The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 65: unexpected


Let it go.

He Beidi refused very simply, Fu Hua was a little bit embarrassed to come down to the stage, and before he could see off the guests, He Beidi had already taken them away.

Fu Hua: ... He didn't say that you can't bargain

- How fat four? It's more like a parent who brings a child to discuss the Fa!

After getting down the mountain, He Beidi said: "I didn't think carefully about this matter, I shouldn't have let you come here. Later, I will ask Secretary Wu to help you find famous teachers. There are so many great musicians in China."

Shen Qi nodded and said yes.

It could be seen that He Beidi was very angry, she said softly: "Beibi, don't be angry, it's nothing serious, it's just a song, you see, I don't care that much."

"I—" Seeing Shen Qi's cautiousness, He Beidi sighed, "I'm not angry, I'm just... I didn't expect him to have such a deep grudge with Xiao Jin."

He cooperated with Fu Hua last time very smoothly, and even had a good conversation, but when Xiao Jin was involved, he became like this, and Shen Qi was also affected. It's good that he came today, but what if he didn't spare time and asked Shen Qi to come by himself, and she was bullied

"Actually, it's not necessarily all complaints." Shen Qi said.

"how to say?"

"It's just a knot in my heart. Old Xiao is also a bit..." Shen Qi thought about Xiao Jin's state, and finally sighed, "It's a bit unreasonable for two older children to fight."

He Beidi frowned, "That shouldn't hurt you."

Shen Qi raised the corner of his mouth, reassuring him.

"No one can bully me. When have you seen me suffer? Even if you didn't speak just now, I wouldn't agree. I jump? It's good if I don't push him down."

real? He Beidi was suspicious.

In fact, just now, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Shen Qi was actually hesitating. For a brief moment, she seemed to be weighing the value of what she was doing. He panicked and shouted to stop first.

But now seeing Shen Qi's appearance of not caring at all, he felt that he was thinking too much. After all, Shen Qi has been very aggressive in dealing with things since her debut, and she herself is not a weak character.

"I'll take care of it, leave it alone," he said.

He Beidi is on the plane at noon, so he must leave now. Shen Qi had nothing to do, and sent him to the airport. When we parted, the girl waved to her with a smile on her face, without any gloom on her face.

When the girl walked away, He Beidi thought about it and made a call.

"Secretary Wu, help me find out what's going on with the grudge between Fu Hua and Xiao Jin."

Since the matter arises because of this, solve it from the root cause. There is no reason for the two of them to let others suffer.

Contrary to He Beidi's gloominess, Shen Qi was in a good mood when he came out this time.

Because He Beidi reminded her of one thing.

In the past "tasks", she has experienced this kind of occasion countless times. When she was on the job before, she had to serve the plot in all her responsibilities, and she had seen unreasonable people, and it was impossible to solve them perfectly every time.

Speaking of which, she used to be afraid of fire and insects, she didn't like sweets, she would feel sick when she ate food with sugar, she overcame many things she didn't want to do... Countless times of overcoming difficulties made the current Shen chess. Even her fear of heights was not inherent in her. It was because she fell from a high place on a mission and almost fell to her death, which left a shadow.

After a long time, her first reaction when encountering a problem is to be positive. After all, it is the most convenient way to solve the problem, so just now she also subconsciously weighed the gains and losses.

In their line of work, after retiring, there will be some problems left in their hearts. She is not serious, so she has been ignoring them.

And He Beidi was like a ray of light, shining in at that moment, pulling her out of the dream and reminding her.

She is out of the "script", she is free, no need to do things she doesn't like, no need to be responsible for the "end", she has no responsibility!

There are many things in this world that need to face difficulties, and it also depends on whether it is worth it. It's just a song, and there are thousands of ways to create it. It's unnecessary to embarrass yourself.

— Ha, if you want to jump so much, go for it yourself.

She was more than happy to push Fu Hua from the 100-meter-high platform when he stopped talking.

After returning to his residence in the afternoon, Shen Qi didn't continue to dig out the works, but took over the library of the top songs in the past three years sent to him by Secretary Wu, including Fu Hua's music. Shen Qi closed his eyes and listened, accepting the edification with all his heart, racing against time to absorb the nutrients. What happened in the morning gave her a lot of inspiration, not about the work, but about her state of mind. She is in a very good state now, and she wants to keep this feeling.

