The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 100: [100] Remove the arrow from the heart


After returning to the Wenren family, Xiaocao was almost used to the high bed and soft pillow. However, she had never been very picky about her bed. Now she lay on the hard wooden bed in the temple, tossing and turning for a while, and gradually fell asleep.

As for Wen Renying who slept with Xiaocao, because she had soaked her feet before, Xiaocao also massaged her and Han's feet to relax their muscles and bones. She felt tired, and she should have been even more uncomfortable, but now she slept soundly.

Xiaocao was not very peaceful in her sleep. She was dreaming about Tingyu, but it was not something in the past. Dreams are always vague and unclear, sometimes here and sometimes there. Changing the perspective seems to change the place completely. Sometimes it seems that you can do everything, and sometimes you are restricted and can do nothing.

At this moment, it seemed as if a vicious person was chasing him. He seemed to have difficulty walking and could not run. Xiao Cao pulled his hand and ran hard. It was dark ahead and he didn't know where to run.

I don't know if it was because I tripped or was pushed by him, but Xiaocao fell to the ground, and it seemed that he was "running fast". Xiaocao turned back to look at him, and when the light fell, it seemed like a terrifying blade, "Tingyu-"

Xiao Cao suddenly woke up, and after a while, she found herself covered in cold sweat. Wen Renying beside her muttered, "Fourth sister, what's wrong?" - She was dazed and didn't wake up.

Xiao Cao reached out and patted him, "It's okay, go back to sleep."

Soon, Wen Renying could be heard breathing slowly and slowly.

Xiaocao was no longer sleepy at this moment. She stood up, groped her way out of bed, and poured herself a cup of tea from the table near the window.

Xiaocao always slept well, but there were a few rare times when this happened, and almost every time she dreamed of Tingyu, and every time the dream was not good. Xiaocao had never learned to interpret dreams, so she didn't know what these meant. If the person hadn't died, Xiaocao would have thought that Tingyu had encountered something when she was dreaming, or in the time before and after.

Xiaocao simply put on her clothes and went out quietly. Since the maids were not allowed to sleep on the floor in the house, they all slept in the meditation room next door. Therefore, Xiaocao did not disturb anyone.

Because there were people living in this Zen temple, lanterns were hung under the eaves and on some of the trees in the courtyard. In addition, on the night of the tenth day of the lunar month, the moonlight was also quite good, so the general situation around could be seen clearly.

Just as Xiaocao was staring at the moonlight in a daze, there was a knock on the gate.

Xiao Cao was puzzled. Who could come to visit at this time? You know, even the servants they brought with them lived separately. Not wanting to disturb others' rest, Xiao Cao walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard and asked, "Who is it?"

"We are subordinates of Kaiping Guards. During the mission tonight, one of our brothers was accidentally injured. We learned that the fourth Miss Wenren is proficient in medicine, so we came here to seek medical treatment. We hope that the young lady can help us." The person outside the door was obviously anxious.

But at this time, it is definitely not what they say.

"Amitabha. Is that the fourth Miss Wenren in the sect? Human life is at stake. Please lend a helping hand."

Xiaocao looked out through the crack in the door and saw quite a few people outside. In addition to the people who might be from Kaiping Guard, there were also monks from the temple who came with him. Xiaocao had seen several of them during the day and even had simple conversations with them. No wonder they couldn't recognize Xiaocao's voice. In addition to these people, there seemed to be a person sitting in a wheelchair behind them, who seemed to be an acquaintance. "Prince Wei?" Xiaocao asked uncertainly.

Wei Tingyu was silent for a moment, "It's me. Please help me, young lady."

Xiao Cao suddenly felt relieved. "Where are the people?"

"It has been brought here and placed in the Zen temple in front." Wei Tingyu's voice was soft, but clear enough.

But the people around him looked at him in surprise. Why did the prince speak in a low voice? He was not in good health to begin with. Could he have caught a cold? Should I check his pulse and prescribe some medicine later

"Wait a moment." Xiao Cao turned back, tied her hair up, picked up the medicine box and went out. Her movements were always very gentle, and Wen Renying showed no signs of waking up.

