The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 25: [025] What a fate! 1


Without waiting for Wenren Taibo to speak, Cheng Wenzheng spoke excitedly, "The fourth young lady's surname was Lin before. Did she travel around with Divine Doctor Lin, practicing medicine and consulting patients?"

Wenren Taibo didn't mind his daughter continuing to study medicine, but that didn't mean he wanted Xiaocao's past to be known to the world. He frowned and his eyes looked a little stern.

Wenren Taibo was about to deny it, but Cheng Wenzheng spoke again in a hurry, "If it weren't for the young lady's help, my mother would have to take medicine all these years, and she might even be bedridden. I have always regretted not being able to thank the young lady and Divine Doctor Lin properly. I never thought I could see you today. Please accept my greetings."

When Cheng Wenzheng bowed, he bent down at a full 90 degrees.

Xiao Cao quickly moved away, "Sir, such a great gift, how can a little girl like me accept it? Please get up quickly."

Cheng Wenzheng stood up straight, "Miss..."

Xiao Cao waved her hand. "I did take my adoptive father's surname, Lin, and I traveled with him to practice medicine, but it could just be a coincidence."

"How could it be," Cheng Wenzheng said anxiously, "There is a scar between the girl's eyebrows, but she was very young back then, and if you don't look closely now, you can't see it at all. Besides, the scar on her arm was caused by saving my mother, there is no way she could be mistaken. Divine Doctor Lin is kind-hearted, and the girl is no less kind. You and your father have saved countless lives, and so many people have benefited from it. You have saved so many people, and it has been a long time, so it is normal that you can't remember it, but we always keep it in our hearts and dare not forget it."

Xiaocao put his left hand on the back of his right hand, and rubbed the tip of his index finger slightly above the wrist. When he was seven years old, he went to a village with his adoptive father. He still couldn't remember the name of the village. Because he was not feeling well, he didn't go into the mountains with his adoptive father to collect herbs. He walked around the nearby hillside and saw a woman fell while chopping wood. Xiaocao was in a hurry to save her and didn't pay attention to his feet. He stepped on a piece of moss and slipped. As luck would have it, the hatchet fell from above. Xiaocao's hand shrank quickly, leaving a cut of almost ten centimeters on his arm. Now there is only a faint white mark. Of course, this was because no scar removal medicine was used at the beginning. Xiaocao himself didn't care too much, and Dad Lin was also a "careless" person.

It's hard to forget such a special situation. "Now that you mention it, I do remember it."

Because Xiaocao admitted it, Cheng Wenzheng's face flushed slightly due to excitement.

"Cough," Wenren Taibo couldn't bear it any longer and coughed heavily, "You bastard, where are you looking?"

Cheng Wenzheng then realized the occasion and that he had lost his composure. He lowered his head and said, "I just happened to see her and was eager to confirm her identity. I was rude to her. Please forgive me."

"No problem."

"Young lady, you are very generous. My mother has been concerned about your injury these years, worried that it might cause hidden dangers. After all, it's just such a long wound, and Divine Doctor Lin is unwilling to tell us the details. If it causes hidden dangers, it would be a real sin."

"That's not the case. It's just an external injury. It looked a little scary at the time."

"That couldn't be better." Cheng Wenzhen was genuinely happy.

"But your mother, have you developed any underlying illness? After all, your bones and lungs are injured. If you don't recover well, I'm afraid you will really have to take medicine all year round."

"No, my mother is in good health, very strong. She walked for an hour carrying things and was not even out of breath," Cheng Wenzheng smiled heartily, "This is all thanks to you, young lady. Divine Doctor Lin said that you treated her in time, otherwise she would not have recovered by the time she came out of the mountain, or even died. Even though she got better later, other doctors were amazed that she could be cured of such an injury. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a miracle doctor."

"In the end, it's all thanks to my father... my adoptive father. He's just like most parents. He likes to show off his children and always exaggerates a bit."

Cheng Wenzheng didn't know whether it was an exaggeration or not, but it was true that he had managed to save the situation "in time". Everyone knew that the longer the damage caused by external factors was delayed, the more dangerous it would be. How could Cheng Wenzheng forget the contribution of Miss Lin... Wenren

Cheng Wenzheng expressed his gratitude again and again.

Xiaocao was a little overwhelmed and looked to Wenren Taibo for help.

Wenren Taibo shared some of the same thoughts as Han. Seeing Cheng Wenzheng's situation, he knew that he would not go out and say nonsense, so he did not refuse. However, since his daughter had "begged" him, he naturally could not just sit back and do nothing.

"Okay, Wenzheng, you don't have to be like this. My daughter has been studying medicine with her adoptive father since she was young. She is kind-hearted. When she sees someone injured or sick, she naturally can't just stand by and watch. She has long been accustomed to it. You are making her feel at a loss as to what to do."

Xiao Cao looked at her father. You can persuade her if you want. What's the point of praising her? Or are all fathers the same

However, Xiaocao had been shown off by Lin's father so many times when he was a child that he had become immune to it and did not feel embarrassed or nervous.

It is 100% certain that Father Lin does not know how to raise a child. Apart from his medical skills, many of his knowledge is disabled or even "idiotic". If Xiaocao was a real child, he would have raised her to death long ago.

But Xiaocao is the pride of Lin's father, especially after comparing him with other children.

Father Lin is usually a man of few words, but he loves to talk the most at two times...

One was that when he was studying medicine, no matter it was symptoms, medication, or anything else, he would mutter them aloud, over and over again. Because of this, Xiaocao was able to "steal" medical skills blatantly in his cradle.

In addition, whenever someone mentions his child, he would boast about it in various ways, with a beaming face. He said his daughter was well-behaved and sensible, never cried or made a fuss, and was extremely intelligent. At the age of three or four, she could recite medical books by heart and could take care of herself, so he didn't have to worry about anything. She was also very filial, reminding her father to eat on time and helping to prepare medicinal materials. She was really thoughtful.

It's really not modest at all.

Others' lips twitched when they heard this, and they certainly didn't believe it in their hearts, but they kept agreeing with him, praising Xiaocao in various ways, saying that she was rare in heaven and unparalleled on earth. - Dr. Lin is such a good person, but he just likes to "show off" his daughter. What can we do? Of course, we just go along with him.

Xiaocao had a sweet smile on her face, but she looked confused as if she didn't understand what he said, and she was laughing in her heart...

The adoptive father had never really come into contact with normal children. If he had, he would know how abnormal she was. Even a real child prodigy was not as "all-powerful" as her. When she couldn't speak yet, even if there was a need, he would find ways to remind him. After a few times, her adoptive father understood that he could raise a child even if he didn't know how. Needless to say, later on, it was even easier. It was so worry-free that her adoptive father was unwilling to give her to someone else to raise, and she herself was willing to follow her adoptive father because she didn't have to deliberately work hard to disguise herself as a child.

If other people discovered her abnormality, they might burn her to death as a monster.

So, now even if someone praises her to the skies, she can keep smiling and remain calm in the face of praise or criticism. After all, compared to her adoptive father, these are nothing.