the wrong camera seat, and ended up giving the host seat a side profile, which was the left profile that she was not very satisfied with. The perfectionist Director Shen does not allow this kind of thing to happen a second time. The audience is not only on the scene, but also in the live broadcast room, so the camera sense is very important.

Today is the finals. Even if MYTH's Xishan does not participate, Shan Shao's total score is still a bit behind MYTH. It is hard to say the outcome of this final game.

He Beidi put a lot of effort into building the stage, and too many people contributed behind this grand ceremony—not to mention Lao Chu Xiaochu, even the Xie family also secretly participated in a fortune, and the Ji family also paid a lot of money to buy advertisements, not to mention Speaking of Ark Financial Holdings... Shen Qi always felt that it would be impossible not to put some pressure on himself.

Fortunately, the fourth generation is really reliable in this regard, so Shen Qi didn't need to mention it, so I asked someone to take her to see the inside and outside of the affected area, and also explained it.

When the staff received the job at first, they were a little confused. It's not like I haven't seen a good relationship between an artist and the company before, but the way these two get along is a bit too good, but both of them are in the moonlight, except for Mr. He's eyes locked on the factory manager from time to time, there is nothing else Deliberate behavior, it is said to be a work relationship, but it is obviously a little different.

"Secretary Wu," the staff asked privately, "How do you think my introduction is appropriate?"

Secretary Wu froze for a moment, "What?"

"That's... In terms of technology, we also divide those suitable for exposure and those that are not suitable. Although the factory director is not an outsider, he is an artist after all. Can Angkor remind me?" I don't know what is the situation between NA and the artist, transparent to what extent.

Secretary Wu understood, hooked his fingers, and the other party approached enthusiastically. A few seconds later, the staff who wanted to find out some pornographic news finally looked shocked.

—What is "reception at the level of the depositor's father"? !

Secretary Wu sneered, wanting to find out the inside story of their NA, these people are still a little tender. Besides, he didn't lie. Shen Qi invested in NA a long time ago. He was shocked when he first heard about the large sum of money. Mr. He generously exchanged the money for shares, that is to say, Shen Qi is now the same as Ms. Su, a major shareholder of NA.

Therefore, it is not too much for Shenqi to make any demands on the high-level, because she is a high-level person herself.

In He Beidi's exclusive lounge, Shen Qi was surprised to see his "asset list".

"This is... my money?" Shen Qi counted the last few zeros again to confirm that he did not admit his mistake. With Xiaosuke not around, she suspects that something is wrong with her counting ability, or is the world suddenly inflated

This is just a dividend!

"How could I be so rich all of a sudden?" After Shen Qi finished speaking, he felt that it was a little inflated to say such things in front of "Island Owner" He Beidi, so he added, "Probably enough for a fraction of your worth. ?”

Looking at someone's glowing eyes, He Beidi knew that he had given the right "gift", and Shen Qi liked it better than necklaces.

He laughed and said: "Strictly speaking, this is only 15% of NA Entertainment's shares, which have not been realized, so it is not considered 'money', unless you plan to sell it."

"To whom?" Shen Qi shook his head, "What to sell, I'm not stupid."

Toe thinks about it and knows how valuable NA shares are now, and they are still rising. Her shares are really not small. If He Beidi hadn't been helping her around, she might have been targeted by now.

Besides, when she handed over the gift from the second generation to He Beidi, her original intention was to help NA tide over the difficulties. At that time, she didn't know that He Beidi was the "island owner", so she really accepted it The money left her with such a large amount of shares before going public. Now with the success of Asia Star, NA Entertainment's stock price has also risen, and her money has nearly tripled, and Shenqi's value has completely taken off.

— Some people seem to be small traffic idols, but behind their backs, their worth is already on the same level as the entertainment industry's capital tycoons.

He Beidi coughed dryly, "Now that I have money, is there anything else I want to do?"

Shen Qi thought for a while, "Yes, yes... Do you still remember the girl in Jiang Qi's case last time?"

He Beidi nodded.

Of course I remember, that incident is still very dangerous when I think about it now, if I am not careful, it will kill two people, whether it is the extreme fan Jiang Qi or the little girl Yaya who was kidnapped, whoever has an accident, the consequences will be disastrous, thanks to Shen Qi's handling.

