The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C Debut

Chapter 9: performance group


While speaking, Xie Kai announced the start of the group draw.

"Next, Song Siyao, who is currently the most popular TOP1, will exercise her C-position power."

Xin Qing looked at the captain of Class C and pinned all her hopes on Song Siyao. Most of the 14 songs require seven or eight members. The six members of the Sweety girl group have been in the group for a year, and the tacit understanding is unmatched by newcomers who have not been trained. Even if she has some disagreements with the team now, Song Siyao has always known the general situation and will definitely choose her.

Thinking of this, Xin Qing relaxed a little.

Xie Kai asked: "Siyao, what song did you choose?"

"I personally like this "Dream in a Play" very much."

Xie Kai was startled and blinked: "Wow, what a surprise."

The camera swept over Su Jing intentionally or unintentionally.

Sweety is a Korean girl group, and has always been singing and dancing. People seldom associate them with Chinese style. And for the song "Dream in a Play", everyone thinks of Su Jing whose background and temperament are more in line. The most important thing is that the dance part of the dream play involves some classical dance content, which is somewhat difficult, while the national style stage is often more than beautiful, but not explosive enough, and the scene is very easy to get weak.

In the eyes of outsiders, this piece of music is a bit thankless.

Xie Kai: "The number of people in this song is five, choose your teammate."

Song Siyao maintained a sweet smile and looked at the crowd. Not surprisingly, she chose Sun Meng, the only one in Sweety who had a foundation in classical dance, and called Li Yunyun, a member of the same group. So far, there were three of Sweety in the group, and Song Siyao blinked. Blinking, he suddenly looked at Class A Wang Yuqiang and CICI, inviting them with a smile.

Wang Yuqiang nodded politely, and CICI seemed to be unexpected, but responded in a friendly manner. So far, the five members of the group of "Dream in a Play" have gathered.

"This group is too strong..."

"Almost everyone from Class A has passed except Su Jing and Sister Lei."

"With so many dancers, their stage must look better."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Xin Qing's face was not very good. Song Siyao intentionally turned her eyes away, and didn't look at her at all, Xin Qing felt cold all of a sudden.

Su Jing also frowned slightly.

After Song Siyao's group stood up, she would draw the contestants for the next group. She took out the number ball and said in a sweet voice, "This lucky lady is number 52."

Xie Kai: "No. 52, who is it?"

The camera skips over the two shifts of AB, there is no sound, everyone looks around until a timid voice raises their hands.

"It''s me." Shen Yuan looked at a loss.

Wow, so lucky! Everyone cast envious eyes.

The factory manager was not too surprised, after all, the 1500 lucky value of his teammates was not fake. Xin Qing beside her was still in a state of despair, she didn't even notice that Shen Yuan had come on stage, she heard Shen Yuan shouting loudly on the stage: "Shen Qi! Shen Qi!"

Shen Yuan has never had an idea, and now she can't wait to grab Shen Qi to discuss strategies. So the factory manager was selected into the second team without any pressure.

The song Shen Yuan chose was "Enchanted", and her choice also surprised the contestants. Although this song does not emphasize basic skills like "Dream in a Play", it focuses on positioning and formation, and the movements are trivial and complicated. The most important thing is that this is a hot and charming song and dance, which is completely inconsistent with Shen Yuan's usual cute image, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is subversive.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, is everyone playing cards so unreasonably?"

"I can't figure it out, I can't understand it, the routine is too deep."

"I thought she would definitely choose "Lovely You", and I still want to be in a group with her..."

In fact, not only the students were surprised, but Shen Yuan was also panicked, because she didn't choose the song "Enchanted". Just now, she played through fourteen songs in one breath, and she couldn't remember which one was which. In addition, the rules had just been announced, and Shen Yuan thought that she might be left behind, never thinking that she still had the right to choose. So Shenqi gave her a wink, and she chose it, and immediately added Shenqi to the team after choosing the song.

"Is this suitable for us?" Seeing everyone's reactions, Shen Yuan was a little apprehensive.

"It's not suitable." Shen Qi said calmly.

Shen Yuan:! ! !

"Then you still let me choose?"

Shen Qi glanced at her: "I'll let you choose the second one." The second from the left, "Lovely You", is the most suitable for Shen Yuan's style, and the style is sweet and pleasing.

"I chose the second one! If you don't believe me, look..." She looked back at the panel, but suddenly remembered that she and Shen Qi were face to face just now, and Shen Qi's second from the right was her second from the left, so a sweet song "Lovely You ", it became the charming and hot "Enchanted"...

Shen Yuan: Leave me alone, Lan Shou, mushroom!


"wtmxs! Second Aunt deserves to be a comedian who made her debut, choosing a song is so exciting!"

"Shen Yuan looked desperate hahahaha, if it wasn't for the camera, she might have hugged the factory manager and cried."

"Factory Manager: There is no distinction between left and right partners, what can I do, let's make do with it, how far can we go..."

"Second aunt makes trouble every day hahahaha!"

