The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 10: [010] Old Madam Wenren


After sitting for a while after dinner, Han sent everyone back and took Xiaocao to meet Madam Wenren.

At this moment, Wenren Taibo had already accompanied his mother for dinner and was talking. Before, the old lady had stopped Wenren Taibo from talking about Xiaocao. Wenren Taibo didn't say anything, but just accompanied her to talk about other things. Now that it was mentioned, the old lady's face was still indifferent. "Have you confirmed it? Don't make a fool of yourself."

Madam Wenren is in her sixties and in poor health, but she is from a wealthy family and lives a life of luxury. She looks younger than her actual age and seems to be a very serious old lady.

When Wenren Taibo heard his mother's doubt, he was calm inside and smiled, with a sense of peace and tranquility. Even in middle age, he was still a handsome uncle. "You can rest assured about this, mother. Xuan'er looks 90% like Jiaoniang. Her eyes are like mine. I have also seen the jade pendant she wears, there is no mistake about it. And the birthmark on her body, Jiaoniang knows it best, and I believe she has seen it too.

The son also understood his mother's concerns. Although there are people in this world who look alike even though they are not related by blood, it is impossible for them to have so many similarities. When it comes to people, there is nothing about them that is worth anyone's effort to calculate, right

Xuan'er is a good child. My mother and I liked her the moment we met. It's not just because of blood relationship or guilt, but because she is worthy of it. I believe my mother will like her too."

"It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, as long as you are happy."

"Mom, what you said is not right. As a young man, who doesn't want to be liked by you? We all hope that you can live happily, be healthy, and live a long life." Wenren Taibo said with a smile.

Old Madam Wenren smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I know what you are thinking. You don't have to beat around the bush. At my age, I don't ask for anything else. I just hope you are all well." After she finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, sighed helplessly, and rubbed her temples with her hands.

"Mom has a headache again?" Wenren Taibo said worriedly.

"It's nothing serious." Madam Wenren said indifferently.

Wenren Taibo frowned slightly. His mother was not in good health. She seemed to have problems everywhere. She had seen many doctors and taken various medicines. Because she took too many medicines, she felt like vomiting when she smelled the medicine. Even the pills were difficult to swallow, which made him feel worried. He thought that Xiaocao's medical skills were good, but he was not sure what his mother thought of her daughter being a "female doctor", so he didn't speak rashly.

If a person is not feeling well, he will appear to be in a bad mood and irritable, which means his temper may also be bad. This is not just a one- or two-day thing for Old Madam Wenren. Over the years, she has gotten used to it and her temper is not bad.

When Han brought Xiaocao here, she didn't stop them outside.

Madam Wenren glanced at Xiaocao for a few times and was quite surprised. She really didn't look like someone who grew up in the city. But then she thought that it was because she had Wenren blood, so this root was good and naturally could not be corrupted anywhere.

Xiaocao kowtowed to Madam Wenren according to the rules and asked her well-being.

For different people, the etiquette is different in different occasions. Xiaocao is absolutely right at this moment. Madam Wenren just thinks that Han has taught her before and she learns it very quickly. However, Wenren Taibo and Han have very different opinions. They both think of Xiaocao's late husband again. He is indeed not an ordinary person.

"No matter what you were like in the past, now that you are back, as a girl from the Wen family, you should behave like the Wen family. Don't ruin the family traditions of the Wen family and tarnish the reputation of the Wen family." Madam Wenren said lightly.

Han didn't show it on her face, but she was a little unhappy in her heart. In her eyes, her daughter couldn't be better. What did it matter if her mother-in-law scolded her when they met? She looked at Xiaocao inconspicuously, worried that she would feel wronged.

"My granddaughter will remember this." Xiaocao responded respectfully, without showing any displeasure at all.

Madam Wenren was a little satisfied and said, "Give the gilded box to the fourth young lady."

The maid took out the things and handed them to Xiaocao with a respectful attitude. It turned out that the old lady had prepared two gifts for the meeting, and the weights were naturally different. Now she gave the better one. The maid naturally understood the old lady's thoughts. This kind of people always "serve different dishes to different people". The honor and disgrace of the people around the old lady depended on her alone. Although it would not be too obvious, the details would still show that the servant follows the master, and everything depends on the master's likes and dislikes.

Wenren Taibo naturally knew his mother better, and he was quite happy about it. His mother had been living in seclusion for many years and had little contact with outsiders. Her likes and dislikes on her daughter actually had little influence. However, liking is definitely better than disliking, especially in this family. Who doesn't want to live in harmony? When Wenren Taibo looked at Xiaocao again, he felt more at ease.

The box was given to the maid. Han was originally going to take Xiaocao away. Seeing that Old Madam Wenren was about to "drive them away", Xiaocao looked at Old Madam Wenren and said, "Grandma, I see that you look tired. Did you not sleep well at night? I know some massage techniques that can help you sleep. Would you like to try them?"

Facing Madam Wenren's unexpectedly suspicious and even a little weird look, Xiaocao still smiled and said frankly, "My granddaughter has nothing else to offer you, so I just want to make up for it and show my courtesy to you. I hope grandma will agree."

Is Xiaocao trying to be courteous? Definitely not. To put it bluntly, it is just an occupational disease. Just by looking at her, we can tell that the old lady has many physical problems. Xiaocao has always been very patient with patients, and even doesn't mind coaxing every patient like a child. Of course, Xiaocao will not ignore the occasion and often speaks with discretion.

However, even though her mentor in her previous life was extremely satisfied with her as a disciple, he would occasionally sigh.

She is a very Buddhist person most of the time, with a good temper and gentleness towards patients, but there is a big premise that the patients and their families are willing to cooperate. If you speak harshly to her and persuasion is fruitless, and even verbally or physically attack her, then sorry, she will definitely quit.

When he is not angry, he is a really good person. But when he loses his temper, it is really hard for ordinary people to bear.

This is not only true when treating patients, but also when treating ordinary people.

So, her mentor said that in terms of professional level, she was absolutely impeccable, but in fact she was not a truly excellent doctor.

Fortunately, Xiaocao is very friendly and focused on learning, so such things rarely happen. However, in her previous life, Xiaocao was still in the internship period before the accident - although this internship period started very early, and she often ran back and forth between the school and the hospital, so the "internship period" lasted for a very long time - because of her strong abilities and strong learning ability, during her time at school, although she only failed one major, she studied almost all subjects. She was a true academic god. The mentors who wanted to accept her as their disciple fought hard, and all the students in the school worshiped her.