The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 134: The Dream of Nine People (Completed)


The days fly by.

From the release of the news to the one-month preparation period, the Weibo headlines seemed to be artificially pushed to the top. Whether it was Zhang Manman's new drama promotion or Hua T's new album, they couldn't match the popularity of the number one topic.

#火火之约,十年做见# The popularity continues, and there is a wave of nostalgia on the Internet. Some netizens initiated the topic, @十年后的你, have you become a better version of yourself

After the name "Flash Girl" faded away, it returned to the topic TOP with a disdainful attitude, sweeping the entertainment circle again, and most people are not surprised by this phenomenon—it is "Flash Girl" after all. At the beginning, the copyright issue of "Small Flash" also caused discussions. Some fans went downstairs to ask for crowdfunding. In the end, the director of the factory personally came forward to stabilize the fans.

What did Director Shen say at that time

"We are not disbanding, we just work hard in a different way. We still have to realize our dreams together where everyone can see. At that time, we will reunite on this stage with a new attitude. We have made an appointment .”

This sentence is like a promise, this day came so fast, so suddenly, why aren't the fans excited

At the same time, many people also began to examine themselves. After ten years, have they become what they expected ten years ago? Is their original intention still there

The recording of "Best Fan" was originally at night, but because of the particularity of this issue, Alice boldly adopted the form of live broadcast. In order to accommodate the schedule of the fans, the live broadcast time was also set at noon.

Compared with the excitement and excitement of the 300 fans at the scene, the nine of them were not much less, because—Alice kept the fan's movements to death, until the live broadcast started, Shen Qi and others didn't know whether the scene would be good or not. Whether fans will come, whether there are any acquaintances, who can meet, it's all a secret!

"Sister Si's move is too ruthless," Shen Yuan patted her chest, "I was a little panicked, I asked a few old fans, but they didn't receive an invitation. They have been with me for ten years, so they shouldn't lie to me, right? ?”

But if the ten-year old fan can't come to the scene, who else is eligible

Although Shen Qi's smile remained unchanged on the face, he actually had no idea in his heart. She didn't believe a word of Alice's words. This woman also learned badly after becoming a director, and she became more and more like Director Li. By the way, I heard that Director Li was promoted to Program Director, and now he is Alice's "Master"!

"It's time to go on stage," she pushed Shen Yuan, "Smile quickly, the fans are looking at you."

Is Shen Yuan the one who won the double actress? She switched expression management in a second, but she was still a little disappointed when she saw the empty stage.

There are no fans, no support, only a huge curtain as the background, and the curtain is blank, similar to a movie projection, probably in preparation for the later links.

But in any case, even with high-tech support and no audience, such a stage is still too deserted.

Others are also a little at a loss, isn't it a live broadcast? That's okay

It is rare for the nine people to show up with nine faces, and everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing. They had just learned of the program group's "evil intentions" through the interaction between the staff and the live camera, so they didn't want to spoil the show, and even the barrage was very clean.

Fortunately, the host quickly started warming up.

Host: "How do I look, everyone is a little nervous?"

"No no… "

"How can it be?"

"of course not!"

Netizen: Hahahahaha I believe your evil!

Host: "Then before the show starts, let me briefly interview the director of the factory. Do you think we can complete the task of gathering 300 fans today?"

Shen Qi nodded: "Can..."

What the hell is 'bar'

Shen Qi said: "To be honest, I really don't know, each of us has fans, and the number is far more than three hundred, but what we are looking for today is the fans of 'Flash Girl', the name 'Flash Girl' has faded out of everyone's sight five It's been a year, and I really want to know how the fairies who fought together back then are doing now."

All the fairies: My factory manager is so good at talking!

The host asked other people if there was anyone they wanted to meet.

Everyone knew that this was about to enter the "storytelling" link, and they couldn't help but look at each other. The program team's script this time is only a few pages, and there is no specific communication. If what they said does not match what the program team prepared, wouldn't it be embarrassing

"I, let me do it," the first person to speak was actually Amy, who had always been silent during the speaking session. Amy's Chinese has long been the standard for broadcasting, and she will no longer be unable to understand or speak. Now I was excited, but couldn't help but stuttered.

