The Widow “Misses” Her Villainous Late Husband

Chapter 29


Fu Sinian was just a stone's throw away from her, and his warm breath fell on her ears, making her feel numb and itchy. That was Yu Duo's most sensitive place. The lights were dim and the atmosphere was ambiguous and confusing. It was perfect for something to happen that shouldn't have happened. , but Fu Sinian's hand was touching her lower abdomen, and she didn't dare to move.

It seemed that under Fu Sinian's hand was not a child, but a time bomb.

Yu Duo stiffened and moved to the other side of Fu Sinian, putting some distance between her and Fu Sinian. She was only two months pregnant, so she couldn't let the gun go off and do something extreme. She had to Keep a distance from Fu Sinian.

Xinxin smiled and said: "No, I just asked casually."

As soon as she finished asking, Yu Duo regretted it.


She shouldn't have asked Fu Sinian this question so hastily, asking if he likes children for no reason. Either he wants children or he has children. With Fu Sinian's shrewdness, how could he not guess any clues

What should she say to dispel Fu Sinian's suspicion

Fu Sinian saw all Yu Duo's little movements, took back the hand on Yu Duo's belly, but subconsciously placed his eyes on her belly, and asked in a deep voice: "Just ask?"

"Of course," Yu Duo said in a high-pitched tone unconsciously, raising her voice for fear that Fu Sinian wouldn't believe her, as if Fu Sinian would be convinced by her voice that she would believe what she said, "I'm just asking you!"

She suddenly remembered that two months ago, after holding the funeral for Fu Sinian, her uncle came to the door with the pregnant Ayu and said that Ayu was carrying Fu Sinian's child. Yu Duo decided to preemptively ask Fu Sinian to I don't have time to think about my children anymore.

"Before you disappeared, my uncle came to your door with a pregnant woman and said that he was carrying your child."

Yu Duo brought up the old story again, and Fu Sinian remembered it.

The woman named Ayu came to her door and said she was pregnant with her child. What did Yu Duo say in public

- "Uncle, I also want Si Nian to have a child, but Si Nian... is infertile."

What Yu Duo said was so sincere that my uncle believed it on the spot. Not only did he believe it, but his aunt also believed it.

"Then what?" Fu Sinian said in a gloomy tone.

Yu Duo's heart trembled, but she felt that she was clearly in charge of this matter. What was she afraid of

She boldly said loudly: "That Ayu said that I am pregnant with your child. Tell me, what is going on?"

"Ayu also said that she and your childhood sweetheart, do you like her? And the child in her belly..." Yu Duo couldn't continue, choked, turned his head, and cried in grief.

Yu Duo wiped her tears and couldn't help but sigh that her acting skills could improve even more. She would cry whenever she wanted, and her emotions would come as she pleased. If she entered the entertainment industry, she would have few opponents and would be lonely.

Fu Sinian almost laughed out of anger at her confident words.

"My uncle came to the door with a pregnant woman and said that the child in his belly is mine?"

Yu Duo nodded with tears in his eyes.

"The fake will states that my uncle can inherit 30% of my inheritance. From this, can't you see that my uncle is up to no good and is plotting against my inheritance?"

Hearing what Fu Sinian said, Yu Duo burst into tears and smiled, "You mean, my uncle deliberately made Ayu say that in order to get your will?"

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Fu Sinian raised his eyebrows slightly. His acting skills were getting better and better, to the point where it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

"if not?"

Yu Duo smiled and cried again, her emotions were just right, and she vividly displayed the image of a wife who thought her husband was cheating on her one second, and was surprised when she learned the truth the next. She hugged Fu Sinian with open arms. , choked and said: "Husband, I knew you were not that kind of person. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you. Don't worry, I won't doubt you again in the future. You haven't taken a shower yet, so I'll prepare clothes for you." "

Yu Duo took the opportunity to escape into the cloakroom and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she was very witty and diverted Fu Sinian's attention with the previous incident between her uncle and Ayu. Otherwise, if he continued to question her like this, she might have exposed herself. What if she let it slip? What did Fu Sinian guess? Will she and the baby in her belly still live

Thinking of this, Yu Duo stroked her lower abdomen. As time went by, her body would betray her without her own words, unless she could make Fu Sinian believe that the child was three months old.

Three months is just the right time.

But she was so weak, how could she bribe the doctor to fake it for three months

Once Fu Sinian knew that she was pregnant, he would probably keep an eye on her for a checkup, so there would be no chance of cheating.

This road won't work, and Fu Sinian will expose it sooner or later.

So for today's plan, only the thirty-sixth plan is the best one. Let's run away before Fu Sinian finds out


No, no, right under Fu Sinian's nose, where could she go

I was afraid that Fu Sinian would be caught before he even left the city. He was fine at first, but after running away, everything would probably be found out.

