The Wife Ran Away with the Master’s Concubine

Chapter 108


You Yuji's lips curved slightly. She leaned forward, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of hot tea herself, and handed it to Si Que with a smile.

"Here, drink this."

Si Que took it, pinched the teacup with his long fingers and gently turned it twice before drinking. It was the tea he drank every day, and he couldn't say whether it tasted good or not.

"Wow, this is my first time eating roasted whole lamb. The roasted lamb I ate before was cut into small pieces." Cuiyu stared at the roasted whole lamb on the rack for a while, then turned to ask You Yuji: "Sister, when can we eat it?"

You Yuji explained in a gentle voice: "This roasted whole lamb needs to be roasted for nearly two hours to get the taste just right. It has been roasting in the backyard all afternoon. Looking at the yellow and red crispy skin of the lamb, it should be almost done."

Zhenxu walked over with a knife and a small white plate, cut off a little, tasted it, and nodded: "It's tender and cooked, you can eat it now!"

Zhenxu immediately took care of the maids, took the roasted whole lamb off the fire and placed it on a large wooden plate. Then she took the bright red silk from Baohe's hand and tied it on the lamb's horns.

Cuiyu stared at the ten maids who brought the roasted whole lamb on the wooden tray and placed it on the dining table. Zhenxu held a knife and peeled off the tender lamb skin neatly and swiftly, then cut the shiny and oily lamb skin into neat thick slices. Then came the lamb meat and lamb bones.

The maids brought piles of cut roast lamb to the masters one by one.

Cuiyu lowered her head and sniffed the fragrant, greasy roasted lamb. She listened to the sound of Zhenxu chopping the lamb bones neatly, and smiled and praised: "Wow, I didn't realize that your knife skills are quite good!"

Due to her personality, even when she is praising someone, her tone always sounds a bit sarcastic.

Zhenxu smiled shyly and said, "Aunt Cui, you are too kind. People in my hometown know how to do this. It's as simple as cooking."

Cooking is not easy. Cuiyu wanted to say that she didn't even know how to cook. But she didn't have time to talk nonsense. She couldn't wait to stuff a big mouthful of roasted lamb into her mouth, and almost fainted from the crispy and fragrant taste.

“Smells so good!”

Hong Zan looked at her carefree appearance without any concern for her status, and felt a little envious. Whether she was a maid beside Fang Qingyi before, or now she has become half a master, she is always on edge, fearing that she will offend some noble person by accident.

Seeing Cui Yu eating so happily, she still didn't dare to start eating. Only when she saw You Yuji taking a piece of lotus cake to eat, did she lower her head and start eating the roast lamb.

Mm, it’s delicious!

You Yuji ordered: "You don't have to wait and serve tonight, just go and eat."

You Yuji ordered two lambs to be roasted in advance, and the other one was given to the servants in the yard who were unable to go home to celebrate the New Year. After hearing her words, the servants happily ran to the other side of the yard and gathered together to eat.

Not only the roasted whole lamb, You Yuji also ordered two servings of other dishes for tonight. The food on the servants' table was exactly the same as what was on her table.

You Yuji only ate two bites and stopped eating. She used to eat this dish a lot in her hometown, so she didn't think it was rare. She picked up the silver chopsticks and ate other dishes.

Si Que also didn't like eating greasy roasted whole lamb, especially without wine, which made it even more greasy.

Cuiyu ate so much that she couldn't sit up straight, she leaned back and even burped without any grace. Hongzan looked over in surprise, and Cuiyu felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't show any fear on her face, and looked back at Hongzan with confidence.

Hongzan withdrew her gaze awkwardly.

"Sister, I'm going to set off the fireworks!" Cuiyu stood up. She had indeed eaten too much, so she needed to walk for a while to digest it.

"Go ahead." You Yuji nodded with a smile.

Hongzan felt a little uncomfortable sitting here, so she followed Cuiyu. Cuiyu called a few maids to light fireworks with her.

The crackling sound of fireworks and the girls' laughter lingered throughout the Tanxiang Yingyue.

