The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 3: [003] Deeply in love


After comforting his wife again, Wenren Taibo's eyes swept across the tablet and fell on the bookshelf. A strange look flashed in his eyes. At a time when reading was still a privilege for only a few people, it was really unexpected that his daughter had such a large collection of books. This might also prove that his daughter was not as poor as he had expected.

Various books are classified into different categories, most of them are classics, history, and collections, and there are also many miscellaneous books, including vernacular novels, miscellaneous notes, essays, travel notes, biographies, and even agriculture and forestry. Just looking at the titles, except for some niche ones, the books themselves are really of no value. Wenren Taibo has read most of them. After all, compared with the Wenren family's collection of books, these are just a drop in the bucket.

Of course, there is another type of books that Wenren Taibo basically did not explore, and that is medical books, which also account for a considerable proportion. The most eye-catching set of books is packed in a wooden box. The box looks smooth and delicate, not because of polishing, but because of years of contact, which is enough to show its owner's love for it.

Wenren Taibo stretched out his hand and brushed across the cover of the letter, feeling an indescribable complexity in his heart.

Meanwhile, Han couldn't help but open Xiaocao's cabinet. There were only a few things in it, just as she had guessed. There was a small table next to it that was only about one foot square. Judging from the things on it, it was probably a dressing table.

Han couldn't watch any longer, fearing that she would cry again, so she hurried out.

Wenren Taibo followed him out and sighed silently as he looked at his wife who kept pressing her eyes with a handkerchief. In fact, his wife was a generous and straightforward woman with a strong character. In the past ten years, except for the time when her daughter was lost, she probably never cried as much as today.

"Do you want to go and see your daughter seeing patients?" Wenren Taibo suggested, "Just watch from a distance and don't disturb her."

Han no longer disagreed.

The place where Xiaocao was seeing patients was a drugstore, with which he had a cooperative relationship. The drugstore was not very big, but its business was so good that all the consultations were done outside the drugstore. There were curtains drawn next to the tables, and the people waiting were also quite far apart.

There are men, women, young and old who come to Xiaocao for treatment, and there are especially many women, half of whom are pregnant, and most of them will enter behind the curtain.

No matter whether it is a major or minor illness, she is always patient and gentle enough, and soothes the patient's nervousness with soft words, making the originally anxious people relax unconsciously and give her enough trust, as if because of her, all illnesses are insignificant and there is no need to worry.

Han and Wenren Taibo were sitting in a carriage not far away. From the outside, the carriage was not very noticeable. People like them would not normally come here. There were clear social classes.

Even though Han felt sorry for Xiaocao "serving" all these people, she felt soft-hearted when she saw Xiaocao's actions. "My son has a good character, no matter what else he does." She was a little relieved.

Wenren Taibo nodded in agreement.

At this age, her temperament has already been formed. If it really goes astray, there is basically no possibility of correcting it. So, even if you feel sorry for her, over time, your feelings will probably be completely worn out, and you may even develop disgust for her.

It is a great joy that my daughter is alive. It is even more joyous to see her again. If she can still have outstanding character, then there is nothing else I can ask for.

Xiaocao was busy basically the whole day. When it was already You time, there were not many people around. When Xiaocao took a short rest, she remembered her adoptive parents who were still waiting. They had someone deliver food to her at noon, along with the people from the pharmacy. During the diagnosis process, Xiaocao occasionally mentioned them, mainly for some special people, such as pregnant women, to tell them about the future. Therefore, many people already knew that her parents had come to her house and she would not see patients anymore in the future.

Both the pharmacy and the patients were naturally reluctant to let her go. However, they had no reason to keep her and even wanted to congratulate her. After all, it was not easy for a woman to survive alone.

Xiaocao exchanged greetings with the owner of the drug store for a while, and before leaving, the owner prepared a small gift for her.

Xiaocao did not refuse and took it with a smile.

After going out, Xiaocao went straight to the carriage. It had been parked for most of the day. Xiaocao was not a dull person. Even if he hadn't seen the people inside, he should have guessed it.

The grass grew up openly without any resistance.

Han asked about her daughter's health again. She had just seen her daughter pinching the back of her neck and pounding her waist. She was busy all the time and must be exhausted.

Xiaocao just smiled and didn't care much. It was a bit busy, but it wasn't like this every day, so it was no big deal.

Some people saw Xiaocao getting on the carriage. Even though the carriage looked ordinary, it was not affordable for ordinary people. Many people knew that she was alone and now her hardship had finally paid off.

Those who made malicious speculations were also directly retorted by others. As a human being, one should at least have a conscience. If you receive benefits from others and then slander and make stories about them behind their backs, you are worse than pigs and dogs.

After returning to Xiaocao's courtyard, he simply changed his clothes and started packing his things, preparing to go back to Wenren's house.

As for Xiaocao's valuables, she had very few, but according to Han, she didn't need to bring any of them. She had already prepared some before coming, and there would definitely be more later. The bulk of them were medicines and books. Books were quick to move, so even if the master went back first, the servants could quickly pack them up. As for the medicines, Xiaocao thought about it and decided to sell them directly to the pharmacy. After moving them away, she would tell them and they would come to pick them up.

Xiao Cao stood in front of the incense table, looking at the tablet, and stood quietly for a moment, then turned around, "Dad, Mom, can I take Tingyu's tablet back with me?"

She left her husband's family but still worshipped the tablet of her deceased husband, which only shows how deeply she loved him.

However, what does it mean to worship the tablet of my late husband in my mother's home

However, the couple looked at Xiaocao's quiet eyes and couldn't say no. They were already feeling guilty, and after some contact, they liked her even more, so naturally they just followed what she said, okay, okay.

Therefore, Xiaocao followed the couple into the carriage, carrying only the most important things with her. The most important things were the tablet and the only "dowry" - the fruits of Lin Dad's hard work, medical books, and a special medical box.

At this moment, Han couldn't help asking about Xiaocao's past, but he was a little cautious.

In comparison, Xiaocao had no grudges, and there was nothing in her past that she could not tell others. She summarized the first eight years in a few simple sentences. She didn't even mention the period before she was three or four years old. After all, normal people rarely remember them. The following years were equally simple, and her struggle to survive alone in Kaiping was also summarized in just a few sentences.