The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 58: The director of the factory fights with the Confucians


The fermentation of the incident was faster than anyone imagined, as if there was an invisible hand behind the scenes, and the popularity of Shenqi itself became a double-edged sword at this time. As soon as the news spread, the major marketing accounts did not buy it. Automatically run to catch the heat.

Chu Yu and NA teamed up to suppress wave after wave, but before the police officially produced evidence, some people still did not let Shen Qi go, and even directly questioned the fairness of the debut of the flash girl. Fortunately, both companies have issued a statement.

@楚华娱乐V: In view of the recent rumors about our flash girl team, our company reserves the right to pursue their legal responsibilities.

"Chu Yu, are you crazy? Are you going to drag the whole flashing girl into MSG's back? Can you be a little more responsible?"

"Aren't you ashamed that someone who has a little conscience does one's own thing and acts as a public figure and drags down the team?"

"Factory manager, I believed you at first, but if it's fake, why didn't you dare to come out and confront it? Disappointed, you've lost your fan!"

"A certain monosodium glutamate made a character design and made his debut, so he hastily joined the rubbish Chuyu. Don't look too ugly. It's a pity that he didn't expect to reveal his true nature so early, and probably Chuyu didn't either."

Chu Yu's external image has not been very good. Usually, he would be ridiculed by the netizens when he said a joke, but now no one takes it seriously when he speaks seriously. Instead, they all scolded Chu Yu for not thinking about other players, causing the shining girl to be Shen Qi Lian Si, as if Chu Yu should immediately kick Shen Qi out of the team.

On the point of refuting rumors, NA Entertainment is more determined.

@NA娱乐V: Statement, so far all rumors and accusations about our artist Shen Qi are purely false, and our company has appealed to the judicial department. In the face of false accusations and rumors, NA Entertainment will fight to the end with the artists.

Netizens lamented that the biological mother and stepmother are really different, and the company of the first relative sounds at least more distracted than Chu Yu, and it is also sonorous and powerful.

But there are still netizens who are not satisfied.

"Don't just say nice things, show evidence!"

"Who doesn't know that Shen Qi is the first sister of NA, and the relationship between your boss and artiste is not clear, and the NA small workshop is like a dog inside and outside!"

"Mr. Xiaohe doesn't protect his weaknesses like this. If you are like this, even if you are handsome, I will lose my fans!"

"Wake up, Mr. He, Shen Qi is not the only artist in your company!"

No matter what was said on the Internet, He Beidi was actively coordinating with the police station, but he didn't want to be told that the police station had promised to clarify the truth of the case, but because the witness suddenly changed his statement and needed to re-investigate, the police could not come forward.

"What does it mean to change a confession?" He Beidi asked the lawyer.

The lawyer told him: "The victim's wife suddenly retracted the confession, saying that what she said before was all angry words, the husband did not beat her, there was no domestic violence, and it was Shen Qi who did it first. If the other party bites this point to death, it will give Shen Qi cause great trouble."

"For the current plan, we must find definite evidence to prove that the situation at that time was what Shen Qi said, otherwise things will be difficult to handle now."

Because the only witness at the scene was the female painter, and now the female painter made it clear that she didn't want to tell the truth, which was not good for Shen Qi.

"Where is Shen Yuan? Can't Shen Yuan testify?"

"Yes." The lawyer said, "But she and Shen Qi have a common interest, so the validity of the testimony will definitely be questioned. The female painter has an advantage in this regard. Although she backtracks, her position is still stronger than ours."

Because in ordinary people's minds, if a female painter is subjected to domestic violence, why should she defend her husband? It doesn't make sense.

He Beidi's eyes were slightly cold, of course he knew why the artist retracted his confession.

It can only be said that maternal love is sometimes great, and sometimes it is too selfish.

"But we have no evidence." Secretary Wu also felt that this matter was a bit tricky: "Mr. He, what should we do now?"

He Beidi thought for a while, and said: "Lawyer Jiang, please go to the police station to communicate again, and also please communicate with the artist couple. Remember to make the matter as serious as possible and stimulate that woman. If you can Find out why she changed her words and prescribe the right medicine."

He Beidi felt that the female painter would suddenly change her mind, not only because of her husband and children, but also because of what others said to her.

"Secretary Wu, arrange someone to find out who she has been in contact with recently."

Secretary Wu expressed his understanding.

"Let's go, let's go to the scene again." He Beidi led the people away.

When both Chu Yu and NA Entertainment were in a mess, it seemed that some people still thought it was not messy enough.

