The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 113: [113] Healing a “stupid” child


Although parenting manuals are not suitable for girls to read, it is not that they cannot be read.

Because of the unexpected gain brought by the gynecological manual, Mrs. Zhen, like other people who knew that Xiaocao was writing a parenting manual, was very much looking forward to it, wondering what kind of surprises there would be.

"Mom, judging from your tone, you are much gentler to Sister Xuan than to me."

"She deserves to be treated gently, but you don't."

Although Zhen Muyao was hit by his own mother from time to time, he would occasionally feel deeply hurt.

But forget it, since the other party is Sister Xuan, just forgive her. Besides, I haven’t seen her mother being gentle to anyone else, so it turns out that she has good vision. She allows her mother to have the same good vision as her.

"Don't you like bitter tea? Sister Xuan's floral tea is slightly sweet." Zhen Muyao turned the subject back.

"Liking bitter tea doesn't mean you don't like other things, and I don't see you only like one thing."

Fine, she couldn't argue with her mother, so she just divided it. At worst, she could ask Sister Xuan for more after she finished drinking. She was used to being shameless anyway, so this kind of thing was just a small matter to her.

Because for now, only close relatives have it, and no woman in any family is without one, and it is impossible for each person to have a copy. Whether borrowing it from others or copying it, it still takes time. It takes even more time to understand the contents. Naturally, this book has not spread out yet. It is obviously just a matter of time.

What is the same is that everyone who received the book sent more or less gifts in return to the Wen family. Some of the gifts were either very precious or very unique, which also represented their recognition of the book.

The parenting manual was also well publicized. In short, every family made a solemn request to the Wenren family that they must give it to their children after the child was born.

Xiaocao has now made her presence felt at least among her relatives and friends.

Perhaps they were all "watching" the Wen family. When Xiaocao finished writing the parenting manual, proofreading and binding it, and Han's family just took it to print, the book would take at least a day to come out, and someone seemed to be unable to wait and came to the door. Of course, the only people who had the "naughtiness" to do this were the closest family like the Han family.

The most special ones among them are probably the family of Mrs. Du from the second house.

On the day of the banquet, the Wen family said they wanted Xiaocao to see their "silly boy" Long Ge'er, but there was no response afterwards. Perhaps the child's biological mother or other people were not optimistic about Xiaocao, so there was no response. Now they brought the child to seek medical treatment. It was Mrs. Du who entertained them first.

After this person had a miscarriage, the confinement period was naturally not as strict as the confinement period. However, because Mrs. Du's health was seriously damaged, she planned to have a good rest for a month, and during this period, she even seldom left her room.

It's only two or three days away from a month's time. Compared with a month ago, Mrs. Du is now like a completely different person. She has become plump, has a good complexion, and is full of energy. She is younger than Mrs. Han. She looked like a generation older than Han before, but now she is almost the same. After a careful dressing and makeup, her style is really no different from that of a noble lady.

Not to mention that Mrs. Du and Du's sister-in-law were surprised when they came to the Wenren family last time, Du's niece-in-law was even more surprised. If they were not together as a family, but met outside, they would probably not recognize each other at all.

Mrs. Du was surprised and burst into tears of joy, "Good, good, good, that's great, great."

Mrs. Du smiled and coaxed her mother softly. Then she looked at Long Ge'er who was held by her niece-in-law. She had to admit that the child did not look that smart. "Why are you here?" Last time, she agreed to bring the child to Xuan Jie'er, but what happened... Fortunately, she did not tell Xuan Jie'er, otherwise she would be embarrassed. In addition, she now highly respected Xiaocao's medical skills, so she naturally could not bear to see her being despised. If she was unhappy, she would show it on her face.

Old Madam Du acted as if she didn't see anything and didn't respond at all.

Du's sister-in-law was embarrassed. She was the one who started it last time. She just listened to her daughter-in-law's mumblings and said that her aunt was getting better. That was to untie the knot in her heart. How much medical skills could a teenage girl have? So she let it go. However, the gynecological manual proved that maybe she was really capable and had the audacity to come to her for the sake of the child. It was indeed not fair for them to do so. It was right for the eldest aunt to be angry.

