The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 111: [111] Gynecology manuals are being distributed


What Han didn't know was that everyone in the workshop put in a lot of effort when they were learning. They did no worse than any man and were even more demanding of themselves.

Because Han was satisfied, she immediately sent rewards over, including not only money but also cloth and a large amount of food. She had always been a wealthy and generous person, and she also told them not to be so anxious.

Those who received the reward were naturally very happy and worked even harder. It was impossible for them not to be anxious. Besides, they felt that they had endless energy. Moreover, if they didn't finish the work as soon as possible, they would be worried and couldn't sleep well.

Then, Han took the book and went to give it as a favor.

You have to know that at this moment, she has already read the book thoroughly. After reading it herself, she has become more aware of its value. Some problems that bother her, some problems that may be hidden but cannot be felt, and many more unknown problems, if encountered, she will no longer be at a loss. She has really benefited a lot.

This good thing will naturally be benefited first by our own people.

So, Han took the book and went to look for a few sisters-in-law, starting with the second room, skipping the fourth room, and then going to the fifth room.

I have to say that the people who received the book were very happy. Anyone who is not a fool can definitely see the value of this book.

Needless to say, Mrs. Du from the second wife treated Xiaocao like her own daughter. She praised her to death and was really envious. Her children were indeed inferior to those from the first wife, but Mrs. Du was in a very good mood now and did not mind such things.

Zhang from the third house had a neutral impression of Xiaocao, but she still accepted Xiaocao's coming to this family with a positive attitude. After receiving such a generous gift, how could she say "not good"

Yan from the fifth room also had a good impression of Xiaocao. She knew from the beginning how important a woman with superb medical skills was to women like them and how hard it was to find one. It was a great blessing for the family to have such a niece. However, she did not expect that she would benefit from it while she was free of illness or disaster.

Yan and Han had always had a good relationship. Like Du, Yan praised Xiaocao highly, and then shamelessly asked Han for two more copies. You know, Han had originally given everyone five copies.

Han originally said that there were more copies to come and she would give them to her after they were printed, but Yan kept pestering her, so Han had no choice but to give her three more copies. Yan was delighted.

Of course, the old lady's side also had to get some, as there were people from her family living in the imperial city, so she was also given several books.

The next people Han wanted to send gifts to were of course her own family and her eldest daughter. However, her eldest daughter often came to Wen's house because of her eldest son-in-law's affairs. So, she would just give them to her when she came back next time. In addition, the close relatives would naturally not be left out as well. After all the calculations, one hundred books were far from enough.

At night, Xiaocao's yard was bustling with aunts coming one after another, and no one came empty-handed. They looked at Xiaocao with loving eyes, saying that Xiaocao was righteous and had noble sentiments. Where could you find such a good child? At the end, she sighed and said that if she had seen such a book earlier, some things would not have happened. Obviously, she had already read the book.

Xiaocao then realized what her own mother had done and couldn't help laughing. Although she suspected that her mother might have brainwashed them and made them see her through a filter, as long as it worked for them, it was fine.

Of course, they were happy. Mrs. Ge from the fourth room wanted to smash everything. Everyone else had it, but she didn't. What did that mean? Did they not treat her as a family member or something? If they didn't give it to her, she would still be happy to have it. It's just a broken book. Why would she treat it as a treasure? They thought she was a scholar, but they gave her a book!

Even so, after knowing what the book was about, Ge tried every possible means to get a copy from outside. She also regretted it because of this matter and turned her back on Han. She couldn't get it even if she shamelessly asked for it.

This matter caused quite a stir. Even the concubines, who had heard a little bit about it, shamelessly went to the mistresses to borrow it to have a look. Among the mistresses of Wenren Family, Ge was the most stingy. Basically, if the others asked, they would lend it to them. To put it bluntly, after all, it was for their men to sleep with.

