The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 42: [042] We may not sleep together in life, but we shall be buried together in death


Wen Xin seemed to have lost all his strength at once, "Master, don't say that, you can't say that, you can't say that..." The seven-foot-tall strong man was actually choked with sobs.

"Everyone is destined to die, sooner or later. The only thing I care about is..." The emotions in Wei Shizi's eyes stirred up waves, and then returned to dead silence in an instant, "I still can't accept it."

"Master, we will take good care of the madam." This was all Wen Xin could say in the end.

"The plan has changed. Don't give her the things directly, and you can't go directly to her. Influence her subtly and slowly. If necessary, you can ask for the help of Minister Wenren and his wife, but you can't let Xuan'er be aware of my presence."


"It's different now than before. Before, Xuan'er was alone, and the huge amount of property could not reasonably come into her hands, so the matter could not be concealed. Now she is back to the Wenren family, a noble lady, and the Han family has a deep foundation. With the turn of events, it is easier to conceal it. It would be best if she is not sad, isn't it?"

Wen Xin remained silent. If he really wanted to do this, why did he do this today... and arouse suspicion for no reason

“When Xuan’er passes away, remember to bury her next to me, no matter whether she will remarry or not. We may not sleep in the same bed in life, but we must be buried in the same grave in death.” Prince Wei’s voice was very soft from beginning to end.

"Yes." Even though Wen Xin was not a very emotional person, he felt complicated and speechless at this moment.

After returning to the courtyard, Prince Wei ignored the dissuasion and went directly to the study, took out the secret letter and started to deal with things. Only a few people knew that these secret letters came from the Supervisory Department directly under the current emperor, an organization that seemed useless on the surface. Many dandy sons of noble families in the imperial city were registered in it. Prince Wei was able to enter it in the first place because of his father's "merit", but in fact...

Behind the scenes, the others began to question Wen Xin about their wives.

There is actually nothing secret about this, Wen Xin just said a few dry words and it was over.

"You are really a blockhead. I knew this would be the result if I asked you to follow me out." Hua Yu, the only woman among the group, rolled her eyes at Wen Xin and turned away angrily.

Others looked at Wen Xin with some dismay, but Wen Xin kept his brows down, looking honest, and seemed to be the type who would allow others to bully him without fighting back. But no one was stupid enough to ask him to practice.

When Han learned the news that Prince Wei had left, she did not make any comment. The Wen family had no connection with the Pingyang Marquis's Mansion. As for why the Pingyang Marquis's Prince suddenly visited the Wen family, whether it was just a whim or he had other purposes, there would always be clues in the future, and there was no point in thinking about it now. As for Prince Wei's rudeness, she was not a narrow-minded person, and the other party was not her junior, so she did not care.

The Han family was a little annoyed. They came to the house for no apparent reason, and treated you with delicious food and drinks for a few days, but now they just left after sending a message to the servants? What kind of thing is this

I originally thought those rumors were wrong, but now it seems that they are even more true.

However, it would be best for such a person to leave, and it would be even better if he never goes to the Han family again.

Of course, for others, there were no ripples.

As the absolute protagonist of today, Xiaocao is very busy. Before he has even gotten to know the current wave of people, the next wave comes. This is the first time for Xiaocao to have experienced such a scene. However, in Xiaocao's dictionary, there is no such word as "stage fright". Although he is a little overwhelmed, nothing goes wrong.

This alone is enough to make people look at her with new eyes. Xiaocao grew up in the city, and the Wen family did not hide this fact at all. Although Xiaocao's speech may be a little awkward, her manners are graceful and she looks gentle and quiet, which makes people like her very much, especially older women, who all like such girls.

Only when I held Xiaocao's hand and felt the roughness that a young lady from an official family would not have, did I have the real feeling that she had indeed grown up outside. Then, of course, I praised the Wen family again, saying that the Wen family had good roots, and that was why these children could grow up so well regardless of the environment.

People from the Wen family are naturally humble, and the elders are more or less complacent. As the biological mother, Han feels complacent but also distressed and guilty. She gave birth to her but did not raise her. The fact that she is so outstanding is all due to her own efforts.

Xiaocao didn't know what her mother was thinking about, but her expression became more and more gentle. Xiaocao had never been looked at so "affectionately" by anyone before, and she felt goosebumps all over her body.

Fortunately, Han's attention was quickly diverted.

There were more and more guests coming. Xiaocao had basically met all the female guests, as well as the male guests, the closest ones. However, she remembered few of them. She was physically and mentally exhausted, and it felt even more tiring than a day of seeing patients. However, there was still some time before the meeting, let alone the end.

The grass wants to find a place to hide secretly and take a breath.

Wen Renying appeared at the right time very considerately, winked at Xiao Cao, lowered her voice and smiled, "Fourth sister, are you not used to it? Take your time, it's okay. There are so many people, you don't need to remember deliberately. There are many days in the future, and you will remember it naturally after more contact. There are so many of us, we will not let Fourth Sister face it alone."

Xiao Cao could sense the kindness of this sister and nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Seventh Sister."

"We are all sisters, and there is no one closer than you. You don't need to be polite to me, Fourth Sister. Today I am mainly introducing you to everyone. Most of the guests are relatives and friends. Although my father's rank is not particularly high, it is not low either. Few of the guests invited are higher than him. Even if there are higher-ranking guests than my father, they are basically very close. Those adults may not come to visit. Most of them are female relatives in their family, and they are not people of high seniority. Generally, no one will deliberately make trouble. So now, you have almost met everyone you need to meet, and you don't need to worry too much about the rest. You don't need to meet those elders. I can stay with you all the time, Fourth Sister, you can relax and don't need to be nervous."

Wen Renying looked as if she was the one who could take care of it. She was innocent and adorable.

She looked really likable this way, and Xiaocao couldn't help pinching her face.

Wen Renying screamed in pain on purpose.

The two sisters were laughing and joking, and others who saw them said that they had a very good relationship.

There are many brothers and sisters in a family, so elders naturally hope that they can be friendly and harmonious. If they are always arguing with each other and scheming against each other, it would be a headache.

Wen Renying accepted the compliments with a smile without hesitation, and took Xiaocao's arm. The smug expression was clearly on her face, which made everyone laugh. Few people did not love her.

Han came over and lightly tapped her forehead, "You are the only one who is naughty. You sisters should go play together."

Wen Renying half covered her face with a handkerchief, made a face at Han, then bowed and ran away pulling Xiaocao.