The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 55: [055] Is this a “fellow countryman”?


"Then I will come back in three days. If there are any problems during this period, the princess can send someone to Wen Ren's house. It doesn't matter when." Xiao Cao paused, "Princess, don't worry too much. The Mu family has been loyal and brave for generations. They have guarded the Qi Dynasty and have worked hard. King Dingbei will definitely be blessed by heaven, and nothing will happen to him."

Princess Changning looked panic-stricken. It was impossible for her to not be worried about something like this.

Han and Wen Renying beside her also spoke to comfort her at the right time. Everyone said that everything would be fine, which had a brainwashing effect. Princess Changning's emotions stabilized a little. She pressed her eyes and said, "I am rude. I made Madam and my two sisters laugh at me."

Han patted her tender shoulders lovingly. To be honest, this girl was like a noble lady raised in a civil official's family. She was quiet, virtuous, and a little weak. She really didn't look like the hand of a majestic old concubine.

At this moment, the people around the old concubine happened to tell her what happened after she suddenly fainted.

The old concubine remained silent. Her family was a military family. This included her, her daughter-in-law, and her granddaughter-in-law. They all stayed with their husbands, experienced ups and downs, and even went to the battlefield. Only her granddaughter was given different instruction by the old concubine, because she knew that the daughter of the Mu family would not follow the same path as the daughter-in-law of the Mu family. A woman who was too strong and had too strong opinions was not welcomed in other families. Over the years, her granddaughter was also outstanding among many noble ladies, and she didn't think there was any problem. But when this incident happened, she realized that there was more than just a problem, it was a very big problem.

The old concubine secretly regretted that if something happened to her and her grandson, would her granddaughter still be able to survive

Is it too late to change the teaching method now

Whether it's too late or not, something has to be done.

So, at night, Princess Changning discovered that her nanny had changed, and half of the people serving her had also changed. The next day, she discovered that she had also added a martial arts master. She was really confused. —This is a story for later.

Here, Xiaocao and others returned to Wenren's house. Wenrenying was still a little worried and pulled Xiaocao, "Fourth sister, the old concubine will be fine, right?"

"As long as you keep a calm mind, there will be no problem."

Wen Renying was worried that even though she knew that something had happened to the King of Dingbei, when the old concubine knew that the King of Dingbei would have to lie in bed for the rest of his life, she would probably be shocked. "Fourth sister, if the King of Dingbei is seriously injured, can you treat him?"

"It depends on the situation whether the injury is serious or not."

"For example, if you hurt your legs, you can't walk. For example, if you hurt your waist, you can't sit. In more serious cases, you are paralyzed..."

"Ying'er, you're getting more and more outrageous." Han patted Wenren Ying lightly.

Wen Renying looked at her mother aggrievedly, "I was just giving an example. The King of Dingbei is seriously injured now. Who knows what the situation is? The conditions at the border are not good. He may return to the imperial city. If the situation is found on Fourth Sister at that time, Fourth Sister will know the situation in her mind. Wouldn't it be better to prepare in advance? The King of Dingbei is injured now, and he won't be seriously injured or lightly injured just because I say so. Sometimes we should consider the worst case scenario."

"Seventh sister, what you said is not wrong, but it still depends on the specific situation. Besides, the Prince of Dingbei is a minister that the emperor values, so naturally the people in the Imperial Hospital will worry about it, so it's not my turn."

"Fourth sister..."

"I know what's going on. If I really need to help, I will do my best. Don't worry."

Wen Renying finally stopped struggling. Although she really wanted to change the fate of the Dingbei Prince's Mansion, the final result was still the same. It only showed that God wanted it to be destroyed and no one could save it.

"Fourth sister, let's go out for a walk tomorrow. It's been quite a while since you came back."

"Ying'er's suggestion is good. You can call other sisters to go together." Han agreed.

"No, I don't want to be with Wenren... Fifth Sister." Wenren Ying immediately said unhappily.

Han slapped her in annoyance, but she didn't have a good impression of Wen Renxiang, so there was no reason for her daughter to be wronged. "Why don't you sisters go together and buy anything you like."

Xiaocao did not refuse. Although she had been in the imperial city for almost three years, there were actually many places she had not been to. After all, for common people, some places were "forbidden areas". It was not that people put up signs to forbid you to go, but if you went there, you might get into trouble. Don't look at the world with evil eyes, and don't be too naive about human nature.

"Don't call other sisters, call Xiao Si to join us."

"Call Yang'er (fourth brother)?" Han and Wenren Ying spoke almost at the same time, with surprise.

"Yeah, what are brothers for? Aren't they to be ordered around by sisters? They need to accompany them when shopping, protect them when traveling, and support them in anything." Xiaocao smiled, as if it was a matter of course.

The mother and daughter were speechless for a moment, then Wen Renying clapped her hands and laughed, "Yes, it should be so."

Han also laughed and nodded at Wen Renying, "You are the one who is mischievous." Then she pulled Xiaocao, "Our Xuan'er is also naughty. Okay, call Yang'er along, and let him go out for a walk more."

This party had made an agreement, and when it was mentioned in the evening, Wenren Xu and his wife You were also involved. According to Wenren Xu, when sisters have something to do, brothers should do the work. As the eldest brother, he naturally cannot back down, right? It happens that he has a day off tomorrow.

When he spoke, he had a somewhat teasing smile on his face.

Because Wen Renxu was in the Hanlin Academy, Xiaocao had relatively few opportunities to interact with him. How should I describe this elder brother? He should be a qualified nobleman, with the mentality of a young man, or he likes to tease people and coax people. Of course, he is very measured and will never go too far. He respects his wife very much, but it is nonsense to say how deep his love is. However, Youshi is deeply in love with him. She doesn't show it at ordinary times and doesn't mind his concubines in the backyard. But if Wen Renxu really likes a woman, then the result may be very serious, either a life-and-death love or a world-shaking affair.

Xiaocao declined to comment on this.

It takes three days to mark and rank the palace examination papers, so I won’t be able to see Wenren Taibo during these days.

In the evening, Han asked Xiaocao to meet with the Prince of Pingyang again, and told her not to worry and to think of another solution.

Xiaocao smiled and said it was okay, asking her mother not to worry too much.

The second daughter was considerate and sensible, completely different from the spoiled little daughter, but Han couldn't help feeling distressed.

Xiaocao was helpless about the sentimental Han.

The next day, after breakfast and packing up, I prepared to go out.

It was not the first time that Wen Renxu accompanied his wife and sister to the street, but it was the first time that Wen Renyang, a grown-up girl, got into a bridal sedan.

Wen Renyang, who has become "stupid" from reading too much, has Xiaocao pulling his sleeve from time to time, making it impossible for him to be distracted. As a result, he is more curious about the things around him than Xiaocao. However, he is good-looking, with obvious innocence, and not the slightest bit of materialism. No one would point fingers at him or think he is a bumpkin.

"Fourth sister, let's go shopping at the North-South Goods Store first. This place has a wide variety of goods, including some new and interesting items."

Xiao Cao had no idea at first, but after entering, she was stunned for a moment. This place was exactly like the supermarket in her previous life! Did she meet a "fellow countryman"