You Yuji listened to the laughter beside her ears and tilted her head slightly to look at the fireworks blooming in the night.

The fireworks were beautiful, but a touch of sadness crept into the corners of her eyes. The light of the fireworks reflected on her fair face, reflecting her distant eyes.

Si Que stared at her profile for a long time before speaking: "You don't seem very happy."

You Yuji looked at the fireworks blooming in the sky, picked up the wine naan and took a big sip of wine, then said: "This is the first time in my life that I have stayed up all night without my family."

"Oh, nonsense."

You Yuji heard Si Que sneer.

"Isn't she sitting on your left?"

You Yuji's eyes narrowed slightly and she turned to look at him in surprise.

His face was hidden in the night. Her eyes, which had adapted to the bright fireworks in the sky, were not yet used to the dimness he was in. His pale face was unclear, but the bright color in his eyes was more dazzling than the fireworks.

Si Que used fireworks as a lamp to illuminate You Yuji's face and see the subtle expression in her eyes. He lowered his gaze to You Yuji's red lips, which were moistened by the wine, making them even more beautiful.

Si Que stared at You Yuji's slightly wet lips and asked, "Is the wine delicious?"

You Yuji was still thinking about what he had just said. She came back to her senses, handed him the wine naan in the book, and said, "I drank a lot of it, only a little is left. Today is New Year's Day, it doesn't matter if you drink a few sips."

Si Que held You Yuji's wrist as she handed him the wine, but he did not take the wine naan she handed him. He held You Yuji's hand, put the wine naan on the table, and then pressed his other hand on the back of You Yuji's neck, pulling her towards him. He also moved forward.

"Let me try it."

Under You Yuji's astonished gaze, he placed his lips on her wine-stained red lips, rubbing them gently, letting the wine scent stained with her tenderness rub against his slightly cool lips.

"Sister, do you think this is good..." Cuiyu held two fireworks sticks in her hands, smiled and turned around, but her eyes widened instantly, and her eyeballs almost jumped out of her eye sockets. The two fireworks sticks in her hands also fell to her feet.

You Yuji heard Cuiyu's voice, and even guessed that there were other people in the yard who would also see this scene. She raised her hand and held Si Que's wrist tightly.

Si Que felt You Yuzhi's strength on his wrist, but he did not move away. He continued to kiss her slowly, waiting to be pushed away by her.

But in the end, You Yuzhi did not push Si Que away.

You Yuzhi looked into Si Que's eyes which were so close to her. In the night breeze which was filled with the scent of fireworks, she felt Si Que's kiss on her lips. She could hear her heart beating in her chest, pounding, pounding, gradually drowning out the sound of the lively firecrackers.

Every household in the capital began to set off fireworks and firecrackers. For a while, the fireworks in the night sky rose and fell, competing with each other for beauty. There were also crackling sounds of firecrackers, far and near. Not long after, the grand fireworks banquet in the palace began, completely burning the eastern sky, and the world became a third brilliant color besides day and night.

There are many festivals in a year, and New Year’s Eve is of course the most important one. It should be a day for family happiness, but many people cannot be happy on it.

The princess suffered from burns on her back, fortunately Prince Jinnan was by her side.

Chen Lingyan cried in front of the mirror. She was so afraid that her face would be ruined. Would the young man from the Cui family break off the engagement? She had clearly looked down on him before, but now she was worried that he would regret the engagement and not want her.

Chen Anzhi was the most seriously injured. He woke up several times throughout the day and was in a coma most of the time. The lively sound of firecrackers at night pulled him out of his coma.

"Water, water..." He called out thirstily, but the sound of firecrackers outside drowned out his weak voice. Wangshan also ran to the yard to watch the fireworks and was not in the house.

It was not just the Jinnan Prince's Mansion that could not celebrate the New Year happily because of the unexpected events. The princess's family, as well as the entire Marquis' Mansion, could not celebrate the New Year peacefully because of Fang Qingyi's crime and her bizarre death.