The factory manager calmly patted her teammate on the shoulder and comforted: "It's okay, pay attention to the selection, it's not a big problem."

In fact, she can win all these songs. It is also a strategy to choose a popular song, but now the sword is going to the front, and the lineup needs to be adjusted. This is a six-person song. She scanned around the crowd, and instantly screened out a row of ability values in her mind, and then smoothly dumped a list of names from high to low according to the values, "Sister Xinlei, Su Jing , Emily..."

The last one, Shen Qi paused, and called in the direction of Class B: "Xin Qing."

Not only Xin Qing was stunned, but Song Siyao also looked over in surprise.

With the camera in front of her, Xin Qing quickly adjusted her expression and walked over with a smile, as if she was not surprised at all. And the players were crying.

"The factory director is too ruthless! She picked all of Class A away, even Xin Qing, she really won't let us stay!"

A girl said: "Zhou Xinlei, Shen Yuan, and Amy are both vocalists. They lack dancers, and Xin Qing just makes up for them. Su Jing is all-round, and they are TOP2. This group is worth seeing."

"You have said so much, what about the factory director? What is the factory director's role?"

The girl's face straightened: "I think the factory manager is the factory manager, irreplaceable, and there is no need to classify."

Everyone: Reported, the factory manager NC fan has been mixed in among the contestants!

After the first and second groups were finalized, the following groupings were much faster, and even the editor seemed too lazy to repeat. During the official broadcast, a lot of cuts were made, and only the final result was kept. Although the program team carefully edited and produced many small emotions and small expressions of the contestants, the sharp-eyed netizens still smelled the smell of gunpowder from this seemingly calm and changed group.

"I don't understand the script of this show. What's going on with Song Siyao, why didn't she choose Xin Qing for the dance role? Has Siqing's CP broken?"

"I beg you upstairs not to take us Song Songxing? Xin Qing can't walk alone? She has been living on her laurels since she was on the show, and she didn't make any progress. The ratings were wrong and the whole group was dragged down. She made mistakes in 24 hours and barely got into class B... She is this Wu is really easy to take on, all relying on Song Siyao to lead her, does Song Siyao owe her?"

"Is it because I don't choose her, or because she doesn't want to come, maybe. MSG is so popular now, Xin Qing must have taken a fancy to MSG's popularity, isn't she famous for playing with whoever is popular?"

As soon as Song Siyao's fighting fans poured in, Loulou was instantly crooked. And because it is a fact that Xin Qing made mistakes one after another in the show, although Xin Qing fans wanted to fight, they could only be beaten passively. And the factory director fan became more and more angry.

Why are you talking about our factory manager about the internal affairs of Sweety

The factory manager's selection of teammates is obviously in a practical direction. There is no dancer in the team, so she picks a dancer. The sarcasm from Sweety's side is really annoying.

The president of the labor union of the monosodium glutamate factory: "Everyone, don't be angry. The factory manager is still working hard. What we need to do now is to cheer her up and not get involved in Sweety's family affairs."

Secretary of the monosodium glutamate factory branch: "That's right, let them dance if they love to dance. We have to trust the factory manager and wait for her to hit those people in the face with the stage!"

Stir-fried snow peas: "That's right, each person gets a red envelope to calm down. We want positive energy, don't fight, don't KY, and support our best Miss Shenqi."

Forty-two people, including the president of the MSG factory union, the branch secretary of the MSG factory, the curtains of the MSG factory, and the fire hydrants of the MSG factory, received red envelopes.

Monosodium glutamate factory curtains: red envelopes make me Buddhist.

Auntie in the cafeteria of the MSG factory: I suddenly lost my temper, and I was even a little happy.

Fire hydrant at the monosodium glutamate factory: Suddenly I don’t want to argue with those people...

MSG factory store manager: I am full of positive energy now! I'm full of energy, I'm leaving, and I'm going to vote for the factory manager!

The chairman of the labor union: "That's right, everyone cheer up, don't be distracted, and don't be led by others! The factory manager works so hard, we can't let her lose the chain, we must send her to debut!"

Seeing the morale in the group burst, and the previous negative energy dissipated, He Beidi couldn't help but click on the group owner's "stir-fried Dutch beans" information. Almost all of it is blank, but you can see the last few photos posted in the space. It is a cute little boy who looks very small.

This is far from the time to spend money, but in the past few days, the red envelopes alone have already cost tens of thousands of peas.

He Beidi couldn't help but knocked on the other party's window again.

Watching chess without saying a word: "Won't your parents criticize you for spending so much money chasing stars? You are still young, so you should focus on your studies."

There was no response from the stir-fried snow peas.

After fifteen minutes, the window shook: "They haven't been here for many years."

Was he still an orphan

He Beidi's heart was shaken, and he instantly imagined a big drama of a wealthy family: Both parents died and inherited a huge amount of property, but he was bullied to the point of disability by unscrupulous relatives, lonely and loveless, so he can only focus on girl idols