The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 114: [114] The Queen Mother summoned him


“Children are fragile, but they are not like porcelain that will break at the slightest touch. Everything is as bad as excess.

In the future you should spend more time with him and talk to him more. But his ability to accept things is not that strong now, so it is not enough to just talk dryly. You need to make bigger movements and use brighter colors, and you must attract his attention to achieve your goal.

Compared with the health of the child, image is nothing.”

So, they finally understood why Xiaocao was so exaggerated before, and they thought she was inappropriate. Now they just felt ashamed. Why did she do this? It was never for herself.

"But his environment has been closed for a long time, so we can't do anything exaggerated right away. There needs to be a gradual process to let him adapt slowly. Over time, his ability to accept will become stronger, and his reactions will gradually become faster. Once he gradually adapts to the normal environment, he will be almost recovered.

If possible, try to let him interact with children of the same age. At the beginning, even if they don't play together, it's okay to let him watch from the side. Children are playful and will gradually want to participate after watching more. Of course, children who are too malicious to him still need to be isolated. In addition..."

Xiao Cao glanced at Long Ge'er's mother and said, "Don't cry in front of him all the time. Emotions are different from other things, and you always cry. You are not sensitive to other things, but you are sensitive to crying. You are the person closest to him, and he reacts to you more strongly than others. Your negative emotions have a very serious impact on him, just like us adults. If someone cries all day long, our emotions will also be affected. You should smile at him more and bring him positive, uplifting, and healthy things. Who can stand it if he always cries, is depressed, and gloomy? If this continues for a long time, healthy children will have problems, let alone not-so-good children."

"Did you hear that? You also have a share of the credit for Long'er's transformation. I told you not to look so sad all the time, but you refused to listen. I don't know where all these sad and melancholy emotions come from." Old Madam Du scolded.

However, Du's sister-in-law moved her lips. She probably knew why Long Ge'er became like this. It turned out that it was all his parents' fault. It was during the period when Long Ge'er was about to learn to speak that the couple quarreled the most fiercely, making the world turn upside down and smashing things. The servants dared not approach them, and the child was left aside. It was really frightening.

Later, Long Ge'er looked a little unwell, and the relationship between him and his wife became worse and worse. As the daughter-in-law, she cried even more often. As the fourth Miss Wenren said, this was simply adding insult to injury.

"The current situation is not the worst, but if it continues like this, even if you send him to me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cure him." After all, the child is already developing towards autism, and the current situation can be considered to be related to autism.

When the Du family heard this, they were also frightened, especially Long Ge'er's mother. She regretted it so much, not only because she had delayed for so long before coming to the Wen family, but also because of her, that Long Ge'er was like this.

She couldn't help crying again, but thinking of Xiaocao's words, she forced herself to hold back her tears. Even though the child was asleep now, she had to learn to control herself from now on.

Xiao Cao wanted to say more, but then she remembered that it was all in the parenting manual, which had been printed and would be back soon. "I have written about these aspects in the parenting manual. Take it home and read it carefully. Not only you should read it, but the men in the family should also read it. Although every family has their own way of educating children, there are always some things in common. No matter who you are, I believe that no one would not want their offspring to become better."

This sentence touches the hearts of most people.

Originally, due to different philosophies, Xiaocao did not write much about child education, and combined it with the current reality, and even stated "for reference only". However, because of Long Ge'er's living example, the content of that part actually attracted the attention of many people, and the effect was beyond expectations, which Xiaocao did not expect. Of course, this is a later story.

Later, Long Geer woke up and saw Xiao Cao when he opened his eyes. He didn't know if he still remembered what happened before. He smiled at Xiao Cao and looked very cute. Xiao Cao also smiled and called him softly.

In the afternoon, Xiaocao not only took Longger with him, but also asked his mother and the maids who took care of him to go with him.

Compared to Xiaocao, they were not so open. They were always very reserved and unable to relax. They seemed very tense. Plus, there were too many people around, so Longger kept shrinking closer to Xiaocao.

