The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 1: [001] Parents have arrived


The two who claimed to be Xiaocao's biological parents stood in front of her, one of them looked at her with tears in his eyes, and the other looked at her with a complex and tender look. When the middle-aged woman, who still had a charming demeanor, stretched out her hand, Xiaocao subconsciously avoided it. Pain appeared in the woman's eyes, and she shed more tears.

"My son, my son, don't you believe in me? Or are you feeling resentful? I really didn't lose you on purpose, please believe me..." She was so sad and heartbroken, her fingers trembled, she couldn't control herself.

Xiao Cao's face was a little stiff. He really didn't know how to deal with this kind of situation. He moved the corners of his mouth and said, "Madam, don't cry. Be careful not to hurt your eyes. Some things... are just a little hard to accept for a while."

There was no shock, no disbelief, and no feeling that it was all bullshit. Xiaocao's first reaction was "After searching everywhere for something, I finally found it without any effort." She had a shortcut.

As for other things, Xiaocao is 80% similar to this lady, and her eyes are exactly the same as the man next to her. Although there are people who look alike even though they are not related by blood, she also wears a jade pendant with small words engraved on it, and has a birthmark the size of half a palm on the left side of her waist. All these things are consistent with what the other party said, so there is naturally nothing to doubt.

As for them, they didn't ask her to take out the jade pendant, nor did they check if she had a birthmark on her body. It seemed that they had already determined that it was her.

Compared to the woman, the man was more self-controlled and rational. He comforted his wife and then explained to Xiaocao in soft words what happened more than ten years ago. Although some parts were vague, Xiaocao could understand most of it.

There was a struggle for the throne and many factions. Wenren Taibo (male)'s aunt was the concubine of the previous emperor and gave birth to a prince. Wenren Taibo became a companion to the emperor when he was in his early teens. As he grew older, the bloody storm became more and more intense. As a prince, even if he had no intention of becoming emperor, he would be forced to be involved. As a "relative by marriage", Wenren Taibo was not immune to it either.

When Han (the woman) was pregnant for the third time, she was in a precarious situation. Seeing that the situation was not right, Wenren Taibo, with the tacit consent of her father, sent Han and the eldest daughter away from the imperial city of Kaiping to return to the ancestral land of the Wenren family, leaving the eldest son alone by his side. This was also done because the situation did not allow the eldest son to escape. On her way back, Han was not stopped by her husband's political enemies, but was plotted against by the secret means of the women in the back house.

On a rainy night, she hid her eldest daughter while fleeing. Later, her stomach broke out prematurely and she gave birth to her second daughter prematurely. However, she was pregnant with twins and there was another child in her belly. She was unable to move and the situation became increasingly critical. With the mentality of one body and two lives, she wanted to at least let her newborn daughter live. She endured the pain, wiped her daughter dry hastily, wrapped her in clothes, wrote her birth date in blood, stuffed a jade pendant engraved with a short poem into her mouth, and asked her trusted maid to take her daughter away.

On a night like this, the possibility of a newborn baby surviving was very small, but she still held on to a little hope.

The eldest daughter and her loyal servant unexpectedly met a nobleman who sent someone to rescue her and she gave birth to her second son safely.

However, the second daughter could not be found anywhere, and the body of the maid who took her away was discovered two days later.

Han almost collapsed. If it weren't for her eldest daughter and second son by her side, and the comfort of the nobleman, she might have gone crazy.

Although he was distracted by other things and did not become depressed for a long time, he was never willing to give up. He searched for many years and finally gave up. Even so, he was still worried about the matter. He often fasted and chanted Buddhist scriptures, praying for his second daughter. If she was still alive, he hoped she would be safe and healthy and looked forward to seeing her in the future. If she was gone, he hoped she would be reborn into a good family, rich and prosperous, and loved by her family.

Xiao Cao remained silent. She could sense the sincerity of the couple, but their child did not survive. Xiao Cao knew clearly that before taking over this body, it had already become an empty shell. If it wasn't for Father Lin, she would not have lived long. - Although she had almost no memory now, she knew that she was very weak for quite a while.

As for their found child, the couple will probably love him doubly as long as he doesn't do anything stupid.

So, after occupying the body, does she also want to occupy the family affection that does not belong to her

Even if she refused, what reason would she give? At that time, the woman in front of her would probably think that she was resentful and would feel even more painful and self-blame; and the other people in Wen's family would probably think that she had ulterior motives, or was taking the opportunity to make trouble for her in order to gain more benefits.

From now on, her life will be restless, and we must find a way to "get rid of" her.

Moreover, when there is a shortcut to Tingyu's problem, can she restrain herself again

"My daughter..." Han called out cautiously, wanting to touch her but afraid that she would be disgusted. "It's all mother's fault that you have been forced to wander outside and suffer..."

"Madam, don't be like that. I haven't suffered any pain or punishment." Xiaocao's words were not empty. Not to mention the first eight years, which were a precious treasure to her, Tingyu treated her very well in the following years. It was no exaggeration to say that he always responded to her every request. Even in the past two years or so, she didn't encounter any bad things. It was no exaggeration to say that everything was going smoothly.

Han looked at Xiaocao, who was wearing coarse cloth clothes, with rough hands and a plain body without even a single accessory. Then she looked at the simple, dilapidated and narrow house. How could she believe her words? Her daughter should have been dressed in fine clothes, eating the best food, and being pampered. When she was happy, she could play with leisurely things, and when she was unhappy, she could vent her emotions without restraint.

She became a doctor, struggling to survive alone, and with those...

Han opened her mouth, but the words that were on her lips didn't come out. She just cried even harder.

Xiaocao was a little at a loss. She didn't know why her words of comfort had the opposite effect. She looked at the man for help, and the meaning of her eyes was obvious - you should comfort her.

Wenren Taibo is self-disciplined and rational, with much more experience and knowledge than Han, so he has naturally seen more. His daughter, who has been living outside, may be poor in terms of food, clothing and daily necessities, but her eyes are clear and her manners are dignified. She is not timid and not gloomy. There may be hardships and difficulties, but there should be no major disasters. At least she feels that she is living a good life and does not complain about the world. At this moment, her mentality is peaceful, neither sad nor happy, which means that she does not mind. After seeing them, she must have some guesses about her own life experience. So, this attitude also shows that she has no expectations for her family.

Wenren Taibo felt somewhat relieved, but also somewhat sad. He turned his head to look at his wife, then smiled at Xiaocao, "Call her mother and wipe her tears, and your mother will surely stop crying."

Xiaocao was stunned for a moment. She asked this cheap father for help, but he didn't say a word and just used the shovel to dig a hole. Looking at Han's increasingly expectant eyes, she herself was standing in the pit unable to move. This man, must have a black heart, right

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