The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 74: Island owner


How should I put it, the relationship between relatives is as far as it is far, and as close as it is close.

To put it simply, it is He Beidi's great-grandmother, a wealthy daughter of the Russu family who married a Chinese, and gave birth to a mixed-race daughter Sara, He Beidi's grandmother.

He Beidi's grandmother was influenced by her father and had a deep affection for Huaxia. She fell in love with the "bookworm" Professor Su in the eyes of outsiders at that time, that is, He Beidi's grandfather, and gave birth to her daughter Sally, Su Li, He Beidi's daughter. Mother.

Su Li grew up in the scholarly family of the Su family, married He San, and gave birth to a son, He Beidi, because after three generations, when he came to He Beidi's side, there were almost no mixed blood characteristics. He Beidi was good-looking, Inheriting the advantages of his parents, he is good-looking regardless of national boundaries.

As the first daughter to marry, great-grandmother has a good relationship with the family, and the family gave a generous "dowry" to her as a dowry. Because the great-grandmother had a son in addition to her daughter, this "dowry" was divided into two parts, one was given to the grandmother, and the other was given to He Beidi's... second uncle

The one in Su Li's hand was given by her grandmother, because Su Li has no daughter but only one son, so this "dowry" was handed over to He Beidi in advance. However, in legal terms, this "dowry" still belongs to Su Li, so the client is Su Li's name.

He Beidi participated in an entrepreneurial project during college and met Boss Zhou of Ark Financial Holdings. The two hit it off right away. So far, He Beidi helped his mother make an asset plan and chose Ark Financial Holdings as a trustee.

It is worth mentioning that this Boss Zhou also has shares in Ibis Factory, and the proportion is not small, but he is usually very low-key, and it is usually his wife, Ms. Lin, who comes out here, so that everyone can't think of it at once. And He Beidi is considered the "number one client" of Ark Financial Holdings, and has a close personal relationship with Boss Zhou, so it is not difficult for He Beidi to ask Boss Zhou for personal favors occasionally, such as the time when "Enchanted" was almost cut, or for example this time…

This is the entire background of NA Entertainment. As for Italy, there is almost no connection in He Beidi's generation.

Shen Qi was dumbfounded, so he said—the real hidden boss is He Mu

She recalled that Su Li was actually very low-key in school, but this kind of low-key was different from ordinary students. Su Li’s clothes were all custom-made, and she couldn’t tell the brand, but she knew it was from the top design at a glance. The hand of the teacher; Su Li's status is also very detached, but she will never be involved in the low-level bullying in the campus. Even when Chu Hanyu was the most arrogant, it did not affect Su Li at all. After being trained, He San couldn't even see Su Li...

Su Li married He San because the He family wanted the good reputation of the Su family, and the Su family wanted to use the He family to open up the market, a typical commercial marriage; the couple did not call a few years ago, and they hardly got along well. decided to divorce. But at this time, the He family collapsed. Seeing He San who had been picked up, she felt soft-hearted... Su Li just wanted to wait a year or two, and spend this time with He San, but she never thought that it would be a lifetime .

Who would have thought that when the He family fell, He San seemed to be pierced by a soul, and he became a good man of twenty-four filial piety. Su Li also asked the master to make a fortune, and the fortune teller also said that he and He San should be husband and wife in this life, but He San's life is light, and he can't bear the wealth of the He family. If he wants to be safe, he'd better maintain the status quo .

Su Li thought for a moment, isn't it? He San is a careless person, he gets cheated whenever he has money, and when he has no money, with his IQ, he can't cause any big troubles. And He San is really kind to her, the most important thing is, he is obedient.

Probably complementary, Su Li herself is smart, thoughtful, and preoccupied, so she likes silly, smiling and contented men who are like children. He San is devoted to her, and if she is satisfied, she will not divorce.

Later, when her son became more and more promising, Su Li gave the "dowry" to He Beidi, and she was not short of anything. This money is worse than giving the young people a career.

If the He family is gone, it will be gone. Su Li didn't like it very much, but since she was a child, she has never lost to He Beidi in education. It doesn't matter if her husband is ordinary. It just happens to be less troublesome, but it must be the best for her son. of.

