The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 66: Chu Yu's second invitation


In the recording studio, Xiao Jin and Fu Hua were quietly listening to the prelude adapted by the girl herself behind the glass, with one brow deeply furrowed and the other wide-eyed.

After the prelude, entering the vocal part, Shen Qi closed his eyes, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a bedside covered with vines and a man holding an umbrella outside the window, which merged into a painting with the drizzle outside the window.

Shen Qi opened his eyes and sang along with the rhythm.

"The boy with the glasses,

you look so cute,

On a rainy morning,

past my windowsill. "

"You are always serious,

Pretending to be careless,

Before the story begins,

Ask me, can I accompany you for a walk... "

It is still the slow song that Shen Qi is good at, and the arrangement reveals a strong sense of the age, a bit of the retro feeling of combining campus songs in the 1970s and love songs in the 1980s. Xiao Jin listened, his brows gradually relaxed, and when the girl finished singing, he made an OK gesture.

"Okay, take a break."

Shen Qi was on the opposite side of the glass, received the gesture, took off his earphones, and left the recording room.

"Mr. Xiao, how about this version?"

"I think it's not bad. Although the melody has a strong sense of age, the arrangement part is innovative and has made great progress." Xiao Jin praised Shen Qi, and then looked at the silent Fu Hua with a half-smile , "Professionals are different."

This is a rare good word.

Having known each other for more than ten years, Xiao Jin never praised Fu Hua face-to-face for more than three words in his lifetime. But Fu Hua didn't appreciate it very much, he showed a tangled expression.

Shen Qi was a little nervous and asked, "Teacher Fu, do you feel bad?"

Xiao Jin was slightly surprised. Based on his understanding of Fu Hua, if he was not completely satisfied, he would not have shown it to others, let alone when he was present. Why, this person has changed his gender and knows to listen to other people's opinions

Fu Hua said: "I'm in a bit of a dilemma now. I heard your demo before, and I had several adjustments in my mind, but after listening to this version, I have new ideas..."

"Wait a minute," Xiao Jin suddenly realized, "You haven't changed her yet?"

"What are you talking about, I just arrived in S city today, and I came to the recording studio as soon as I got off the plane, how can I change it?" Fu Hua was startled, and looked at Xiao Jin, "Didn't you change this?"

Thanks to him, he still feels that Xiao Jin's style has changed so much that he can't even recognize him.

Xiao Jin and Fu Hua looked at Shen Qi, and Shen Qi blinked.

"I changed it myself, didn't I say it before?"

It has been a week since the "Leap of Faith" on Yawan Island, and the old friends Xiao Jin and Fu Hua finally reconciled. However, even though Fu Hua agreed to help Shen Qi watch the new song, he had to go back to the studio because of lack of time. He had just finished the work at hand, and then flew non-stop to the recording studio under Ibis Music in S City.

As for Xiao Jin, because he was curious about Fu Hua's work status at the scene, he also joined in the fun.

These two people became the most popular CP in the country in a week. They have been in love and killed each other for more than ten years, and they "jumped" to wipe out their grievances. Now Weibo is full of fanarts of the two of them. At first, the two of them were disgusted, but they soon tasted the sweetness.

Fu Hua walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and there was actually a variety show inviting him, and the orders of his studio also doubled all of a sudden. The word "Fu Hua" became a LOGO with great commercial value; A small career climax has been won, and online reviews have skyrocketed. After many years of reorganization, the school uniform CP actually achieved a win-win situation, and even the stock of Xiao Jin's company rose.

No one thought of this.

Various companies have begun to analyze and summarize this phenomenon, and have begun to explore the possibility of artificially replicating this process as a marketing operation.

Therefore, no matter whether they like it or not, no one will have trouble with money. From time to time, Fu Hua and Xiao Jin will attend an event together to serve their fans—but only in the same frame.

Two straight straight men, let's forget about selling rot, pure socialist feud, although they don't kill each other now, but they don't love each other much, it's limited to work and cooperation. In the entertainment era, fans just watched the excitement and pretended not to know that these two had to wash their hands three times with hand sanitizer every time they shook hands and went home.