Xiaocao opened the door, and everyone else stood aside. When he looked up, he met Wei Tingyu.

Maybe it was because of the angle, Xiaocao realized that they were all wearing masks.

Xiaocao's gaze fell on Wei Tingyu. Perhaps because of his poor health and fear of the cold, coupled with his almost bloodless lips and chin, all Xiaocao could see on his face was his skin was sealed tightly.

Wei Tingyu didn't show it on his face, but he was actually very nervous. Under Xiaocao's gaze, he always had the illusion that he could not hide anywhere. He was even worried that his Xuan'er would reveal his identity the next moment.

The two of them just stared at each other inexplicably, and the others seemed to not exist. If this continued, someone would die.

"My Lord..."

Wei Tingyu "awoke" in shock, but he still couldn't tell from his appearance. He coughed to cover up, "I see the girl is wearing thin clothes, why don't you go back and put on some more clothes? We can wait a little longer."

"No, I don't feel cold. Saving people is more important." Xiaocao turned around and gently closed the door. "Let's go."

The woman who was originally standing behind Wei Tingyu walked forward and said, "Let me help carry it, young lady." She seemed particularly attentive.

This woman is the only one among Wei Tingyu's maids who knows Xiaocao's identity.

Although Xiaocao was surprised, she did not refuse.

As they walked, Xiaocao asked about the injuries of the wounded, including where the wound was, what caused it, the amount of bleeding, whether the weapon was poisonous, etc. He asked in great detail.

Wei Tingyu was pushed by Wen Xin and was standing a little further back on the side of the grass.

Wei Tingyu moved the guide light next to him away a little, and he was almost hidden in the darkness. So, he just looked up at Xiaocao's profile quietly. She was still the same, as focused as always when encountering these things.

Wei Tingyu hasn't seen her like this for a long time, but when he sees her now, the feeling is as if it has never been interrupted. The memory is so clear that even though she has grown up completely and there are some differences, she is still able to blend perfectly with her in his memory without the slightest sense of strangeness.

Unlike the road, the Zen temple in front was brightly lit with torches burning, and from time to time one could hear the crackling sound of sparks exploding.

It was a poisonous arrow wound that entered from below the shoulder blade at the back, and the entire arrowhead was basically buried.

The man is now in a semi-comatose state, his lips are purple, but he is not bleeding much. However, sometimes, if this kind of injury does not bleed, it is not a good thing, especially since the arrow is poisonous. The poison may have the effect of coagulating the blood, thus condensing all the toxins in the body.

"He was injured because he was trying to save me. Please... just do your best."

"I'll do my best." Xiaocao responded but did not look back.

The soft armor on the injured person had been removed, but his clothes were still on. Xiaocao took out the scissors without saying a word, cut them a few times, and then tore them off. His movements were very quick and neat.

Xiaocao was unaware of it, but the others were embarrassed, especially those who knew Xiaocao's identity. They couldn't help but secretly glance at their master. However, Wei Tingyu, as the master, didn't say anything. His eyes were always on Xiaocao, and he was so focused that the others became invisible.

Well, I worried for nothing, the master doesn't care at all.

They also have more respect for the grass. You know, not everyone can do this.

Xiao Cao checked it carefully and couldn't help but frown.

"Girl, is the situation serious?" someone nearby couldn't help but ask anxiously.

"The arrow has penetrated the heart, but it probably didn't pierce any blood vessels. It's just on the myocardium. It's a blessing in disguise. I'll take the arrow out first." Xiaocao said without even raising his eyelids.

"Do you want to pull out the arrow? Let me do it, girl. How do you tell me? How much force to use, and in which direction?"

"Shut up, you reckless man. If the arrow could be pulled out easily, do we still need to ask Miss Wenren to come?" Hua Yu scolded.

"You really can't just pull out the arrow. You have to take it out." Xiao Cao said as he cut off the back of the arrow neatly.

Then Xiaocao quickly gave orders and prepared a simple operating table in the shortest time possible.

Although he carried a medical kit with him, the contents in it were limited. However, in some cases, a simple operation would be enough. If the conditions did not allow, it would not be allowed. Xiaocao had encountered injuries more serious than the current one before, and he performed surgery on them under limited conditions. Fortunately, the final result was very good.