Shen Qi couldn't help feeling: A down and out prince is still a prince.

He Beidi said that he never felt that the He family was not behind and was different from before - that's because, apart from moving out of the old house, there was really no difference. On the contrary, these experiences allowed him to see the cruelty of the world as soon as possible, and the inconsistency of some "uncles and aunts". And with the care of his mother and a family with strong parents, those sarcastic remarks did not leave any shadow on his young heart.

Shen Qi felt that her doubts for a long time had been sorted out, and at the same time she also figured out one thing.

When she came to the third generation of scripts, it was relatively early, and he always thought that the heroine hadn't appeared, but it wasn't. Su Li should be the heroine of the third generation, but because He San didn't make a big death, and there was no further opportunity between Chu Hanyu and Su Li, so the marriage contract between He San and the Su family came true.

In the end, the male and female protagonists of the three generations were not together at all because of their incompatibility!

They split into two routes: Lao Chu took the career line, and Su Li chose a man she liked but Halo didn't like as her husband. Shenqi also indirectly contributed to this matter back then.

No wonder she was deducted a large amount of bonus when she returned from the third generation of scripts. She always thought it was because she beat up the male lead...

However, Su Li is doing well now, isn't Lao Chu also a kind father and a filial son? Su Li's personality is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, with a weak body but a very stubborn personality. Even if there is no He San, she might not like Chu Hanyu, otherwise she would have a lot of opportunities in school.

If that was the case, there would be no He Beidi, and she didn't think that "Chu Beidi", "Chu Shaodi" and so on would be better than the current Fourth Generation.

Shen Qi asked again: "Then you said that you have been investigating you, who is the person who wants to target NA?"

"I just said that my great-grandmother still has a son."

Shen Qi nodded.

He Beidi said: "Their branch did not develop very well after they returned to Italy. The Rossu family is very exclusive, and they themselves are not familiar with the place where they were born. The 'dowry' given by their great-grandmother is almost enough to accompany them."

"They won't come to your grandma to fight the autumn wind just because of this?"

"Grandma's brother and sister have a good relationship, but in my mother's generation, they quarreled fiercely since childhood. After my grandma passed away, the two sides lost contact. But something happened three years ago... there was something wrong with a 'dowry' .”


"Well," He Beidi frowned, as if very troubled, "Back then, there was a small island in grandma's dowry."

Shen Qi:! ! !

"Don't be so surprised. It's just a small island. There are quite a lot of uninhabited islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They are not as valuable as you think. They are usually private islands for rich people to go on vacation. My family even had a private jet at the time. I can’t even afford it, and it’s a burden to have this island, and it’s all entrusted to the local agency to manage.” He Beidi recalled those days, a little unbearable, “Not only that, but also have to pay taxes and fees to the nearby government for a long time, because there is no scenery. , sold but could not be sold, and my family was almost dragged down by this island. During that time, I was under a lot of pressure, insomnia, dreamy, and hair loss... "

In fact, neither of the two families wanted the island. In the end, although the island was given to grandma, the other branch also took more property. Overall, grandma was at a disadvantage as a daughter. Not to mention that future generations will also "raise the island".

Shen Qi: It turns out that the pressure of a genius is the same...

In other words, it is an island after all, why is it despised like an unfinished suburban building

"What happened later? Why did your uncle and master's side focus on it again? Don't you want it?"

"Because oil has been found in the sea near this island."

Shenqi: Petroleum?

"Diamond mines have also been mined on the island."

Shenqi: Diamonds?

"Anyway, it's quite valuable." He Beidi's expression became more and more irritable, as if what he was talking about was not money, but stones and sewage. "The cousin thinks that they should also have a share of these things, thinking that Grandma Zeng is eccentric." But how can I give away my mother's things to others? I met them once in Italy before, and it was not very pleasant."

It turned out that He Beidi went to Italy for this matter.

"So they seem to come to China to make trouble?"

"Yes, but these people have been abroad all year round, and they don't know anything about China's situation, so you see, they even stole the documents, but they can only cause this level of trouble. Probably think that I will do it for self-made people set up but dare not disclose assets.”

Shen Qi blinked, "...then you are?"

