The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 72: [072] Fortunately, both mother and child are safe


"Xuan'er, you're back, you..."

"Mom, when something like this happened, why didn't you go to the Dingbei County Prince's Mansion to call me?"

She went to see the old empress dowager for a follow-up consultation, and the situation was as expected, not bad. The old empress dowager invited her to have dinner with Wen Renying, and with Princess Changning pestering her, she couldn't refuse the kindness, so she stayed. When she came back after lunch, she heard about the situation here as soon as she entered the door, and rushed over without saying a word, hoping that she would still make it in time.

"It's my fault, I just thought about the delivery..."

"I'll go in and take a look first, and we'll talk later." Xiaocao carried the medicine box and never stopped.

"Xuan'er..." Han wanted to stop Xiaocao, saying that it was not appropriate for a girl to enter the delivery room. However, her daughter had already gone in without hesitation. Judging from the look on her face, this must not be the first time. Han sighed. What else could she do? If she just watched someone die without helping, she was afraid that she would never be able to do so in this lifetime.

Because of Xiaocao's misfortune, the outside of the house became temporarily quiet, waiting in silence.

No matter who it is, at this moment, they are actually hoping for a miracle to happen. As for if both the adults and children are not saved in the end, will some people put the blame on Xiaocao? Han will never allow such a thing to happen.

In the current situation, it was too late to do a thorough disinfection. Xiaocao had some basic disinfectants in her medicine box. After a simple treatment, she walked to the bedside. There was a strong smell of blood. The third sister-in-law was drenched in sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water. She was in a semi-comatose state. Xiaocao thought to herself that this was not good, and quickly took out a silver needle to wake her up.

“Third sister-in-law, third sister-in-law, wake up, don’t sleep…” Xiaocao moved her hands very quickly.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, and after a while, she could see clearly, "Fourth sister..."

"Don't be afraid, sister-in-law. You and the child will be fine. Trust me."

After she woke up, Xiaocao used a silver needle to give her local anesthesia. The baby's feet came out first, so they were put back in.

The woman in labor felt very strange that she could no longer feel the tearing pain.

In the eyes of others, the fourth young lady did not even frown in the face of dirt and blood. She then stuffed the baby's feet back into the baby's body and adjusted the fetal position. What was even more amazing was that during the whole process, the conscious Third Young Lady did not even make a sound. She was clearly awake, but her face was calm.

Xiaocao adjusted the fetal position and said, "Third sister-in-law, I'll take out the silver needle. Let's give birth to the baby in one go. Don't be afraid. I'm here. It'll be okay."

The woman in labor nodded slightly. If she could live, she naturally didn't want to die.

"Why are you still standing there? Come and help." Xiaocao looked back at the wooden stakes, feeling dissatisfied.

"Oh oh." Everyone came back to their senses. They still knew how to perform normal childbirth.

Xiaocao's left hand was not stained with blood. He took the anesthetic silver needle and replaced it with another one to induce labor and speed up the contractions. The severe pain came and the woman in labor couldn't help but scream. However, this sound made people outside the house hear hope. After all, no sound had been heard before. Giving birth, especially at the end, not being able to hear any sound is really terrifying.

Xiao Cao controlled the rhythm, and the woman in labor followed her rhythm, "Third sister-in-law, I've seen the end, keep trying."

"Ah—" The child was finally born.

"It's born, it's finally born, that's great." Everyone in the delivery room was delighted.

There was some noise outside, so they started laughing too, but "Why didn't I hear a child crying? Could it be..."

The voices of the people in the delivery room gradually became weaker. Looking at the child whose face was slightly purple and who was not moving, my heart couldn't help but sink.

Xiao Cao didn't take care of the child for the time being, she just wrapped her up to keep her warm. The third sister-in-law had bled too much before, and judging from her current condition, she was showing signs of hemorrhage. She had to stabilize her condition first, but the child's condition was indeed quite urgent, so she moved very quickly, tore off the bloody special gloves on her right hand, and gave her third sister-in-law pain relief to stop the bleeding. There seemed to be an afterimage on her hand.

You can't take care of two things at the same time. This is the sadness of having no help.

"My child, my child..." The mother's tears fell.

