The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 125: Flash girl


The winter of the second year of Flash Girls' debut was not the end as everyone thought, but a new starting point.

On the stage of the Asian Star Finals, they boldly gave up the old song and created a new song "You Are the Reason I Fly", with smooth melody, heart-warming lyrics, superb and gorgeous arrangement and neat and high The difficult dance has undoubtedly become the king of this stage.

The most touching thing is that, just like the Flash Girls’ help and support for MYTH, who is also a competitor, in the part of the Flash Girls chorus, MYTH Xishan and others also appeared on the stage in the form of guests, expressing their blessings with actions sincerity.

At this moment, a bridge seems to be built between the old and new generations of girl groups.

The times are changing rapidly, and the development of the pop music world is even more unpredictable. The form of groups is no longer the current mainstream. However, when sufficiently good individuals are willing to use emotion as a bond, give trust, and form bonds, they can still burst out the charm of subjugating popular behavior.

Good feelings are everyone's expectation, regardless of the number of people. Whether it is MYTH or Flash Girls, the most touching thing about them is not only the dazzling stage, but also the close connection between the members and the belief in the common name.

And who would have thought that two years ago, they didn't even know each other's names. They got acquainted in a game, cherished each other, finally stood out and became partners, and formed a deeper relationship in two years.

Perhaps excellent people are always more likely to attract each other, at least in the later "Idol New Forces" 3.0, 4.0, and even 5.0, which eventually became the tears of the times, there has never been such a phenomenal team, just like a certain plan at the beginning As predicted, this is a group of "The Chosen Group", which came into being and are difficult to replicate.

The first Asian Star Finals, a crazy feast, the best groups in the entire oriental entertainment circle showed fiery, lingering, explosive, amazing stage one after another. In the case of a forest of masters, Shan Shao played steadily, The strong strength and the stability of the typhoon are still shocking on and off the stage, the judges' seats, the live broadcast room, and even the backstage.

When Raymond commented on this game, he said: "They are all very good, but the Flash Girls are even better. I predict that in the next ten years, an oriental whirlwind will sweep the global entertainment circle. They are not only a team, but also an era Let's wait and see."

The excellence of Flash Girls is taken for granted among the contestants, but they are also very different. They are unique and elegant. The song specially composed for this stage at the end shows the domineering and contemptuousness of the king. This time, those who said that the shining girl did not have the appearance of a champion also shut up, after all, even MYTH, the uncrowned king, recognized her opponent.

The moment the total score was announced, the fans were jubilant, screaming, and weeping.

The host of AI Star announced that the final champion of Asia Star is Shining Girl, and all the judges stood up and applauded for congratulations. The holographic projection of the colorful curtain instantly brightened like day, and the galaxy became colorful, scattered in the auditorium and falling down, just like the coronation ceremony of a fairy tale kingdom.

Young Master Shan stood in the middle of the twelve teams, nine girls were holding the trophy, some were crying and others were laughing, the tears and smiles were all joy from the bottom of their hearts. Finally, under the leadership of Shen Qi, the nine people bowed solemnly to the audience.

This scene seemed familiar. At the group night, they also held hands like this, thanking the fans and the public, but this time, everyone gave a speech.

"I used to think that I was not good enough, I was not as good as my teammates, but I liked them so much, I didn't want to leave, and I didn't want to hold them back, so I worked very hard," Shen Yuan rubbed her red eyes, smiling through tears, " Now I feel like I'm kind of worthy of everybody."

"I used to have a bad experience in forming a group until I joined Flash Girls. I would like to thank our captain. She gave me the courage to stand up when I was at my worst." Xin Qing's character is much clearer now, She waved hands with Shen Qi, her eyes sparkling, "Thanks for following her closely, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see today's scenery!"

"I'm the older sister in this group. It looks like I'm taking care of the younger sisters, but I know that everyone is very accommodating to me." Zhou Xinlei smiled shyly, "Actually, I really don't mind about age. Because I knew from the first day when I joined the team that God let me miss the opportunity of the year to give me a better gift, and this gift is our captain and my lovely teammates.”

"When I was in the group, I was the last one to cooperate with everyone." CICI said, "My style is very special. Someone said before that I am not suitable for women's groups. Now I want to say that I am indeed not suitable for other teams, because I was born only for the flash girl."