These distinctive music gave Shenqi the illusion of reassembling himself.

In the multiple time travel scenes, she who was fragmented because she played someone else seems to be finding the self that was forcibly stripped away piece by piece through the power of music.

When everything returned to tranquility, she opened her eyes and looked at the phone, which showed midnight, and the top prompt box was a message from He Beidi.

"I have returned to the company."

Shen Qi wanted to reply "Go to bed early", and halfway through sending it, her heart flickered, and what flashed in her mind was the scene of seeing He Beidi this morning... She suddenly sat up, grabbed the pen and notebook and wrote quickly.

Early in the morning, the whole group was preparing for today's group comprehensive recording. Xiaozhu went to the seaside in the morning to buy some food stalls and came back. They were cheap and fresh. Shen Yuan mingled with the staff and snatched two squids on iron plates, and waved them at Shenqi like a lamp sign.

"Come on, eat what you want to make up for, eat octopus, make up... er, make up claws."

What the hell is "claw claw"

Zhou Xinlei laughed at her, "Chess is already a big touch, so there's no need to make it up. I think she must have been brainwashed recently."

"Yeah," Yu Wei also said, "I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night yesterday, and saw the factory manager writing on the coffee table in the living room, it scared me to death!"

Shen Qi came over to take the squid skewers and yawned, "Geniuses are created at night, you don't understand at all."

"Hey, look..." Shen Yuan pushed her.

On the other side, the staff came over with a group of people, and Shen Qi knew it without looking - it was Fu Hua who joined the team. Fu Hua didn't have many shots this time, so he didn't need to come so early, he just had to wait until the end to present an award.

His eyes happened to meet Shang Shenqi, and he moved away awkwardly. It's not as hostile as yesterday.

Yo, is this introspection

Shen Qi was thinking about the deep meaning of this look, but she heard Zhou Xinlei calling her: "Qiqi, look who's coming!"

Shen Qi looked at it and was also stunned.

In the direction opposite to Fu Hua, a man was wearing a bright and coquettish Hawaiian shirt, smiling and waving at her.

Who else is it not Xiao Jin

The question is, Fu Hua is here, does Xiao Jin know? These two people have been separated from each other since their debut, and it has been more than ten years... This is simply a photo of a giant panda and a Tyrannosaurus rex, epic in the same frame.

If it was a coincidence, Shen Qi would not believe it.

"Teacher, why are you here?" Not only Shen Qi, but the nine Shan Shao immediately put down what they were doing and came to stand in front of Xiao Jin. Everyone is Xiao Jin's student and has been taught by Xiao Jin, so they respect him very much.

"I'm here to shoot the location, and I'll be a guest guest by the way."

Shen Qi glanced at the direction behind his eyes pointingly, and lowered his voice, "Old Xiao, this is a society ruled by law, we can't beat people directly. But if you really want to, I can play tricks for you later in the show." of."

After all, it's a family feud between the teachers, she should do something, she has absolutely no selfishness!

Xiao Jin rarely gave her a blank look.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Jin tapped her on the head, "How is the tune changed?"

Shen Qi recalled which edition was last night, and clasped his fists very inflatedly, "Teacher, I think I've accomplished it." He was about to soar.

"Really?" Xiao Jin smiled, "Then the show is off today, if I'm still alive, send it to me."


What does the last sentence mean

"Chess, look, look!"

As soon as Xiao Jin left, Shen Yuan and Zhou Xinlei held their mobile phones as if they had discovered a treasure, and couldn't wait to share it with Shen Qi.

Shen Qi has been writing songs from yesterday to today, holding his mobile phone and checking the arrangement software, and has no time to read public opinion at all. Only now did he know that something big happened on Weibo.

@购华V: I met a kid today who is very talented and decided to cooperate with her. @闻少-约奇@NA娱乐@楚华娱乐

Shen Qi:? ?

Shen Qi was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned on his mobile phone, only to find that there was indeed this message. And Xiaozhu had already reposted it for her, but she, the person involved, didn't know about it yet.