Both Xiao Jin and Fu Hua came to the recording studio with the purpose of hearing each other's current level, but they didn't expect that this very mature work was actually made by Shen Qi himself.

"It's difficult..." Fu Hua's eyes were full of excitement, "I think the communication with you will become very interesting."

With such an interesting student, it is no wonder that Xiao Jin is not afraid of even 300 meters, so he desperately dragged him down to jump.

If it was him, he might do the same.

"Your version, although not refined enough, has just the right amount of youthfulness. If it is put on the market, there is a certain risk. It may become a classic sung among young people, or it may be criticized as worthless."

This song is still different from mainstream songs. As an original song, it is good, but because Shen Qi's status is too light, it is easy to get polarized comments.

Now there are some people in the circle and the market who have some hatred for "lightness". Anything young people do must be absurd, everything young people sing must be bad, and everything young people pursue must be absurd. Brain-dead... This also led to some works in the upper and lower reaches being devalued as worthless.

In fact, who is not young? Everyone grew up under the encouragement and encouragement of their teachers. As long as the three views are not crooked, why not give young people more room to experiment

Although Fu Hua himself is narrow-minded, he seldom criticizes those who are serious, especially those who are serious about music; what he dislikes are those who have no talent, are greedy for profit, and are full of shortcuts.

Xiao Jin also felt that Fu Hua's opinion was pertinent.

Of course, he is the one who supports it. He thinks this song is good and great, but he also knows that there must be some people who don't like it and even use this style to attack her. With Shen Qi's current status as the chief trafficker of the women's group, she is not even considered a musician, and she may not be able to withstand this kind of attack. It's not the reason in my heart, but the attack brought by the wind comment.

Shenqi's own style is not liked by everyone.

Shen Qi thought for a while, then asked: "Then what should I do?"

"If it were me, there might be two versions." Fu Hua likes to experiment, and he himself has made a lot of weird music.

"No way, how can Shenqi compare with you?" Xiao Jin immediately objected, "Your status in the circle can be counted by those who dare to criticize you, but if there are two versions of Shenqi, your reputation will be overwhelmed." She was overwhelmed, her version might as well not be released."

When the time comes, music critics will definitely swarm the version produced by Fu Hua, which will actually suppress Shen Qi's own version.

"That depends on what you think. Let me tell you what I said earlier. I don't think what I do must be better than yours." Fu Hua said seriously, "Music only has style, there is no superiority. We can produce as usual, but in the end Which version to release is up to you."

Shen Qi listened to the two big shots arguing for a while, and probably also understood her song. She said seriously that she would think about it when she went back.

When Shen Qi left, Xiao Jin glanced at Fu Hua with disgust, "Tsk, it seems that I am enough to talk about famous teachers."

If he had known that Shen Qi could achieve this level by himself, he would never have approached Fu Hua.

This is already enlightened, what a fart to guide!

Fu Hua sneered, "Come on, any genius is not taught by the teacher. This child has amazing understanding, and you can't teach her for long. I will leave the words here, up to three years, just wait and see."

Xiao Jin glanced at him.

Even if that day comes, he will still be a teacher. Fu Hua can be regarded as a second master at best, but he is still not as good as him...

In the end, Shen Qi chose Fu Hua's version to release. Her first full-authorized song was stored in her mobile phone as a souvenir.

Although I really want to use my own version, but I have to admit that what Fu Hua said is right. Now she is in a niche style, and her qualifications are not enough. This is not her own thing. This song is included in the album of Flash Girl Here, consider its commercial value.

She is not an individual musician, she is a member of a girl group, she makes compromises for the group, she does not feel wronged.

Before the release of the new album, the digital version went first, and when it hit the charts, there was a lot of excitement on the Internet. At the end of the year, all the male and female groups, individual musicians, and record companies competed for the title. Fans can't wait to receive the year-end dividends in advance to rank their idols.

Flash Girls, as the most popular girl group this year, took the number one spot in single album sales on the girl group list, and the title of the new album "Together" won the girl group's single download number one. The third place in the annual single popularity list.

The first place is "I" by Xiao Jin, and the second place is the new song "The Door" by Chuyu artist Lu Zihan, a veteran singer. Coincidentally, this song was produced by Fu Hua's team. "Together" by three flashing girls formed a very interesting picture on the list.