Another unknown trumpet appeared on the Internet, and a photo was suddenly exposed. The girl in the photo is heavily made up, her hair is colorfully dyed, she is painted with thick eye shadow, and she wears colorful "beggar pants", with a decadent look on her face.

Although the photo is blurry, netizens recognized Shen Qi at a glance.

Although the demeanor, temperament, and all aspects are not the same, but the facial features are indeed Shen Qi, it is hateful that the girl is using cheap makeup to spoil her face, and she can still see that her foundation is very good.

The trumpet was also accompanied by text, claiming to be a classmate of Shenqi Middle School, saying that Shenqi used to be a little sister in a third-rate school in the county, a bastard, smoking and drinking, puppy love, fighting and bullying, and a boyfriend. Change several times a month. It's not surprising that such a person beats someone up, it's just revealing their nature.

Netizens were shocked when they saw the photo.

"I'll go, isn't this the old cousin of my beloved family?"

"Although the factory director has always followed the domineering route of the black lotus, but this killer shape, I'm sorry I accept the incompetence and take off fans. Sure enough, the people in this circle are all nothingness in the end."

"Domineering and beating are two different things. Now that the company has successfully packaged it, why don't you know how to restrain yourself? It can only be said that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change!"

"A girl in a hair salon has a sense of sight, you know..."

When Chu Shaoheng saw this photo, he felt his head was getting bigger. Who on earth is so vicious, and is making trouble at this time? At this time, such black material was picked up, which was obviously an offense. It seems that someone wants to take advantage of your illness and kill you.

The first thing he thought of was that the Song family sisters were acting as demons again, but his people replied that Song Siyao hadn't gone out recently, and Song Siyao had found a small eighteenth-line company, and was diligently fishing for a winner, so there should be no time. Distracted from entertaining. Besides, Song Sijun didn't have the ability to get Shenqi's information.

The assistant bit the bullet and said: "Mr. Chu, Young Master Shan has a variety show to be recorded tomorrow. Look at this..."

Chu Shaoheng frowned: "Everyone?"

"No, it was originally planned to be Shenqi, CICI, Amy, and Zhou Xinlei."

Chu Shaoheng thought for a while, and said, "Where are the others? Who else is free?"

"Only Yu Wei and Su Jing are left."

"Replace Shenqi and call Su Jing the top. Shenqi's schedule for this month is temporarily put on hold."

The assistant was startled: "Mr. Chu, if you do this, Mr. He may..."

"I'll talk to NA."

The assistant nodded.

Shan Shao was signed by Ibis Factory. After all, Chu Yu is just an operation, but if Shan Shao has problems in Chu Yu's hands, then Chu Yu will be reduced to a laughing stock in the industry in the future. Chu Shaoheng didn't dare to take the risk. What's more, the couple of painters spoke so convincingly that even he would doubt Shen Qi after seeing it, let alone a netizen.

There are too many strange things about Shenqi, he has never seen through them, which also makes him hard to trust, he can't bet the whole team with her!

In the eyes of netizens, Chu Yu's behavior seemed to silently acquiesce that Shen Qi had a "problem". After the TV station's list of variety shows was announced, the fans of the support club completely exploded. In the backyard of the monosodium glutamate factory, people have been taking off fans since last night. All kinds of black materials and rumors are spreading. The black people not only attack the factory manager, but also attack the seasoning girls and boys.

Fortunately, Daqun was fairly stable. Everyone believed in their idols, and just wanted to wait for an explanation, but the explanation didn't come, and Chu Yu's operation made them sick.

The head of the trade union: "We don't care about what kind of shit show, if you don't show it, you won't show it!"

Curtain: "It's disgusting, I'm going to Xin Qing's house to play a trumpet and participate in the chorus of 'Chuhua Entertainment is closed'."

Ku Guan: "@凯球不语语哥, how is the factory manager doing now? Tell her to be careful, it feels like everyone is going crazy outside now. The couple clearly have a problem, are they both blind and can't tell?"

Stir-fried snow peas: "Don't panic, everyone, we have to trust the factory manager. Think about every step we have accompanied her, what kind of person she is, don't we still know? The truth will become clear soon."

[System] Stir-fried snow peas send 100 red envelopes in the group.

The head of the trade union: "There is no need to give red envelopes! Doudou is right, we have to trust the factory manager!"

Curtain: "I don't need red envelopes 1 this time, I don't believe that I will fall in love with the wrong person! Those black materials are fake!"