Shen Qi immediately sent a message to He Beidi.

Shen Daxian: What's going on, you didn't sneak out to jump the 300 meters while I was away, did you

After a while, He Beidi sent a photo. It was a bird's-eye view from the 13th floor of NA Entertainment. Behind it was the positioning location, S City Center Building.

He Beidi: Do you think my current position allows me to do this

Shen Qi took a breath just seeing the height.

Shen Daxian: What's going on? Why did Fu Datou suddenly change his mind

He Beidi: Don't worry about it, this matter will be handled by Xiao Jin, and the person who tied the bell must be untied.

Shen Qi couldn't get an answer, so she had to continue to browse Weibo, which really let her see what happened. This... is also very funny.

First of all, after Fu Hua posted the message about cooperating with her, he probably felt unwilling to do so, and added another one sarcastically, but it was not about her, but insinuating and pointing out something else.

@起华V: A rare good seed, some people... Hehe, they know that they are misleading their children.

This statement clearly meant something.

Everyone who knows Fu Hua and Xiao Jin knows about Fu Hua and Xiao Jin's shit, and everyone who knows Xiao Jin knows about it. This set of old grievances is like an old lady's foot wrap, and even her own fans are unwilling to mention it again. Anyway, every year at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony, they seem to have made an appointment. If you go, I will not go, and if I go, you will not come. But Xiao Jin's reputation in the outside world is greater, so he attends more occasions, and Fu Huan has less room to play, and Fu Hua is unwilling to come from behind the scenes to the front stage, which seems to be more suffocating.

Every year, the two will fight before and after the Golden Melody Awards, but this year, the Golden Melody Awards have passed for several months. Fu Hua suddenly sparked a war, and the public is still very curious about this melon.

For Fu Hua's provocation, Xiao Jin didn't respond at first, but after two hours, he suddenly posted on Weibo, and became very angry.

Don't look at Xiao Jin's always smiling face, but anyone who knows him well knows that this is a violent temper, which is different from Fu Hua's style of fighting back and forth. Xiao Jin never sneers, he always uses the microphone Click X directly.

@肖进V: @购华V hasn’t improved at all for so many years, and has lived to the point of being a dog. What's your dissatisfaction with me? What's the point of getting angry with a child? you! I am talking about you!

Netizen: Oh huh, this upright style is so familiar, it is true that every student must be a teacher!

Although Xiao Jin has a grumpy temper, his grievance with Fu Hua has been going on for almost ten years, and the "love period" has long passed. Everyone looks at each other and hates each other, and hates each other. Everyone was wondering what made Xiao Jin angry.

Fu Hua wasn't in a good temper either, so he immediately turned back.

The two sides quarreled three or four times, and finally Fu Hua let out a "hehe" and directly sent an emoji: [Lion Roaring Yiyang Pointing: Come here! ].JPG.

Xiao Jin replied: [Come as soon as you come, who is afraid of whom? ]jpg.

Then the two big shots, in front of netizens from all over the country, "challenged" the 300-meter platform of Yawan Island.

——Century Showdown of Music Talents, 300-meter Bungee Jumping, Men's Duel!

If it is not too busy at the end of the year, it is a working day now, and it is estimated that a large number of netizens will come to Yawan Island to travel and watch dramas!

Some people even speculate that this is a conspiracy by the Yawan Island Tourism Bureau!

Shen Qi watched the whole process of the two people's appointment, and she was shocked: the two big men in the music scene, who are 70 years old together, had a quarrel beyond the sight of elementary school chickens.

What did you do wrong with the bungee jumping platform to be dissed by you back and forth

Shen Qi really wanted to persuade them, five meters away was Xiao Jin and Fu Hua's respective rest areas, less than three meters apart, but somehow, Shen Qi felt like he couldn't get in the conversation. She had no choice but to ask Director Li for help, but Director Li was very optimistic.

"Appointment? You're thinking too much. With our program team around, nothing will happen. Don't worry."

"Director Li, aren't they just giving out an award? I can end the competition quickly, can't we send these two great gods away earlier?" Shen Qi carefully raised his opinion.