"I'm the young lady who 'goes through the back door'!" Yu Wei said, and everyone laughed, "I'm not afraid of being criticized by others, because I know they are all envious of me. Let me ask, if there is a chance to join the Flash Girl, how many people will there be?" Can I refuse? But now I can confidently say that I am already a member worthy of my teammates! In addition to Yu Wei, the eldest lady, please also look forward to Yu Wei, the shining girl!"

"The biggest change when I joined Flash Girls is that my Chinese has improved." Amy was full of energy, and she was probably the one who was least affected by emotions on the stage. She spoke in Chinese, which was rare to speak fluently, but the content It is very down-to-earth, in line with her usual naive image, "Young Master Shan is going to the world stage now, my Chinese is not good, my English and French are very good, my sisters taught me before, now I finally have the opportunity to help my sister Hello, I am going to be a teacher, I am very happy!"

"I... I thought I could only dance," Wang Yuqiang seemed not good at speaking emotionally, and she was very cool, "I feel that in this group, except for pick-up dancing, I am the one who is taken care of at other times. And When they are together, I feel that I have become softer and softer. Besides, I used to like to dance alone, and now every time I go abroad to compete, I miss you so much! Why don't we sign up for a group dance next time, I want to compete with everyone, but it’s actually not difficult, just practice!”

Wang Yuqiang's "It's not difficult", others can't believe it! Everyone wailed, causing the audience to laugh.

"When I participated in the show, my grandfather and I got very angry." Su Jing was as serious as ever, "She said that this circle is impetuous and the water is deep. I am playing with my youth. Our family has been in the Singing opera, I also sing, this is something in the bones of the Su family, but... I also like singing. Because of the flash girl, I can sing both opera and singing now. Moreover, because there is an overly powerful guy in the team, the family No one is against me any more."

Su Jing smiled shyly, "Now, grandpa is not angry with me anymore, and he has reconciled with an old friend. Because they are all fans of that person. So, for this person, I am still willing to continue As 'Secretary Su'."

"That person..." Shen Qi immediately understood that what Su Jing was talking about should be two enemies, Mrs. Su and Mrs. Xie.

Because of Su Jing's words, it is conceivable that after the live confession of "Shen Qing Lives Up", "Amazing Girl" also died suddenly on the spot. After today, I am afraid that the meme that Young Master Shan is the factory director's harem will be repeated 10,000 times.

The fans were still immersed in the aftertaste of the performance and excited, but after hearing all kinds of testimonials, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

Shen Qi was the last to speak.

There was a thin layer of sweat on the girl's forehead, and Director Shen, who had always been suppressed, was not in a calm mood today. Maybe she was mentioned too many times by her teammates, but she suddenly stood up and didn't know where to start. .

Suddenly, some silly fan in the audience yelled "factory director" when everyone was quiet.

Shen Qi:? ?


She responded subconsciously, and only realized that the occasion was wrong after speaking out, which caused the audience to burst into laughter.

The old fans covered their faces: It's over, why did the factory manager lose the chain at a critical moment, this is also an international stage!

"Ahem, I'm Shenqi!" Shen Qi was pushed by Shen Yuan and corrected quickly, but the audience laughed even louder.

"It's been almost two years since I debuted." Shen Qi finally found her own rhythm, she sank her emotions, and said, "When I debuted, I told my fans, I don't know what an idol is, and I don't know how to be an idol. , now I seem to know a little bit."

As soon as Shen Qi started to speak, the scene immediately fell silent.

The starry night two years ago is still in the memory of many people. Shen Qi raised doubts at that time. Two years later, she will solve her own doubts on another bigger stage.

Fans are looking forward to this answer.

Shen Qi said: "I have experienced a lot in the past two years, and I have also seen fans who are in trouble. The one I see the most is the pure and passionate fans who take Shan Shao to heart. This feeling makes me awed, so I Before doing everything, I would think that the eyes of the fans are watching me, and I cannot let them down. This is probably my motivation and the reason why I stand on this stage with my teammates today."

"So, I also hope that I can become the driving force for fans. When you are in trouble and confused, you can draw energy from me. Even if we haven't met, even if we haven't said a word, we are all because of each other. Getting better... I thought, this is the icon I want to be."