Although the core group is as stable as Mount Tai, the fans in the other small groups are not so determined. The managers have nothing to do except scolding people. After all, all the evidence is now against the factory manager. If this continues, even if the rumors are refuted in the future, it will have an impact on the popularity of Shan Shao.

Steward Wen put down the PAD, and said to the old man: "Miss Shen Qi seems to be in trouble. I have already notified Master Xie Kai, and Master Xie Kai said that he would go to Ibis Factory and Chuyu to operate, but the key lies in the couple who paint , if they insist on not changing their words..."

Mr. Xie was silent for a long time, as if he had fallen asleep, but his index finger kept tilting the armrest of the rocking chair.

Steward Wen has followed Xie Jizhang for many years, so he naturally knows that this is a little habit of the old man when he thinks about problems.

After a long while, he asked, "What's the boy from the He family doing?"

"I heard that they are actively running around." Wen Butler dug out the statement from NA Entertainment and showed it to Xie Jizhang.

Xie Jizhang nodded: "It's still kind and righteous, and has a better future than the little Maotou of the Chu family."

After another pause, Xie Jizhang said to Wen Guanjia: "Go, find some old friends of mine in the judicial circle, and hire a private detective by the way to find out the background of the two paintings, the flow of funds, and who they have been in contact with recently. Pass."

Wen Butler was slightly startled.

Xie Jizhang has been in the folk art world for half a century. He has a lot of contacts in and out of the circle, but except for the only one time, when Xie Kai debuted, he secretly asked someone to take care of him. The rest of the time, even his own son He didn't even say hello to his tutor when he took the exam back then, but he didn't expect that now he was willing to speak up for Miss Shen Qi.

"Yes, sir, I'll do it now."

"Wait a minute," Mr. Xie waved his hand, "If you find out something, don't rush to report it to me, find a chance and reveal it to the He family boy."

He is old and his abilities are limited, that is, he has to rely on his seniority and connections. The specific operation should be handed over to the young people.

He can rest assured that there are always excellent people around her.

There was a lot of news on the Internet, and the EP of Flash Girls also dropped from the list, and the whole group was affected. But Chu Yu couldn't come up with an explanation for a long time, and when the matter fermented until the afternoon, finally some supporters from other families lost their temper.

"Chu Yu is dead or alive, can you say something? Can't you see that the ranking of Shan Shao's EP has been declining? At such a critical time, you pretended to be blind? Then for whom did we work so hard to make the list? What about the investment? Calculate?"

"I actually don't want to believe that the factory manager is such a person. But Young Master Shan is not her own Young Master Shan. There are eight young ladies working hard, can you stop pretending to be dead?"

"Are you dealing with the problem? @bi乐TV Look, this is the operation team you are looking for. All the hard work is in vain, and they can only speak nice words."

"Shen Qi terminated the contract! Why is she messing around because of her alone?!"

I don't know who was the first to shout "terminate the contract", and then the comment area was suddenly brought into rhythm.

"That's right, if Shenqi really broke the law, then you can't drag the authorized team to be a legal coffee shop with her, right? Isn't it normal to terminate the contract? At least Song Siyao's termination of the contract was very happy at the beginning. Is Shenqi going to hang on? ?”

"I suspect that there are still fans of Song Siyao upstairs. Your master is cold, and you are still dancing? You don't know what happened, why should you terminate the contract? Who will pay the liquidated damages?"

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, as a position C, he has caused such a large negative impact on the regiment, he should quit if he has the face."

The comment area was full of noise, and there were quite a few people watching the excitement. There are also people from other girl groups coming down to stir up trouble, mocking Young Master Shan and threatening to have the most group spirit? The internal strife is really ugly haha; the boss doesn't speak, it's really interesting to see you guys tearing up here; what are you talking about, the silly girl group will disband within half a year!

All of the above, the comment area was too noisy, Chu Yu finally couldn't bear the pressure and made an announcement.

@楚华娱乐V: This incident is still under investigation and evidence collection, and it is currently impossible to determine who is right and who is wrong. If the player really has improper words and deeds, our company will deal with it strictly, and the possibility of termination of the contract will not be ruled out. Fans please be patient.

When this Weibo post came out, the comment area was completely turned upside down, and even those who had been silent before came out to scold.

"Chuyu NMSL, can't you see that someone is playing the rhythm? If Heizi says to terminate the contract, you will terminate the contract. Heizi is your father?"

"This company is really powerful. They dare to threaten the artist with the termination of the contract without investigating the matter clearly. Is this a confession? If this is the case, don't investigate it. Wouldn't it be better to terminate the contract directly?"