Director Li was no longer that naive Director Li, he immediately refined the key points of Shen Qi's words - "fast", "end" and "competition".

"… What do you want to do!"

"Director Li," Shen Qi persuaded earnestly, "Isn't it just a treasure hunt on the beach? The treasures are sold at 108 points according to the structure of the star map, and only seven of them are real. These seven are sorted in the form of the Big Dipper. I I didn't intend to read it, but your planning book was right there and no one cared, so I turned two pages out of curiosity... "

At that time, the plan had not yet been passed, so no one guarded her at all.

Director Li:! ! !

"Come on, give me this man!"

"All content editors come over for a meeting! Change, station, and book!"

It turns out that you will never be able to guard against a person who deliberately combines all the clues to guess your script. It was Yu Wei who teamed up with Shenqi this week. Yu Wei was so lucky that she just went back and bought two coconuts, and Shenqi had already found the championship medal.

During the whole process, Xiao Jin and Fu Hua didn't say a word.

Everything seemed to be calm, but in a blink of an eye the sun was setting and the program crew was about to call it a day. Before Shen Qi could breathe a sigh of relief, Xiao Jin and Fu Hua both moved.

"Big head, if you want to run now, there is still time. I will let you thirty-nine meters." The premise is that he has a forty-meter sword.

Fu Hua snorted coldly, "Whoever loves the grandson."

Then, the two groups took the camera crew, and together with Fu Hua and Xiao Jin, they walked towards the bridge—the center of the bridge is the famous Yawan Island bungee jumping platform. The meaning of the production crew is that they were commissioned to shoot the whole process. It seems that Xiao Jin wanted to cut this part into the new album MV, and Fu Hua said that it would be played on a loop in his studio...

"Teacher, have you ever had bungee jumping experience?" Shen Qi felt that they were going too far.

"No." Xiao Jin said calmly, "But don't worry, I'm different from some coward, I will do what I say."

"Fart!" Fu Hua was also angry, "I'll go down later, don't be so stupid and cry and refuse to dance!"

In the middle of the noise, they have now arrived at the bridgehead, and there is a bungee jumping platform ten meters away. There are tourists queuing up in front of them, and the film crew here is pointing. Someone recognized the Flash Girls and screamed excitedly.

Shen Qi rested his forehead and watched the farce, not understanding why the two big and small people were serious. When the two of them were almost ready for work, she said to Xiao Jin alone: "Teacher, it's just a song, it's not enough."

Others didn't know, but she knew that Xiao Jin was still angry. He is really a very protective person, and he was the cause of the incident, so Xiao Jin couldn't bear it.

Xiao Jin smiled, "I have had grievances with him for so many years, and the circle has caused a lot of trouble. You should understand it. Don't feel pressured, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Director Li next to her comforted her and said, "Don't worry, both of them have passed the physical examination, and they are of good quality. This way is also a good way, very civilized and positive.”

The positive energy of God TM civilization.

The program team assisted in the filming, firstly as a testimony, and secondly, this episode will be broadcast as a special program. He felt that with this plot, the on-demand broadcast of this group's comprehensive single episodes will probably exceed the previous sum.

The wind on the bridge was rustling, and walking on it felt steep and menacing. Shen Qi stopped moving forward and turned back to join the army of flashing girls watching the show.

On the stage, the staff was a little embarrassed facing the two big men.

"You two want to dance together?"

Two men, although it is not impossible, but they are rare after all. And this puts higher demands on the rope.

"Of course, what if he gets scared if I jump down?" Just standing on the edge of the stage, Xiao Jin's complexion was already not very good, regret was written all over his face.

It was even worse for Fu Hua, who could barely stand up, and was still talking hard, "Grandson, if you want to lie, I'll jump first, there's no way!"

Why on earth did he come to this point? During the last inspection, the recording equipment had been confiscated, so why did he jump this...

But, the same—the two of them have been fighting for so many years, and who can tell why

Helpless, the staff tied the protective gear on for the two, looked at the two big men who were two meters apart, and said, "Come closer!"

When the two of them were reluctantly tied into rice dumplings, the two hearts that had never been so close were both cold and cold, without a trace of heat.

