The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 18: [018] The famous Xiao Si who crushes three generations of people


Xiaocao suppressed the impulse in her heart and told herself that this was an "adult" who was taller than her and the same age as her, not a large stuffed toy. Moreover, even if they were twins, there was a difference between boys and girls, and as they grew older, they should keep their distance.

"It seems that Xuan'er likes Yang'er. Shouldn't we say that they are worthy of being twins? Xuan'er isn't even this happy when she sees her mother." Han's tone was a little relieved and a little sour.

Xiaocao chuckled, "Just like what I told Seventh Sister, I've been close to Xiaosi in my mother's belly for ten months before I met anyone else. We should be the closest people to each other. Xiaosi likes me too, right?" Well, that was just what she said.

Wen Renyang nodded slowly, "Yeah, I like it." His eyes were still slightly narrowed, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Han couldn't stop laughing. This was exactly what she had expected, and she couldn't be happier.

Xiao Cao moved closer, and Wen Renyang finally looked at her normally, his eyes seemed clearer.

"Xiao Si, do you read too much every day, causing you to have trouble seeing things from a distance? There's nothing wrong with liking to read, but if you keep doing this for a long time, if your eyes are completely damaged, you won't be able to read books anymore. What will you do then? Find someone to read to you? Wouldn't that mean you'll lose the pleasure of reading and appreciating the books yourself..."

At the same time, Xiaocao was still thinking about whether to make him a pair of glasses. However, in the absence of glass and resin, he could only look for natural materials. He just didn't know if it would be easy to find crystal stones that were transparent enough and large enough. However, if he used acupuncture, he might be able to turn his eyesight around. He had never tried it before, so he had to be cautious.

The person who originally had no reaction suddenly looked as if he was facing a great enemy.

Wen Ren Yang has been gentle and seldom emotional since he was young. He is rarely seen crying or laughing. As he grows older, this becomes more and more obvious, which makes people wonder if there is something wrong with the child. However, it turns out that Wen Ren Yang is very smart, smarter than 99% of people.

Especially when it comes to reading, no one of his peers can compare with him. Not only can he read, remember and recite at an extremely fast speed, he can also understand quickly and draw inferences from one example. He is truly quick-witted.

Although he often seems to be out of shape and slow in everything, once it comes to debates involving quotations from classics, his eloquence and quick reaction speed can make those who are usually eloquent speechless or even vomit three liters of blood. He is well-read and his rich reading volume can even be compared with those great scholars.

Some great scholars even said that the only advantage they had was their age, which allowed them to see and read more, but the extra time was not much, and perhaps in a few years they would have to admit defeat.

It is said that many people are afraid of being tested on their academic performance by their elders. However, the young Wen Renyang likes it very much. No matter whether he is at his own home, at his maternal and relative's home, or even in the academy, every time he does so, his eyes are filled with eagerness to try.

Wenren Yang is a good child who asks questions when he doesn’t understand something. In the early years, the elders could still deal with him, but gradually they became incapable of doing so and were left speechless when asked questions. When you look at his eager eyes when he looks at you, you will feel extremely ashamed.

The key point is that his ideas seem to be different from those of ordinary people. If Xiaocao knew about it, he would probably define it as having too many and too big ideas that ordinary people cannot cope with.

So, since Wenren Yang was about ten years old, apart from the teachers in the academy, few people have tested his academic performance. And then the number of people who tested him became fewer and fewer, to the point that now, is it you who tests him or is it he who tests you

They also want to save face. They are obviously well-educated, but they make themselves look like illiterate people who know nothing when asked.

Now, the only people who would discuss related issues with Wen Renyang are those great scholars who have heard of his name and admire his talent. Of course, great scholars also have their own style, and such things are hard to come by once a year or two, so Wen Renyang would be "lonely and lonely".

Based on this, from childhood to adulthood, children of the same age love and hate Wenren Yang. What they hate is that with him, others are relegated to the mud, but what they love is that with him, the elders will not test their homework, and if they want to escape, they will drag Wenren Yang along. When they don't need him, they want to avoid him when they see him, for fear that he will talk about saints and sages and keep silent about classics.

He is always called a nerd, and his words are full of disparagement and disdain, but isn't this also a form of compliment

Back then, Wenren Taibo was also a Jinshi. He never talked about learning in front of his son since a few years ago. He could only find the joy of being a father from his eldest son. Wenren Xu was a little miserable. Fortunately, Wenren Xu had a good mentality and Wenren Taibo was not a strict person. Otherwise, Wenren Xu would have been psychologically distorted.

It is a good thing to be good at reading, but Wenren Yang is too good at it. He loves books like his life. He is a bookworm and can't wait to immerse himself in books. The elders hope that he will read less, but it is useless. No matter how much you say, he will not listen. Even if you take away all his books, he can still stare at something in a daze for a whole day. What is he doing? Reviewing the books in his mind.

I deliberately asked children of the same age to take him out to play in an attempt to distract his attention, but in the blink of an eye, he began to "daydream" again, as if even the collapse of the mountains and the crack of the earth could not affect him at all.

And there are not many people who have the courage to play with him. After one or two times, even his own brothers are unwilling to pay attention to him. It is really useless, and there is a risk of being abused. They are young and have to save face!

However, Wen Renyang's favorite thing is reading. Even if it is a book he knows by heart, he will read it over and over again, word by word, slowly savoring it, becoming addicted to it and unable to extricate himself.

It makes people wonder, as long as he is given enough books and does not starve to death, he can live forever? !

Others worry about their children studying more, but Han and his family worry about Wenren Yang studying less.

How could such a person not be surprised when his expression changed drastically

Xiao Cao smiled, "Don't read for too long. Take a break every 15 minutes or so, look into the distance, and massage these acupuncture points," Xiao Cao pointed out the acupuncture points on his face one by one. "The environment for reading should also be bright enough. Don't read when riding in a bumpy carriage, don't read when the sun is shining directly on you, and it's best not to read at night. As long as you protect your eyes, Xiao Si can stay with books for a long time, don't you think?"

Wen Renyang nodded solemnly, "Fourth sister is right, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Han's earnest advice for many years had no effect, but he was persuaded by Xiaocao's few words. He didn't know what expression to make, but he was definitely happy.

All I can say is that Xiaocao immediately grasped Wenren Yang's weak spot.