"Me", "The Door", "Together"


"We're together! Did you hear that? We're together! I don't care, the school uniform sends candy, I ate it! I'm crazy! Today my CP is also together!"

Compared with CP fans, it is too difficult for Flash Girls fans.

"Sisters, vote! It's almost the second place, we can't let them be together!"

"I'm going to be the villain who 'cuts the school uniform' today. Anyone can "Together", but "You" and "The Door" can't do it! Young Master Flash, let me go!"

"I think flipping sentences is also good. Together, we, what do you think? Leave the first place free, and you can arrange the second and third places..."

It's a pity that Shan Shao is still young after all. After all, the group has been in the group for less than a year, and its market influence is still not as good as that of the evergreen singer Xiao Jin and the queen. However, what is surprising is that a single sung by Shen Qi, Shen Yuan, and Zhou Xinlei unexpectedly rose to prominence, and in the last month, it entered the siege and ranked fifth, crushing several big groups. The title song, and it has a tendency to continue to rise.

This song "Boy Wearing Glasses" is placed at No. 10 in the album, which is considered very low-key. The song is different from the hot or sweet style of the girl group, and it takes a slightly retro lyrical route. The three members of Shining Youth are performing it because their voices are the most suitable and their temperament is also the most suitable.

Compared with the luxurious and big production of "Together", this song "Boy with Glasses" is like sticking banknotes in the lining of a shirt. It is very low-key from the release to the list. At the beginning, netizens only thought it was generally pleasant to listen to. After listening to the main hits of the major groups at the end of the year, they found that this song had been on their phones for a long time, and they didn't want to delete it at all...

Because Fans of Flash Girls unanimously voted for the main title "Together", it was a complete accident that this song was on the list. Into the top five.

After digging through the production, the fans discovered that Xiao Jin and Fu Hua were hidden in the production team of this song, and they immediately called out "no wonder". The names of these two great gods can be printed so small, I am afraid that only Shan Shao's family can do it, but when they saw the lyrics and music, the name of the factory director appeared three times, some people couldn't help feeling sour.

"It's all Young Master Shan, depending on the treatment of the C position, two great gods will carry the sedan chair, but others will not, ha ha."

"Did Chuyu take the wrong medicine? Send resources to other artists like this? Is MSG going to sign Chuyu next year?"

"Don't be stupid, a person can be a good first sister in NA, but if you go to Chuyu, you can't even rank five, six, seven, eight sisters."

"But how did I hear that NA is going to raise funds again at the end of the year? I heard that the target may be Chuhua. If Chuhua raises funds for Chuyu, then NA and Chuyu will be brothers..."

"What's the sweet dream of MSG powder? Chu Yu was opened by Chu Hua for his own son. Mr. Xiao He is at most someone else's child, how can you compare? Besides, NA used all her resources to promote MSG. Isn't she ungrateful for her job-hopping like this? Aren't you Do you like to brag about your factory director's true temperament, so you turn your face and deny anyone?"

Such rumors were raging, and Shen Qi didn't take it seriously at first, but Shen Yuan couldn't help but show her all the time, and she also paid attention.

NA Entertainment recently contacted Chu Hua and she knew that Chu Hanyu did intend to raise funds for NA—in fact, Lao Chu wanted to acquire it, but He Beidi would not agree. In fact, even the matter of financing is currently hot on Chu Hua's head, and He Beidi didn't give any reply.

It was the first time I saw Lao Chu rushing to give money, but he didn't want it.

But these things are nothing to worry about, the fourth generation must have their own plans. What she is more concerned about is that He Beidi has been working too hard recently. He seems to be under a lot of pressure. He runs around all day, and even went to Italy last week. , don't know what to plan.

Shen Qi felt that he had been "entrusted" to Xiaozhu and Secretary Wu, and he could not see his "pro" manager at all.

Ordinarily, NA's trend this year is very good, but He Beidi seems to be pursued by someone, and operates like an iron man. According to He's mother, he hasn't been home for more than a month. If he didn't remember to call at least once every three days, He's mother thought his son was lost.

