The Wife of the Powerful Official is a Divine Doctor

Chapter 88: [088] Thank you


There are so many things like this, so Xia Duyu was very calm and indifferent.

To be honest, not managing the family properly is not a big deal, especially compared to corruption, oppression of the people, forming cliques for personal gain, and living off one's position, etc. It is not worth mentioning.

However, Xia Du Yushi has always been strict with himself. He may be a little relaxed about the rear quarters, but he is extremely strict about the words and deeds of his descendants outside. If they really did something, he would deal with the person before others noticed.

Since they couldn't find any evidence against him in these places, they could only start from the back house.

This opportunity has finally come, so naturally they will not let it go easily. At least they must let him go home for a while. Without him watching over them, the civil and military officials can at least breathe a sigh of relief.

Xia Duyu knew what other people were thinking, but he didn't want to argue with the Minister of War right now. He knew what to do and didn't need anyone to teach him. "Sir Ming, your granddaughter pushed my granddaughter into the water and almost drowned her. What should we do? This is not the court, nor in front of the emperor. Sir Ming, don't tell me all that."

The Minister of War was choked by Xia Duyushi's words and looked at Xia Duyushi, "Aren't you an old man who can talk a lot in the court? Now I want to talk to you, but you insist on getting straight to the point. This is meaningless."

But what can they do? The Ming family is in the wrong. "What do you want, Lord Xia?"

Xia Duyu glanced at Ming Zeyue and said, "As for this girl from your family, I have heard about her too."

As soon as these words were spoken, the Ming family couldn't help but feel nervous. It could be seen that the killing power of Xia Du Yu Shi should not be underestimated. Just a random word from him could make people shudder.

If we talk about unfilial descendants, they usually refer to "sons" and "grandsons", not girls. The secular world has strict requirements for girls. They are basically confined to the inner house and rarely go out. Naturally, they are unlikely to cause trouble. If a family has a big problem because of their daughter or granddaughter, it would be a joke. The powerful minister who is busy with all kinds of affairs, or the Du Yushi who is responsible for monitoring the morality of all officials, actually noticed a girl in the inner house, which means that this girl is really "incredible".

Just like Zhen Muyao said before, Ming Zeyue might be able to set a precedent.

"Let's not talk about anything else. I just want to ask you one question: Has your child apologized to my girl?"

Just like family members, there is no care at all. When they do something wrong, there is no apology at all, which makes people feel unhappy.

"Don't be angry, old man. It's too late. Miss Xia has been sleeping all the time. Our Yue'er has already known that she was wrong. Really, how to apologize, just tell us. We won't say anything." Madam Ming said hurriedly. Before, Xia Bihe was not valued. If she was bullied, her family would not stand up for her. So she was bullied. Now it's different. Envoy Xia has personally asked about it. You know, this is a tough guy who dares to "confront" even the emperor. No matter how fiercely the civil and military officials jump in front of him, they can't escape their "fear". If it were the princes and royal family members, they would have to shrink with their tails between their legs. They are just "relatives outside the family". Who can still hold a high profile? Isn't that asking for punishment

"Yes, yes, yes, whatever you say is what it is." Ming Zeyue's father quickly agreed.

Madam Ming reached out from behind and pushed Ming Zeyue. This child is usually very talkative, so why did she become mute when she was supposed to speak

"Sir Chief Censor, I was wrong about Miss Xia. I will go and apologize to her later. Please forgive me." It should be noted that Ming Zeyue was used to being arrogant and domineering, and she had bullied many people. When she had to apologize to others, she was naturally reluctant in her heart, but there was nothing she could do, because they were not as strong as others now.

Ming Zeyue is not stupid either, she looks pitiful and tearful, and it seems that she has really realized her mistake.

In her heart, she was thinking, Xia Bihe will probably be very angry in the future. Without a good punching bag, who should she turn to in the future? Ming Zeyue thought so, but she didn't know that not only her parents, but also her grandfather were considering teaching her a lesson after returning. She was really becoming more and more lawless. Even if there was a reason, she didn't know how to control her emotions, which was a big mistake.

As for the Minister of War, Lord Ming was very angry because his son and daughter-in-law were so humble to Old Man Xia. No matter what time it was, as long as he failed to defeat Envoy Xia, he would not be happy.

