The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 109: [109] Childcare and Gynecology Handbook


Wen Renxu looked at Xiaocao. Although he didn't say it explicitly, the urging in his eyes was obvious. It was completely different from his previous casual attitude, and it was obvious that he attached great importance to the child.

"Let's go." Xiaocao has seen this kind of situation many times and can understand how parents feel at this time.

"Fourth sister, you said the child was fine, how come he suddenly showed signs of illness? Your sister-in-law treats the two children like the apple of her eye. There are always at least two people around to take care of them. They are not cold, hot, hungry, or full. How come..."

"Brother," Xiao Cao said helplessly, "It's normal for people to get sick, no matter if they are young or old. It's just a minor problem, not serious. You don't have to worry so much."

Wen Renxu also knew that he had overreacted. "The main reason is that both children are in good health and have never been sick. This happened suddenly, so I became anxious."

This is very normal, especially for first-time parents. If the child has a little problem, you will be very worried and even cry. After experiencing it a few times, you will probably be able to calm down. Of course, the fewer such experiences you have, the better.

After getting the medicine, Xiaocao originally wanted to tell him something, but after only saying a few words, Wen Renxu pulled her arm and said, "Fourth sister, you told me so much, I can't remember it all, and I'm afraid I got it mixed up or remembered it wrong. Otherwise, you can take the trouble to make a trip and ask your sister-in-law to call a few more people to listen together, and then you can take a closer look at your little nephew?" He looked at Xiaocao with some hope.

Xiaocao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Chengcheng, I'll go with you." If she didn't explain everything in detail, if there was something wrong at night, even if it was just themselves, they would probably rush to her.

When Mrs. You saw Xiaocao, she was also quite happy. It was obvious that she shared the same idea as her husband.

Xiaocao did as they wished and carefully examined the child. It was indeed just a minor problem, so she told them what might happen and how to deal with it. She then told them some scientific knowledge about raising children, which were all commonly used and effective methods.

Xiao Cao was thinking whether he could compile parenting knowledge into a book. He didn't do so before because most of the people he met were ordinary people with low literacy rates. They couldn't understand it even if it was written down. Most of the time, he could only explain and demonstrate it on the spot, and they might not pay attention to it. It's different now. It would be strange if the people he met now said they couldn't read.

It was something that could have been done very easily, but because of the loving parents, Xiaocao took a full half hour to complete it.

She decided to focus on this book. She was tired every time she met such parents.

Xiaocao is a man of action. After finishing all the things he needed to do on the second day, he started writing. Last night, he had already figured out a rough framework and divided it into chapters. He just needed to slowly fill it with content.

Just after she wrote a few words, Youshi came over with her youngest son in her arms, "Fourth sister, are you busy?" Youshi was a little embarrassed. She had calculated the time and came over when she thought Xiaocao was almost free. But it was obvious that some people could be busy at any time, and her sister-in-law was one of them.

"Sister-in-law." Xiaocao stood up and held the child in her arms. "Let aunt take a look at Hong'er to see if he is well." While playing with the child, she checked him. "Our Hong'er is in good health." She kissed him on the face.

The little kid giggled and still said "gugugugugu" in his mouth.

Before Mrs. You opened her mouth, Xiaocao had already done what she wanted her to do. In fact, her purpose was very obvious, but it was still a little embarrassing. After all, she could see that her son was in high spirits, but because of what happened last night, she was not so confident in her own perception, so she had to let Xiaocao confirm it before she could feel at ease.

However, it is indeed good to have someone who understands medicine at home. Some situations can be discovered in advance, and in case of emergency, there is no need to rush out to find a doctor. It is like placing a magic needle to stabilize the sea.

"I'm sorry, fourth sister, I just..."

"It's okay, sister-in-law, you don't have to be like this. I understand. Hong'er is fine now. In fact, sometimes you don't have to be too nervous. It's better for this child to be tougher."

Youshi nodded. Everyone understood some truths, but sometimes, they just couldn't help but care too much.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to raising children. Everyone has their own way, so Xiaocao won’t say much.

"Fourth sister, I see you are busy, so I won't disturb you. I will take the child back first."

"Okay. Sister-in-law, if you need anything, just come to me. We are all family."

You nodded in agreement.

However, after returning home, Youshi still picked out a few good things from her private storehouse and prepared to send them over with her husband in the evening. You can't take everything for granted. The reputation of a female doctor is not good to begin with. If her family members set a bad example and really treat her as a low-level female doctor, wouldn't outsiders be even more so? How can they respect her at all

However, Xiaocao didn't think so much. After all, if someone in the family is sick, just take them to see a doctor, get well as soon as possible, and suffer less. It's that simple. So, there are indeed differences in thinking.

So in the evening, when Xiaocao received the things sent by her brother and sister-in-law, she accepted them calmly. It was not easy to accept expensive things from outsiders, but in her opinion, it was normal to receive gifts from family members, and she didn't even look at them twice.

There were still pages of parenting knowledge written by Xiaocao scattered on the table. Wen Renxu was attracted by the handwriting at first. He had to say that it was really good, much better than the other two sisters, especially the seventh sister. Her handwriting was like a dog paddling. Wen Renxu said it bluntly while looking at it.

Xiao Cao laughed, "If Seventh Sister heard what Big Brother said, she would be very angry with you."

"Don't worry if you want to be anxious. That girl is just a child who has not grown up. Her mood changes a lot. She's sometimes windy and sometimes rainy. Even if she cries, she'll be fine after she finishes crying." Wen Renxu said as if he didn't care.

Yu Shi pinched him lightly with some amusement, "How can you say that about your own sister?"

"Don't I have two younger sisters? Look, these two are very good. I didn't say anything."

This was a roundabout way of praising Xiaocao, which made everyone laugh.