The newspapers had given him a lot of hype before. He was self-made, a business prodigy, the youngest entrepreneur rookie, and his future was limitless... Because of this, there were several bosses who explicitly and secretly hinted that they wanted him to be a wealthy son-in-law when they were talking about work. The door-to-door son-in-law. After all, for this kind of struggling young people, marrying a rich lady and saving twenty years of struggle is the most effective way to escape from the shackles of class.

He Beidi thought for a while and said calmly: "I have never claimed to be a child from a poor family. My middle school is a public school. I have seen how hard it is for children from real poor families. I am very lucky to have a very good family background , a very high starting point. Without the support of my family, it would take at least 20 years for me to get to where I am today. I have enjoyed such conveniences, so what qualifications do I have to boast that these are all due to me?"

It is not so easy to really start from scratch, not to mention some people start from negative numbers.

He has seen the real "difficulty" and has a lot of emotion.

"I've never claimed to be an ordinary person, an ordinary person," He Beidi smiled, pointing to his head, "From the first day of school, I knew I was different. I'm smarter than most people, especially In terms of business, I can understand those operating models, pros and cons, and those people's hearts, and I can always easily see through them. Everything I do today depends on my talent besides hard work, so I am extraordinary... "

"But this talent was given to me by my parents, not stolen. It depends on my parents' personality, vision, genes, educational resources and emotional resources invested in me, etc. I am the same as others in this regard. Just ordinary people."

A genius, but also an ordinary person.

When He Beidi said this, his expression was very peaceful. It was different from the seriousness when talking about work in normal times, and it was also different from the appropriate smirk when facing business partners. He just talked calmly as "He Beidi" own gains and losses.

He is not omnipotent, but at the same time, he is indeed stronger than most people. This is his objective evaluation of himself.

Gain and loss are neither arrogant nor impetuous, ups and downs are neither humble nor overbearing.

Watch the wind and rain quietly, look at the clouds and rainbows lightly.

Shen Qi actually thinks that the two of them are quite alike.

The fast runners are all relatively good individuals, and Shen Qi was also selected because of his outstanding individual qualities. She has a strong learning ability, she can teach everything once, and her psychological quality is also good. She can withstand blows and hit others. In the eyes of outsiders, she is almost omnipotent and fearless.

However, she is actually an ordinary person—she is happy because she is loved, and sad because her love is not accepted.

Both she and him are "geniuses" in the eyes of others, and "ordinary people" in their own eyes.

Seeing that Shen Qi was silent, He Beidi realized that he seemed to have talked too much.

He pursed his lips to ease his embarrassment, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is it weird?"

Shen Qi shook her head, thought for a while, and gave the fourth generation her most sincere approval—

"You are my brother."

He Beidi:? ?

—Suddenly being ridiculed? Did he say something wrong

The online rumors were refuted in a timely manner and did not affect the listing of NA Entertainment. Rather, after He Beidi's background was exposed, it showed the strength of NA Entertainment that has been hidden under the water. Secretary Wu has done a good job, and the materials have been sorted out in great detail. Those that can be made public and those that cannot be made public are clearly distinguished. In the end, NA not only let netizens know what they should know, but also did not disclose more personal information.

Netizens were originally waiting for the good show of "male sex superiority", but they didn't expect that they were mother and son at all.

When a mother invests in her son, can that be called investment? How many young people here bought their first property at home? Ms. Sally has only one son, He Beidi. As long as she is willing to be a mother, she can spend any amount of money.

It doesn't even require the husband's consent. A woman can be so stubborn if she has money.

The down and out prince is not down and out at all, because although the father of the down and out prince is "down and out", his mother is also a "princess". The mother's dowry alone can make him spend his whole life eating, drinking and having fun.

Not to mention that He Beidi is a well-known workaholic in the industry.

The eyes of netizens were also diverted all of a sudden.

"Who said that Mr. Xiao He is good-looking, but his family background is not good? Even the market value of NA Entertainment can buy me 20,000, okay?"

"Upstairs, you are so inflated that I want to scold you, 20,000 of you? NA's current market value is at least 700 million, how much is your unit price?"

