The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 32: [032] Why should you hurt yourself to make others happy?


Xiaocao asked the others to move aside, sat down beside the bed, took the medicine, and scooped up the medicine with a spoon to cool it down. "Second Aunt, do you really not want to live?" Her tone was light and her words were not very pleasant. "The death of Second Aunt is indeed a clean and simple thing. Maybe it can also avenge Second Uncle. However, Second Uncle's reputation has been ruined. Wenren is still standing, and there are many people willing to send their daughters to him as concubines. Tenth sister is still young and needs her mother's care. If she meets a kind stepmother, it would be fine, but don't expect to be treated as a biological daughter. After all, the father doesn't even look at her, so how can the stepmother be so distressed

If she met a ruthless person, once the door was closed, she didn't know what she would do behind the scenes. Even if she complained to her grandmother and aunt, could this child still outwit the adults? If this stepmother was a good pretender, with a lot of superficial skills and a lot of accusations, the tenth sister's reputation would be ruined at such a young age.

If you die, and you still have your child, you can't carry your dowry back to your parents' home, right? Are you sure the person who came in later won't be tempted? Living in your house, beating your child, and calculating your dowry, Second Aunt, can you die with your eyes closed?"

Xiaocao spoke slowly, others were stunned, and Mrs. Du also became excited.

Xiao Cao pretended not to see it and continued to provoke her, "I heard from my mother that the seventh sister will get married in August next year, so the fifth sister's marriage must be before the seventh sister. If you die now, won't she have to observe mourning for three years and delay her marriage? Even if the man does not cancel the engagement in the name of benevolence and righteousness, how many illegitimate children will there be in the backyard when the fifth sister gets married? After all, it was the fifth sister who delayed her family, and she wants to continue the family line, what a legitimate reason.

What if the other party is a little more shameless and breaks off the engagement? How good of a husband can she find when the fifth sister comes out of mourning

Besides, this man has become a father at the age of 60. Can you be sure that in the next 20 years, your second uncle will not be able to give birth to a legitimate son? Then what is the point of you using death to avenge him today

You didn't do anything wrong, it's all your uncle's fault. You put your life in jeopardy, your daughters are pitiful, but your uncle has a lovely wife and young children, so happy. Think about it, is this worth it?"

Seeing that Mrs. Du's face turned red due to excessive excitement, her eyes were filled with resentment and unwillingness, and her desire to survive was so strong that no one knew how strong it was.

Xiaocao fed the medicine to Mrs. Du, who drank it without hesitation.

Xiao Cao continued to speak as she fed him, "I would say that this woman, using her life to avenge those who hurt her is the most foolish thing to do. Second Aunt, if you want to commit suicide, then what about those who are really desperate and have no one to turn to? Wouldn't they have died long ago? The best way to take revenge is to live a good life yourself, while those people feel heartache and cannot get what they want the most.

You should keep your position as the principal wife. If you cannot have children in the future, your second uncle will not bother you again. When you recover, you can live your life happily. When you have nothing to do, you can go out and invite three or five ladies to play cards, appreciate flowers, drink tea, and enjoy yourself. "

The way everyone looked at Xiaocao became particularly different.

Although she just came back and I can't say I know her very well, but my first impression of her is actually quite deep. If nothing else, she should be gentle at the very least. As long as I don't look at her with prejudice, I will like her without saying anything, or at least I won't have any bad feelings towards her. However, the fact is that this girl's tone of voice may be gentle, but the meaning revealed in her words is a bit cruel and fierce, even unorthodox!

However, unless a woman has been severely brainwashed by the Three Obediences and Four Virtues, there would probably be few who dislike her argument.

Haven’t you seen Wenren Xi looking at the grass now with starry eyes

After finishing the bowl of medicine, Mrs. Du's excitement also eased. Xiaocao took the handkerchief from the maid, wiped Mrs. Du's mouth, and said with a smile, "Second Aunt, there are always more people who care about you than those who hurt you. Is it worth it to be hard on yourself for those individuals and make those who care about you sad? To put it bluntly, to you, Second Uncle is nothing more than your husband and the father of your children? When he fails to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and a father, these two things are meaningless. He exists in name only and is just a title.

The decision of whether a child is a boy or a girl lies with men. If you didn't give birth to a boy, it can only be said that there was a lack of fate. It is not your fault from beginning to end, so why blame yourself and be depressed

When facing accusations from others, you can stand up straight and be fearless, because you are not wrong.

You are right, so you can face anyone with confidence. "

Mrs. Du couldn't stop shedding tears and held Xiaocao's hand, "Fourth girl, all these years, you are the only one who thinks I'm not wrong." No one else knows how much injustice she has suffered and how much she has endured. Even when they comfort her, there is implicit blame, saying that it is her who is not motivated enough. No one has ever said that it is not her fault, never!

At this moment, Xiaocao's words made her grievances in her heart suddenly burst out, and she couldn't control herself.

"It's not what I think, it's you, Second Aunt, who is right."

Wenrenxi tried to comfort her with red eyes, but Xiaocao waved her hand and told her not to worry about it. It was a good thing to cry now. She should cry hard and everything would be fine in the future.

Mrs. Du cried for a long time, then gradually stopped. Perhaps she was tired, and the sedative that Xiaocao had added to the prescription took effect. Mrs. Du fell asleep. The difference from the past was that this time she slept very soundly, with no more sadness on her brow.

It is quite simple to discourage Mrs. Du from committing suicide. Anyone can do it. Just as Xiaocao said before, tell her daughter's situation and she will hold on no matter what. The reason she wants to die is that she is temporarily blinded by the overwhelming hatred and just wants revenge at all costs.

But it is difficult to let her live well. If the knot in her heart cannot be untied, there is no "good". Fortunately, it is very simple for Xiaocao. In the final analysis, it is just three words: "You are not wrong". These three words that others do not think and cannot say are taken for granted by Xiaocao.

Xiaocao prescribed medicine again. The baby was aborted, and she needed to clear it up to help Du recover faster. After all, her body had not been very good. It was a miracle to get pregnant with this baby. It was normal to have an abortion, which only caused further damage to the body. What Xiaocao had to do was to reduce this damage and then slowly repair it.

He picked up the silver needle that Mrs. Du had thrown on the ground and put it away, and then went back to disinfect it.

Wenrenxi is a filial daughter. She knows her mother's situation very well, so she can clearly feel her mother's change. Although she is a little cynical, she is actually a very tough girl. She will not be sad and cry all day long even if she is not doing well. She cried a lot today. At this moment, she couldn't help crying again, but with joy. She held Xiaocao's hand and refused to let go. She kept thanking him. Looking at her energy, it seemed that she wanted to worship Xiaocao.