"An apology is a sincere one. How can it be just what I say?" After all, she is a girl, and Xia Duyu Shi can't say or do anything to Ming Zeyue. He waved his hand and said, "That's it."

What I mean is, the rest depends on your performance.

If you lay out the rules and follow them, it would be easy. The most frightening thing is the so-called "see what happens". It's okay for other people, but they can't predict the temper of the Xiadu Imperial Envoy. If you bring generous gifts to his house, he might say you are extravagant or the gift is too little. He might also think you are not being perfunctory.

The Minister of War blew his beard and glared at the Chief Censor, as if to say, "Old Xia, don't go too far."

The Chief Censor just kept his head down and drank his tea without even raising his eyelids.

The situation seemed a bit stalemate, Pingjin Hou hurried forward to smooth things over, "The banquet has already started, why don't you all move on, and we can discuss it slowly later? What do you think?"

—Damn it, we're done eating, get out of here right now. This is the Pingjin Marquis' Mansion, his turf, you guys should have some self-awareness and stop arguing here, not only wasting their time, but have you paid the venue fee

Xia Duyu was straightforward. He stood up and patted his sleeves, "Pingjin Hou, please come in."

What can I do? He is the boss now, he has the final say.

The Xia family didn't even dare to fart.

Han had also come over earlier, but she did not come forward. Instead, she brought clothes to Xiaocao. Of course, she could not continue to wear the bloody clothes, so by now, Xiaocao had already packed them up.

The wife of Marquis Pingjin sent someone to take care of Xia Bihe. The maids in Marquis Pingjin's mansion are naturally trustworthy, but the people in the Xia family are not trustworthy, but they still have to stay.

Before leaving, Xiaocao gave some careful instructions, which was very thoughtful and considerate.

The others walked in front, and Xiaocao and his friends were at the end.

"Mom, where were you before?" She and her seventh sister were still here, so it was quite curious that Han had disappeared for a while.

Han glanced at Wen Renying inconspicuously and said, "Nothing, a lady I know came to see me for something."

Xiaocao was suspicious, but since her mother didn't say anything, she didn't ask any further questions.

Wen Renying, on the other hand, knew the answer clearly. However, judging from her mother's reaction, was it because Hua Bochen said something that didn't make her want to cancel the engagement? Wen Renying pondered, but this result was actually quite normal. She had to take her time and not rush.

They separated halfway, and the male guests went to the front yard. The wife of Pingjin Marquis greeted the others warmly. Especially towards Han, she was really too enthusiastic, and even the other people in the Wen family benefited from it, including the two children, who were still ignorant and praised by the wife of Pingjin Marquis as rare in heaven and unparalleled on earth. You Shi didn't understand why, it was not just flattered, but she couldn't bear it at all, so she looked at Han frequently, but Han acted as if she didn't see it, not to mention "blowing back" in the end, she didn't even look at her.

The wife of Marquis Pingjin was complaining in her heart, but what could she do? It was her own evil doer who had done such a good thing. Now she was weak and guilty. At this moment, all her status and position were just empty talk.

Fortunately, the banquet really started, otherwise, anyone could see that there was something wrong with the wife of Marquis Pingjin's one-man show.

With so many people around, it was impossible for Lady Pingjin Marquis to hang around the Wen family. In fact, facing Han, who "looked like someone who was not easy to mess with", she also wanted to stay away from him. With a legitimate reason, Lady Pingjin Marquis disappeared from Han's sight.

Finding an opening, the wife of the Marquis of Pingjin pulled the Marquis of Pingjin's wife and asked, "Mom, what happened?"

"What's wrong? That evil creature Bai Chen really pissed me off." When Lady Pingjin Hou spoke of this, she felt dizzy and her heart ached.

"Mom, is it my uncle who made Madam Wenren unhappy?"

"That evil creature likes Li Ruoshui, and Madam Wenren saw him. Tell me, what kind of thing is this?"

This was truly unexpected, but the wife of the Marquis of Pingjin remained calm, "It is indeed my uncle who was wrong, and it is reasonable for Madam Wenren to be angry. But Li Ruoshui is not a good person."

Mrs. Pingjin Hou heard some emotion in her words, "What?"