"The little loli was frightened that time. I gave her a fan's doll. I don't know what happened afterwards, but this incident gave me inspiration."

He Beidi probably guessed what she was thinking, and was very cooperative as an audience member.

"tell me the story?"

"Shen Yuan and I inquired about it. It didn't take a lot of money to build a school in those mountainous areas. I am so rich now, even if I die later, I don't have to worry about retirement. Why don't I build a few schools every year? Of course, I know It’s not just about building a house, it’s a lot of fieldwork…”

The money left to her by the second generation is the diligent savings of Ji's family, even if it is to repay the kindness, Shen Qi is moved by this steadfastness and honesty alone. Using this money to help others now is worthy of trust in the second generation.

She has no experience in this field, and she doesn't know where to send the money. After Chuyu's charity performance last time, she exchanged contact information with several staff members, but then she got busy and left this matter alone. Forget it.

"Otherwise, I'll ask Xiao Chu later." Shen Qi thought, Chu Hua seemed to have experience in this area.

He Beidi's eyelids twitched, and he immediately said: "Don't bother Mr. Chu, it just so happens that NA also has a charity plan next year, why don't you bring Shen Yuan and others and cooperate directly with the company? This way, it will be convenient for you to use the money and do things Don't worry too."

Shen Qi was right when he thought about it. NA Entertainment is small in scale and has all the internal organs. Secretary Wu and the following elites, Chu Hua can do good things, and NA is naturally not bad.

"Okay, I'll go talk to Fat Yuaner."

Shen Qi looked at the time, there was still an hour and a half left, she couldn't just stay lazy in He Beidi's private lounge. Before leaving, he looked at the fourth generation for a while, and suddenly asked: "Beibi, you haven't worn glasses for a while? Is there something wrong?"

He Beidi gave a dry cough and touched his nose, "No, I still wear it. I handed it over to Secretary Wu just now, but he even forgot to remind me, really..."

That's right, Shen Qi nodded.

He Beidi wasn't short-sighted in the first place, and whether he had that layer of plain glasses didn't affect him much.

However, He Beidi seemed to observe Shen Qi's expression unintentionally, and tentatively said: "They... some people say about me, so it's refreshing?"

Shen Qi's expression changed slightly, more than refreshing? It's so handsome, isn't it!

Shen Qi has recently endured 1,300 beautification attacks for a long time, and has been able to get along with the fourth generation who has unsealed the seal calmly, but his eyes are still dodging around and he dare not look at each other. I don't know if it's because the halo on He Beidi's head is too hot, when He Beidi stares directly at her face, if she doesn't immediately find something to talk about, or find something to do, she will have a feeling of wanting to escape.

The fourth generation has recently learned badly.

Feeling that scorching gaze look over again, Shen Qi suddenly took a step back, putting some distance away from He Beidi.

He Beidi:? ?

"Then I'll go first, bye." Shen Qi walked to the door, turned around suddenly, and said, "That... come on!"

After Shen Qi left, Secretary Wu came in. He didn't knock on the door, and directly reported the work process after entering the door. He Beidi immediately switched to the work mode seamlessly. After listening to the content, he stood up, stretched his long legs, and while walking out of the lounge, he took the glasses handed over by Secretary Wu and sealed them again.

"Secretary Wu, don't mind what I said just now." When walking around the corner, He Beidi said suddenly.

Secretary Wu had a professional smile on his face, and his attitude was calm, showing no emotion.

"The boss is saying that before Miss Shenqi came, you took off the glasses with your own hands and gave them to me for safekeeping, but then told Miss Shenqi that it was because of my dereliction of duty that I didn't return the glasses to you? Don't worry. , I don't mind at all, I understand."

Isn't it just that the boss gave a pot, he recited it, can't he recite it

He Beidi: ...

"Secretary Wu, after the Asia Star, I'll give you a vacation."

"Mr. He is serious," Secretary Wu pushed his glasses, "Actually, our family of three plans to travel to Southeast Asia during the Chinese New Year."

"...the company will reimburse you?"

"Thank you Mr. He, I will continue to go through fire and water for the company in the future."

Take the blame for the boss bravely.