The Pinghuai Palace was not as festive as before. Although the arrow wounds Chen Qi received that day were not in the vital parts, the arrows were poisonous and he was now bedridden and unable to get up. He needed a long period of recuperation. Princess Pinghuai looked at her son's pale face and burst into tears. She pointed at Prince Pinghuai and complained bitterly: "It must have been the fourth son who did it! This winter, His Majesty often called several princes into the palace, and he praised our Qi the most. It must have been the ruthless fourth son who did it!"

Prince Pinghuai sighed and did not respond.

Chen Qi listened to the lively fireworks outside and frowned. He knew that under the surface peace, they were secretly competing for the position above. But would Fourth Uncle really be so cruel as to want to kill him? Did Yinian know

Chen Qi recalled the assassination scene that day, and couldn't help but think of You Yuji again. Did her fourth brother suspect her after she returned? An Zhi has always been suspicious. Don't let her get involved...

It is rumored in the court that the position of Crown Prince will change after the new year.

The Prince's Mansion and Prince Shengxiang's Mansion also had a restless year.

You Yuji clenched the wine-soaked naan in her hand and took a sip of the spicy wine with a normal expression to hide her panic.

Also... I don't know how many people saw it just now.

Even if only one or two people saw it, it would spread quickly. Rumors always spread quickly. When You Yuji thought that when she woke up tomorrow, everyone would whisper to each other that she and Si Que were in a relationship, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

Not really, I don’t hate it.

Even a bit interesting.

Si Que held You Yuzhi's wrist, stood up, and led her into the house.

The crowd in the yard, who were bustling about eating, setting off fireworks, playing guessing games and chatting, suddenly became quiet. They all turned their heads at the same time and looked at the two people who were holding hands and leaning against each other as they walked into the house.

Zhenxu was worried and was thinking about whether to say something to shut her up, when Madam Jing coughed heavily with a stern face. Everyone immediately looked at Madam Jing.

Lady Liang glanced at the people in the yard with a cold face and said, "What are you all standing there for? Go do what you need to do!"

Soon, the people in the yard continued to eat, set off fireworks, play guessing games, and chat as if nothing had happened.

Madam Jing turned around, looked at the closed door, and her brows were twisted into the shape of the Chinese character "川".

After a long while, she muttered to herself, "Nonsense!"

You Yuji and Si Que entered the room, and Si Que let go of You Yuji's hand and continued to walk inside to the small room. He soon came out again with You Yuji's cloak hanging in his arms.

"Where are you going?" You Yuji asked in surprise.

"Go home." Si Que put the cloak on You Yuji and led her out. They did not leave from the main gate of Jinnan Palace, but went to the side gate. Not long after they walked out of the side gate of Jinnan Palace, a snow-white horse rushed over from a distance.

After looking at the horse, You Yuji's eyes flashed with amazement. She walked over quickly, patted its neck, and said with a smile: "It's so beautiful, you can marry Xuanying."

"Its owner doesn't agree." Si Que walked over slowly.

You Yuji looked back and didn't see anyone, so she asked, "Where is its owner? I haven't seen him either."

Si Que had already walked to You Yuji's side. He raised his hand and patted You Yuji's butt, saying, "Go up."

You Yuji suddenly realized.

—This is Si Que’s horse.

She stepped on the stirrup and sat on the horse's back. The white horse was extremely docile and did not show any sign of rejection. Si Que also got on the horse and sat behind You Yuji. He raised his hand, put his arm around You Yuji's waist, touched the reins, and put the reins into You Yuji's hand.

Then he yawned lazily, hugged You Yuzhi's waist, put his face on the back of her neck, and even closed his eyes.

You Yuji turned her head and asked him with a smile in her voice: "Why don't you agree to give this Ma to Xuanying as a wife? Are you afraid that I can't afford the betrothal gift?"

"Because they are all public."

The author has something to say: For an author who can't cook, it's hard to write this chapter. In order to write this chapter, I specially went to eat a roasted whole lamb (dedicated

There is no second update. I am too full.

88 red packets dropped randomly, hiccups