"I brought something." Amy raised a book in her hand, which was "Children's Edition of Oriental Stories".

"This is a book about words and allusions. At the beginning, I was not good at Chinese and couldn't understand idioms, so I made a lot of jokes. A fan gave me this book. I opened it, wow, it's great! There are so many The illustrations, I finished it in three hours, it was so much fun…”

Not only the host and others laughed, but everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but chatted.

"Xiao Ai was in a state where she couldn't even understand, let alone read and write. It was indeed only suitable for children's version..."

"But if it's all illustrations, how do you improve your reading and writing skills?"

"Isn't the point that a seventeen-year-old idol girl studies children's literature all night? That... I said it's all illustrations, and this book is only a thin book. Why can I still read it for three hours!"

Amy's expression was serious, and she said: "I know, it looks a bit funny now. But at that time, I really didn't understand Chinese idiom culture at all. This book not only has illustrations, but also Chinese characters and phonetic notation. Although I read Slow, but I can always read it. Through this book, I also have a better understanding of Chinese culture. I still remember that the first allusion I read was "Kong Rong let the pear". , the sisters took good care of me, not only helping me during interviews, but also giving me good shots, good positions, and resisting hard-to-remember lyrics for me... Because I am the youngest in the group, these also reflect Huaxia traditional virtues."

Everyone:! ! !

Shen Yuan: "You really think so?"

Amy: "QAQ isn't it?"

Shen Yuan: "... yes! Ah yes, that's right."

"Pang Yuan has 'no' written all over her face, hahaha, the queen of actresses, pay attention to your performance!"

"No, I actually think what she said makes sense?"

"Kong Rong asked Li to explain it like this? I seem to have relearned idioms..."

"It's probably because we are familiar with it, so we haven't thought about it. Xiao Ai is in a learning state, and she will think of people and things around her because of these little stories. As an Ai fan, knowing that her sisters take care of her like this is really true. Thank you very much!"

Amy continued: "Later I found out that this way of understanding Chinese culture through stories is very suitable for me. I am very grateful to this fan. I really want to see him. I don't know if he will come."

What Ai Mier said was sincere, and everyone was very moved after hearing it, and then Zhou Xinlei also took out her "treasure".

"Then let me tell a story too," Zhou Xinlei took the microphone, "My story is very simple, but I have never forgotten it all these years. When I was at my lowest point, there was a person who kept encouraging me..."

Once the chatterbox was opened, the atmosphere of the show immediately merged.

The nine Flash members each shared their "story" and the person they most wanted to meet. After only a dozen minutes of interviews, there was still no movement backstage, and they didn't know when fans would be able to arrive at the scene.

The host saw that the time was almost up, and secretly winked at the camera. Netizens knew that the main event was coming.

"I have known the bond between Flash Girl and fans for a long time, and I can see it from everyone's stories. But the most memorable thing for everyone should be the meteor shower called 'Astronomical Miracle' ten years ago. Today, the show The group also brought a gift to the Flash Girls."

"I got a piece of news here. In fact, in addition to HD, there was also a VR version of "Meteor Concert". However, due to technical limitations, it was not released on the market in the end. Because of the great powers of our love director, the program team was able to find this Precious materials, and through the technical support of NA Technology, the materials are re-produced. PS Here, I would like to thank NA for its support for this column.”


"Tsk, what a blunt Qiafan advertisement."

"Chuyu, you fooled the sponsors so much on the show, won't your conscience hurt?"

"What are you afraid of? The sponsor's wife is on stage. Isn't it right to take the money?"

"Hahaha, reasonable!"

Host: "Now—let's invite the flash girl and fans to dream back to the meteor shower!"

The stage suddenly went dark, and Shen Qi and others were issued new-style VR glasses that had undergone technical improvements and were already thin and insignificant before going on stage. The moment it was put on, the stars on the stage were shining, and the surrounding scene suddenly transitioned to the big stadium ten years ago.

And the person standing in front of each of them is the person they were back then!

Netizens in the live broadcast room: Sponsors are mighty! NA Technology NB!