Although Mrs. Ge was mean, the concubines of the fourth room would not find fault with her. They would quietly find the third young mistress who was still in confinement. The book in her hand was given to her by Xiaocao when she went to see her and her child. Although Xiaocao had already reminded her of some things, the book was written in more detail. She was naturally grateful to Xiaocao, because Xiaocao was her and her child's real savior.

Ge was not popular in the Fourth House, and the monthly allowance in the future would not go through her hands. The people in the Fourth House would not easily come to her. The Third Young Lady hated this mother-in-law, but Ge was the mother-in-law, and she could not do anything to her. She subtly gathered the people in the Fourth House. As long as she could make this mother-in-law unhappy, she would be happy, and this time was obviously a good opportunity. After all, many of the concubines in the Fourth House had children, not only because they had their own sons and daughters, those with daughters could teach their daughters, and those without daughters would have daughters-in-law in the future. Although they were not mothers-in-law in name only, they could not count on Ge, so they could only think of some ways themselves.

It was so lively and bustling, but the men were the only ones who were confused. When they asked curious questions, the men were either answered "This is a book for women, go away" or "gynecology", which was a simple and straightforward answer.

The next day, Mrs. Du asked Wenrenxi to call back her eldest daughter, while the rest of Mrs. Han, Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Yan all packed their bags and went back to their parents' home. Of course, the sooner you get this kind of thing, the better. Not enough? Just pass it around, or copy it yourself. If you think you can't get it right away, then wait another two days, there will be more later.

Xiaocao did not go to her grandparents' house because she had not finished writing her parenting handbook. You know, because it was a gynecological handbook, they were quite looking forward to the parenting handbook she wrote. Each of them had a keen eye on it, and Xiaocao felt a little pressured.

Taking advantage of Han's absence, Wen Renying sneaked into her mother's room and took out a book. After opening it and reading it, she felt a little depressed. If she could have such a book in her previous life, she probably wouldn't have suffered from the unspeakable disease later. If she hadn't been sick, it wouldn't matter whether Hua Bochen allowed people to give her acupuncture or not, and she wouldn't have died young.

This book was written by the fourth sister a long time ago, but in her previous life, the fourth sister did not return to the Wen family, and she had never heard of this book. The fourth sister lived in the market, and few people could read, so it was normal that the book did not spread. However, Wen Renying was also puzzled. According to the medical skills of the fourth sister, if she had been practicing medicine and saving lives, then after a long time, even the rich families should know her. As long as she entered this circle, according to her appearance that was so similar to her mother, her family would find out sooner or later, but it never happened.

Could it be that something happened to the fourth sister before she became famous

When she thought of this possibility, Wen Renying was extremely glad that her fourth sister had returned.

However, she never expected that there was no such person as her fourth sister in her previous life.

While Wen Renying was feeling resentful and hating Hua Bochen, she also felt extremely lucky again because she was back and starting over. She had more, some things were not so childish, and she could get along well with her fourth sister.

Wenren was a nerd. Because of his thirst for knowledge, when Han refused to let him read the book, he went directly to Xiaocao. In his opinion, the fourth sister was more tolerant and could see through many things better than others.

Xiaocao raised her eyebrows and indeed did not refuse. As for gynecology, it does not hurt for men to see more, so that they can love their wives more. There were also male gynecologists in the previous life, and their wives would joke that their husbands knew them better than they knew themselves, which can be said to be a rare blessing.

Sometimes it can also be a weapon to coax a wife. Most men in feudal dynasties were chauvinistic. If they suddenly discovered the problem based on their wife's reaction and showed concern for her, the woman would be very touched. Of course, Xiaocao only thought about it this way. If a man used it as a weapon to seduce a woman, Xiaocao would be so depressed that she would want to bang her head against the wall.

As for a nerd, Xiaocao didn't think he would do such a ridiculous thing, nor did she expect him to care much about his wife. It would be enough as long as he cared about his wife occasionally.

Wenren Xiaosi reads every book with a pious heart. Even now is no exception. Even if he reads quickly, he still reads word by word. He also habitually thinks while reading to understand what is inside.