Xiao Jin faced the sea breeze with some despair, and said vicissitudes of life: "Fu Datou, I don't care if you believe it or not, I did not do what happened back then. After today, if we are still alive, the grievances will be settled-"

"Shut up! I won't dance anymore, I'll write ten songs for you with the surname Xiao, and I won't dance—ahhhhh!"

In the setting sun, two people "airdropped" from 300 feet.

A cruise ship passed by where the sky meets the sea, and the cheerful symphony and dance music "Blue Danube" was played from the cruise ship. The two bounced into the air after falling down, and then swayed from side to side like a pendulum, the rhythm and dance music perfectly matched. The setting sun is reflected on the water, as beautiful as an oil painting.

—if you put aside that piercing scream.

The rest of the people had already gone to the beach to eat melon seeds, and the angle here was much better than that on the stage. While looking at the two teachers swinging like a pendulum between heaven and earth, Shen Qi talked with Secretary Wu on the phone, and finally understood what happened.

The grievances between Xiao Jin and Fu Hua originated eleven years ago. Speaking of which, the two have known each other since they were in school. At that time, the two were youthful and talented, and they cherished each other. After graduation, they set up a recording studio together. The cause of the incident was that when the audio track film was delivered, the audio track was broken, and the manufacturer did not find it when burning it, resulting in large-scale quality problems on the marketed discs. The recording studio was sued in court and was claimed huge damages.

At that time, all the evidence pointed to Fu Hua, and others also pointed to Fu Hua's "privately adding sound effects" to cause a bug, but the problem was on Xiao Jin's part. The two were young and vigorous, and they did not give in to each other, so they broke up.

Later, as the two of them emerged in the music world, achieved good results, and embarked on completely different styles, they became even more tit-for-tat. It was eleven years in a flash.

In fact, there were many doubts about what happened at the beginning. Although the recording studio took full responsibility, if it is really necessary to hold individuals accountable, everyone has the possibility.

He Beidi only did one thing. He asked a friend from the court to check the transcripts of everyone in the recording studio that year, and asked the legal lawyer to go through it, and it was basically determined that the problem was in the handover of the final version. In other words, what happened back then was not Fu Hua's fault, and naturally it was not Xiao Jin's fault, but a problem with the naming of the version, and the audio tracks were interleaved in the transmission link.

Or, both of them were wrong, because they didn't listen to the whole thing during the last confirmation, so it's not wrong to bear the consequences together.

He directly took photos of these evidences for evidence collection, and sent a copy to Fu Hua and Xiao Jin each.

Both of them have mixed feelings.

In fact, the evidence has always been there. For so many years, no one has the courage to unravel the truth, for fear that they are really wrong all these years.

After learning the truth, Fu Hua decided to reconcile and signed a contract with NA Entertainment. Fu Hua is a deadly tsundere, he feels that his behavior is already showing goodwill, Xiao Jin should understand. But at this time, Xiao Jin learned that Fu Hua had provoked Shen Qi, and the short-term madman exploded immediately, and went directly to Weibo to complain.

Although the two of them solved the misunderstanding, the knot of more than ten years is not so easy to smooth out. The matter of Shen Qi was like a flashpoint. frame", this is the last funny scene.

Later, some "enthusiastic netizens" summarized the grievances and grievances of the two people over the years, and also implicitly exposed the "misunderstanding" of the year. Netizens looked at the two talented musicians hugging each other tightly on the sea in the romantic music, and expressed their true sighs——

"What kind of god-like plot is this? Even TV dramas dare not act like this."

"I remembered a comic where two feuds yelled at each other and said how many years they have only had you in their eyes. If you don't marry a wife, don't fall in love and don't rest, the ends of the world will find you..."

"I know the one upstairs! Could it be that in the end, a passerby heard their conversation and asked: Why don't you just get married?"

"God intervenes, ask for resources upstairs."

"Xiao Fu, the school uniform CP team has been established, and the sisters are here to report."

The title of the current issue of Ibis Music TV Highlights is—All Enmity and Enmity Gone

Netizens were overwhelmed and asked who thought of it

Shen Qi: I have nothing to do with the rain!