"That girl ran into the prince on the day of the Shangsi Festival. She slipped and fell into his arms on purpose. They thought no one else saw it, but I saw it clearly. The prince thought she was just careless, but in fact, she had planned it all along. Now she has attracted my uncle's attention again. She can't be a good person."

The wife of Pingjin Marquis couldn't help but widen her eyes, "This, this, this..." She didn't know what words to use to describe it. "The Ninth Prince also wanted to break off the engagement with the Ming family because of her. Who knows how many people he has hooked up with behind her back?"

"The Wen family is a good match. We must stop my uncle from having any contact with Li Ruoshui. Otherwise, given what that girl is thinking, who knows what she will do. If my uncle still flirts with her after getting married, it will cause chaos and he will become a mortal enemy of the Wen family."

"No, from tomorrow on, Bai Chen will be confined to study at home and not allowed to go out easily. Although our mansion does not care about fame and honor, the Wenren family is a family of scholars and has produced a rare talent like Wenren Yang. If he has nothing to show for himself and is not worthy of the girl, he must study for me and then take the imperial examination."

"Mom is right."

Hua Bochen didn't know how hard the days ahead would be.

The previous incident caused such a big fuss that it was naturally impossible to remain silent. However, the families of the parties involved were all very prominent, so it was not easy to say anything in front of them. They just kept looking at certain people, as if they wanted to find a flower.

Ming Zeyue was furious at being stared at, but she couldn't do anything to attract attention. She could only hold back her anger and note down the few people who smiled the most happily at her and settle the score with them later.

However, Li Ruoshui did not show up. He said before that he was feeling unwell and had already gone back. All the female members of the Li family also left with him, without even saying hello to the host family. It was obvious that Li Ruoshui was wronged in the Pingjin Marquis Mansion, and Li Ruoshui's mother was angry and dissatisfied with the Pingjin Marquis Mansion. The current old lady of the Li family is the second wife, who is only a few years older than Madam Li. She has no children and no say. She does not get involved in daily interpersonal relationships and various banquets. In the Li family, she is just like a decoration. Madam Li has no sisters-in-law, so naturally she has the final say in everything.

When the wife of Marquis Pingjin first heard the news, she was a little angry. Now, she told them to get out of here as soon as possible. The farther the better. From now on, the Li family will not be welcome in the Marquis Pingjin's Mansion.

Only the Li family treats Li Ruoshui as a treasure without even considering what kind of person she is.

The men's seats in the outer courtyard were bustling with activity. All the gentlemen had left their jobs and many of them had come to the Pingjin Marquis' Mansion. They never cared about the affairs of the rear house, but when it came to Xia Du Yu Shi, they were extremely well-informed. So, they were not at all surprised to see Xia Du Yu Shi, who rarely attended banquets, appear in the Pingjin Marquis' Mansion, and they did not even think of "connection" or anything like that. They came close to Xia Du Yu Shi and were very "warm", but everything they said expressed the same meaning: you have come to this day, too.

Xia Duyu, who said "this day has come too", was as steady as a mountain. He could handle the situation with ease no matter who was dealing with him.

Seeing him like this made everyone grit their teeth. They wanted to see if he could remain so calm in front of His Majesty tomorrow. Going home to teach the children was never a good reputation.

Although it looked like a storm was brewing, nothing much happened at the end of the banquet.

The Pingjin Marquis Mansion began to see off the guests, welcoming them with smiles and seeing them off with smiles.

Xiaocao took advantage of this time to go and see Xia Bihe again. She happened to be awake. As a doctor, he had to comfort her with some words, and his starting point was always "good health".

Xia Bihe was really grateful to Xiaocao at this moment. She knew very well that if Xiaocao had not saved her in time, she might really have died. She didn't want to die now. She wanted to live well.

"Keeping your body in good health is the greatest thanks you can give me." Xiaocao said with a smile.

"When I get better, can I go find some girls to play with?" Xia Bihe looked at Xiaocao hopefully.

In her memory, she has always been alone. Xiaocao was the first person who reached out to her and made her feel the warmth, so she also hoped that she could make her first friend.

"Of course you can. You are welcome at any time."

Xia Bihe's eyes immediately lit up, "Thank you."

Xiaocao treated her like a child, patted her head, and was so happy just by being willing to play with her. She was really humbled to the dust. She should be treated as precious as gold and jade, and be surrounded by stars.