Abort the child

Yu Duo held her belly, she couldn't even think about it.

Abortion is too risky, and abortion is just like giving birth to a child. Her body is too weak and she needs confinement. Unless she is given a month to recover, Fu Sinian will definitely notice.

Yu Duo thought about it, but couldn't come up with any good solution. It seemed that all roads lead to death.

God wants to kill me!

Fu Sinian looked at his empty hands, narrowed his eyes slightly, and recalled Yu Duo's words and deeds just now.

I have seen countless monsters and monsters in the business world. Which one is not more cunning and thoughtful than Yu Duo? Yu Duo's little thoughts are not enough for him to figure out.


Suddenly mentioning the child to him, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Want kids

But if you just want a child, why do you feel guilty


Fu Sinian got up and called Aqi.

"Aqi, go to the hospital early tomorrow morning to get the results of today's test report."

The phone hangs up.


"Madam, what's wrong? This porridge doesn't suit your taste?"

At the dinner table, Aunt Lian watched Yu Duo scooping up the porridge in front of her with a spoon. She saw that it was cold, but she didn't even put a mouthful into her mouth, and she couldn't even say a few words.

Aunt Lian's words interrupted Yu Duo's thoughts. She came back to her senses, looked at the sumptuous breakfast in front of her, and said with a smile: "No, I was just thinking about something."

It's thinking that something is good.

She was thinking about it last night, recalling every detail of the three months when Fu Sinian disappeared over and over again. She woke up early in the morning and was still thinking about it, but she turned over and over again and didn't expect anything wrong. Appropriate.

How did she get pregnant

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out at all.

Is it possible to get pregnant in this world without a man

So crazy

Yu Duo had no appetite, and even felt vaguely nauseated. She put down the bowls and chopsticks and said, "Aunt Lian, I've finished eating."

"You're done eating now? You haven't eaten more than a few bites."

"I didn't sleep well last night. I don't have much appetite."

Aunt Lian sighed and said while putting away the bowls and chopsticks: "You have lost your appetite for the past few days. I will make you some of your favorite seafood for noon. I have prepared shrimps and crabs in the kitchen. Don't worry, they are all alive. Seafood is brought from the seafood market early in the morning."

Upon hearing this, Yu Duo subconsciously stroked her belly, "Aunt Lian, I recently... have a taboo. I don't eat seafood. Can you make me something lighter?"

"Haven't you always liked seafood?"

"I haven't been feeling well recently. I had a check-up at the hospital yesterday. The doctor also told me to eat lighter and avoid spicy food, meat and seafood." Yu Duo didn't know what pregnant women could and couldn't eat, so she said it all first. She would study it carefully later and said, "Eat something lighter."

"Okay... that's okay, I'll make you something lighter."


As a person trained by Fu Sinian, Azhi has been with Fu Sinian for seven years. He is Fu Sinian's right-hand man and confidant. He not only has to handle the company's affairs for Fu Sinian, but also occasionally Fu Sinian's personal affairs. It's up to him to do it.

Early in the morning, Aqi drove to the hospital to get Fu Sinian and Yu Duo's physical examination reports.

After waiting for a short while, the doctor gave him Fu Sinian's report. A Qi saw that there was only one copy and asked in confusion: "Doctor, why is there only one copy?"

"Oh, Mrs. Fu's physical examination report is incomplete. It should be because there was no physical examination yesterday, so there is only one report."

"Incomplete report? No physical examination? How is that possible? Doctor, please check carefully."

When the doctor heard this, he thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll check it for you. What's Mrs. Fu's name?"

"Yu Duo."

The doctor looked up Yu Duo's name on the hospital system, "Oh, yes, there was a gynecological examination report yesterday afternoon. Wait a minute, I will print it out for you."

"Excuse me, doctor."

Azhi waited for a short while before the doctor handed him the report.

It's just that Yu Duo's report is different from Fu Sinian's report.

“Why only gynecology?”

"I'm not sure about this, but our hospital's system only shows that Mrs. Fu has had a gynecological examination."

A Qi frowned and didn't understand why Yu Duo didn't check her body yesterday, but he didn't ask any more questions and left the hospital with the two-point report.

After getting in the car, he put the report on the passenger seat. Yu Duo's report slipped off the seat. Azhi bent down to pick it up, but saw the B-ultrasound and detailed explanation report in the report.

—Eight weeks pregnant.

Pregnant? !

A Qi was startled and quickly opened Yu Duo's report and read it carefully.

From the blood test and B-ultrasound results, it was clearly stated that Yu Duo was pregnant, and she was eight weeks pregnant.

The child is healthy.

Eight weeks

It was about two months ago.

But two months ago, wasn't the eldest brother missing

So the baby in sister-in-law’s belly…

Azhi was thinking in a daze, and the report sheet he was holding in his hand was unconsciously mixed into a ball.