At that time, the big screen in the stadium played the little things of the nine people's debut for a year, and finally it was fixed at the scene where the nine people made their debut together in the "Night of Stars" and bowed to the fans together. A message was slowly typed on the screen.

—Thank you for sending us to debut, thank you for growing up with us, thank you for understanding our shortcomings, and hope to have you on the road in the future.

When the music stopped, the girl in the center took a step forward and came to Limai, her eyes were as bright as stars, and her voice was like a ring ring.

"... In everyone's life, the flashing girl may be just a shooting star that illuminates the sky for a moment, but at that moment, you gave us the warmth and light like the sun, illuminating our future, because of you, we can stay On the stage that I love the most, so... this song "New Sun" is for everyone."

—You say that the city here cannot see light, you say that the time here is full of absurdity;

—You say you are lonely, like an ocean covered with dark clouds;

—You say you are like a deserted island, forgotten by the world, lost the sun...

With the chorus part, the audience began a shocking chorus of 20,000 people, and VR technology perfectly reproduced the past.

The singing echoed over the stadium, and even the stars were moved by it. The nine people couldn't help but walked to their "image", first looked at it, their eyes were wet before they knew it, and finally picked up the microphone, walked in front of the "image", and sang this moving theme song again.

Still not knowing who it was, he was the first to raise his head in the auditorium, and saw the once-in-a-thousand-year spectacle for the first time.

"Look, it's a meteor shower! It's a real meteor shower!"

Countless stars condense into rain, prayed by singing, and the beautiful power can really move the universe.

The singing carries beautiful wishes, and when the popularity falls, the wishes are like balls of light, slowly rising to the sky...

Suddenly, the sound stopped and the picture was still.

The nine people were still immersed in the mood of melancholy, with tears on their faces, and they were at a loss.

Shen Yuan subconsciously looked for her teammates, and mouthed, "Is it stuck?"

Shen Qi gestured to her, signaling her to wait for the arrangement in the headset. If it is a technical failure, the program team must have an alternative plan.

Suddenly, strange but warm voices sounded in the darkness.

"The night everyone watched the meteor shower together, I made a wish to go to Tsinghua University, even if it was the last major. Now, I am already a doctoral student at Tsinghua University."

"At that time, I made a wish to be an actor in a play! Now I am a famous actor in a certain store. Although the road ahead is long, I live a fulfilling life every day."

"I made a wish on the shooting star to be a teacher. I was admitted to the normal school, and now I am really a teacher in the third year of high school. The students are very sensible and don't need me to leave a lot of homework. They also know that learning is for themselves. This is better than what I used to Too strong hahaha."

"I made a wish to the stars and said that I want to marry a tall, rich and handsome man who loves his wife. Half of my wish came true. He is neither tall nor handsome, but he really loves his wife. Forget it, I think this is not bad, sisters , I am very happy! How about you?"

In the night, there are photos of nine shining girls representing their personal achievements in the past ten years. Almost everyone has stood on the bright podium. , unwavering, their eyes are as innocent as before, but they never stop shining, maybe this is where the energy of this group lies.

A line of text appeared again in the night sky.

——In the past ten years, although we couldn't be together all the time, we still paid attention to you silently, you who worked hard, you who worked hard... Just like what the factory manager said ten years ago, you have been working hard in your own field to shine, and let us be lost. Get back to your original intention. Now, I can finally tell you that I also fulfilled my promise and became a better version of myself.

—Let me be your new sun and light up the future again;

—Let me be the wings of your heart, take you away from the lonely ocean;

— After the storm, we will eventually become strong,

—Those pains that cannot defeat us will eventually turn into strength...

The chorus sounded suddenly, but it was not the chorus in the video, but from the ear, from the side. The AR system is working again, but this time, there are no longer only the "shadows" of the nine girls on the stage, but also 500 fans who made new models with fluorescent sticks, waving and swaying, and the singing echoed.

For a moment, the protagonists on the stage couldn't tell which ones were projections and which ones were real.

" are..." Yu Wei was the first to take off the holographic glasses, and the holographic scene disappeared, but the fans in front of her did not disappear. Those familiar faces melted the hearts of the members.