For the above reasons, Xiaocao's skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, but she still cannot guarantee 100% success. She has used all the disinfection methods she can, but still cannot meet the conditions for surgery.

So, there is a risk every time, and the patient needs a bit of luck.

In fact, this is not that important. It is like a field doctor performing surgery on the battlefield. Where can he get a sterile operating room

Before taking action, "I can take out the arrow intact and won't cause him more harm, but I can't guarantee that I can cure him. After all..."

"Miss, there is no need to say more. Life and death are up to fate. Just do your best." How could Wei Tingyu not know about Xiaocao's surgery? Not to mention, he had even been her assistant before.

Xiaocao nodded and said no more. It was naturally great that he could be so understanding.

Xiaocao put on a surgical gown, took out a complete set of surgical instruments, asked Huayu to disinfect them, and then act as his assistant. This kind of temporary assistant can only help by passing things, and they can't expect to know the names of various instruments, so Xiaocao numbered them all. These seem like a lot, but in fact they are nothing compared to the previous life. Xiaocao simplified them to the greatest extent possible.

It is not easy for one person to complete an operation. Xiaocao has gotten used to it now. Originally, she wanted to train a few assistants for herself. However, Tingyu's sudden death also lost the conditions to train assistants. After all, in the current environment, an assistant is equivalent to a disciple. It may not be easy to spend a lot of effort to teach him or make them accept her medical concepts.

However, as long as conditions permit, an assistant is necessary.

With Xiaocao's current ability, she can open the mouth directly from the back without opening the chest, and the incision won't even be too big. Some things can be done with her eyes closed.

—More than one person has said that she was born to do this job. Sometimes, Xiaocao herself believes it.

Xiaocao had a rough idea of the whole operation, knowing what was needed and in what order, and asked Huayu to rehearse it quickly. She said the number and Huayu started to work. It was a very simple thing. All that was required was a quick reaction. Fortunately, Huayu was even excellent in this regard.

When the meeting officially begins, those who are not involved step back and keep silent.

Xiaocao arranged a position for Huayu, making sure she wouldn't get in the way, and started to work.

Considering that the patient might be allergic to anesthetics, Xiao Cao used acupuncture. After the patient completely lost consciousness, the others watched Xiao Cao quickly cut open the skin and flesh, and the sound seemed to be clearly heard.

It was just a knife cutting flesh. The people present had heard of it many times before, but they had never paid attention to it. Now, with the visual effect, it made people's scalps numb unconsciously, as if the knife was cutting on their skin, giving them goose bumps.

Apart from Xiaocao who was completely immersed in the operation, the only one who was completely unaffected was Wei Tingyu. Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen such a bloody scene for too long, but he gradually became obsessed with it.

Of course, what fascinated him might be the position above Xiaocao's hand. What was under Xiaocao's hand was probably beyond his reach.

After all, they are not a group of ordinary people. They have seen no shortage of bloody deaths. As time went by, that strange feeling disappeared unconsciously. They all stared at Xiaocao's movements intently. Her actions were precise and quick, giving people a feeling of firmness and confidence. This is her absolute home court. In this field, she is like a god.

With a ding sound, everyone came to their senses and found that the arrow had been taken out.

However, Xiaocao did not start the next step immediately. Instead, she asked Huayu to take the gloves on her hands, put them on again, and then used silver needles to draw out the poison from the wound. She used the existing wound to force out the poisonous blood from the inside out. It must be said that Xiaocao was very brave, because that was the heart.

Xiaocao seemed calm and composed. The color of the blood gradually returned to normal and the bleeding was stopped immediately. Then he cleaned up the dirty blood and applied a special medicine that could be used "internally" before proceeding to the last step.

Until the end, the remaining blood on the surface was wiped off, and disinfection and medicine were applied again. The wound looked very neatly sutured, with only a layer of light yellow medicine on the outside, which dried up quickly.

"What are you standing there for? Why don't you help me?"

When Wei Tingyu spoke, everyone who were once again shocked by the suturing technique came back to their senses. When they saw Xiaocao working with the white cloth, they knew that this was the final bandage, so how could they let her do it