The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 82: Charity performance (second update)


There are already people clamoring for refunds on DOS official Weibo.

Compared with the last time when the venue was changed, DOS’s accident this time is much more serious. A week before the opening, many fans have already booked their air tickets, train tickets and hotels. Now it will be postponed for a week. What about the money loss during this period? To come or not to come? I have nothing to do when I come, and if I don’t come, the air ticket next week will be much more expensive. Who is responsible for this

The official handling of this aspect is particularly weak. Except for an apology Weibo, there is no other reply, and it is completely pretending to be dead.

The fans really had no choice but to go to the venue to make a fuss. The Weibo of the Grand Theater was purely a decoration, and no one cared about it. They directly closed the comment area and refused to fight with traffic fans.

I can't afford it, so I closed the city gates and chose not to fight.

The DOS fans were displaced overnight. From the beginning, Shan Shao gloated and watched the show, but in the end he felt a little pitiful for them.

Someone suggested: "If the government doesn't act, do you want to leave a message on the artist's Weibo?"

"I stayed, but none of them replied." Someone whispered, "And our support club won't disturb the artists, saying that this matter has nothing to do with them, and it's all the fault of the program group and the theater."

Flash fans were shocked, "You guys are here to see DOS, how can DOS members have nothing to do with it?"

The other side was upset, "Don't think I don't know what you think, you just want to discredit our members. When you have an accident, don't you also cover the female goose tightly!"

Fans of Fan Shao thought about it, and said calmly: "No, we all directly quarreled with the factory manager."

After the trouble was over, the problems were basically solved.

The most serious time, the factory manager became a legal coffee because of the beating video, many fans turned black, and went to the factory manager’s Weibo to swear, but it turned out... Uh, she couldn’t scold her, and she scolded her more reasonable , So he was brainwashed obediently, and turned from black to fan.

In the first year as the director of the powder factory, many people in the MSG factory jumped back and forth between powder and black, unable to stop, and finally fell in love with this sour taste.

So there is a saying in the flash circle that the factory manager has no black fans, only honey fans, and twisted honey fans.

On the other hand, DOS, I don't know if the quality of the fans is higher or what, the troublemakers have always been those few fans, and the parties have never ended. The most popular Li Yunyun Weibo interaction also only answers some rainbow fart comments, and does not read any questions. The fans only get bloody when they are fighting, as if they are pinching for the sake of pinching. As for the original owner, they don't pay that much attention.

This is really a strange circle, from the real master to the fans, it seems that they are all set up to target the flashy girls, no wonder it is dubbed "Reunion" by netizens.

The funniest thing is that the DOS official has such a serious problem, and they don't even want to deal with it. The words are still connoting Shan Shao, trying to draw the trouble and draw the fans' anger to Shan Shao.

"It's crazy." Zhou Xinlei shared gossip with Shen Yuan in the background, feeling, "This is not star chasing, what kind of cult group is this, so hostile."

"That group was very strange from the very beginning," Shen Yuan also said, "There is no show that the group starts to announce before the end. Isn't this a public admission that all the candidates are internally determined?"

"Maybe it's artificial push." Shen Qi usually doesn't pay much attention, but she knows a lot about "Xinbao Yuan" and "Qingbao Bureau".

Secretary Wu once said that Li Yunyun approached NA. She should be very unconvinced in her heart, but not long after that, Li Yunyun made her debut on the show "Singing the Starry Sky". In order to praise her, he angrily denounced the shady people in "Once Upon a Time".

To be honest, if Song Siyao hadn't killed herself, Shen Yuan might not have been able to get in. Li Yunyun, a young trainee who relied on Sweety's popularity and hugged Song Siyao's thigh, would never have been able to make it to the top nine.

At that time, in the order of their debut, Yu Wei was eighth, Shen Yuan was ninth, another person was tenth, and Li Yunyun was fourteenth. Although they were only a few places behind, the number of votes was far behind.

The fourth generation also suspected that this incident was aimed at them, and it might have something to do with the second uncle and grandpa.

The person who came last time, if not bad, should be from the faction of the second uncle and grandpa. I heard from Xiao Chu that he came to discuss cooperation with the ibis factory, but because the ibis factory is not optimistic about this program, and the ibis factory has its own boy group version of "Ibis" at the beginning of the year. "New" doesn't need similar programs, so the negotiation didn't work out.

Even if you don't know what the other party's house has, you come to sell it door-to-door. This style is very similar to the second uncle's grandpa's house-you don't know the domestic market.

If you copy the European and American markets mechanically, it does not conform to the core values of socialism and is doomed to failure. However, the other party quickly contacted Kuwang, the competitor of the ibis factory. Kuwang was squeezed to death by this ibis this year.

The fourth generation's suspicion is not unreasonable.

"Qiqi, it's our turn." Zhou Xinlei called out.