The relationship between fans and idols should be a bond created by this beauty, and it is also the fundamental meaning of the existence of this profession.

"I'm twenty years old this year," the factory manager straightened his back with burning eyes, "I have an ambition, not just to be liked by you when I was nineteen or twenty, but when I was fifty, sixty, seventy I am 80 years old, and when my fans are 50, 60, 70 and 80... I want to be a better self, and I want to be everyone’s idol forever. For this goal, I will keep working hard , on and off the stage, in all the places you can see, shine, shine!"

The background music played "Shining Gril" at the right time.

"Shining Shining! Pick me up! Shining Shining girls go ahead! Shining Shining! Pick me up! Dreams come true today!"

"This summer, there is a sweetness of gardenia;

Butterflies brush open the pink curtains, I see your lovely face;

It was you who chose me and made my dreams come true;

Your preference, give me a beautiful stage;

The shining me, today I want to say BYE to loneliness;

The starship has come, the brave girl wanders no more,

We made a glorious promise, a proud promise,

With each other's wings, fly to the future... "

As the music played, the fans who had shared the experience with Young Shino from the previous summer burst into tears again.

"You silly geese, that's enough. How many times do you want me to cry? You deserve our love, you deserve it!"

"My tears don't listen to me anymore, woo woo woo, the happiest thing for me is that I met the flash girl in the summer of the second year, and you let me know the importance of hard work. I am already a freshman this year, and I want to read the most The major I went to! I didn’t even dare to think about it at the beginning.”

"I'm also very glad that I fell in love with Young Master Shan early on. If it weren't for the people who walked with Young Master Shan all the way, they would definitely not understand our feelings."

"Who said, I became a fan of Meteor Concert, and I went there with my ex at the time, but my ex cheated on me, I think his only usefulness is to indirectly let me get in touch with Young Master Shan... once I became a fan circle Like the sea, this scumbag is a passer-by from now on! I'm so busy chasing the concert, I don't have time to be sad anymore hahaha!"

"I'm a fan of Zhou Xinlei. It's really not easy for her to travel this way, thanks to Shan Shao and the factory director."

"Me! I belong to Sunny Qingzai's family, and I am especially grateful to the factory manager..."

"Uh, if you don't mind adding me, I'm a fan of MYTH. But now I'm the twin bear of Young Master Shan!"

"I'm different, I work in a MSG factory! One day I'm an employee of the MSG factory, and I'll be an employee of the MSG factory for the rest of my life!"

The topic unknowingly focused on the girl in the middle of the stage.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, if the fans of other families are grateful to the Shining Girl for making their idols, then for Shen Qi's fans, their feelings are more complicated. As Shan Shao's C position and captain, she can be said to be well-deserved, and even contributed most of the popularity to Shan Shao.

Without Shenqi, Young Master Shan would still be a very good girl group, but perhaps the people on stage would not be the same people as today, and this group would not be so special.

It's hard to say whether the flash girl made director Shen, or the director Shen made the flash girl. But what is certain is that this girl is the soul core of the team. Without her, maybe everything would be different today.

At the end of the Asian Star Ceremony, the official released another shocking news.

The "Flash Girl" farewell concert originally scheduled for the first half of next year was canceled and changed to the "Asian Star" world tour. And after the contract between the artists under the name of "Flash Girl" and Ibis Factory expires, they will continue to sign a new contract. The signboard of "Flash Girl" will not be changed, but a personal clause will be added, allowing members to act in their respective identities , and the time will be determined through consultation between the economic company and the joint copyright owners of Yusanjia.

The name "Flash Girl" is currently not going to let go of Ibis Factory. After all, the 2.0 and 3.0 juniors and juniors are still trying to catch the light of the seniors, but Chu Yu and NA are also keeping a close eye on it. The three Yus are also competing while cooperating. , maybe it will be snatched at any time. But no matter who the copyright belongs to, the name is just a symbol. The images of the nine girls have been deeply rooted in the hearts of fans and will not affect future development.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, and the barrage of "Flash Girls, Never Disbanding" has exploded in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the lights of the Chuhua Building were flickering, and Xu Tezhu blocked the manager who came to report on his work, signaling him that Mr. Chu was having an important overseas video conference, so don't disturb him. The manager fell into confusion when he heard "Shining Shning Pick me up" faintly coming from the office... Old Chu was humming a brisk melody with a sneer on his face—this witch is still so deceptive!

