The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 4: [004] Occupational disease occurs


However, no matter how simply it was said, the couple would not be so stupid as to really think that she lived an easy and comfortable life.

Not to mention what happened before and after, just regarding her marriage, the couple's focus was completely different. Wenren Taibo almost subconsciously felt that there was a problem with Xue Tingyu's identity, but he didn't ask it directly at the moment. Han's focus was that she had not consummated her marriage with her late husband, which meant that she could still find a good marriage for her daughter, and she was secretly excited.

Xiaocao didn't know what Han was thinking, but as parents, unless they were particularly weird, they probably all wanted the best for their children, so even if they knew, they could understand it. Of course, whether they would accept it or not was another matter.

Xiaocao was unwilling to elaborate, and the couple did not ask for the truth. From this point of view, this couple is rare. After all, too many parents take their control over their children for granted. Therefore, Xiaocao liked them a little better.

Han suppressed all her emotions and introduced the situation at home to Xiaocao with a smile.

A few years ago, Wenren Taibo's father passed away. As the eldest son, he naturally inherited the family business. However, because his mother was still alive, he did not separate the family business from his other brothers. So now there are five branches in the Wen family.

Hearing this, Xiaocao's mind was already in a knot. To be honest, her living environment had always been quite simple. The biggest trouble she had ever encountered, apart from Tingyu's death, was probably that she had been so absorbed in studying in her previous life that she was envied for being too outstanding and was almost framed. However, her tutor was so helpful that the matter was resolved perfectly before she was affected at all.

Tingyu's death, apart from causing her mental trauma, did not make her living environment more complicated.

Xiaocao still knows a little bit about the wealthy families. In her previous life, no matter how busy she was, she would always do something else. She occasionally watched costume dramas and read two ancient novels. Although they were artistically processed, sometimes real life is more exciting than art. She used to be calm and composed, but now she can't help feeling a little nervous.

Wenren Taibo was in the officialdom, so his ability to read people's expressions was naturally even better. Although Xiaocao's mood change was not obvious, he noticed it. After a little thought, he almost knew the crux of the problem.

He took over the topic calmly, "There are many people in the family, it's not too late to get to know each other slowly when you meet. As for our eldest son, in addition to what your father said before, you have an older brother and an older sister, twin brothers, and a younger sister. Your father has five children in total, and they are all easy to get along with. I have told them some things before, but I couldn't confirm it, so I didn't let them come together. They are all very happy, Xuan'er will like them."

Xiao Cao was a little slow to react to the name "Xuan'er". However, all the children were legitimate, so it seemed that the couple had a good relationship. She smiled and said, "Brother and sister must have been married, right?"

"Yes, your brother already has two children, and your sister..." Han's face was sad for a moment, but it disappeared in a flash. "Your brother and sister are also engaged. Your brother will get married this autumn, and your sister came of age last month. The wedding date is set for August next year. These candidates were carefully selected by your father and mother. My Xuan'er..."

“Cough…” Wenren Taibo covered his lips and coughed lightly. Han understood and stopped talking immediately.

"Dad, are you not feeling well?" Xiaocao's occupational disease immediately broke out, and he didn't understand Han's meaning at all.

"No, it's just that my throat is a little dry and itchy. Xuan'er, you don't need to worry." Wenren Taibo said with a smile.

"Can I take Dad's pulse?" Xiaocao suggested.

"Okay." Wenren Taibo agreed happily, and as he stretched out his hands to roll up his sleeves, he said with a smile, "Let me tell you, with Xuan'er here, I'm afraid our family won't need any doctors from outside in the future."

Wenren Taibo's original intention was to tell Xiaocao that he, as a father, did not mind her identity as a "female doctor". However, Xiaocao did not understand it at all. It's not that she was stupid. She also knew that female doctors had a low status. She just had no such awareness in her mind. She never thought that there was anything wrong with treating people. In fact, every time she saw a patient recovering under her hands, she would be sincerely happy.

Han gave Wenren Taibo a reproachful look and asked, "What did my husband say?"

Wenren Taibo smiled and stopped talking.

Xiaocao carefully examined Wenren Taibo's pulse and said, "Dad has been quite busy these days. Although it is mid-spring, it is late this year and it is quite cold at night. You should put on more clothes, otherwise... your child has had a lot of spring coughs recently, and dad is almost the same." Xiaocao smiled and said, "You should rest early when you need to. Lack of sleep can cause many diseases and is extremely bad for your health."

Wenren Taibo felt a little embarrassed when his daughter teased him and compared him to a child. However, just by looking at his pulse, his daughter knew his recent condition. His medical skills were indeed very advanced.

Han also knew about her husband's recent situation, so she was naturally nervous and secretly blamed herself for not caring enough.

Xiao Cao patted her soothingly and said softly, "Mom can prepare some food for Dad that moistens the lungs, promotes the production of body fluids, and relieves coughs. Even if he is not sick, it will not hurt to eat these. If he is too busy to rest in the study at night, tell the servants to take care of him and not let him forget about his temper. Dad, don't take it lightly just because you are still young and strong. The sooner you take care of your body, the better. You will suffer less when you are old and weak in the future."

Wenren Taibo swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth. Although his daughter spoke softly at the moment, he always felt that if he didn't take her words seriously, the consequences might be a bit "serious". In addition, Han Shi kept agreeing with him, "Xuan'er is right. Dad will listen to you. But this busy time has come to an end."

Xiaocao sat upright and nodded with satisfaction.

Han was also satisfied, and then she covered her lips with a handkerchief and laughed. At this moment, the identities of the father and daughter seemed to have been reversed.

Wenren Taibo was also a little slow to notice the strange atmosphere. Well, before he, as her father, could "teach" her a lesson, she was "teaching" herself first. He laughed and shook his head, "Girl, you are considerate and thoughtful in taking care of others, but you should also take care of yourself."

At the age of eighteen, most women have become mothers and know how to take care of children without any instruction. However, Xuan'er has no children, so her consideration is not directed to children, but to everyone. This shows her compassion as a doctor.

Of course, children from difficult circumstances always grow up early and are more mature and stable, and less naive than those who have a better life.

Because of this little episode, the atmosphere became more harmonious and the people became closer to each other.