It was Du's niece-in-law who spoke hurriedly, "Aunt, it was all my fault before. I am short-sighted and made rash conclusions without knowing anything about the situation. Please don't bear grudge against me. If you are angry, I will beat and scold you. I just ask you, can you talk to your fourth daughter and Long'er?" She touched the head of the child in her arms and couldn't help crying.

Seeing her like that, Mrs. Du sighed helplessly. "Let's go, let's go find her directly."

You have to know that the Du family has four generations in the same family, plus the servants, plus Mrs. Du and others, the number of people is really not small.

Han got the news first. After thinking about it for a while, she knew what was going on. But she didn't say anything. She continued to deal with the things in her hands and prepared to go and take a look later.

As for Xiaocao, before the Du family members spoke, Xiaocao had already noticed the child. She turned around and told the maid to collect some toys. The more the better. There were many children in the family, especially the two little ones in the eldest room. With Han, a grandmother who was not short of money, they really didn't need too many toys. They could just bring a basket.

Then Xiaocao patiently entertained the child and asked about the situation.

Soon the toys were brought, and two little kids also came, holding the toys themselves. When they saw Xiaocao, they smiled and called her "Auntie". These two children, one older and one younger than Longger, looked lively and energetic, and very lovable. In comparison, Longger made people want to cry even more.

Xiao Cao hugged the two children and kissed them, "You two came at the right time. Your second grandmother's family has a baby who looks just like you. His name is Long Ge'er. Would you like to play with him?"

The older of the two little ones is over three years old and almost four years old. He can understand a lot of what we say. The younger one is just over two years old and doesn’t understand much, but knows how to play and follows his brother around, nodding his little head happily.

A thick blanket was spread on the floor and the three children were put together to play by themselves.

What's the situation of this child of the Du family? Basically all the relatives and friends know about it, and they all think he is a fool. Even the children of the Du family, their elders will not let them play with Longger. If they stay together, Longger will be bullied. The child is young and ignorant. In fact, he is influenced by the adults. Longger's mother was so angry that she cried, but there was nothing she could do but isolate him. Therefore, Longger has never played with children of the same age.

It is certain that Mrs. You would not be happy to let her child play with a fool, but now she trusts Xiaocao very much and knows that she will not do anything that would harm the child, so she just watches quietly from the side without any intention of stopping it.

But at the beginning, perhaps because of the influence of the past, he was a little scared even when facing Hong Ge'er, who was younger than him. He turned his head to look at his mother, and the look in his eyes made people soften their hearts.

Xiaocao stopped her from hugging anyone, but squatted down and whispered to comfort Long Ge'er, telling him that his brother and younger brother were fine. The two little guys were simply helping him at this moment, one holding a sepak ball and the other holding a small wooden horse, and handed them to him, "Long Ge'er, come and play." The other one also shouted, "Play, play."

Children are sensitive. Even if they don’t understand, they can still feel kindness and malice. The two little kids comforted him very well, but he still subconsciously looked at the adults around him.

Xiao Cao smiled gently and pushed his back gently, "Go, play with your brothers."

Only then did Long Ge'er timidly extend his hand.

Long Ge'er still looked dull and slow and couldn't keep up with the other two at all. However, the situation was obviously different compared to when he was at home, and the Du family couldn't help but wipe away their tears.

Xiaocao only paid attention to Longger's reaction and situation, and ignored other people.

They had played for a while and their foreheads were sweating, so they stopped. Yu Shi also prepared to take the two children back home.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Xiaocao sent the person to the door.

"What are you thanking me for? These two little troublemakers can play anywhere." He glanced at the Du family inconspicuously and said, "If necessary, I will send the two children over." Anyone who is not blind would know Xiaocao's previous intention.


The grass bent back and Longger nestled into his mother's arms again. His mother was so touched and shedding tears.