"Chuhua Entertainment went bankrupt! You dare to say such things, and you don't take any responsibility at all. Let's see who will dare to sign your family in the future."

Chu Yu's editor is also at a loss right now. The higher-ups ordered her to appease the netizens, but she couldn't think of a way for a while, and she also watched the video of the couple herself, and working overtime for two consecutive days made her feel resentful towards Shen Qi, so she followed the rhythm of the netizens to write this Weibo.

She thought, since the higher-ups hadn't made a sound for such a long time, they obviously didn't want to care about it. Chu Yu has never been a nosy company, and Chu Shaoheng's status does not need to be nosy.

Unexpectedly, just five minutes after posting, she was called to scold her by the editor in charge, saying that the previous Weibo was not rigorous enough, and she was scolded by her superiors and told her to change it. The editor panicked, thinking that I was scolded for the first one, and the second...wouldn't I be fired? In a hurry, she quickly deleted Weibo again.

However, netizens had already saved screenshots, and the news of the termination of the contract spread all over the Internet for a while, as if by default Chu Yu had admitted that Shen Qi had indeed beaten someone.

At this time, someone finally couldn't bear it and stood up to speak out.

Shan Shao-Shen Yuan V: "@楚华娱乐V Terminate the contract? Whose contract? She did it to protect me. If she doesn't fight back, I will be the one who was thrown down and injured by my alcoholic husband! Sister Gallery, you were killed Your husband was violent, he was lying on the ground and couldn’t get up, he asked us for help with his face covered in blood; I called the police for you, your husband rushed to beat me, and you couldn’t even move while sitting on the ground... You didn’t mention these things, What do you mean by blindly misleading the media? Are you not afraid of retribution now that you are accusing my friend of dirty water? You have the face to say that your nine-year-old son likes Shenqi, and you are not qualified to be a mother at all!"

"The company didn't let us talk, and endured it for more than ten hours. The result of the process is to terminate the contract? If Chu Yu wants to terminate the contract with Shenqi because of this matter, then terminate the contract with me too!"

Shen Yuan's Weibo post was full of righteous indignation. Although there was no evidence, but the logic was clear, coupled with real feelings, Koi Tang was immediately moved.

"So that's how it is! I said how could the factory manager beat someone up?! Did you hear that, the other party did it first!"

"What kind of disgusting couple do I rely on? It looks like a woman asked for help, but the factory manager and Fat Yuan'er saved the person, but they were bitten back?"

"My God, it's such a courage to stand up and testify at this time! Fat Yuaner is going to risk her own future, and she also wants to defend the factory director."

"I'm crying, what kind of fairy friendship! Are all the artists of NA Entertainment so brave?"

Of course, Shen Qi also saw these remarks on the Internet. At that time, Shen Yuan was talking to her. She saw the words scolding Shen Qi on the Internet, and thought that Shen Qi did it entirely to save herself, and she felt very uncomfortable. Originally, she was afraid of making trouble for herself and dared not speak, but when she saw Chu Yu's Weibo, Shen Yuan exploded.

Now she was crying on the phone, saying sorry to Shen Qi all the time.

Shen Qi was helpless: "Why are you sorry for me? Did you perjure yourself or blackmail me?"

"I should have stood up last night, and I should have scolded them for you!"

"It happened this morning, who did you scold last night?" Shen Qi comforted.

"Then I have to say it too! Why do they scold you? Rubbish Chuyu still terminates the contract, and your grandma's legs, if they dare to terminate the contract, the old lady will not do it. The big deal is to go home and take the exam. I will go to order real questions to review now …”

It was the first time for Shen Qi to hear Shen Yuan swearing, and she couldn't laugh or cry.

This fat koi is really impulsive and silly...

And here I just comforted Shen Yuan and told her not to be impulsive, but was told that Xin Qing also broke out and posted a Weibo of "believe friends unconditionally", which was also reposted by other members of the flash group .

Shan Shao’s operation has indeed played a certain role. Some netizens feel that the group is indeed united, and some people have been reposting and disseminating the interview video of the painter and his wife, trying to make everyone "sober up" and listen to the "victim" crying .

Shen Qi knew that both NA Entertainment and Chuyu were actively investigating, and it was less than 24 hours old. This matter fermented too strangely, and the sudden change of words by the painter and his wife was also very strange, as if they were trying to force her to get angry and lose her mind.

Originally, Shen Qi believed in the fourth generation, so she didn't want to pay attention to these things. But her friends have stood up for her, and she can't keep silent.