"Huh?" Wen Renxu seemed to finally notice what was written on the paper, "Seventh sister wrote..."

"A parenting manual. Some things about raising children. In addition to what I told you last night, there are also some things about children's diet, how to confirm their physical health based on their external conditions, how to deal with minor injuries and illnesses on your own, first aid for unexpected situations, using massage techniques to promote digestion, prevent colds, relieve pain, etc. Finally, there will be some issues about raising children of different ages. Of course, the last point is for reference only."

Yu's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she quickly picked up the other book on the table and started reading. Wen Renxu was obviously also very interested.

"Fourth sister, when will this be finished?" Youqi asked anxiously, holding the paper in his hand as if it were a treasure, wishing he could take it away right now.

"It depends on the situation. It could be as long as ten days or half a month, or as short as five or six days."

There is a lot of content, but it is written concisely and not like the long and elaborate books in my previous life. Classical Chinese can express a lot of meanings in one sentence, so it doesn't take too long. Of course, Xiaocao didn't write it very complicatedly, and there were no professional terms. It was very easy to understand.

"Then Seventh Sister, when you finish writing, please give me a copy as soon as possible."

"Well, after it's finished, I'll print a few more copies. Anyone who needs one can take one."

"Who doesn't have children? If they knew about this good stuff, I'm afraid they would all scramble for it. Let me tell you, Fourth Sister, you can take it to a bookstore and publish it directly. It will definitely sell well. Although it is said that wealthy families have people to help with childcare, and there are many experienced elderly people, I see that some of the experience is very vague, and the practices are even contrary to what you wrote, Fourth Sister," Wen Renxu raised the paper in his hand, "especially the correct handling of illnesses and accidents, which should be paid special attention to. And for young parents who don't have the help of the elderly, this manual is even more important."

Xiao Cao agreed with Wen Renxu's words. Medical conditions were poor and the child's life was too fragile. Even a small problem could cost someone's life. "It's worth considering."

In the past, I wanted to popularize medical knowledge, but the conditions did not allow it, and many doctors were particular about inheritance, and they were not willing to accept Xiaocao's idea. Now the situation is different, maybe I can slowly consider this matter.

"In fact, when Fourth Sister has free time, she can also write more other things, not only for children, but also for adults to deal with many of their own problems." Yu said with a smile.

"I once wrote a gynecology manual, but after I finished it, I realized that no one I came across needed it, so I had no choice but to put it aside. When I remembered that I was writing a parenting manual, I found that manual. Would you like to take a look at it first, sister-in-law?"

"It's a great honor." It's hard to talk about the secret problems of this woman, and even if she blushes and asks her elders, she may not get a solution. If there is such a manual...

Xiaocao picked up a white paper from the table and handed it to Youshi.

Youshi hurriedly flipped through the book and Wenrenxu also stretched his head out curiously, but Youshi pushed him away, "This is a girl's book, what are you men reading? Go away."

Wen Renxu retreated helplessly.

After reading this, You Shi could not help but be fascinated. The questions she knew about were not only about her own body, but also about her friends, sisters from her natal family, and even elders. She could find answers to all of them. There were even various body care, dietary taboos, and preparations for pregnancy, not only the dates that are easy to conceive, but even the sexual positions. There were also various precautions for pregnancy, confinement, and breastfeeding. It was very comprehensive and considerate.

Yu Shi's cheeks flushed red as she watched, and she couldn't help but glance at Xiao Cao secretly. Fourth sister, this girl...

Xiaocao saw Youshi's eyes and could probably guess what she was thinking, but it didn't matter. The reason why she wrote down those things about how easy it is to get pregnant was because she knew the importance of children to a woman in the current environment. After getting married, everyone wants to have children at all costs. Considering this, she added those things.

"What are you looking at? Your face is so red." Wen Renxu moved closer to Youshi again.

You was startled. "Go away. - Fourth sister, can you give me this book? I'll copy it, and I won't let anyone know..."

Xiaocao waved her hands, "It doesn't matter if you know it. It's normal for medical students to know more than others. If you want to learn the best and do the best, some things have to be put aside." Xiaocao couldn't say that those things were too normal in her previous life. Not to mention being written in books, there were plenty of people discussing them in public.

"I am narrow-minded if that's the case. My fourth sister is a person with a broad mind, lofty ambitions, and has benefited millions of people. How can I look at her with such a vulgar and narrow-minded perspective?" Yushi looked in awe.

Wait, why are you praising her again? She is not, she didn’t, she really just wrote something very ordinary.

Xiao Cao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Sister-in-law, you are really too kind. I..."

"Fourth sister, there is no need to be modest. This is what you did."

Xiaocao sighed helplessly. Fine, whatever you say is what it is. After all, compliments are actually good for her. She is naturally willing to circulate this manual so that more women can benefit from it. If she can get less criticism, she is quite willing to do so.

Little did people know that these parenting manuals and gynecology manuals were passed down to later generations, and many of their contents were even directly and widely used, and were regarded as classics in the fields of parenting and gynecology. This was also the first time that the manuals unified the knowledge of these two areas into a complete and scientific book, and had high research value. Together with the other books that Xiaocao wrote later, they will be passed down through the ages.

This makes Wenren Xuan more famous than any other miracle doctors who have left their names in history.

"With these two books, when we get to the place..." Yu's voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Xiaocao, feeling a little helpless.

Xiao Cao understood, "Sister-in-law, do you want to go with brother to take up the post?" Seeing Youshi's face turn a little pale, "There's nothing wrong with that. Young couples should be together. My parents are still young and don't need you to serve them. I believe they will feel more at ease if you are by my brother's side to take care of him."

Youqi's expression quickly softened, and his eyes brightened, "Fourth sister, do you really think so?"