His mother was sad and envious. Her son had become closer to another person so quickly and even smiled at her! She tried hard to imitate Xiao Cao and put aside her reserve and image, but the effect was obviously not very good.

"Take it slow, don't be anxious. It's not just about not crying. It's about not letting any negative emotions show up easily. Your current frustration will also affect him." Xiaocao gestured for her to look at Longger.

Sure enough, Long Ge'er looked at her cautiously.

"I've said before, Long Ge'er is closest to you, and you are the easiest to attract his attention, so you have to pay attention to your words and actions, and your emotions. It will take time to make Long Ge completely normal, so you have to change your mentality. It won't work if you just force your expression to maintain."

Most of the time afterwards, it was still Xiaocao who took Longger with him.

That night, except for Du's sister-in-law, everyone including Old Madam Du stayed at the Wenren House.

Longger's condition has obviously improved, especially in the evening. Under Xiaocao's guidance, he even made two sounds. The Du family is still "newbies" now. They are worried that they will not do well after returning and will be back to their old ways. So they want Xiaocao to help take care of him for two more days so that they can learn new ways to get along with Longger.

Xiaocao agreed without much thought, and they even settled down in Xiaocao's yard that night.

Xiaocao prescribed some medicine for Longger's auxiliary treatment. Because he was in an unfamiliar place, she was worried that he would not sleep well at night, so she also added a little bit of tranquilizer. It had no effect on his body, it just helped him sleep.

As a result, the little guy slept well the whole night. You know, at home, he would wake up two or three times at night.

Long Ge'er is Xiaocao's little patient, so naturally all her thoughts are on him. Her main job is to take him "to play". Of course, with the addition of the two little kids from their big room, the scope of activities is also expanded.

The child didn't cry or make a fuss, and Xiaocao felt it was a very relaxing thing.

But it wasn't long before they relaxed as Han came hurriedly with her people. Xiaocao also knew the visitor. She was a head madam of the old dowager in the Dingbei County Prince's Mansion. She was highly valued by the old dowager and was very respected.

Xiao Cao's first reaction was: Is the old concubine not feeling well again? She hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Mother She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Fourth Miss. The old concubine is fine."

Xiao Cao was relieved. "Then why did Mother She come here?"

"It's like this. Yesterday, the old concubine sent a gynecological manual into the palace and presented it to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager summoned the girl, so the old concubine asked me to pick her up." Mother She said in a gentle voice.

The Queen Mother summoned me? Xiaocao was a bit dumbfounded by this sudden incident. "Is there something wrong with the book?" Xiaocao thought about it carefully. When she was with Tingyu, she also read a lot of books. She knew most of the taboos. Could it be that she made a mistake in the book that she didn't know about

Mother She laughed, "Why would the Fourth Miss think so? If there is something wrong, can't the old concubine see it?"

Xiao Cao finally realized that, that was right, after all, she had saved the old concubine, and their family had a close relationship with the Dingbei County Prince's Mansion, so if they found any problems, they should tell her. "Then what was the reason?"

Han was helpless and amused. "Mother She, my daughter may not have a very accurate understanding of her own abilities and the value of the book she wrote. She probably never thought that she would be 'too good' to attract the attention of the Queen Mother."

"No, mother, that's not the case."

Han gave Mother She a look that said "look at you" and without saying a word, pushed Xiao Cao to change clothes.

When Xiaocao is at home, her attire is usually neat and simple, which is for the convenience of doing things. In addition, she has to play with others, so she does whatever is convenient. This outfit is definitely not suitable for entering the palace.

Han understood the rules and was also aware of the Queen Mother's preferences, so she quickly picked out clothes for Xiaocao. The clothes were dignified and elegant, not too plain nor too gaudy. It was easy for Xiaocao to pull off this type of outfit, or rather, that was just how Xiaocao liked it.

"Xuan'er, in front of the Queen Mother, if she asks about the past, just tell the truth. If she doesn't ask, don't say anything. The old concubine is here, she will help you. I believe that this time the old concubine also intends to let you show your face in front of the Queen Mother and get more protection for you. Don't underestimate the gynecological manual. In the future, not only ordinary people, but also every wealthy family will have this book. It is only a matter of time before it appears in front of the Queen Mother. Instead of letting others use it to show their courtesy and gain benefits, it is better to let my son get it directly."