She edited a message and sent it to two people at the same time, Chu Shaoheng and He Beidi—

"Countdown to turn on the mic."

Chu Shaoheng was startled when he received this news, and then he was annoyed: Why is she making trouble at this time? !

He immediately dialed the phone, but it was directly transferred to the voicemail. Chu Shaoheng didn't know where Shen Qi was now, so he could only call He Beidi.

At this time, He Beidi was negotiating with the transportation department to obtain the video, but the other party said nothing at first and refused to show them, saying that there were regulations. But after receiving a phone call, for some reason, he suddenly agreed to their request. He Beidi was looking through all the videos that might capture the conflict site, but there was no progress for the time being.

After receiving the news, his expression was slightly gloomy, but he didn't say anything. When Chu Shaoheng called, He Beidi hung up without even looking at it.

At eight o'clock in the evening, just 24 hours after last night's incident, Shen Qi finally spoke out for the first time, but it was not an explanation, but an online Q&A!

@元少-约琼V: I originally planned to wait for the truth to come out before opening the mic, but I saw many friends who couldn’t wait to chat with me. I don’t have a job at the moment, and I have plenty of time. Before the investigation over there is over, if you have any questions, please ask me directly, and I will answer any questions.

@元少-约琼V: Ah, in view of the large number of people, I will give three general answers for myself: I have played, I have no answer, and they are lying. Ok, let's get started.

Netizen:! ! !

You are so rigid, how can we ask? !

"Pfft... The factory manager really didn't speak, but he was amazing! The pain point was pinched very accurately."

Shenqi: It can be even more painful.

Netizen: I suspect you are driving and I have evidence?

"Finally willing to stand out? Hehe, change the subject as soon as you come up, please start your performance."

Shenqi: I haven’t learned it before, you teach me

"Are you admitting to beating someone? As a public figure, have you ever thought that this will cause adverse effects? Don't you apologize? Don't you reflect on yourself?"

Shen Qi: Admittedly, I was not given time to think about it at the time. If I didn't do anything, he would have a bad influence on my friend. He didn't apologize or reflect.

"Director and Director, so you really want to protect Fat Yuaner? This is self-defense. But I heard that the man was beaten by gangs. How could you lead someone in self-defense?"

Shenqi: Yes, I didn’t take anyone with me, SOLO, he’s weak.

"But... What happened to the injury on the painter's sister? Could it be that she lied?"

Shen Qi: It was her husband's domestic violence after drinking, and she lied.

"You say we believe it, what about the evidence?"

Shen Qi: Believe it or not, her husband will drink and drive, and the traffic department will record it.

"But the media said you were the one who was driving drunk! Are you slandering people?"

Shen Qi: The media also said that I am male, should I show you a big one

Netizen: Uncle Policeman! She really drove, and I really saw it this time, and I could see it clearly!

Next, Shen Qi really did as he said, answering every question, and facing the problem directly, without going around the bush at all, and from time to time, he made amazing jokes.

Some people who were already in the team couldn't help being shaken when they saw her like this. The sunspots rushed forward, but found that they couldn't do anything at all, and because of her overly frank attitude, inconspicuous style, and rare opportunity, this question and answer went awry at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Director, I heard that you signed another song with Chu Yu, when will it be released?"

Shenqi: bottleneck, ready to drag until the last second.

Late stage teacher: ... I want to kill her

"Director, are you planning to terminate the contract with Chu Yu?"

Shen Qi: I listen to Beibi.

CP Party: Chess flute player is sending candy! !

"Shenqi player, what do you think of my brother Qi Wei?"

Shen Qi: Stupid and handsome.

Fans of Qiwei descent: Uh... powerless to refute, just lie down and let him laugh, who made his brother really not smart! QAQ is stupid, handsome, nothing wrong...

"Factory Director, Xie Kai and Gao Bing, who do you like more, you can only choose one!"

Shen Qi: I, Teacher Xiao, don’t have a name

Master-Apprentice Party: Look, Mr. Xiao, your apprentice praised you! There are ten characters!

"Shen Qi, don't continue to change the subject! Your whitewashing is very substandard. I just asked, is that you in that photo? How do you explain the fact that you used to be a younger sister?"

Shen Qi: It's not me who changed the subject. Hot head is Taimei? If I smoke, drink and open a racecourse, do I still have to be a fan? Can't I sign an endorsement with a non-mainstream hair salon


OK! It's fine if you say yes, there's nothing wrong with it!