No matter who the child in the sister-in-law's belly belongs to, it will definitely not be the eldest brother's, but if it is not the eldest brother's, whose child will it be

Sister-in-law, she...she and others...

A Qi didn't dare to think about it. There was a voice in his heart telling him that his sister-in-law was not this kind of person!

Yes, my sister-in-law is not this kind of person.

Sister-in-law loves her eldest brother so much, why would she betray him a month after his death

There might be a hidden secret in this.

Azhi forced himself to calm down and think carefully.

Two months ago, what was my sister-in-law doing

Two months ago, my eldest brother's funeral was held. At that time, my eldest sister-in-law was traveling abroad to relax.

Could it be that my sister-in-law was bullied when she was abroad

Yu Duo's innocent face, innocent eyes, shy smile, and timid appearance flashed in A Qi's mind.

At first, my uncle came to the house with Ayu to cause trouble, hoping to use the unknown child in Ayu's belly to get his eldest brother's inheritance. At that time, the sister-in-law was helpless and had no choice but to be bullied by the uncle. Later, Qiao Yu came to the door with a fake will. He forced his eldest sister-in-law to give up 70% of his inheritance. The eldest sister-in-law at that time... He remembered locking himself in the room all day long and not going out, looking tired and depressed.

My sister-in-law missed her eldest brother during those three months. She had a deep love for him. How could she betray him

Yes, it is impossible for the sister-in-law to betray her brother. She must have been bullied while traveling abroad!

Azhi clenched his fists and punched the steering wheel hard.

He shouldn't have left his sister-in-law alone in the first place. He clearly knew that his sister-in-law had a weak personality and had never been alone. He knew that the foreign environment was complicated and there were everyone, so why didn't he send someone to follow him!

If he had insisted on sending someone to follow him, maybe this wouldn't have happened!

My sister-in-law must have been very scared at that time.

It's all his fault!

The cell phone rang, but Aqi didn't answer it for a moment. The ringing became louder and more urgent. Then Aqi picked it up and saw that it belonged to Fu Sinian.

Seeing Fu Sinian's name, A Qi immediately came to his senses.

"Aqi, are you back?"

Azhi's eyes were wandering and he said nervously: "Right away, I... I'll be back right away."

Fu Sinian frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong in the tone of A Qi's words, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Facing Fu Sinian's inquiry, Aqi clutched the report sheet in his hand tighter, "Here... there was a little accident here. I'll go back to the company as soon as I've sorted it out."

Fu Sinian was always at ease with him and didn't ask too many questions. He just said: "Well, take care of it yourself."

The phone hangs up.

Only then did Aqi realize that he was sweating on his back.

If the eldest brother knew that the eldest sister-in-law was pregnant and that the child she was carrying was not his, he would definitely not let go of the eldest sister-in-law and the child in her belly. The eldest brother would not let go of someone who betrayed him just because he missed his old relationship.

Qiao Eucalyptus has been with her eldest brother for seven years, didn't she end up like this now

Tell eldest brother, eldest sister-in-law must...

But if he hides this from his elder brother, he is betraying his elder brother.

Azhi looked at the report card and was in a dilemma.

No, this matter is not my sister-in-law’s fault. She didn’t do it on purpose. Someone must have deliberately harmed her!

This report cannot be seen by the eldest brother for the time being. He has to ask his eldest sister-in-law about it. It will not be too late to tell the eldest brother after asking him clearly!

Otherwise, if the eldest brother does something in anger, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Aqi stepped on the accelerator and arrived at the villa in less than half an hour.

"Aqi, why are you here now?"

Aqi didn't dare to look at Aunt Lian, he just avoided her eyes and asked breathlessly: "Aunt Lian, I have something to do with my sister-in-law."

"In the room, look at you so sweaty..."

A Qi didn't care too much. He held the report sheet tightly in one hand and walked upstairs in three steps. He stood outside the door of Yu Duo's room. He took a deep breath and hesitated for a long time before knocking on Yu Duo's door. .

"Come in."

Azhi pushed the door in from outside with a sullen face.

"Aqi?" Why did he come at this time

However, when Yu Duo noticed the report sheet in his hand, his expression suddenly changed.

Damn it, the report from the hospital yesterday.

Won't the results be available in three days

Why did the results come out only the next day

A Qi stood in front of Yu Duo, "Sister-in-law, I have something to ask you."

Yu Duo was frightened, "...what happened?"

With a gloomy face and a long-suffering irritability, A Qi unfolded the wrinkled report in front of Yu Duo and flattened it out one by one, "Sister-in-law, you are pregnant, right?"

"When did you get pregnant?"

"Who's pregnant?"

"Who's that bastard?"

The author has something to say: In the next chapter we invite a bastard to make his debut!

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