In the afternoon, it was rare for the nine members of Shan Shao to gather in Chuyu outside of the group performance. This time, Chu Shaoheng called everyone back for a meeting. The content was probably similar to the year-end summary, the year-end report of the Shan Shao operation team, and so on.

As for next year's plan, it hasn't come out yet, but before the meeting ended, Chu Shaoheng said something pointedly.

"This year's cooperation with everyone is very pleasant. No accidents, Chuyu will continue to operate Flash Girls in the second year. The last project of this year is the concert at the end of the month. I hope everyone can cheer up."

"After the music festival on the morning of the 30th, please don't leave. In the afternoon, Chuyu will hold an annual meeting. The media will be invited. Please arrange your itinerary."


Shan Shaojiu sighed in their hearts.

Sure enough, artists have no human rights, and there is no such thing as celebrating New Year's Day.

December was a fruitful month for the Flash Girls, but it was also a hellish month for them to draft drafts. Let’s just talk about the last three days: the concert at the gymnasium on the 29th, the New Year’s special program on the 30th, celebrating with fans, the music festival awards ceremony on the morning of the 30th, the online New Year’s Day party live broadcast on the 1st...

I thought I could rest for half a day in the afternoon of the 30th, but Chu Yu arranged the annual meeting here again.

Chu Yu's annual meeting is not an annual meeting in the general sense, it is not an itinerary that can be said to be up and running, but a formal "work place".

The annual meeting of Chuyu has always been a part of the operation of interpersonal public relations, and it is one of the most important parts of Chuyu every year besides the celebration. Heroic posts are usually widely distributed in the circle, especially for some artists who are interested in signing contracts with Chuyu. There are also people who have no intention of Chu Yu, but will make a special trip to expand their network, and many big names in the circle will come. For the Flash Girls' market next year, they must also attend.

After finishing speaking, Chu Shaoheng announced the end of the meeting. There was a plan in his computer that needed to be changed, so he simply sat in the meeting room and finished it. It was not until he sent it out that he realized that there were still people in the room who hadn't left.

"Is there something wrong?" Chu Shaoheng saw that Shen Qi was still playing with his mobile phone at his seat.

Hearing the voice, Shen Qi raised his head, "Huh? The meeting ended?"

Chu Shaoheng: ...

Chu Shaoheng took a deep breath and glanced at Shen Qi.

Shen Qi accepted it as soon as he saw it, quickly put away his mobile phone, and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, it's the annual meeting, I remember, I remember."

She remembers a ghost, anyway, Xiaosuke will remind her of the itinerary.

She stood up and was about to run, when she suddenly remembered something, she poked her head back and asked, "Mr. Chu, are you busy at the end of the year?"

That's no nonsense!

Chu Shaoheng kept a dark face, explaining everything without answering.

"Then you will not go home for a month because you are too busy at work?"

Chu Shaoheng was startled and frowned, "I haven't been home for a year."

Shen Qi: Do you rich second generations also fight like this? !

"... Isn't your father worried about you? Won't he order you to go back?"

Chu Shaoheng was puzzled, "He doesn't live at home, why did he ask me to go back?"

Old Chu usually works in Chuhua, and lives in a villa he built near Chuhua. They can see their father and son at any time when they go to work during the day. Why do they go home on purpose? For the Chu family, the building called "home" should be regarded as an old house in the East District. After the grandfather passed away, their father and son rarely went back.

Shen Qi sighed that the family life of a wealthy family is not easy, but fortunately the He family is not a wealthy family anymore. When people talk about the second generation of rich people, they always think that they are all dandies who spend their time and money, but because of the abundance of resources, many of them have to spend more time learning and absorbing. They are all on the social page, so that people feel that if they have money, they will learn to be bad.

Even though Chu Shaoheng is a bit arrogant, he can be regarded as clean and self-sufficient in the second-generation circle, so it is no wonder that the outside world thinks highly of him.

Chu Shaoheng has a noble start and is so busy, let alone He Beidi.

NA Entertainment has caught up to two-thirds of Chu Entertainment's five-year performance in more than three years, which is unimaginable for others. His talent is even higher than that of Chu Shaoheng. If He Beidi had enough resources, wouldn't he have to work so hard

Seeing Shen Qi's hesitant expression, Chu Shaoheng also thought of something.