At this time, the host walked up to the stage and said with a smile: "As we all know, our show will send out 'fan invitation letters' on the Internet, inviting fans to come to the scene and leave new memories with idols on the same stage. There is a quota of 100 people, because the fans are too enthusiastic, our program group temporarily decided to expand the number of people, so there are a total of 500 fans present today!"

It was only then that Shen Qi and the others noticed that the huge curtain, originally thought to be a projection device, had been lifted at this time, and the mighty support team was hidden behind it. For this surprise, they were able to keep silent, even Shen Qi thought there were staff behind them.

This is really... a huge surprise.


The small group of people at the front cheered and shouted, not so much fans, but like old friends who have been away for many years.

Shen Qi immediately recognized Kuguan, a male fan who stood out from the group of girls, and next to him were heads and curtains. The three of them hadn't changed much from ten years ago. Even the excited and cheering looks of the young men and women coincided with the past, as if Time did not pass by.

After meeting Shen Qi's eyes, a circle of people centered on the three suddenly stood up collectively.

"Report to the factory manager! The 43 groups of officers and administrators of the monosodium glutamate factory support club are all here. The workshop production line of the monosodium glutamate factory has been in continuous operation for ten years, and the production is stable. Please review it with the factory manager!"

Everyone raised their heart-shaped support sticks in unison.

"Haha!" Shen Qi couldn't help laughing, "Good! Very good!"

"Shen Qi!" A shout came from the other side, "Do you still know me?"

The speaker was a young woman in her twenties, wearing glasses, long hair shawl, very quiet. Shen Qi was stunned for a moment, the figure in front of her eyes coincided with the crying girl on the top floor in her memory...

"It's you?"

After hesitating again and again, Shen Qi didn't call out the name, but just showed her recognition with his eyes. Jiang Qi, the female high school student who once made a mistake and committed suicide, almost caused a tragedy, "New Sun" was first named "Qi and Qi Shuo" by netizens, and it was Shen Qi's song for Jiang Qi. Although there were no casualties in that incident, it left her with a criminal record. It is said that she later transferred to another school and changed her name. Probably no one would have imagined that she would have the courage to stand here.

Shen Qi looked at the woman and saw that there was no sign of depression in her eyes, so she couldn't help but smiled, "You look good."

Jiang Qi said a little shyly, "I... I changed my name now, and it's called Chen Xingqi. I left the word Qi on purpose, because you wrote brother for me, and I don't want to change it. Shen Qi, I'm here today, just want to Say something."

Shen Qi smiled, "Could it be thank you? That's a bit late."

She also took a big risk in that incident back then, if it wasn't for saving people, she would not have come here impulsively. Now that many years have passed, when the two girls meet again, they both feel as if they are separated from each other, Jiang Qi shook his head and said: "I just want to do something that I wanted to do back then, Shen Qi, can I hug you? "

Shen Qi smiled, stepped forward and gave her a big hug.

This is a hug that should have been ten years ago—thank you for not giving up on me, and thank you for climbing up from the abyss.

The girl's eyes were completely moist. When they parted, she said "thank you" in a voice that only the two of them could hear, then quickly turned around and disappeared into the auditorium.

With the beginning of the monosodium glutamate factory, the Jinlitang followed closely. Shen Yuan burst into tears when she saw her familiar face.

"Strange, I saw it a few days ago, why do I want to cry all of a sudden."

"Fat Yuaner, you are the queen of the movie, don't cry every now and then!"

Hearing this familiar nickname, Shen Yuan couldn't help laughing through tears, and finally waved to fans dumbfounded.

The others also saw many familiar faces, and Amy ran to the front of the stage, and recognized the fan who gave her children's literature in the shocked eyes of everyone. The other party was shy and excited, and she never expected After so many years, the young goddess still remembered him.

The barrage in the live broadcast also exploded.

"I also want to go to the scene! Obviously I have passed the audit! Just because I have to go on a business trip suddenly, ah, I want to resign today!"

"I am studying in the United States, and I really want to fly back."

"This is the fairy girl group I love! Although I climbed the wall later, they will always be the most perfect in my heart! As long as Shan Shao comes back, I will be on standby at any time!"

Next, Hua T team members came to the front row and said hello to the flashing girls one by one.