"Hehe, I used to speculate on self-made progressive young people, but now it's not the rich second generation that is better than the rich second generation? Then what is the previous one, hype feelings? If you have money, you will have money, and we don't hate the rich."

"I'm fucking fed up. I really think we Xiaohe have no fans, right? If Heizi hadn't been jumping up and down, I, Xiaohe, would have ended up trying to win the factory manager? If Heizi hadn't slandered us this morning, Mr. Is it about publicizing your family background? You are only allowed to jump around, but we are not allowed to explain, the explanation is hype, and you deserve to be hacked, right?"

"Some people's sour smell can be smelled from eight hundred miles away, and they say that they don't hate the rich. I have invested in Mr. Xiao He. Before that, I was a fan of Mr. Xiao He, but now I have a stake in a business fan. If I have a 'princess mother' ', start a company, run a business, create a performance? Impossible, impossible in this life, only salty fish. Look at Mr. Xiao He's achievements over the years, what's so sour?"

"To be honest, I admire him. When the He family collapsed, the older generation said that the He family was only rich for three generations. This is the end. I didn't expect that the fourth generation of the He family would rise up in just over twenty years. This is not typical. Is the online article against the script? It makes me so happy to read it."

When it comes to the He family back then, some netizens who knew about it immediately began to pick it up. Netizens will always enjoy the plot of this kind of rich and downtrodden son's counterattack. And compared to the rich second generation like Chu Shaoheng, He Beidi has a more "counterattack" charm. There are fans who are passionate about writing "The Prince's Revenge".

At the same time, netizens also mobilized the power of the masses to learn about the legendary Russu family. If you don’t check it, you don’t know it. If you check it, the netizens will break NB. The wealth accumulated by this family in history is far beyond what "trench" can describe. Marrying a daughter of this kind of family is similar to marrying a princess, and it is not too much to marry a golden mountain as a dowry. No wonder the mother didn't hesitate to give her son a few hundred million yuan as start-up capital.

The wealth of the Russu family has been divided and unimaginable for the netizen class. So someone asked, who can give a preliminary estimate of Xiao He's total net worth? What is the level of the rich second generation in China

Some people say that Luosu is Luosu, He’s family is He’s family, and He Beidi’s worth is about one-third of NA Entertainment’s current valuation; Di started the company just for fun, and if he lost a few hundred million, he would lose it, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

What's more, they didn't lose money, but they made money!

In short, no matter how you calculate it, He Beidi has become the new "Wang Lao Wu" in the hearts of netizens. The point is-he looks good.

In the end, the boys and girls finally showed their ferocious faces.

—"Sisters, keep it simple. Mingren don't speak secretly, I want to sleep with him!"

—If you are only good-looking, then forget it, if you are only rich, then forget it, you are good-looking and rich... Then don’t blame me for following your Weibo! Even the trending search has gone from #NA CEO桂富娘# to #何北焘产价数据# and finally became—#小治常,我可以#

Of course, what followed was a series of "Warning Letter from NA Entertainment Lawyer", "Warning Letter from Russu Family Lawyer" and the factory director's expression pack: [The factory director's contempt.JPG.][Don't just drink, eat vegetables.jpg.] [I want to hide Beibi in the clouds today.JPG.]

The heated discussion among netizens quickly spread to the major fan groups. For a while, He Beidi's popularity on Weibo directly overwhelmed Chu Shaoheng, who was the number one before.

Nine fairies—

Miss Yu: [I need a quick-acting heart-relief pill.JPG.] I will never be generous in front of the factory manager and Fat Yuaner again. From now on, don't sit in my car, sit on my lap!

Sunny Qing: The real person doesn't show his face, Mr. Xiao He hides it deep enough! Chu Yu's pantry is still gossiping.

Zhou Xinlei: Qiqi, did Mr. Xiao He say anything to you? I heard that he still has an island, my God, poverty limits my imagination, Yu Wei, does your family have an island too? Is it as easy for you rich people to buy an island as buying a building? @汤娟@苏京

Miss Yu: Humiliated the building! My family will not buy properties casually! That's real estate investing, serious business!