Xiaocao directly picked up the child, not so gently, but with a bit of casualness.

Long Ge'er was not frightened, but his eyes were fixed on his mother. His mother could not help but reach out her hand, but Du held her back and lowered her voice, "Quickly, put away your motherly heart. When it comes to Xuan Jie'er, you should listen to her."

Xiao Cao hasn't said anything to them yet, and it doesn't look like she's seeing a doctor.

Xiao Cao blocked the line of sight between Longger and his mother, and touched his little head with a smile, "Longger, come read with your auntie, and I'll tell you a story, okay? There are many interesting things, many animals, such as tigers..." Xiao Cao said as she imitated the sounds of animals, completely attracting Longger's attention, with a thirst for knowledge and curiosity in her eyes.

Xiaocao sat in the middle of the toys without much image, and opened the book that the maid had found. Longger was immediately attracted by the colorful pages. Then Xiaocao pointed at the pictures and told Longger a story, describing it vividly and using gestures. The toys on the ground were also props in her hands.

—Xiao Cao is good at carving, but she is only at a passing level in painting, so she actually asked someone to draw these picture books, and finally made them into hard-cover books suitable for children, which took a lot of effort. Originally, Ting Yu also helped her draw, and compared to Xiao Cao, his painting level was at the master level. However, Xiao Cao took very few things with her, and when she found them later, the house was empty, really empty, basically only the bare house was left.

At first the movements were relatively small, but gradually they became larger and larger, giving Longger a period of complete adaptation. He even rubbed Longger with a cloth tiger, imitating the tiger's roar, and "knocked" him over.

Unexpectedly, Longger got up and tried to stab the cloth tiger with a small wooden sword.

The grass fell down along with the cloth tiger, "Ah, Long Ge'er is so powerful, I got stabbed."

It is hard to describe how Xiaocao has such a bad image. Her mother came later and watched from the side, even wanting to cover her eyes.

However, what was unbelievable was that Long Ge'er was grinning. Although he still didn't make any sound, he was really laughing! The Du family covered their mouths in disbelief. It was the first time, really the first time.

Xiaocao spent a long time playing with Longge, observing what he liked and constantly guiding him.

Put his favorite food in front of him, put his favorite toys in front of him, put his favorite picture books next to him, teach him to speak over and over again, coax him to speak, even though he still doesn't make a sound, but he is willing to open his mouth.

Such a huge progress was something the Du family could never have imagined.

Until Longger's eyelids began to droop, Xiaocao held him in her arms, patted him gently, and coaxed him gently. He held on to her clothes tightly, and she told him that she would stay with him and that he would be able to see her when he woke up.

After he fell asleep, Xiaocao touched his head, and now she could have a good talk with the Du family about the child's problem.

They were all in the house. Xiaocao, who had been gentle, patient and unpretentious before, now looked quite serious.

Seeing this, the others even felt so nervous that they wanted to hold their breath.

Xiaocao didn't let anyone take the child away, nor did she put the child down. "You all sit down." She spoke in a normal voice, not in a low voice.

Now she is the boss, everyone does whatever she tells them to do, and no one does anything extra.

"Longer is not stupid."

In fact, everyone already knew this from before.

"He was like this because he was frightened before."

"Impossible!" Longger's mother immediately denied it.

"Don't interrupt, just listen carefully." Mrs. Du scolded.

"This fright may not be caused by something positive. It may also be due to an abrupt stimulus, such as a sudden loud noise in a quiet environment. It may also be an ordinary thing, but because of the environment at the time or other influences, he seems to have seen something very scary. Even adults' quarrels, all these may be the cause."

Longge's mother's expression became a little different.

"In fact, it might not have been so serious originally, but you might not have noticed it and paid no attention to it, which might have stimulated him again in the future. In addition, according to what you said, he is easily frightened and timid. Because of this, you are all concerned about him and suppress it all the time. Not only can the child feel your emotions, but he has been in such a quiet environment for a long time, and his ability to accept the outside world has weakened. He has become dull and speechless, etc."