After temporarily stabilizing the mother's condition, Xiao Cao took the child aside. As soon as she held the child, she knew, "Third sister-in-law, the child is still alive, don't worry. - You guys take care of Third sister-in-law, move quickly, don't touch the silver needle."

Because she found foreign objects in the child's mouth and nose at the first time, she used a special tube to suck it out immediately. Then further first aid was not very effective. Xiaocao gave the child gentle artificial respiration. After less than ten times, the child's breathing recovered, and then he cried weakly. Although the cry was weak, it really showed that he had vitality.

“It’s alive, it’s alive…” The people in the room were truly happy at this moment.

Xiao Cao's eyebrows also showed some smile, "What are you talking about? I was fine originally, I just held my breath temporarily."

"Yes, yes, what the fourth young lady said is right." The one who spoke was the wet nurse of the woman who had just given birth, and she kept saying "Amitabha".

Xiao Cao carried the child to the side of the Third Sister-in-law, "Third Sister-in-law, congratulations, it's a little boy."

The woman in labor started crying again, but this time she was crying with joy, "Thank you, thank you, Fourth Sister."

"Don't cry, don't cry. Be careful not to damage your eyes. If you want to thank me, wait until you're done with the confinement period. It won't be too late to thank me properly."

Xiaocao handed the child to the midwife to cut the umbilical cord, and also explained a lot of things that needed to be paid attention to. After all, the child was born prematurely, and parts such as the fingernails had not even fully grown yet. Such a child would have been better in her previous life, but now it is not easy to raise him.

The mother is not done yet, so it’s not time to touch her hands yet.

The midwife carefully handled the rest of the matter before the nanny took the child out to show the people waiting outside.

The birth of this child was full of twists and turns. Even though he looks weak and small, it makes people sincerely happy.

After looking at the child, Han turned to the nanny, "Where's Xuan'er?"

"The third young lady had bled too much before, and her condition is not good. The fourth young lady is still treating her. However, with the fourth young lady's ability, she will be fine." It seemed that there was no hope for both the adult and the child, but the fourth young lady managed to pull both mother and child back from the brink of death. This is an ability that perhaps no one else in the world can do.

"The fourth girl's medical skills are naturally good." Before Han spoke, Du praised her first, reaching out to touch the edge of the swaddling clothes, "This child is lucky to meet his fourth aunt."

"Yes, yes, when he grows up, he must be filial to his fourth aunt." The third young master Wenren said hurriedly.

Han didn't comment, she just hoped that there wouldn't be any ungrateful people or people who would drag their feet. "Go and tell the old lady the good news. She has a great-grandson. This child didn't come easily. It's a great event. Everyone should give her a monthly salary."

"Mom, do I have a share too?" Wen Renhui said with a smile.

"Yes, one copper coin." Han said jokingly.

"I want a copper coin too. Give it to me." Wen Renhui looked shameless and greedy for money.

Everyone laughed at once, and the previous gloom seemed to be swept away.

The old lady knew about this happy event, and so did all the other young masters and young ladies in the mansion. Xiaocao’s contribution must have been indispensable in this, as he was saved from certain death. How amazing is that

Young children are still ignorant, but when they reach a certain age, even if they don’t know what giving birth is exactly like, they often hear that giving birth is like walking through the gates of hell, so they should know how dangerous it is.

Although they had witnessed with their own eyes the fourth sister (sister) treating the second aunt (aunt), the situation was different. At that time, they did not have any deep feelings about it, but now their understanding is completely different.

For ordinary female doctors, people might look down on them, but what about a doctor who can snatch people from the King of Hell? Would they still treat him with such an attitude? This person, regardless of gender, who has reached a height that is difficult for the world to reach in some aspect, may be out of the scope of public opinion.

At least, now no one in the Wen family dares to look down on her. Even if they have some bad thoughts about her for other reasons, they probably won't dare to speak them out easily. If they want to do something bad, they have to be extremely cautious.

When Xiaocao came out of the delivery room, she described the whole process of saving the mother and child vividly to others, and everyone looked at her as if they were not looking at anyone.