"You want to inquire about Chu Hua's financing, right? Just ask if you want to know anything. It's not a secret."

Um? Shen Qi was taken aback.

"You don't know?" Chu Shaoheng sat back and motioned for Shen Qi to sit too. Then he talked about Chu Hanyu's intention to raise funds for NA Entertainment.

This year Chu Shaoheng still made some progress. If he still didn't believe in He Beidi's ability after several fights, the common interests involved this year made him see He Beidi more clearly, and he also recognized the old Chu. Back then—at least in terms of business and management, He Beidi was more talented than him, and it would be a matter of time before he caught up.

Knowing that this person will get up sooner or later, it is very wise to establish a good relationship as soon as possible, or it is best to get him under his command.

Financing is a decision of the Chuhua Group's board of directors. He has no right to interfere, and of course he does not object. NA Entertainment has He Beidi and Shen Qi as partners, and the prospects are promising. Basically, unless He Beidi suddenly breaks his head, or Shen Qi quits, this financing is a sure-fire deal. If he was in Lao Chu's position, he would try his best to facilitate it. but…

"If you've seen him recently, you might as well persuade him that Chu Hua is a good choice. He's the one who regrets it when he misses the opportunity because he's stuck with the grievances of the older generation."

"Does Beibi not want to cooperate with Chu Hua?" Shen Qi thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid I can't persuade him, he must have his own considerations."

Chu Shaoheng frowned, "You really don't know anything?"

"Know what?" Mimi was confused, not pretending.

In Chu Shaoheng's eyes, even if Shen Qi and He Beidi were not lovers, their relationship was much closer than ordinary bosses and entertainers. Even, because Shenqi is so determined to support NA, if it weren't for Shenqi who doesn't seem to have much money, he would suspect that there is Shenqi investment in NA. Even so, he guessed that He Beidi might at least have given him a promise of a lot of money to go public...

It turned out that Shen Qi didn't know anything. He was as surprised as when he found out that Song Sijun was a white lotus.

"... You don't know anything, so you trust him?"

"why not?"

Chu Shaoheng simply didn't know what to say about the silly girl. At the same time, there was a slightly sour feeling in his heart. He admits that He Beidi is very capable, but even so, he is still in the most difficult stage of his life. At this time, the love that is willing to share weal and woe is the most precious.

Shen Qi has been selected as one of the most commercially valuable female artists in the entertainment circle by the judges this year, and the top female artist with the most potential for growth. As one of the companies closest to her, Chu Yu is impossible to say that she does not want to poach people. of.

But Chu Shaoheng knew that Shen Qi would not leave, and he had offended Shen Qi before, so he gave up this idea long ago.

But what if NA Entertainment is in trouble? Will she continue to insist on this "deep affection and righteousness"

Even though NA Entertainment can survive this financing difficulty, female artists are young, and time is very precious. Will she continue to stay with He Beidi for another three to five years? At that time, even if NA Entertainment has caught up with today's Chuyu, there will be more youth idols who are just the right age in the market. At that time, can NA Entertainment still try their best to build her like they are now

"Shen Qi, although these words are not suitable for me, I sincerely hope that you will think about your future plans." Chu Shaoheng suppressed the small expectations in his heart, and threw out an olive branch, "If NA Entertainment has already Can’t support your development, would you consider coming to Chuyu? I can promise to invest in you with the same strength as NA.”

Shen Qi: "Are you awake?"

What dream

Shen Qi was speechless, thinking that Xiao Chu had changed for the better, but in the end he wanted to poach the character. If the fourth generation knew, he would probably take off the protagonist's aura and throw it out as a discus to kill him.

Chu Shaoheng had a face of "I know", he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Qi, you don't even know the current situation of NA Entertainment, so it's best not to be too absolute. As far as I know, NA Entertainment signed a contract with Ark Financial Holdings three years ago. The gambling agreement he made is about to expire, and 700 million is not a small amount. If he can't get the next round of financing, even if He Beidi is overpowered, he will have to admit defeat. In this case, he'd better accept Chu Hua's financing, or...acquisition."

"If I were you, I would persuade him not to hold on to the old grievances of the family. The situation cannot be controlled by others, so why bother with yourself?"