At the home of the boss of Weiyi Group, Ji Feiyang hugged his little daughter in front of the TV to celebrate. When the youngest daughter saw the young lady she liked winning the award, she happily swung the doll back and forth, even hitting her father in the face without knowing it. Ji Feiyang rubbed his nose and said with a dry smile, "Little girl is so happy." But he was still wondering... Tsk tsk, is it really the power of blood? No, I still have to find time to talk to Shen Qi about this matter...

The viewing room of Xie's family has undergone a renovation. There are posters of "Like an Old Man Returning" inside and out. Mrs. Xie and Steward Wen's little granddaughter are watching the live broadcast together. The little granddaughter was also very happy to see that her beautiful sister won the award, and suddenly remembered that she hadn't seen her grandpa all day.

"Where's grandpa?"

Xie Jizhang: "...huh!"

This old man, with his good legs and feet, actually ran to the scene by himself!

A hundred lights and a hundred things, Shen Qi didn't know that she was still on the stage, sharing the honor of this moment with her teammates. Suddenly, some fan in the audience suddenly shouted: "Director, when I am eighty years old, I will still be my idol!"

Shen Qi was stunned, then smiled, his smile was as dazzling as a diamond, and even this gorgeous stage was overshadowed.

"Okay, it's a deal."

She has traveled through many worlds, and experienced long, rough, and regretful lives. When the turmoil subsided, she was at a loss for a while, and she even wondered if the self who was ups and downs in the three thousand worlds had already been followed by a The second split was pulled away and fragmented, and ceased to exist.

It is the kindness and enthusiasm from this world that allows her to reshape herself step by step and achieve Nirvana in the eyes of everyone, and also makes her believe that every encounter she has is not in vain... They are the most rare things in the vast universe. The fate, once watered, will bloom and bear fruit, luxuriant branches and leaves.

Even if it was a "regret".

At the end of the show, all the staff came to the stage to express their gratitude. Shen Qi mixed in the crowd and felt the sight of that person.

Turning her head, she saw in the distance, a man wearing glasses, still with a serious working attitude. However, when his eyes met her, taking advantage of Secretary Wu's turning around, the man immediately made a phone call with her, moved his beautiful lips, and said a word.

— Big star, don’t forget to have an appointment tonight.

The last Valentine's Day dinner was postponed to today, because He Beidi said that it was too late to celebrate the first championship last time, so he just celebrated the championship.

The man's eyes were hot and tender, and Shen Qi's heart felt warm when he saw it. He felt that some dusty emotion had completely melted away and turned into a trickle, warming his limbs.

Shen Qi admitted not paying attention, and replied with a playful WINK, saying "OK".

Even if it was a regret—

It is also the brightest pearl in the sea. When the night falls, it will release eternal brilliance, guiding her back to her original heart and never getting lost.

The author has something to say: This is the end of the text.

There will be extra episodes, there should be at least three, and some bits and pieces are ready to be put in the extra episodes, as well as emotional lines and content. The heroine is still young, and the fourth generation has a long way to go. These are all placed outside the episode, because as far as the main line is concerned, it is most appropriate to end here.

The list will also apply good ones to this week, which is very coincidental. Let’s not talk about the postscript until it’s all written.

The update of Fanwai may not be so stable, because the outline of the next book needs to be coded while writing. However, due to the decoration in the later stage of this book, the update frequency is also messy, smashing my stable signboard, ashamed and ashamed, Fanwai should not be more unstable than it is now...

After the new book is opened, it will still return to the healthy state of updating at 9 o’clock in the morning (that’s because the new book must have a manuscript...)

Xinkeng's "Sister's Birth Picture is Super Beautiful" is also from the background of the entertainment industry, and the name is very silly! In the past two days, I will adjust the copywriting. This time I will not write about the stage, but about acting. If the factory manager refuses to act, then my sister will act! (New heroine: ??? I didn’t even have an outline, so I made a character design?)

Thanks again, my genuine subscription little angels, and the murasaki little angels who appear on time every day, etc... You are the greatest beauty of this book.

Thank you all for your nourishment! ! !