"But mother, some things are hot to the touch."

"That's true, but the gynecology manual was written by you. It's something that belongs to you alone. No one else can take it away. Even those so-called gynecology experts in the Imperial Hospital, can they write such things? Other women who are proficient in gynecology, do they know so many medical skills and pharmacology

What you wrote is unique. If someone takes advantage of you and takes you along now, that's fine. But if they keep it to themselves, when you become more famous in the future, the truth will surely be revealed, and then you'll probably become enemies. It's better to do it now, when not many people know about it and it's far from the point of 'offering it to seek credit'. You can just register your name with the Queen Mother, which will cut off unnecessary trouble. With the Queen Mother's approval, no one will dare to say anything to you.

Moreover, the book was presented by the old concubine. She was of high status and had a special identity. The empress dowager respected her and had a good relationship with her. Although it was well known that she had a good relationship with our Wenren family, she was also upright and would not do something that she shouldn't do just because of a relationship. Her presentation of the book proved that the book had that value, and there was no need to worry about outsiders saying that the old concubine was partial.

This world is unfair to women, and they are restricted everywhere. Women who go out in public to practice medicine and provide consultations are often criticized, especially the gynecological manual, which goes far beyond the scope of what a girl should know.

My son should not be criticized and blamed. So, my son, just continue. "

"Thank you, mother, for worrying so much about me."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Aren't mothers supposed to do this for their children? My Xuan'er is very good, really very good. You have all these skills, and you should benefit more people. You have the heart to do so. At the beginning, when I didn't know much about your medical skills, I never thought of letting you give up. If you like it, just do it. Now that I know, I will support you no matter how far you can go."

Xiaocao has always felt that she is very lucky. Her life has been smooth without any major ups and downs. It is still the same now. There are people who protect her wholeheartedly, and she must live up to this trust and love.

After getting dressed, "Mom, what if I accidentally touch upon Tingyu's problem? Will you tell me the truth?"

It was normal for this marriageable girl to be asked about marriage when she met an older "woman". "Yes, I want to find you another marriage and let you dress up as a girl. Just tell the truth."

"No, if you put it that way, then you are..."

"This is why you are asked to dress like this. Don't worry, the Queen Mother will not blame you for such a small matter. The main reason is that she is afraid that my Xuan'er is too outstanding and the Queen Mother will take a fancy to her. She wants to arrange a marriage for you. If I don't make it clear, I will be offending her." Han joked.

Xiao Cao was helpless, "I am your daughter and I am not loved by everyone."

"But we have to be prepared for the worst, right? Okay, don't keep the old concubine waiting too long." Han pushed Xiaocao out.

Xiaocao really has no way to deal with my mother whose filters are becoming thicker and thicker.

Because Xiaocao wanted to leave, Longger pulled her skirt to stop her.

The Du family was eager to take him away, but the Queen Mother summoned them. What a joke! Could they afford to delay

However, Xiao Cao did not give in. Instead, she spent some time and patiently coaxed him, assuring him that she would come back as soon as she was done with her work and would take him to play then.

The whole scene was seen by the mother of the village, who thought that a girl like the Fourth Miss Wenren was capable, gentle, patient, and considerate, and was extremely good to children - just now, she had learned a little about the child's situation - whoever married her in the future would be blessed, but she didn't know who would have such a good fortune.

When we were about to leave the Wenren family, Mother She asked, "Has the fourth young lady's child-rearing manual come out? The old concubine asked us to bring a few copies with us."

"It has been delivered early this morning. I'll ask someone to pick it up." Han asked for ten books at once.

Rushing to the Dingbei County Prince's Mansion, the old concubine saw Xiaocao's clothes and nodded, "Yes, your mother has always been better than most people in this regard. - Did you bring the parenting manual?"

"I brought ten of them."

Mother She presented it to the old concubine.