Whether it was the situation in the delivery room or outside, it was not the first time that Xiaocao encountered such a situation, so she was quite calm in dealing with it. "It's not that mysterious. An experienced midwife can adjust the fetal position in advance. The child is just temporarily holding his breath and cannot breathe in or out by himself. We can use external force to help. As long as you understand this principle, it is not difficult to do it. Speaking of which, the most dangerous thing is that the third sister-in-law bleeds too much. Many doctors should be able to help stop the bleeding, but..."

How could a foreign man be allowed into the delivery room and even touch the woman in labor? This is a greater tragedy in comparison, and Xiaocao is powerless to do anything about it.

There was a moment of silence, and Han reached out and pulled her, "Xuan'er has been busy for so long, you must be tired, go back and wash and change clothes, and rest for a while, your third sister-in-law should have nothing to do here."

Xiao Cao nodded, "We have done what we should do, prescribed the medicine, and explained everything we should tell him. If he is taken good care of, nothing should happen." Xiao Cao turned around and gave another order, "Call me if there is anything."

The servant responded hastily.

Xiaocao had washed her hands, but her body was stained with blood. She didn't need to take the medicine box herself. The dirty things were placed separately and would be dealt with again when she returned.

Han didn't dislike Xiaocao's clothes and pulled her hand, "Xuan'er, I see that the child is really weak, can you keep him alive?" The child was just like a kitten, very small. If he wasn't wrapped in a swaddling cloth, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to be held.

"Although the child is a little weak, no other problems have been found so far. As for whether he can be kept alive, I dare not guarantee it. After all, people can get sick at any time. Premature babies are weaker and more prone to illness. If they get sick, whether they can be treated is another matter. It is best if he is fine. If there is any problem, I will do my best."

Xiaocao knows that she is a human, not a god, and she has seen a lot of birth, aging, sickness and death, so she will do what she should do. If it still cannot be salvaged, she will not think too much about it, as she is not new to this line of work, and every death can cause drastic emotional fluctuations.

"Xuan'er has done a great job."

Xiao Cao understood what her mother meant, but her tolerance was not that weak. Of course, from the beginning to the end, she was facing people with whom she had no relationship or feelings. If it was a loved one, it might be a different story. Even if Tingyu died so suddenly, she was just making a routine visit. When she left, he was fine, but when she came back, he was gone. She didn't have time to find out the cause of his death.

Xiaocao took a deep breath and reminded herself not to think too much.

"How could Third Sister-in-law give birth prematurely? I saw that she was pregnant and looked good before."

After so much time, Han also figured out the cause and effect of the matter. "The fourth room's aunt whispered something in your fourth uncle's ear last night, and your fourth uncle got angry with your fourth aunt this morning. She could only be humble in front of your fourth uncle and didn't dare to say a word. The anger in her heart was naturally vented elsewhere, and your third sister-in-law happened to run into them... However, they did intend to use your third sister-in-law's pregnancy as an excuse, but they didn't expect your fourth aunt to lose control and the situation got out of control."

Xiaocao can't stand people who don't take their health seriously, especially in special circumstances. Even if most of the time it is attributed to accidents, as long as there is a little bit of inappropriate thoughts and ideas, leading to tragic consequences, it is difficult for her not to have opinions.

Knowing what kind of temper your mother-in-law has, you should stay away from her with a big belly. Avoiding danger is the right thing to do. When you gamble on other people's self-control, don't you ever think about what might happen

Han also knew what her daughter was thinking, and patted her hands, "Don't think too much, it's all their own fault. After such a lesson, many people will probably learn their lesson."

"I know."

Wen Renying was in a daze in her yard. This didn't happen in her previous life. After all, her fourth sister didn't come back, so naturally there was no such thing as taking back the subsidy. But Wen Renying didn't think it was her mother and sister's fault. Not to mention that the people had been rescued, even if they were both dead, what would it matter? How stupid a person would take all the blame on himself.

Ultimately, this matter was Ge's fault. The old lady personally stepped in and fined her three months' monthly allowance. From now on, the monthly allowances of the fourth room's concubines and illegitimate children had to be collected from Han themselves. Except for the little that the fourth room's principal wife received, the rest would no longer go through Ge's hands.

In this case, if Ge wants to deduct money from anyone else, she can probably only start with her husband and the people who serve him. The former is definitely impossible, as it would be good enough if he could give the salary back to you. As for the latter, it is possible, but if she deducts too much, can you still expect them to serve you wholeheartedly