"Hi sisters, I am the shadow of Team Huahua. Today we were supposed to be the opponents of the sisters, but because of the conflict with my 'as a fan' schedule, I... still chose to be a fan! Ten years ago I At the age of fifteen, I bought a ticket to the Meteor Concert with the pocket money I saved for a year. That was the year I was determined to continue dancing. My greatest wish is to see the group 'Flash Girl' again. , to listen to the Meteor Concert again, thanks to the program team, my dream has come true. Thank you, and thanks to the program team!"

"Finally, we fans also prepared a song for our sisters."

Before the words fell, the familiar prelude resounded throughout the scene, and the cheerful melody accompanied the happy elements in the air, as if it was a grand carnival.

When they heard the prelude to the song "Shining Girl", the members felt nostalgic at first, and then panicked.

Shen Yuan hurriedly found where she was standing back then, complaining to herself while running, "Forgive me, everyone, I haven't danced for several years. Fortunately, my position was the farthest from the camera back then. When something went wrong, my teammates were carrying me around." !"

Xin Qing stood in front of her with a smile, "Back then I always forgot to move, don't think I didn't know you were peeking at me."

Wang Yuqiang and CICI covered their faces, "If I knew I was going to dance "Shining Girl" today, I wouldn't be so cool."

Zhou Xinlei coughed dryly, showed the majesty of a big sister, and imitated the tone of the training back then, "Don't slip away during training! Treat every rehearsal as a formal performance!"

Ai Mier and Yu Wei have never given up singing and dancing, this song is not difficult for them. As for Shenqi—

She has always been the core of the Flashing Girl. Even if she just stood there, the formation was not chaotic at all. Everyone automatically surrounded her and walked out of the formation.

At first everyone thought that the factory director had forgotten all the movements of "Shining Gril", but they saw Shen Qi in the middle of the stage, calmly tying the lady's hair in a shawl into a high ponytail, and then at the next beat, entered The state of the show in its heyday.

At that moment, the stage was complete! The C position of Flash Girl is radiant, the protagonist of the stage, the soul of the team, and the cause and effect of Flash Girl's deep memory.

"Shining Shining! Pick me up! Shining Shining girls go ahead! Shining Shining! Pick me up! Dreams come true today!"

Perhaps Shen Qi's return drove the team's state, and everyone suddenly returned to the debut stage ten years ago, dancing vigorously with youthful memories, maybe not as skilled as back then, but far more contagious than back then force.

Time seems to be particularly partial to this team, without leaving any trace on everyone. Fans flocked to the stage together and joined the carnival. They paid tribute to their dreams with laughter in singing.

This episode of the program is not so much a variety show as it is a carnival for Flash Girls and all fans. And the number of viewers on the platform has once again reached a new high, which shows that the classics have never been forgotten by the years.

Before the end of the show, Shen Qi walked to the microphone and said: "When I was 20 years old, I said something, I said that I want to be liked by you all the time, until I am fifty, sixty, seventy-eight years old , When the fans are also fifty, sixty, seventy-eight or eighty years old... I am going to be thirty this year, and I still think so."

"Time will not go back and forth, and we will struggle in our respective fields in the future. Maybe we won't see each other often, maybe we won't have the opportunity to be on the same stage, but as long as we have you-the shining will always be there, and the sisters will never leave!"

There were cheers at the scene.

"The flash is always there, the sisters will never leave!"

"The flash is always there, the sisters will never leave!"

"This time we also have to work hard together, brothers and sisters, come on!"

— This summer, there is a sweetness of gardenia;

Butterflies brush open the pink curtains, I see your lovely face;

It was you who chose me and made my dreams come true;

Your preference, give me a beautiful stage;

The shining me, today I want to say BYE to loneliness;

The starship has come, the brave girl wanders no more,

We made a glorious promise, a proud promise,

With each other's wings, fly to the future...

Hey, this is our agreement, it's agreed——Factory Manager Shin who loves everyone forever.


Finished writing! It's really finished this time!

(I'm sorry, the female lead's career line is too prominent, which makes it quite difficult to be the male lead. He Beidi: It's too difficult for me!

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