Su Jing: My family has nothing to do with President Xiao He's mother's family, please don't get me wrong. The ancestors of the Su family in F City were scholars, and my family was a poor singer. The old society was low-class, and it is incomparable...

Don’t call me fat Yuaner: I’m actually here to watch you guys discuss whether to buy a house or an island, I’m so inflated...

Shen Qi swiped his phone, looked at the profile of He Beidi next to him, and thought to himself, he not only has an island, but also mines on the island, and oil in the sea... Is this something ordinary people dare to think about

Originally getting the "dividend" of the second generation, Shen Qi thought that he was quite rich, but compared with the fourth generation, it was really not enough.

If Shen Yuan is a living koi, then what is He Beidi

... Arowana

"Master He..."

The corner of He Beidi's mouth twitched, she was quick enough to give people nicknames.

"May I ask, have you calculated the combined market value of your 'dowry island', the mines on the island, and the oil under the island?"

"Why, do you want to buy it?" He Beidi joked, "The island is full of rocks, so I'm afraid it's not suitable for vacation."

Shen Qi: What is your dream? It's not enough to sell her!

He Beidi laughed, "It's hard to say, this kind of thing has a price but no market, and the local government will interfere, so it's not easy to change hands. But if you're interested, I'll call a lawyer to figure it out?"

Shen Qi was really curious, nodded and said: "Okay."

So that afternoon, when netizens were chatting about the He family, the Russu family, and the rich second generation in the entertainment industry, Shen Qi posted a Weibo.

@元少-约琼V: Inflated, my agent is worth astronomical figures, if it falls below this standard in the future, you may not be able to hire me. Everyone, please pay attention to the tone of your speech with me in the future, and remember to be respectful.

Picture [I contracted this fish pond.JPG.]

Netizen:! ! !

"The factory manager is expanding online, and the price is sitting on the ground?"

"Hurry up and give her an emoticon pack, posting fishponds at what age, it's humiliating Mr. He!"

"(Respect) the factory manager, you must do business well in the future and flatter more. After all, Mr. He is known as a workaholic. I'm afraid that your astronomical manager will dislike you for being too salty and kick you."

"(Respect) Your astronomical agent is still working overtime during the Chinese New Year. Tell yourself how long it has been since you posted short videos and selfies! You still have to respect, you have to earn respect yourself, understand? [Pat the table] Hurry up and write Song!"

"Hello, are you Zhan's agent? Comparing appearance and assets, appearance ceiling, assets with astronomical figures?"

Amid the wailing of poverty, NA Entertainment and Ibis Music seized this wave of topics and officially announced the cooperation announcement - NA Entertainment will join the operation team of Flash Girls in the second year, and jointly create the first national group with Chuyu .

Fans of Shan Shao burst into flames when they heard the news, and they were even more convinced that the previous disturbance was all hype.

"Welcome Mr. Xiao He, welcome Mr. Xiao He, I knew there was a reason for the factory director's sudden expansion. Someone from the 'natal family' came, no wonder, the voice was louder."

"Seeing Chuhua Entertainment being squeezed out of half of the operating rights, I am not only not sad, but I also want to laugh... MD, why don't you take all the operating rights away? What happened to the girls who were enslaved last year. @楚华娱乐今天closed down?"

"Not at all. Upstairs, although Xiao He is always strong, the entertainment industry is not all about money. In terms of resources, Chuhua has always dominated NA Entertainment, and it is good for Ibis Factory to grow at both ends. There is competition to be motivated. . Looking forward to next year's works by Shan Shao."

"@NA娱乐One person's blood book is asking for the combination of Shan Shao. As a fan of Shan Shao, I am really fed up with going to J City to see Secretary Su on Monday, and going to G State to see the factory manager on Tuesday afternoon. This kind of operation, and going again on Wednesday morning To celebrate Sunny's birthday, I'm chasing a group, not nine people, right?"

"Upstairs 1, now it's all about the group and the new song MV. I entered the pit at the beginning because the group has a good relationship and gets along with each other. As a result, I can only see one person per ticket. Last week, the group was also missing two, and it will continue like this I really can't hold on anymore! I don't care if it's NA or Chu Yu, whoever can make Shan Shao fit together, I will praise you!"