Xiaocao looked at him more than once and found that he did not show any abnormality, just like reading other books.

I have been staying here at Xiaocao and have seen all of them.

"Any ideas?" Xiaocao asked.

Wenren Xiaosi thought for a moment and said, "It's not easy to be a woman."

Xiao Cao smiled. It was good to have this understanding. "So be nice to your wife in the future."

Wen Renyang nodded solemnly.

At this moment, Han had actually returned and was standing outside the door, with an unpredictable expression on his face for a moment.

When Xiaocao found her, she felt a little guilty, as if she might have "corrupted" her son.

Wen Ren Yang was quite calm, no different from usual.

Han waved her hand weakly and told him to get out.

Only the mother and daughter were left. Han looked at Xiaocao dimly, "Meng Xinlan is so lucky to have an aunt like you. She hasn't even met you yet. When she heard that she was sick, she went to see her immediately. Now, you have only met her once, and you are still teaching your brother to be good to his wife with all your strength."

"Mom, I'm not doing this for Miss Meng."

"Yes, you are not doing this for her. You are just guiding Yang'er according to your own requirements for your husband. With Yang'er's personality and his closeness to you, it is not difficult for you to teach him to be devoted to his wife."

"Mom, you won't blame me, will you?" Xiao Cao did not deny the statement of "demanding her husband", but "actually, I didn't deliberately guide Xiao Si, I just said a few words occasionally."

Han sighed, "Which woman doesn't want her husband to be devoted to her, who doesn't want to be the only one? I am already very lucky, so I won't ask for more. If my daughter-in-law can get what women dream of, I won't be jealous. I am not the kind of person who feels that my son is wronged because no one is around to serve him. As long as they are a good couple, it doesn't matter what they want. In fact, mother hopes that Xuan'er can find her ideal husband."

"Mom, I don't want to get married again."

When she first came to this world, Xiaocao had never had any expectations about love affairs. She held an indifferent attitude and thought that if it worked, she would just go through with it, but if it didn't, she would find a way to break up. Because of this, when she first married Tingyu, she nodded without hesitation. But later, when she got along with Tingyu, he gave her hope again. Although he never said it clearly, she felt that he should understand it and was doing so. She is still not sure whether she loves Tingyu or not, but if he is there, she believes that they can grow old together.

Because her requirements have become higher and she no longer doesn't care. When she no longer has expectations for other men, even if Tingyu's affairs are completely clarified, she will not allow herself to have a second husband.

"Mother hopes that you can get married," this was the first time Han told Xiaocao clearly about this matter, "but mother won't force you. If you don't want to get married now, you can wait for a few years. Who knows, you might meet someone you like someday? Our Xuan'er is so good, no matter when, there will always be people vying for her."

"Mom, you're the only one who thinks I'm good. Others may not think so. Many moms in the world have the same mentality."

"I'm different from others. Others are self-righteous and can't see clearly. Our Xuan'er is very good."

Xiaocao suspected that her mother's filter had become thicker.

Two days later, more books were delivered from the workshop. Han gave some to her sisters-in-law and began to send some to her close relatives.

Seeing this, Xiaocao thought about it and packed a book and asked someone to send it to Duke Zhen Chengen's mansion. It was nominally for Zhen Muyao, but in fact it was for her mother. It was not that Xiaocao was trying to show courtesy to Madam Zhen, but just because she was Zhen Muyao's mother. Zhen Muyao could be regarded as her first real friend in this world, so the meaning was naturally different. Of course, it was also because she had a good impression of Madam Zhen, who was a very good and special mother.

Zhen Muyao was quite happy when she first received it, but it turned out that she had to give it to her mother. She couldn't help but pout, because it was sealed tightly and she didn't dare to open it casually. She felt that Sister Xuan had figured her out and did it on purpose.

Mrs. Zhen was also surprised to get the gift, but after seeing it, her brows softened, "That child is really thoughtful."