Today they are attending a charity performance. Recently, DOS has been biting too much, and Chu Yu has given them a lot of jobs that are good for shaping their image. This charity performance is a friendship performance, there is no income, but it can get a good reputation.

Of course, this has something to do with Chu Yu. It was Chu Hua who suddenly allocated a sum of money to establish a children's foundation.

Shen Qi was shocked when he first heard about it. The matter of charity has nothing to do with the third generation of Chu Hanyu.

She considered Lao Chu's age for a while, and wondered whether Lao Chu had some incurable disease. She inquired about Lao Chu's physical condition with Xiao Chu and repeatedly confirmed that he was in good health and had regular checkups from a private doctor. Then she was relieved, and she did not forget to tell Xiao Chu to take care of Lao Chu and call him often. Call and ask the old father about his physical condition and mental state.

There are only a few of Shen Qi's "old acquaintances" in this world. Even if they are not going to meet each other, there is a high probability that they will not recognize each other. Shen Qi still hopes that they all live a long life.

Today I prepared two programs, one "Boy Wearing Glasses" and one singing and dancing "Shining Girl". Because only three people came, there were no complicated moves to rehearse, and the three of them had enough understanding, so there was no what pressure.

This is a public welfare performance, and no tickets will be charged. Most of the people who come are from various enterprises and institutions, and some government departments. There are only a small number of fans. This is to prevent riots. After all, Flash is really popular now This red.

After the first slow song ended, the host came to the stage and had a conversation with them.

Since it is a charity for children, it is natural to invite some children to come.

Opposite Shen Qi stood a thin and small girl with darker skin, but apparently healthy, staring at Shen Qi intently.

The eyes of the children are simple and well-behaved. They are wearing clean and tidy school uniforms. It is said that they are outstanding student representatives of the Hope Primary School in the mountains funded by Chuhua. Two boys and one girl were a little at a loss facing the big sisters who seemed to be shining on the stage.

Shen Qi stepped forward, knelt down, and gently took the little girl's hand, "What's your name?"

"Ya Ya."

"Yaya, it's really nice," Shen Qi said with a smile, "Sister, how about hugging you?"

The little girl nodded timidly, Shen Qi wrapped her arms around her, and easily hugged the little Lori into her arms. The girl was lighter than expected, and Shen Qi felt more and more affectionate. She had learned about the girls' backgrounds in advance. In a small place in the mountains, there are not many families willing to send girls to study. The school has a large gap in the ratio of boys to girls, but girls are selected based on their grades.

Even so, the girl's family only planned to support her through junior high school at best.

Shen Qi even thought that after the performance was over, she could contact the foundation in private to see if she could support the little girl.

The host took the opportunity to ask: "Does Yaya like sister?"

Pointed at by the host's microphone, the girl blinked, not knowing whether it was shyness or timidity.

Shen Qi hurriedly hugged the girl to avoid the microphone, and said with a smile: "It's the first time we meet, what do you like or not, it's fine if I like Yaya, isn't it Yaya?"

Little Lolita still didn't speak, but her body relaxed a lot, and the little arms around Shen Qi also tightened.

Shen Yuan and Zhou Xinlei each lead a boy. The boys are older and have a more confident personality, so there is no obstacle to communication.

After a simple conversation, the teacher took the children off the field, and the familiar prelude sounded. Shen Qi didn't care about the progress of the music, but patiently carried the little girl off the stage. When handing the little girl to the teacher, the girl put her arms around her neck and said softly.

"I... I can sing your song."

She should be referring to "Shining Girl". Strictly speaking, this is not Shen Qi's song, it is the theme song of Shining Young Team, a hundred trainees.

But in the eyes of the little girl, this is the song sung by her sister who hugged her, it is her song.

This is the performance of the little girl taking the initiative to get close to people.

Shen Qi's heart softened, and he said with a smile, "Sing with my sister later, okay?"

When Shen Qi returned to the stage, the song had already started. The two companions took the initiative to help her fill the seat, and when she came back, they took the initiative to give up the C seat—this is the shining girl with a burning soul, one look, one movement, so tacit understanding.

The fans at the scene were moved again.

My fan group is super good, everyone is super warm!

It is also because of this that when they are smeared and attacked maliciously, fans can't help but distinguish, it's a fight, to clear up the grievances for idols.

"Shining Shining! Pick me up! Shining Shining girls go ahead! Shining Shining! Pick me up! Dreams come true today!"

The leaders of the various units in the audience reacted better than expected, probably because this song was popular in the streets and alleys last year, and it was also compiled into a children's dance by various kindergartens for the children to dance, so that the parents were very excited. very familiar.

The fans sang loudly, and the outsiders also swayed to the rhythm and hummed softly.

The stage and the audience are seamless, regardless of age, class, fans or passers-by. It seems that this is not a public welfare performance, but just a happy get-together.

The children also clapped their hands to the rhythm below.